Choose the appropriate form of the Gerund:
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. They accuse him of __ the house.

 a) having robbed b) robbing c) being robbed

2. My __ to convince him is of no use.

a) having tried b) trying c) being tried

3. She insisted on her son __ to go home

 a) being allowed b) having been allowed c) allowing

4. She confessed to __ to send the letter.

 a) forgetting b) having forgotten c) being forgotten

5. The car needs __.

a) being repaired b) having been repaired c) repairing


Fill in the gaps:


1. You cannot __ driving without an instructor.

a) learn b) learning c) to learn

2. I am fond of _.

 a) read b) reading c) to read

3. She doesn't allow _ in the house.

a) smoke b) smoking c) to smoke

4. I had no idea of his _ Moscow so soon.

 a) leaving b) leave c) to leave

5. He must _ it immediately. .

a) doing b) do c) to do

6. She has always dreamt of _ round the world.

 a) traveling b) travel c) to travel

7. The place is worth _ .

 a) visit b) to visit c) visiting

8. It’s no use _ to him.

 a) talking b) to talk c) talk

9. The funny story made me _ .

a) laugh b) to laugh c) laughing

10. _ his homework, he was thinking hard.

 a) to do b) do c) doing


Choose the right translation of the Gerund:


1. They thanked us for being helpful in this situation.

a) помогающий b) помощь c) помогать

2. I had no idea of his leaving the town so soon.

a) уехавший b) уезжая c) отъезд

3. I avoided speaking to them about the matter.

a) разговаривая b) при разговоре c) разговаривать

4. They went on talking.

a) разговаривая b) разговор c) когда разговаривали

5. She denied having been at home that evening.

a) быть b) была c) когда была

6. They burst out laughing.

a) смех b) смеяться c) смеющийся

7. Would you mind coming again in a day or two?

a) приходя b) прийти c) приходящий

8. My father stopped smoking some years ago.

a) при курении b) курить c) курящий

9. Have you finished washing the dishes yet?

a) мытьё b) помыть c) вымытый

10. He keeps insisting on my going to the south.

a) поехавший b) поездка c) поехать


5. State the function of the Gerund in the sentence:


1. After having done his homework Mark went to the cinema.

2. You should prevent him from taking such a dangerous step.

3. Solving difficult problems is a pleasure for a good scientist.

4. Travelling is his favourite way of spending leisure time.

5. Our aim was preventing troubles.

6. Jane loves talking to the press and appearing on TV shows.

7. Our work resulted in studying new phenomena.

 8. Before coming to any conclusion you should thoroughly analyze all the facts.

9. The idea of using the new substance belongs to my scientific adviser.

10. The main point of the discussion is applying the new methods.

a) подлежащее;

b) часть сказуемого;

c) дополнение;

d) определение;

e) обстоятельство.


Find 2 sentences with the Gerundial Construction and translate them into Russian:


1. The chief suggests my coming to Germany this summer.

2. He persisted in trying to solve that difficult problem.

3. Everybody looked forward to the President’s coming.

4. He felt like doing gymnastics next season.

5. Students keep on discussing the latest news.



Variant 2


1.    State the part of speech of the word in italics                      а) participle b) gerund с) noun:


1. It isn’t worth repairing this engine.

2. It is useless speaking to him; he would not listen to anybody.

3. Our chief usually takes part in the sittings of the boards of directors.

4. The man was making a speech not paying attention to the attempts to interrupt him.

5. It was quite unexpected finding you there.

6. Do you mind being examined the first?

7. The reading of adventure story captured his imagination.

8. Entering the room, I saw my friends smiling at me

9. Having prepared all the necessary equipment, they started this project.

10. On being asked what her plans were she gave a most evasive answer.


2. Choose the appropriate form of the Gerund:


1. He was proud of ___chairman.                         

 a) having elected b) electing c) having been elected

2. Не was guilty of ____ a considerable sum of money.

a) steeling b) being stolen c) having stolen

3. Не likes ____by his friends and relatives

 a) being invited b) inviting c) having invited

4. My flat needs ___.

a) having repaired b) repairing c) being repaired

5. He went out without ___a word. 

 a) having been said b) saying c) being said


3. Fill in the gaps:


1. One must ____ the situation with one's own eyes.

 a) see b) seeing c) to see

2. То do two things at once is ____ neither.

 a) do b) doing c) to do

3. Doing well on this course means ____very hard.

 a) study b) studying c) to study

4. On the way home I stopped ____ some milk.

 a) buy b) buying c) to buy

5. We noticed the woman ____(вошла) the house through the back door.

 a) enter b) entering c) to enter

6. Stop ____ ! You are in the library.

a) talk b) talking c) to talk

7. We saw the postman ____a thick envelope into the box.

a) slip b) slipping c) to slip

8. They made the man _____ what they wanted.

a) do b) doing c) to do

9. I want ____ my holiday in the Crimea.

a) spend b) spending c) to spend

10. My car wants ____ again.

a) repair b) repairing c) to repair


4. Choose the right translation of the Gerund:


1. By doing nothing we learn to do ill.

a) не сделав ничего b) не делая ничего c) ничего не делать

2. This resulted from not using the method.

 a) не использовав b) использования c) не использования

3. I remember hearing this song in my childhood.

a) слушая b)что слышал c) услышав

4. The patient’s quick recovery depends on his following the doctor’s advice.

a) будет ли следовать b) если следовать c) следуя

5. He went away without having told us the necessary information.

 a) не сообщая b) сообщив c) не сообщив

6. We heard of the house being sold.

a) продается b) был продан c) продавая

7. Learning rules without examples is useless.

a) заучив b) заучивание c) заучивая

8. I am surprised at your having missed so many lessons this term.

a) пропустив b) пропускаете c) пропустили

9. Everything depends on the documents being sent straight away.

 a) будут отправлены b) отправили c) отправляют

10. We insisted on being informed by cable of the arrival of the ship.

 a) сообщить b) чтобы нам сообщили c) о сообщении


5. State the function of the Gerund in the sentence:


1. Acquiring knowledge is a long and hard process.

2. Going into every detail is of no use.

3. Who is responsible for making the experiment?

4. I found them engaged in assembling machine-tools

5. The idea is worth considering.

6. We have just begun programming the computer.

7. There are various instruments for taking measurements.

8. There is no possibility of repairing the engine.

9. On coming to the office he started looking through the morning mail.

10. You can learn English by reading English books.

a) подлежащее;

b) часть сказуемого;

c) дополнение;

d) определение;

e) обстоятельство.


6. Find 2 sentences with the Gerundial Construction and translate them into Russian:


1. After coming home he began to cook dinner.

2. Steve’s doing it at once is very important.

3. Water, having weight and occupying space, is a form of matter.

4. The process of our learning English could continue for ten months.

5. He is proud of having been appointed to this post.


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