Think it over and answer the questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

· Would you agree that people of the 21st century are be­coming “a legless generation”? People practically have stopped walking, going on foot, haven’t they? Nowadays people spend more time glued to the telly or sitting in cars behind steering wheels, don’t they?

· Would you call this way of living healthy?

· Can sport help to keep people fit?

  • How does physical activity promote a healthy lifestyle?

· Do you go in for any kind of sport? Does it help you in any way?


Giving Opinions

Discuss what one should or shouldn’t do if he wants to keep healthy and fit. The following are some key words and expressions used in asking for and giving opinions.

   Questions used to get opinions   Expressions for giving opinions
What do you think? What’s your opinion? What do you think of / about …? If you ask me, … As I see it, … I think / believe / feel… In my opinion, … I personally believe / think / feel that … Personally, I believe / think / feel that … I’m sure (that) … I have an idea that ...

Think over and expand on the following. Make sure you use the expressions you’ve learned in Unit 4.

  • Health of body and mind is a great blessing.
  • When a man loses his health, then he first begins to take good care of it.



Find information on the following topics and discuss your findings with a partner.

  • Serious health concerns in different countries and solutions to resolving these problems
  • A basic daily menu for a healthy lifestyle
  • Simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle

In small groups, create a television commercial that encourages people to eat healthy food.

Make up your own Healthy Living Guide. Share your ideas with the rest of the class.

Some expressions to be used while making a presentation

How to start giving ideas on the topic concerned How to proceed to the main idea
Thank you for giving me the opportuni­ty to tell you about... I would like to talk about... Let’s look at some ways of... I’ll start my presentation by asking you questions In the first part of my presentation, I’ll describe... After that I’ll talk about... Finally I’ll show you... First I’d like to talk about... I’d like to draw your attention to... Now, I’d like to move on to... Next, let me describe… I’d now like to turn to... Finally, let me explain... For example... For instance…   First... Second… Third...

Ending the presentation

In conclusion let me remind you...

I’m sure you’ll agree that...

I therefore recommend...

Thank you for your kind attention (for listening)

I’ll be happy to answer all your questions at the end of my presenta­tion.


                                                                     A happy family is but an earlier heaven.

                                                                                          George Bernard Shaw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 314.