Dental aid is usually provided at dental clinics. Any dental polyclinic is a well-equipped and planned building that has all modern conveniences. There are many dental surgeries, a laboratory, an X-ray room and other rooms here.
Many specialists work at a dental clinic including therapeutists, surgeons, orthodontists, orthopedists and laboratory technicians. They perform all kinds of dental work: treat diseases of the dental pulp, extract teeth, perform laboratory tests, correct the bite, treat gum diseases, design and fit bridgework and dentures to replace the missing teeth, all kinds of restorative work.
Before treating a disease it is necessary to make a diagnosis, determine its origin, pathogenesis as well as the symptoms by which it can be revealed. A number of different procedures are used to establish a diagnosis: history taking, physical examination, which includes visual examination, palpation, laboratory studies, instrumental studies, for example, X-ray examination and others.
Dental treatment is known to be a very painful procedure. If a cavity is discovered at an early stage, the tooth can be treated without any pain. Only when it is neglected the patient has some unpleasant sensations. In such cases dentists try to evolve new methods of dental treatment and to administer different anaesthetics.
The dentists treat the patients at dental surgeries. A modern dental surgery is a large and light hall with different universal equipment to fulfill the needs of the dentist. First of all there are units including engines with arm-chairs for the patients. These are quite modern easy-to-use dental unit systems. The patients can sit or lie in the arm-chair. There are also small chairs for the dentists, they are movable and comfortable. There is an instrument table or an instrument holder near every armchair. It can be easily moved to be at the dentist's disposal.
You can see some instruments on it. Usually there is a tray with a set of instruments such as: an explorer, a mixing pad, a pincer, a dental mirror and some others.
There are also instrument cupboards with many instruments in them. Hygiene is very important in the work of a dentist, that's why all the instruments are carefully cleaned or disinfected.
Exercise 5.3. Find the equivalents to the following words and word combinations :
стоматологическая помощь; стоматологическая поликлиника; все современные удобства; стоматологические кабинеты; много специалистов работают; включая терапевтов, хирургов, ортодонтов и ортопедов; зубные техники; все виды стоматологических услуг; лечение заболеваний пульпы зуба; удаление зуба; корректировка прикуса; лечение заболеваний десен; дизайн и подгонка; мосты и зубные протезы; протезировать зубы; отсутствующие зубы; поставить диагноз; ряд процедур; сбор анамнеза; без боли; неприятный; анестетик; физикальный осмотр; современные стоматологические установки; набор инструментов; зубоврачебный зонд; зубное зеркало; шкафчики с инструментами; очищены и продезинфицированы.
Exercise 5.4. Translate the sentences into English :
1. Если у пациента болит зуб, он идёт в стоматологическую поликлинику.
2. Стоматологическая поликлиника оказывает различную помощь в лечении пациентов.
3. Стоматологическая поликлиника имеет несколько кабинетов, где врачи лечат заболевания пульпы, восстанавливают больные зубы, протезируют, исправляют прикус.
4. Чтобы правильно поставить диагноз, надо знать причину заболевания, его патогенез и симптомы.
5. Физический осмотр, лабораторные исследования, рентгеноисследования играют важную роль в постановке диагноза.
6. Лечение зубов не всегда безболезненно.
7. Если зуб сильно повреждён, пациент испытывает неприятные ощущения.
8. Стоматологи используют анестетики, чтобы пациенты забыли о зубной боли.
9. Если полость небольшая, и она обнаружена на ранней стадии, то зуб можно вылечить без боли, поэтому следует постоянно заботиться о зубах.
Exercise 5.5. Match the words and word combinations with the equivalents:
1.the instrument cupboard 1. термокаутер
2.the dentist's assistant 2. газовая горелка
3.the operating lamp 3. сосуд для ваты
4.the dental engine 4. ступка
5.the warm air syringe 5. высокий стакан для полоскания
6.the cautery 6. слюнный насос
7.the water syringe 7. шкафчик для инструментов
8.gas burner 8. стекло для размешивания
9. the instrument table 9. упор для ног
10. the receptacle for cotton-wool 10. операционная лампа
11. the mortar 11. водный шприц
12. the mixing plate 12. подставка для головы
13. the hand piece for the drill 13. плевательница
14. the operating chair 14. бормашина
15. the foot-level 15. ассистент врача
16. the head-rest 16. шприц с тёплым воздухом
17. the tumbler of rinsing water 17. столик для инструментов
18. the spittoon 18. инструмент для ручного сверления
19. the saliva ejector 19. операционное кресло
Exercise 5.6. Answer the questions:
1) What places is dental aid usually provided at? 2) What rooms are there at the dental clinics? 3) What specialists work at the dental clinic? 4) What dental work do dental specialists perform? 5) What is it necessary to do before treating a disease? 6) What procedures are used to establish a diagnosis? 7) In what case can the tooth be treated without any pain? 8) In what case does the patient have some unpleasant sensations? 9) What is a dental surgery? 10) What engines and systems are there in a dental surgery? 11) What instruments are used by dentists? 12) Why are all the instruments cleaned or disinfected?
Exercise 5.7. Learn the active vocabulary:
dentistry — стоматология
relating to – имеющий отношение к
prevention – предотвращение, профилактика
diagnosis – диагностика, диагноз
treatment – лечение
dental therapy — терапевтическая стоматология
dental therapist — стоматолог
wearing down – изнашивание, стирание
caries – кариес
crack – трещина
painful reaction – болезненная реакция
bur – стоматологический бор
handpiece – наконечник
excavator – экскаватор (зубоврачебный)
spatula – шпатель (стоматологический)
place a filling – пломбировать, ставить пломбу
oral surgery – хирургическая стоматология
cyst – киста
abscess – абсцесс, гнойник
fractures – сколы, переломы
injury – травма
faciomandibular – челюстно-лицевой
tooth forceps — зубоврачебные щипцы
pulp extractors – пульпоэкстракторы
orthodontist – ортодонт
prosthetic dentistry – стоматологическое протезирование
orthopedics – ортопедическая стоматология
orthopedist – ортопед
reveal – обнаруживать
teeth replacement – зубное протезирование
teeth restoration — реставрация зубов
false teeth – искусственные зубы
prosthesis – протез
periodontics – пародонтология
malcondition– патологическое состояние
endodontics – эндодонтия
endodontist – эндодонтист
removing – удаление
cleaning out – прочистка, выскабливание
impression – слепок
fire – обжигать
furnaces – термошкафы
polish – полировать
Exercise 5.8. Read and translate text B:
Text B. Dental Specialists
The area of dentistry relating to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of teeth and oral cavity diseases is called dental therapy. A dental therapist treats teeth therapeutically trying to save them and prevent from wearing down. Caries is the most common case which starts with a crack on the enamel or a painful tooth reaction to temperature. A dental therapist treats caries using burs with different handpieces, an excavator and a spatula and places a filling into the tooth.
Oral surgery includes procedures from tooth extraction to major surgery. A dental surgeon deals with extraction of teeth, operation for cysts, cancer, abscesses, fractures and injuries of the organs of the faciomandibular area. Surgeons use tooth forceps, pulp extractors and other instruments. For his work a surgeon needs X-ray equipment and anesthesia to make the procedure painless.
Orthodontics studies prevention and correction of abnormal positions of the teeth and jaws. An orthodontist deals with restoration of teeth and correction of malocclusion by means of braces and other mechanical devices.
The area of dentistry relating to teeth reconstruction is called prosthetic dentistry or prosthodontics. A prosthodontist deals with teeth replacements and restoration, making false teeth, dentures, crowns, bridges and prostheses, matching the tooth colour and fitting prostheses.
The area of dentistry relating to the treatment of supporting structures of the teeth is called periodontics. A periodontist deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gum malconditions.
Endodontics studies dental pulp disorders. An endodontist deals with removing the pulp, using a pulp extractor and cleaning out the pulp chamber.
Laboratory dental technicians make prostheses according to the teeth impressions, fire them in special furnaces and polish.
Exercise 5.9. Find the equivalents to the following words and word combinations:
область стоматологии; имеющая отношение к профилактике, диагностике и лечению зубов; называется терапевтической стоматологией; лечить зубы, пытаясь спасти их и предотвратить их стирание; кариес начинается с трещины эмали; болезненное реагирование зуба на температуру; лечить зубы, используя стоматологические боры с различными наконечниками; лечить зубы, используя экскаваторы и зубоврачебный шпатель; пломбировать зуб; от процедур по удалению зуба до серьезных операций; занимается удалением зубов; оперативного лечения кист; травмы органов челюстно-лицевой области; необходимо рентгеновское оборудование; анестезия для обезболивания процедуры; занимается профилактикой и коррекцией аномального расположения зубов и челюстей; занимается вопросами реставрации зубов и коррекции неправильного прикуса; при помощи ортодонтических брекетов; имеющая отношение к реставрации зубов; занимается подгонкой цвета зуба; имеющая отношение к лечению удерживающих структур зуба; лечение патологических состояний десен; занимается заболеваниями пульпы зуба; удаление пульпы; используя пульпоэкстрактор; вычищая камеру пульпы; в соответствии со слепками зубов; обжигать зубные протезы в специальных термошкафах; полировать зубные протезы.
Exercise 5.10. Match the words and word combinations with their definitions:
1. tungsten | A. is a device supplied with a needle for giving injections |
2. fogless mirror | B. is the material that can stick to something |
3. syringe | C. is an instrument made of reflecting material which doesn’t steam up |
4. tooth forceps | D. is a substance which makes a person or an animal unable to feel pain, heat, cold |
5. gum | E. is a chemical element |
6. adhesive material | F. is the thin wet skin that lines the mouth |
7. anaesthetic | G. are the instrument with two long thin parts for gripping a tooth |
Exercise 5.11. Answer the questions:
1) What is called dental therapy? 2) How does a dental therapist treat teeth? 3) How does a dental therapist treat caries? 4) What procedures does oral surgery include? 5) What does a dental surgeon deal with? 6) What instruments do dental surgeons use? 7) What does orthodontics study? 8) What does an orthodontist deal with? 9) What is called orthopedics? 10) What does an orthopedist deal with? 11) What is called periodontics? 12) What does a periodontist deal with? 13) What does endodontics study? 14) What does an endodontist deal with? 15) What do laboratory dental technicians do?
Additional Reading
Exercise 5.12. Read the text and translate it into Russian:
Dentists diagnose and treat problems with a patient’s teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth. They provide advice and instruction on taking care of teeth and gums and on diet choices that affect oral health.
Dentists typically do the following:
Dentists use a variety of equipment, including x-ray machines, drills, mouth mirrors, probes, forceps, brushes, and scalpels. They also use lasers, digital scanners, and other computer technologies.
Dentists in private practice also oversee a variety of administrative tasks, including bookkeeping and buying equipment and supplies. They employ and supervise dental hygienists, dental assistants, dental laboratory technicians, and receptionists.
Most dentists are general practitioners and handle a variety of dental needs. Other dentists practice in one of nine specialty areas:
Dental public health specialists promote good dental health and the prevention of dental diseases in specific communities.
Endodontists perform root-canal therapy, by which they remove the nerves and blood supply from injured or infected teeth.
Oral and maxillofacial radiologists diagnose diseases in the head and neck through the use of imaging technologies.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons operate on the mouth, jaws, teeth, gums, neck, and head, including procedures such as surgically repairing a cleft lip and palate or removing impacted teeth.
Oral pathologists diagnose conditions in the mouth, such as bumps or ulcers, and oral diseases, such as cancer.
Orthodontists straighten teeth by applying pressure to the teeth with braces or other appliances.
Pediatric dentists focus on dentistry for children and special-needs patients.
Periodontists treat the gums and bone supporting the teeth.
Prosthodontists replace missing teeth with permanent fixtures, such as crowns and bridges, or with removable fixtures such as dentures.
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 559.