Political ideology presupposes the structure of society based on the principles of collectivism, social equality and social justice
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

C) at the University of Chicago

D) at Yale University


Political ideology presupposes the structure of society based on the principles of collectivism, social equality and social justice

A) democracy

B) Communism

C) neoconservatism

D) liberalism

E) radicalism


Which of the following best describes sociology as a subject?

A) The study of individual behavior

B) The study of cultures

C) The study of society and social interaction

D) The study of economics

E) The study of history


Which of the following was a topic of study in early sociology?

A) Astrology

B) Economics

C) Physics

D) History

E) Math

Which of political thinkers called his work “Leviathan”?

A) W. Montesquieu

B) A de Tocqueville

C) Aristotle

D) T. Hobbes

E) Machiavelli

Form of government where a few best people hold all power

A) aristocracy

B) democracy

C) ochlocracy

D) oligarchy

E) theocracy


Kazakhstan’s region executive bodies called as

A) Maslikhats

B) Akimats

C) Municipalities

D) Governorates

E) Courts

Which founder of sociology believed societies changed due to class struggle?

A) Emile Comte

B) Karl Marx

C) Plato

D) Herbert Spencer

E) Nikola Machiavelli


9. French sociologist Emile Durkheim observed that rapid social change and a more specialized division of labor produce strain in society; these strains lead to a breakdown in traditional organization, values, and authority and to a dramatic increase in________

A) anomie.

B) social disorganization.

C) social solidarity.

D) cultural conflict.

E) Social statics


10. Group of people who are professionally engaged in the management and implementation of the political decisions:

A) aristocracy

B) gerontocracy

C) autocracy

D) interest groups

E) bureaucracy


11. A(n) __________ analysis examines whole societies, large-scale social structures, and social systems instead of looking at important social dynamics in individuals’ lives.

A) macrolevel

B) microlevel

C) interactionist

D) developmental

E) interactionist


12. The form of government when legislative, executive and judicial power concentrated in the monarch hands:

A) Fascism

B) despotism

C) absolutism

D) absenteeism

E) constitutional monarchy


13. Rich minority:

A) the aristocracy

B) absenteeism

C) anarchy

D) oligarchy

E) bureaucracy

14. The world’s __________ countries are nations with industrializing economies, particularly in urban areas, and moderate levels of national and personal income.

A) middle-income

B) low-income

C) subordinate-income

D) no-income

E) high-income


15. Political Institute, performs executive functions:

A) Party

B) Institute of Internal Policy

C) Government

D) the court

E) Parliament


16. One of the fundamental principles of a legal state:

A) Separation of powers

B) President

C) Parliamentarism

D) the court

E) conformism

17. The form of state where all the highest governmental bodies are elected:

A) Confederation

B) a unitary state

C) Federation

D) Republic

E) monarchy

18. Auguste Comte described the Law of the three stages: he believed that knowledge began in the __________—explanations were based on religion and the supernatural, and kinship was the most prominent unit of society.

A) theological stage

B) metaphysical stage

C) scientific stage

D) positive stage

E) negative stage

19. Political regime, characterized by a monopoly’s power of person, group or party:

A) liberalism

B) anarchism

C) ochlocracy

D) democracy

E) authoritarianism

20. According to Max Weber, __________ is the ability of a person within a social relationship to carry out his or her own will despite resistance from others.

A) authority

B) power

C) obedience

D) compliance

E) religious

An organizational principle of a political system, emphasizing both vertical power-sharing across different levels of governance (centre-region) and, at the same time, the integration of different territorial and socio-economic units, cultural and ethnic groups in one single country.

A) Confederation

B) Federation

C) a unitary state

D) Republic

E) monarchy

22. According to __________ Theory of General Evolution, society, like a biological organism, has various interdependent parts (such as the family, the economy, and the government) that work to ensure the stability and survival of the entire society.

A) Auguste Comte’s

B) Emile Durkheim’s

C) Charles Darwin’s

D) Herbert Spencer’s

E) Karl Marks

D) sphere of social relations

E) the scope of economic relations

D) theocratic

E) authoritarian

E) territory

26. The extreme form of nationalism is …

A) genocide of the small nations

B) patriotism

C) the development of the national economy

D) immigrants deportation

E) internationalism in relations between nations and peoples

27. A sociologist defines society as a group of people who reside in a defined area, share a culture, and who:

A) interact

B) work in the same industry

C) speak different languages

D) practice a recognized religion

E) have the same position

B) Constitutional order

C) Territory

D) Bureaucracy

E) Foreign policy

29. Which type of political regime is characterized by the restriction of political freedom, the use of force:

A) monarchic

B) theocratic

C) democratic

D) authoritarian

E) liberal

30. The United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the countries of Western Europe are examples of __________countries.

A) subordinate-income

B) low-income

C) middle-income

D) high-income

E) no-income

31. According to Auguste Comte, societies contain __________, forces for conflict and change.

A) social statics

B) social functions

C) social dynamics

D) social choices

E) social impute

A) Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates

B) Denmark, Austria, Switzerland

C) Japan, Spain, South Korea

D) the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada

E) Brazil, Argentina, Chile

C) Government

D) Social movement

E) Civil society

34. Expand the essence of the "legitimacy" category

A) public recognition of power

B) the process of performing the functions of power

C) the transfer of power from one political entity to another

D) the transfer of power by inheritance

E) the power belongs to the elite

35. The main reason of the political crisis:

A) do not use a proportional system

B) does not reveal human talent

C) power is not inherited

D) conservative view

A) the level of political freedoms

B) the level of political socialization

C) using a proportional system

D) the level of use of political myths

E) the presence of territory

37. Auguste Comte described the Law of the three stages: he believed that knowledge moved to the __________—explanations were based on abstract philosophical speculations, and the state ) becomes the prominent social unit.

A) negative stage

B) positive stage

C) theological stage

D) metaphysical stage

E) scientific stage

38. According to T. Hobbes theory absolute sovereignty is:

A) identity

B) State

C) people

D) elite

E) party

39. Characteristic of an authoritarian regime is:

A) lack of political opposition

B) planned economy

C) political freedom

D) developed civil society

E) decentralization , legal state

40. The nations of Eastern Europe and many Latin American countries are examples of __________ countries.

A) subordinate-income

B) high-income

C) middle-income

D) low-income

E) no-income

C) the military junta

D) presidential

E) Soviet

42. What kind of ideology has this description: the freedom of the individual as a guarantor of private property and freedom of action, the principle of the free market and competition:

A) social - democratic and socialist

B) liberal and liberal - democratic

C) Communist and radical leftist

D) conservative

E) fascist

43. From Marx’s viewpoint, the __________ is composed of those who must sell their labor because they have no other means to earn a livelihood.

A) bourgeoisie

B) lower class

C) proletariat

D) agricultures

E) none of the above

A) democratic

B) the totalitarian

C) the monarchical

D) authoritarian

E) fascist

45. Form of government which enhanced President power:

A) Presidential Republic

B) Parliamentary Republic

C) Assembly

D) Constitutional monarchy

E) Parliamentary monarchy

D) economic

E) power

47. Which type of the political regime is characterized by strong centralization, the planned economy, lack of opposition, the desire for complete subordination of political institutions:

A) totalitarian

B) democratic

C) authoritarian

D) monarchic

E) theocratic

E) Communist

C) Urbanization

D) Future shock

E) Socialization

A) in 1995

B) in 1993

C) to 1998

D) in 1994

E) in 1996               

A)  at the behest of a strong personality

B) God create state

C) as a result of the class struggle

D) as a result of the social contract

E) as a result of wars

52. According to this theory the state built directly from the growing family:

A) patriarchal

B) negotiated

C) theory of violence

D) organic

E) psychological

53. Robert works on the assembly line at the local automobile factory and trades his labor for wages. Robert is a __________ because he does not own the factory.

A) capitalist

B) zeitgeist

C) bourgeoisie

D) proletariat

E) lower class

54. Form of government, where administrative- territorial unites do not have political independence:

A) Unitary state

B) Confederation

C) Republic

D) Federation

E) Coalition

55. Kazakhstan is:

A) monarchy

B) Republic

C) theocracy

D) Federation

E) anarchy

C) Republic

D) Federation

E) Unitary state

57. According to British social theorist __________, societies developed through a process of “struggle” (for existence) and “fitness” (for survival), which he referred to as the “survival of the fittest.

A) Talcott Parsons

B) Auguste Comte

C) Herbert Spencer

D) Emile Durkheim

E) Machiavelli

A) a totalitarian regime

B) democracy regime

C) authoritarianism regime

D) dictator regime

E) oligarchy regime

B) England

C) Italy

D) France


A) nationalism

B) terrorism

C) liberalism

D) conservatism

E) extremism

61. Kazakhstan's parliament consists of two chambers:

A) Council and Senate

B) the Senate and Congress

C) Commons and Lords

D) the Majilis and the Senate

E) The Federation Council and Duma

D) Industrialization

E) Acculturation

A) Parliamentary

B) Presidential

C) Federation

D) Confederation

E) monarchy

B) Confucius

C) D. Bruno

D) Mao Zedong

E) Chiang Kai-shek

65. __________ is a term used by many people to specify groups of people distinguished by physical characteristics; whereas __________refers to the cultural heritage or identity of a group and is based on factors such as language or country of origin.

A) Creed, religion

B) Party, group interest

C) Society, class

D) Race, Ethnicity

E) Social group, lobby

66. Political science is ... ?

A) the science of power and the state

B) the science of education and upbringing

C) environmental science

D) the science of society

E) the science of culture

C) patterns of formation and development of political power

D) patterns of relationships between man and society

E) activities of the government in the state

B) the law

C) civil society

D) interest

E) Culture

A) Class

B) Race

C) Economic position

D) Social location

E) Ethnicity

70. Italian Fascism, German National - Socialism and Stalinism are regime of …

A) ochlocracy

B) authoritarianism

C) democracy

D) monarchy

E) totalitarianism

71. Types of the Republic are:

A) unitary , federal, confederal

B) Presidential, parliamentary

C) democratic, authoritarian , totalitarian

D) the absolute , constitutional

E) democratic , parliamentary , unitary

72. French philosopher __________ is credited with having coined the term sociology to describe a new science that would engage in the study of society.

A) Max Weber

B) Herbert Spencer

C) Emile Durkheim

D) Auguste Comte

E) Karl Marks

73. Group occupies a privileged position in society, has the power and opportunity to influence the society:

A) political leadership

B) pressure group

C) interest groups

D) Political elite

E) marginal

C) one-party

D) multiparty

E) Tow plus half

75. Notions of femininity and masculinity are social expectations associated with one’s _________.

A) gender

B) ethnicity

C) biology

D) sociobiology

E) race

76. The type of ideology characterize as: tradition, religion, authority, natural inequality of people, interests of the state and nation is superior to the detriment of the interests of individuals or social groups:

A) social - democratic

B) conservative

C) the radical Left

D) Communist

E) fascist

77. The types of the majority system are:

A) an absolute, a relative

B) proportional, disproportionate

C) proportional, absolute

D) the liberal , democratic

E) equal, free

78. Any set of rules whereby the votes of citizens determine the selection of executives and\or legislators.

A) parliamentary system

B) political system

C) the party system

D) the electoral system

E) political process

79. Seeing patterns means that a sociologist needs to be able to:

A) compare the behavior of individuals from different societies

B) compare one company to another

C) identify similarities in how social groups respond to social pressure

D) compare party to groups

E) compare different countries

A) multiparty

B) two party

C) mixed

D) two plus one

E) one-party

81. Which location is generally regarded as the "birthplace of democracy?"

A) the ancient Middle-Eastern empire of Persia

B) the ancient Greek city-state of Athens

C) London, England

D) Beijing, China

E) the ancient Rome

D) Aristotle

E) Weber

A) Group of interest

B) Mass-media

C) Aristocracy

D) Oligarchy

E) Monarchy

E) anomie

85. In the Marxian framework, the __________ comprise(s) those who own and control the means of production.

A) bourgeoisie

B) lower class

C) proletariat

D) bureaucrats

E) agricultures

86. Three types of leaders according to Max Weber’s theory there are:

A) transactional, transformational, emotional

B) democratic, authoritarian, totalitarian

C) liberal, charismatic, traditional

D) intellectual, reform, revolutionary

E) opinion, party, legislative

87. According to Plato the ideal form of the state is….

A) anarchy

B) democracy

C) oligarchy

D) timocracy

E) the aristocracy

88. The main political work of Machiavelli is…

A) “The Prince”

B) "The Emperor"

C) "State"

D) "Policy"

E) “Leviathan”

C) the idea of prevailing opinion of an individual over the majority opinion

D) the principle of majority rule

E) public property

A) regime

B) methods of ruling

C) Party

D) civil society

E) movement

This German economist and philosopher stressed that history is a continuous clash between conflicting ideas and forces. He believed that class conflict is necessary in order to produce social change and a better society.

A) Frederick Schmidt

B) Emile Durkheim

C) Auguste Comte’s

D) Max Weber

E) Karl Marx

B) means of production

C) instruments of capitalism

D) trappings of the bourgeoisie

E) factory system

94. Unlike many early analysts, who believed that values could not be separated from the research process, German social scientist__________ emphasized that sociology should be value-free—research should be conducted in a scientific manner and should exclude the researcher’s personal values and economic interests.

A) Emile Durkheim

B) Max Weber

C) Karl Marx

D) Herbert Spencer

E) Machiavelli

B) Karl Marx

C) Erving Goffmann

D) George Herbert Mead

E) Nikola Machiavelli

96. Studying Sociology helps people analyze data because they learn:

A) interview techniques

B) to apply statistics

C) to generate theories

D) all of the above

E) no one

97. A __________ is a popular but false notion that may be used, either intentionally or unintentionally, to perpetuate certain beliefs or "theories" even in the light of conclusive evidence to the contrary.

A) myth

B) false consciousness

C) stereotypes

D) philosophical contradiction

E) facts

98. A system of selecting policymakers and organizing government, policy represents the public's preferences (Equality in voting, citizen control of the agenda)

A) Totalitarianism

B) Authoritarianism

C) Anarchism

D) Democracy

E) Dictator

99. Many low-income nations are:

A) agrarian

B) industrial

C) post-industrial

D) post-modern

E) modern

A) N. Machiavelli

B) John Locke

C) F. Aquinas

D) F. Boden

E) I. Kant

C) Political culture

D) Political strategy

E) Political management

A) Constitution

B) Declaration

C) Protocol

D) International agreement

E) Civil rights

B) President

C) Prime Minister

D) Court

E) people

104. A __________ analysis focuses on small groups rather than large-scale social structures.

A) macrolevel

B) microlevel

C) functionalist

D) developmental

E) interactionist

105. Auguste Comte described the Law of the three stages: he believed that knowledge would reach the __________—explanations were based on systematic observation, experimentation, comparison, and historical analysis; and industry became the prominent structural unit in society.

A) scientific stage

B) theological stage

C) metaphysical stage

D) biological stage

E) negative stage

106. _____________ are patterned ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that exist outside any one individual but that exert social control over each person.

A) Social networks

B) Social gatherings

C) Social bondings

D) Social facts

E) Social statics

A) Liberalism

B) Conservatism

C) Communism

D) Anarchism

E) Socialism


E) Italy

109. A __________ is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

A) culture

B) society

C) nation

D) country

E) family

B) Election of the legislature

C) The court system

D) Extent of government power

E) The amount of freedom citizens have

111. A monarchy is:

A) rule by court

B) rule by a dictator

C) rule by a president, not a king

D) rule by a king

E) rule by people

112. A note left at the scene of a suicide expressed the victim’s concern that he felt little sense of moral guidance. He indicated that he was uncertain about what was right or wrong in today’s world. Using Emile Durkheim’s theory, sociologists might conclude that the suicide victim was feeling:

A) anomie

B) alienation

C) altruism

D) assimilation

E) acculturation

113. The United States is a _______ government.

A) anarchy

B) unitary

C) absolute

D) monarchy

E) federal

114. Democracy means rule by:

A) the wealthy

B) God

C) the best

D) the people

E) oligarchy

115. Widespread unemployment and massive, nationwide consumer debt are examples of:

A) cultursl issues

B) social issue

C) non-public issues

D) psychological difficulties

E) behavioral trouble

116. The world’s __________ countries are nations with highly industrialized economies; technologically advanced industrial, administrative, and service occupations; and relatively high levels of national and personal income.

A) high-income

B) middle-income

C) low-income

D) subordinate-income

E) no-income

A) Social Darwinism

B) Social eugenics

C) Social statics

D) Social facts

E) Social life

118. What does "polis" mean?

A) power of people

B) the Greek word meaning "city-state"

C) central state

D) the Latin word meaning “government”

E) the Arab word meaning “earth”

B) Emile Durkheim

C) Karl Marx

D) Max Weber

E) Auguste Comte’s

A) totalitarianism

B) democracy

C) authoritarianism

D) dictator

E) oligarchy


C) at the University of Chicago

D) at Yale University


Political ideology presupposes the structure of society based on the principles of collectivism, social equality and social justice

A) democracy

B) Communism

C) neoconservatism

D) liberalism

E) radicalism


Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 463.