It has been said that arguing
against globalization
is like arguing against the laws of gravity.
Kofi Annan
Fig. 26
Discuss the following with your partner.
1. How do you understand the term «globalization»?
2. Do you like to live in the global world? Why?
1. Find the appropriate equivalent:
1. to unify into a single society | 1. уменьшаться |
2. «friction of distance» | 2. рост осведомленности, информативности |
3. to shrink | 3. «стирание расстояния» |
4. to increase in awareness | 4. понимать |
5. to flee (fled, fled) a place of danger | 5. спасаться бегством из опасных мест |
6. to perceive | 6. объединяться в единое общество |
7. lower wages push individuals | 7. низкий рост зарплаты людей |
8. to pop up | 8. не являющийся филиалом, самостоятельный |
9. unaffiliated | 9. всплыть, появиться |
10. outsourcing | 10. сдерживать, контролировать цены |
11. income generation | 11. привлечение сторонних ресурсов |
12. to keep in check prices | 12. оспаривать |
13. to contest | 13. возникновение, появление |
14. to acquire labour force | 14. продукт, товар, предмет потребления |
15. onset | 15. приобретать рабочую силу |
16. calamity | 16. отрицательно влиять |
17. to affect adversely | 17. получение доходов |
18. commodity | 18. освоение новых рынков |
19. tapping the untapped markets | 19. в последнюю очередь |
20. the last but not least | 20. с широким использованием ручного труда |
21. labor-intensive countries | 21. подтверждать; поддержать |
22. to sustain | 22. сдерживать, удерживать, сохранять |
23. to enhance | 23. увеличить, усилить, расширить |
24. to retain | 24. бедствие, катастрофа |
25. extent | 25. объём, степень, размер |
26. backbone of every economy | 26. ограничение |
27. supply chain | 27. обычный, стандартный |
28. restriction | 28. система снабжения |
29. to familiarize | 29. истоки, начало |
30. customary | 30. познакомить, ознакомить |
31. dawn | 31. утрата культуры |
32. to pose | 32. неравномерное распределение материального благосостояния |
33. loss of сulture | 33. представлять собой, являться |
34. to take a backseat | 34. уничтожать |
35. uneven wealth distribution | 35. отойти на второй план |
36. to deplete | 36. на грани исчезновения |
37. on the verge of becoming extinct | 37. жесткая конкуренция |
38. cut-throat competition | 38. несоответствие, неравенство |
39. disparity | 39. сущность любой экономики |
40. to owe | 40. приписывать, быть обязанным |
2. Match the words with their definitions:
1. globalization | 1. a process by which people move about the world in search of a new home, a new job, or flee a place of danger. |
2. migration | 2. worldwide |
3. diffusion of knowledge | 3. a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. |
4. global | 4. obtain (goods or a service) by contract from an outside supplier |
5. to outsource | 5. a process by which any new found knowledge «spreads out» around the world |
6. competition | 6. a process connected with the destruction of cultural identity of some nations |
7. monopoly | 7. general direction, tendency |
8. loss of culture | 8. trying to do better than others |
9. disparity | 9. a situation wherein only one seller has a say in a particular product or products |
10. trend | 10. a huge income gap between the developed and the developing countries |
3. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:
1. lower standards of living; 2. pops up; 3. loss of culture; 4. awareness; 5. backbone;6. shrink; 7. on the verge of becoming;8. familiarize; 9. adversely;10. disparity.
1. Nowadays the world begins to… because of the globalization.
2. A general increase in … and transportation technology has allowed for people to move about the world.
3. Most migration takes place within or between developing countries, possibly because of … .
4. When a new invention or way of doing something … , it does not stay secret for long.
5. Globalization destroys cultural identity and may lead to … .
6. Capital is the … of every economy
7. In the global world still exists a … in the development of the economies.
8. Natural resources are depleting and are … extinct.
9. Producers … their products and services according to the requirements of various economies.
10. Low or poor quality can … affect consumer satisfaction.
Part 1. GLOBALIZATION AND ITS key characteristics:
Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural and political forces. It’s a movement of people, goods, capital and ideas due to
increased economic integration.
The idea of globalization may be simplified by identifying several key characteristics:
Improved Technology in Transportation and Telecommunications
In years past, people across the globe did not have the ability to
communicate and could not interact without difficulty. Nowadays, a lot of information technologies can easily be used to connect people.
In short, the world begins to shrink.
Movement of People and Capital
A general increase in awareness and transportation technology has
allowed for people to move about the world in search of a new home,
a new job, or to flee a place of danger. Most migration takes place within or between developing countries, possibly because lower standards of
living and lower wages push individuals to places with a greater chance for
economic success.
Additionally, capital (money) is being moved globally with the ease of electronic transference and a rise in perceived investment opportunities. Developing countries are a popular place for investors to place their capital because of the enormous room for growth.
Diffusion of Knowledge
The word «diffusion» simply means «to spread out», and that is
exactly what any new found knowledge does. When a new invention or way of doing something pops up, it does not stay secret for long.
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Multinational Corporations
So called non-governmental organizations bring together people unaffiliated with the government and can be nationally or globally focused. Many international NGOs deal with issues that do not pay attention to borders (such as global climate change, energy use, or child labor regulations). Examples of NGOs include Amnesty International or Doctors without Borders.
As countries are connected to the rest of the world (through increased communication and transportation) they immediately form what a business would call a market. As more and more markets are opening up, business people from around the globe are coming together to form multinational corporations in order to access these new markets. Another reason that businesses are going global is that some jobs can be done by foreign
workers for a much cheaper cost than domestic workers, this is called
Globalization is a debatable subject. While some are of the opinion that it has a lot of ill-effects upon the society, there exist others who feel exactly the opposite. Some opine that it has made life extremely easier and comfortable. For a better picture, let us take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of globalization.
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 453.