Translate the derivatives; say to what part of speech they belong
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


  1. particular (особенный) → particularly
  2. proper (правильный, должный; надлежащий) → properly
  3. extreme (чрезвычайный) → extremely
  4. immense (безмерный, очень большой) → immensely
  5. efficient (эффективный) → efficiently
  6. complete (полный) → completely
  7. immediate (прямой, непосредственный) →  immediately
  8. inevitable (неизбежный) → inevitably
  9. attentive (внимательный) → attentively
  10. cheerful (весёлый, радостный; энергичный) → cheerfully


  1. prefer (v) – предпочитать → preferable, preference
  2. attract (v) – привлекать → attractive, attraction
  3. enjoy (v) – любить, получать удовольствие → enjoyable, enjoyably, enjoyment
  4. disappoint (v) – разочаровывать → disappointing, disappointed, disappointment
  5. inspire (v) – вдохновлять → inspiring, inspired, inspiration
  6. fulfil (v) – наиболее полно выразить себя → fulfilling, fulfilled, fulfilment
  7. fascinate (v) – восхищать, очаровывать → fascinating, fascinated, fascination

Choose the corresponding English word.

1   деятельность a) active     b) action  c)   activity
2 увлекательный a) absorb b) absorbing c) absorbed
3 требование a) require b) required c) requirement
4 эффективность a) efficient b) efficiency c) efficiently
5 улучшение               a) improver b) improvement c)   improve
6 развлекательный a) entertain b) entertaining c) entertainment
7 захватывающий a) thriller b) thrilled c)   thrilling

16. Match the parts of speech (a–d) with the lists of typical suffixes (1–4).

a) verb 1 -able, -ic, -al, -ous, -ive, -ent, -ing, -ed, -ful, -less
b) adverb 2 -ion, -ence, -ity, -ment, -ness
c) noun 3  -ly
d) adjective 4   -ate, -ify, -ize (-ise)

Match the words/phrases of similar meaning.

1 leisure                                                                        a like better
2 enjoyable                              b make greater            
3 prefer                                    c spare time
4 appreciate                          d make better
5 effort e understand and enjoy
6 increase                                      f pleasurable                                             
7 improve                     g trying hard

Match the words to their opposites.

1   labour                                                                         a   enjoyable
2 amateur b low 
3 boring   c leisure        
4 difficult d reduce
5 high                           e easy
6 satisfy f    professional
7 increase                        g disappoint

Express the following in one word.


  wellbeing, fascinating,   hobby, demanding, leisure,  fulfilling,  fulfilled


  1. time available for ease and relaxation
  2. an activity like sport or reading that one enjoys doing in one’s spare time
  3. the condition of being healthy, happy, and having no problems
  4. satisfied with your life because you feel that what you do, for example at work, is interesting, useful, and important
  5. making you feel fulfilled
  6. extremely interesting
  7. requiring especially great patience and effort and skill

Find the odd word out.

a) recreation, leisure, entertainment, hobby, pastime, labour, relaxation;

b) enjoyable, pleasant, pleasurable, boring, satisfying, entertaining;

c) interesting, absorbing, fascinating, disappointing, exciting, inspiring;

d) challenging, demanding, difficult, effortless, hard, heavy, tough, laborious.

Translate the sentences paying attention to the words in bold.


  1.  “Hello, everybody”, said Robin cheerfully.
  2. They have been happily married for 30 years.
  3. The two children were playing happily in the garden.
  4. She left so suddenly, he didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.
  5.  “She plays the piano beautifully.” “Yes, she certainly is very gifted.”
  6. Choosing the lead was extremely difficult as all the actors were extremely talented.
  7. Victor was fascinated, and he listened attentively and with increasing interest.
  8. Finding money for everything is becoming increasingly difficult.
  9. My doctor has told me that I shouldn’t try and do anything too physically demanding.
  10. Teaching young children is certainly challenging, both mentally and physically.
  11. Eating healthily and taking regular exercise is the only reliable method of losing weight.
  12. The doctor was cheerful and efficient, which immediately made me more relaxed.

Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 357.