Which of the following best describes sociology as a subject?
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

A) The study of individual behavior

B) The study of cultures

C) The study of society and social interaction

D) The study of economics

E) The study of history


Which of the following was a topic of study in early sociology?

A) Astrology

B) Economics

C) Physics

D) History

E) Math

Which of political thinkers called his work “Leviathan”?

A) W. Montesquieu

B) A de Tocqueville

C) Aristotle

D) T. Hobbes

E) Machiavelli

Form of government where a few best people hold all power

A) aristocracy

B) democracy

C) ochlocracy

D) oligarchy

E) theocracy


Kazakhstan’s region executive bodies called as

A) Maslikhats

B) Akimats

C) Municipalities

D) Governorates

E) Courts

Which founder of sociology believed societies changed due to class struggle?

A) Emile Comte

B) Karl Marx

C) Plato

D) Herbert Spencer

E) Nikola Machiavelli


9. French sociologist Emile Durkheim observed that rapid social change and a more specialized division of labor produce strain in society; these strains lead to a breakdown in traditional organization, values, and authority and to a dramatic increase in________

A) anomie.

B) social disorganization.

C) social solidarity.

D) cultural conflict.

E) Social statics


10. Group of people who are professionally engaged in the management and implementation of the political decisions:

A) aristocracy

B) gerontocracy

C) autocracy

D) interest groups

E) bureaucracy


11. A(n) __________ analysis examines whole societies, large-scale social structures, and social systems instead of looking at important social dynamics in individuals’ lives.

A) macrolevel

B) microlevel

C) interactionist

D) developmental

E) interactionist


12. The form of government when legislative, executive and judicial power concentrated in the monarch hands:

A) Fascism

B) despotism

C) absolutism

D) absenteeism

E) constitutional monarchy


13. Rich minority:

A) the aristocracy

B) absenteeism

C) anarchy

D) oligarchy

E) bureaucracy

14. The world’s __________ countries are nations with industrializing economies, particularly in urban areas, and moderate levels of national and personal income.

A) middle-income

B) low-income

C) subordinate-income

D) no-income

E) high-income


15. Political Institute, performs executive functions:

A) Party

B) Institute of Internal Policy

C) Government

D) the court

E) Parliament


16. One of the fundamental principles of a legal state:

A) Separation of powers

B) President

C) Parliamentarism

D) the court

E) conformism

17. The form of state where all the highest governmental bodies are elected:

A) Confederation

B) a unitary state

C) Federation

D) Republic

E) monarchy

18. Auguste Comte described the Law of the three stages: he believed that knowledge began in the __________—explanations were based on religion and the supernatural, and kinship was the most prominent unit of society.

A) theological stage

B) metaphysical stage

C) scientific stage

D) positive stage

E) negative stage

19. Political regime, characterized by a monopoly’s power of person, group or party:

A) liberalism

B) anarchism

C) ochlocracy

D) democracy

E) authoritarianism

20. According to Max Weber, __________ is the ability of a person within a social relationship to carry out his or her own will despite resistance from others.

A) authority

B) power

C) obedience

D) compliance

E) religious

An organizational principle of a political system, emphasizing both vertical power-sharing across different levels of governance (centre-region) and, at the same time, the integration of different territorial and socio-economic units, cultural and ethnic groups in one single country.

A) Confederation

B) Federation

C) a unitary state

D) Republic

E) monarchy

22. According to __________ Theory of General Evolution, society, like a biological organism, has various interdependent parts (such as the family, the economy, and the government) that work to ensure the stability and survival of the entire society.

A) Auguste Comte’s

B) Emile Durkheim’s

C) Charles Darwin’s

D) Herbert Spencer’s

E) Karl Marks

Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 531.