Translate the derivatives; say to what part of speech they belong
- particular (особенный) → particularly
- proper (правильный, должный; надлежащий) → properly
- extreme (чрезвычайный) → extremely
- immense (безмерный, очень большой) → immensely
- efficient (эффективный) → efficiently
- complete (полный) → completely
- immediate (прямой, непосредственный) → immediately
- inevitable (неизбежный) → inevitably
- attentive (внимательный) → attentively
- cheerful (весёлый, радостный; энергичный) → cheerfully
- prefer (v) – предпочитать → preferable, preference
- attract (v) – привлекать → attractive, attraction
- enjoy (v) – любить, получать удовольствие → enjoyable, enjoyably, enjoyment
- disappoint (v) – разочаровывать → disappointing, disappointed, disappointment
- inspire (v) – вдохновлять → inspiring, inspired, inspiration
- fulfil (v) – наиболее полно выразить себя → fulfilling, fulfilled, fulfilment
- fascinate (v) – восхищать, очаровывать → fascinating, fascinated, fascination
Choose the corresponding English word.
1 деятельность
| a) active
| b) action
| c) activity
2 увлекательный
| a) absorb
| b) absorbing
| c) absorbed
3 требование
| a) require
| b) required
| c) requirement
4 эффективность
| a) efficient
| b) efficiency
| c) efficiently
5 улучшение
| a) improver
| b) improvement
| c) improve
6 развлекательный
| a) entertain
| b) entertaining
| c) entertainment
7 захватывающий
| a) thriller
| b) thrilled
| c) thrilling
16. Match the parts of speech (a–d) with the lists of typical suffixes (1–4).
a) verb
| 1 -able, -ic, -al, -ous, -ive, -ent, -ing, -ed, -ful, -less
b) adverb
| 2 -ion, -ence, -ity, -ment, -ness
c) noun
| 3 -ly
d) adjective
| 4 -ate, -ify, -ize (-ise)
Match the words/phrases of similar meaning.
1 leisure
| a like better
2 enjoyable
| b make greater
3 prefer
| c spare time
4 appreciate
| d make better
5 effort
| e understand and enjoy
6 increase
| f pleasurable
7 improve
| g trying hard
Match the words to their opposites.
1 labour
| a enjoyable
2 amateur
| b low
3 boring
| c leisure
4 difficult
| d reduce
5 high
| e easy
6 satisfy
| f professional
7 increase
| g disappoint
Express the following in one word.
wellbeing, fascinating, hobby, demanding, leisure, fulfilling, fulfilled
- time available for ease and relaxation
- an activity like sport or reading that one enjoys doing in one’s spare time
- the condition of being healthy, happy, and having no problems
- satisfied with your life because you feel that what you do, for example at work, is interesting, useful, and important
- making you feel fulfilled
- extremely interesting
- requiring especially great patience and effort and skill
Find the odd word out.
a) recreation, leisure, entertainment, hobby, pastime, labour, relaxation;
b) enjoyable, pleasant, pleasurable, boring, satisfying, entertaining;
c) interesting, absorbing, fascinating, disappointing, exciting, inspiring;
d) challenging, demanding, difficult, effortless, hard, heavy, tough, laborious.
Translate the sentences paying attention to the words in bold.
- “Hello, everybody”, said Robin cheerfully.
- They have been happily married for 30 years.
- The two children were playing happily in the garden.
- She left so suddenly, he didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.
- “She plays the piano beautifully.” “Yes, she certainly is very gifted.”
- Choosing the lead was extremely difficult as all the actors were extremely talented.
- Victor was fascinated, and he listened attentively and with increasing interest.
- Finding money for everything is becoming increasingly difficult.
- My doctor has told me that I shouldn’t try and do anything too physically demanding.
- Teaching young children is certainly challenging, both mentally and physically.
- Eating healthily and taking regular exercise is the only reliable method of losing weight.
- The doctor was cheerful and efficient, which immediately made me more relaxed.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 357.