Environment pollution problem is paid much attention to in the USA. Different environmentalists and environmental societies, like Wilderness Society, try to improve the situation. The level of damage to the forests in the USA is really high. The construction of new roads and the need of wood influenced the cuttings of large areas of forest. As a result some rare species of animals, and some plants can disappear. For example, the pacific yew, containing a cancer-fighting compound. American environmentalists are also disturbed by the problem of global warming. They pay much attention to the research in this sphere. Global warming is the result of air pollution by different gases. Together with the gases, destroying the ozone layer, it influences the patterns of weather. Many USA universities investigate these problems. The pollution of Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes, and the problem of acid rains that threatened many forests, made the media start a campaign against industrial pollution. All of the states have adopted their own laws; some banned throwaway bottles, or use of phosphates in soaps, or industrial dumping of wastes. By 1986 smoking in public had been restricted. There also exist public societies, whose aim is to attract public's attention to the most important environmental problems. Some of them, for example, "Pals of the Planet", publish the materials of how to save the seas from pollution. The "Greenpeace" organization, which was founded in 1971, is one of the leading environmental organizations in the USA and in the world. Its numerous actions of protest against water and air pollution, its programme "Water for Life", started in the USA, help our planet to survive. Public attention to the problems of pollution has now become a part of American life
Variant 1
Put «to» if necessary
1. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies _ discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including.
2. Teachers make me ____ do this test again .
3. The article had __be divided into two parts.
4. We had no chance __ speak to him.
5. I would like you ___ accept his invitation.
6. Why are you going __ leave the university?
7. I am afraid he won’t be able _ return in time.
8. I felt my mother ___ be angry with me.
9. We would rather __ go to the museum on Saturday.
10. Please, let me ___watch the news and then we’ll go out.
2. Choose the appropriate form of the Infinitive:
1. Our next step must ___consulting an experienced lawyer.
a) to be b) be c) to have been
2. I want to know everything and __of all events happening at the
a) to have informed b) to be informing c) to be informed
3. Here is a nice game ___now.
a) to be playing b) to play c) to have played
4. I remembered ___ this man last year.
a) to be met b) to have met c) to be meeting
5. My friend is so happy ___ a new mobile phone by his parents.
a) to have been presented b) to have presented c) to be presenting
6. This question will be discussed at the meeting ___ tomorrow.
a) to have held b) to be held c) to have been held
7. It is of great interest for me __in this competition now.
a) to have taken part b) to be taking part c) to take part.
8. They are glad __to the conference.
a) to invite b) to have invited c) to be invited
9. I was the last ___.the news.
a) to know b) to be known c) to have been known
10. The boy is clever enough__ his own decision.
a) make b) to be made c) to make
3. Choose the English equivalent:
1. The climate here (считается) to be very healthful.
2. New cars (оказались) to be very comfortable.
3. They (несомненно) to come to an understanding.
4. The new methods (установили) to have many disadvantages.
5. Complications (маловероятно) to appear.
a) seemed
b) is likely
c) are certain
d) is sure
e) were found
f) proved
g) is considered
h) seems
i) is reported
j) are unlikely
4. Find the sentences with Complex Object (5) and translate them into Russian:
1. Are you going to join this project?
2. The discussion seemed to be coming to an end.
3. I consider him to be one of the most outstanding scientists of our days.
4. The question is too complicated to be solved at once.
5. Your enthusiasm makes me feel young again.
6. To construct such a machine requires much time.
7. Let life go on as if nothing has changed.
8. Nobody saw her face change.
9. Do you happen to know him?
10.The scientists suppose these phenomena to be of great value.
5. Choose the right translation of the Infinitive:
1. These measures are expected to be taken to protect the ecological poor regions.
a) приняты b) принимают c) примут
2. Does your educational institution prepare people for specific jobs?
a) готовит b) подготовил c) будет готовить
3. The poem is believed to have been written by an unknown author.
a) написал b) пишет c) была написана
4. To pass exams well you must work hard.
a) сдать b) чтобы сдать c) сдавая
5. I wrote him a letter to remind of his promise.
a) напомнив b) чтобы напомнить c) напоминая
6. In order to hear the music well I left the window open.
a) слушает b) слышать c)для того чтобы слышать
7. We didn’t expect him to return so soon.
a) что он вернется b) возвращается c) не вернется
8. They seem to know all about it.
a) узнает b) узнал c) знает
9. The event is sure to be much spoken about.
a) говорили b) будут говорить c) говорят
10. I heard my sister play the piano in the living room.
a) играть b) будет играть c) играет
6. State the function of the Infinitive:
1. These are only the initial measures to be taken to protect nature.
2. To finish the experiment in time we had to work without any days off.
3. The chairman asked the participants of the conference to keep to the subject.
4. The main problem is to change the original plan.
5. To be properly understood is the only thing I want.
6. He hates to be laughed at.
7. He returned to his Motherland to leave it never again.
8. I have a lot of things to think of.
9. What I want is to get out of here.
10. To collect and to process data is our usual task.
a) подлежащее;
b) часть сказуемого;
c) дополнение;
d) определение;
e) обстоятельство
Variant 2
1. Put «to» if necessary:
1. The teacher made me ... repeat my words several times.
2. She did not let her mother... go away.
3. Do you like ... listen to good music?
4. They heard the girl ... speak with your sister loudly.
5. I would rather ... stay at home today.
6. He did not want ... play in the yard anymore.
7. Would you like ... go to England?
8. You look tired. You had better... go home.
9. Let me ... help you with your homework.
10.I was planning ... do a lot of things yesterday.
2. Choose the appropriate form of the Infinitive:
1. The partners want __ our terms of payment.
a) to know b) to have known c) to be knowing
2. They remembered __ a lot about environmental problems in British countries.
a) to tell b) to be telling c) to have told
3. This writer is said __ a new novel already.
a) to have written b) to write c) to be writing
4. She seems__ a good time at the seaside now.
a) to be having b) to have c) to have had
5. They watched the boy__ the street.
a) to be crossing b) to cross c) cross
6. __ in magazines is very expensive.
a) to be advertising b) to advertise c) to have been advertised
7. He proved__ one of the cleverest students at our Institute.
a) to have been b) to be c) be
8. He is sure__ himself at the party.
a) to enjoy b) be enjoyed c) to have been enjoyed
9. This is for you__.
a) to be deciding b) to have decided c) to decide
10. __ in the park in the evening was a pleasure.
a) to have been walking b) to be walked c) to walk
3. Choose the English equivalent:
1. She (предполагается) to be working in the laboratory from 2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow.
2. He (считается) to be a good musician.
3. They (думают) to have gone away some days ago.
4. James (ожидается) to make a report next Wednesday.
5. He (определенно) to win this match.
a) is sure
b) is supposed
c) proved
d) seemed
e) is expected
f) proves
g) seems
h) is considered
j) turns out
k) are thought
4. Find the sentences with Complex Object (5) and translate them into Russian:
1. I would like them to fix an appointment for me for Tuesday.
2. He is the only one among us to give up smoking.
3. They are known to have made a new discovery a month ago.
4. He heard her play the piano.
5. They are sure to get married soon.
6. He is unlikely to be invited to the conference.
7. He saw her burst into tears.
8. They are known to have lived in Egypt for a long time.
9. He expects everybody to be ready to do this work.
10. I suspect him to take my money.
5. Choose the right translation of the Infinitive:
1. She was too small to remember the incident.
a) запомнив b) чтобы помнить c) запоминая
2. A good dinner in our canteen is impossible to get.
а) получив b) получить с) невозможно получить
3. People can easily to communicate with due to Internet.
а) общаться b) общаясь с) общались
4. I wouldn’t like such valuable presents to be given to me.
a) дарить b) подарив с) были подарены
5) We suppose them to apologize to us.
a) извинятся b) извинились c) необходимо извиниться
6) He is considered to be a good musician.
a ) является b) являлся c) будет
7) They are thought to have gone away some days ago.
а) уезжают b) уедут с) уехали
8) She is supposed to be working in the laboratory from 2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow.
а) работает b) работала с) будет работать
9) He is unlikely to be invited to the conference.
a) чтобы пригласить b) пригласят с) пригласили
10) He is believed to be working at an urgent problem now.
a) чтобы работать b) работал с) работает
6. State the function of the Infinitive:
1. We can actually begin the experiment
2. He forgot to turn off the radio when he went to bed.
3. Please give me some water to drink.
4. To smoke is bad for health.
5. Wе came tо the station to see them off.
6. I don’t know what to do.
7. To prolong this discussion is to waste time.
8. He was the first to come here.
9. At that time I was too young to think of such things.
10. What to do next was our main problem.
a) подлежащее;
b) часть сказуемого;
c) дополнение;
d) определение;
e) обстоятельство
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 330.