1. I was glad to … to this meeting by my colleague.
a) invite b) being invited c) have been invited
2. My dream is … home as soon as possible.
a) to return b) be returning c) return
3. It is necessary … an international program to study the data on land.
a) develop b) to have developed c) to develop
4. The dean let students … in a week.
5. a) be re-examined b) to have re-examined c) to have been re-examined
6. I am glad … with him now.
a) to speak ) to have spoken c) to be speaking
7. … life on the planet is one of the main mankind’s tasks.
a) To save b) Save c) To have saved
8. Nobody saw the professor … the laboratory.
a) to enter b) enter c) have entered
9. Не had better … to Moscow
a) to have moved b) move c) to move
10. His story made me …my point of view.
a) rethink b) to rethink c) to have rethought
10. My friends will … this project next week.
a) have started b) to start c) start
12.To build eco-economy means … carbon balance.
a) restore b) to restore c) be restoring
3. State the function of the Infinitive:
1. He is clever enough to understand my hint at once.
2. То swim in the lake was pleasant.
3. I haven’t got anybody to cheer me up.
4. He is the first to come to the exam.
5. We must not speak to him about it.
6. Не advised me to think it over again.
7. То smoke is bad for health.
8. It is necessary to develop an international program to study the data on land and oceanic resources.
9. My friend came in order to warn me about the danger.
10. To begin with I should warn you that it is very dangerous.
a) подлежащее;
b) часть сказуемого;
c) дополнение;
d) определение;
e) обстоятельство;
f) вводная конструкция
4. Translate the sentences with the Complex Object and
Complex Subject into Russian:
1. We know him to be the best specialist in the field of the environmental protection.
2. He considers this question to be of great importance.
3. They believe him to be a very experienced researcher.
4. The climate on our planet is known to have changed greatly.
5. These measures are expected to be taken to protect the ecological poor regions.
6. The international organization Greenpeace is reported to be doing much to preserve the environment.
7. Russia and the United States are likely to start the joint projects to protect the environmental systems of the Arctic and Subarctic regions.
8. The holes in the ozone layer let ultraviolet radiation get to the earth.
9. We don’t want the byproducts of the industrial enterprises to pollute the air and the water.
10. The consequences of this explosion at the atomic power-station are considered to be very tragic and dangerous for the Ukrainian, Belorussian and other nations.
5. Transform these sentences using the Complex Subject with the verb in the appropriate form. Translate them:
Model: e.g. It is known that our colleague is a very good specialist. – Our colleague is known to be a very good specialist.
1. It is thought that this idea has no practical purpose.
2. It is said that a number of rivers and lakes are drying up.
3. It is known that ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes skin
4. It is considered that the green house effect is one of the most serious problems on the planet.
5. It is reported that Greenpeace has conducted an unauthorized acti-vity recently.
6. It is expected that some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever.
7. It is believed that our manager is doing his best to help us.
8. It is supposed that serious measures have been taken to create a system of ecological security.
6. Complete the sentences using the Complex Object:
1. Nobody wanted our planet to … .
2. We expected our scientists to … .
3. What made you … .
4. I didn't notice her … .
5. She saw him … .
6. Don’t let them … .
7. We know the air pollution to …
8. Do you think the serious measures … .
9. Have you ever seen your friend … .
10. They don’t consider this project to … .
7. Complete the sentences using the Complex Subject:
1. This company is known to … .
2. The ecological problems seem to … .
3. The consequences of this ecological disaster are unlikely to … .
4. This matter is considered to … .
5. Our project is supposed to … .
6. These data are found to … .
7. This method appears to … .
8. All these activities are expected to … .
9. An international environmental research centre is reported to … .
10. Greenpeace is said to … .
Speaking Workshop
1. Read and dramatize the interview given by the environmental expert from Greenpeace to the reporter of the journal Save the Planet and formulate the main matters were discussed. What should you do to protect the Nature?
R: Why are people all over the world so much concerned about environmental problems?
E: The first thing to be said is that they are the problems of all peoples and nations. If land belongs to the countries and certain people, the air and water of the ocean do not belong to any country or man but used by everybody. It is our common treasure. Then I must say that environment is not only our life, but also the future of the Earth.
R: Why is water pollution so dangerous?
E: There are many reasons to be troubled by the water pollution. The first reason is that water is life for the whole planet. Life appeared in the water and depends even now on its quality. We drink only fresh water, but the circulation of the water on the Earth is such that the quality of fresh water and the quality of salted water of the World Ocean are closely connected. The second reason is richness of the water in food supplies. Sea products such as crabs and lobsters are rich in vitamins and good for health, they are considered to be delicious, luxurious food. Fish is rich in many important substances. Water weeds are used as food by both people and animals, they also take part in the oxygen restoring. If the water is polluted, we will run out of such good food and there will be less oxygen produced, which can be very harmful for the planet and mankind.
R: How does water get polluted?
E: Ships let trash into it, sometimes oil flows from broken ships. The temperature of the World Ocean grows slightly but it results in enormous growth of some water weeds which absorb oxygen and pollute the water with the trash of their vital activity.
R: Is air pollution dangerous?
E: Yes, it is. Breathing polluted air causes many diseases, damages buildings and forests.
R: Can a man in the street help Nature somehow?
E: Yes, there are many ways to help Nature. Every man’s work will be little but there are many of us and together we can help a lot.
R: What can you do to help Nature?
E: I can reduce the usage of gas, electricity and drinking water, I can reuse many things (clothes, for example), I can recycle paper, cans and bottles. At the same time I can help birds feeding them in winter and also I can stop picking flowers and damaging trees.
R: How can the state help to protect Nature?
E: The state makes laws which protect the nature, the state regulates the use of land and water, the state prohibits to harm the nature. Officials check the usage of filters and purifying processes.
R: Is it important to protect plants and animals?
E:Yes, it is. Plants produce oxygen and vitamins which people and animals can not live without. Plants and animals are one big ecological system. If we harm one part of it, we can destroy our own life. The main area producing oxygen is in the Amazon region. The second in importance is Siberia in Russia.
R: Is it dangerous to pollute land?
E: Yes, very much. We eat plants, but if the land is polluted, the plants become poisonous. If we eat them, we ruin our health. It is the same as with fish. If we pollute water, the fish become ill and poisonous. If we eat bad fish, we can get sick.
R: What is greenhouse effect?
E: The greenhouse effect means that the temperature and the humidity of the Earth atmosphere grow up year by year, like in a greenhouse, because thick polluted air does not let the warmth out into space.
R: What does Greenpeace do?
E: Greenpeace organizes campaigns to protect Nature. This organization monitors the protection of environment when plants, ports and roads are built.
R: Do cars harm environment?
E: Yes, because they are noisy and produce poisonous gases. Poisonous gases cause acid rains.
R: What can happen if we do not stop the pollution?
E:The life on the Earth will die out.
R:What can happen if the temperature rises?
E: The Arctic ice will melt and cover the land. We will have little place to grow food, and many people will die.
R: Well, it’a a pity, our time is out. Thank you very much for such interesting interview.
2. A message board on a weather website asked its readers to say their views on global warming and climate change. Here is selection of their messages. Read and dramatize them.
Gonzalo: I’m in favour of global warming. I grow tropical plants so for me the warmer weather is better!
Tanya: In 20 years time the traditional British weather will be a thing of the past. We’ll have a climate like the south of France. People
will be healthier as they’ll spend more time outdoors. It’ll be great.
Luis: No one can tell me that global warming isn’t happening. We’ve just had the hottest year on record! My sister lives in the north of Spain and she said that it is beach weather there and it’s November. I mean it’s not normal is it?
Kevin: When I was a boy we used to have heavy snow most years. Since the early 90s all we’ve had is a light dusting of snow. It must be due to global warming.
Ruth: You only have to switch on the news to see the crazy things the weather is doing. There are so many floods, hurricanes and droughts. It’s the extreme weather conditions caused by global warming.
Oliver: There is no such thing as global warming. It’s all media hype to brainwash people. If they told us the moon was made of cheese often enough people would believe it!
Mark: The world will never be the same again, but that’s how it has always been. It changes constantly and nature and man can adapt to these changes. If we couldn’t, human life on the planet would have finished years ago.
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 391.