Read the text and translate it using the dictionary
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой



Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов

финансово-экономического факультета, специализирующихся в области

таможенного дела. Основная цель методических указаний – познакомить

студентов с терминологией по данной специальности и развить у них умение

и навыки делового общения и чтения текстов по специальности.

Методические указания состоят из двенадцати частей:

- на таможне;

- таможенная декларация. Правила и нормы заполнения. Таможенная


- органы таможенного управления в России;

- таможенные реформы в России и за рубежом;

- таможенный контроль;

- транспортная документация. Формы и сроки оплаты;

- борьба с терроризмом. Роль таможенных органов;

- таможенные процедуры и правила. Их развитие;

- нарушения таможенных правил: контрабанда, провоз наркотических


- история таможенного дела в России и в США;

- стоит ли заботиться об этике? Проблема коррупции на таможне;

- таможенные тарифы и международные торговые отношения.

К методическим указаниям прилагается словарь терминов по


Лексические упражнения и практические задания к текстам направлены

на усвоение терминологии по данной специальности и развитие навыков

изучающего и просмотрового чтения. Цель речевых упражнений

стимулировать развитие навыков говорения по изучаемой специальности.


Unit 1 At the Customs


Pre-Text Assignments


1.1.1 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning:


























1.1.2 Give the initial forms of the following words and state what parts of

speech they belong to:


















1.1.3 Check up the meaning of the following verbs:


to smuggle to include to take out



to cross

to stipulate

to declare

to name

to exceed


1.1.4 Read the following words and their translation. Try to memorize the





regulations restrictions duty(duties)












liable to duty




duty-free quota list


prohibited articles list


to fall under restrictions

to declare something

(at the customs- house)

таможенное управление, таможня

подлежащий оплате таможенными


не подлежащий оплате таможенными


список предметов, разрешенный к

беспошлинному ввозу

список товаров, ввоз или вывоз

которых oграничен

подпадать под ограничения

сделать заявление о наличии вещей,

облагаемых пошлиной (их стоимости,

количестве, весе и т.д.)





personal effects

to go through one’s luggage

to smuggle

to pass through

the customs (inspection)

as the case might be



необходимые сведения, подробности

движимое имущество

личные вещи

досматривать багаж

заниматься контрабандой

пройти таможенный досмотр


в зависимости от обстоятельств



Study the following pictures. Read the text and try to guess the

Grammar Assignments


1.5.1 Supply prepositions or adverbs where necessary:


1) It is the porters who always carry the passenger’s luggage .….. the hold of a

ship or ….. the luggage-van of a train ….. the customs-house ….. an


2) This is duty-free according ….. our customs regulations.

3) Do you know whether there are any restrictions ….. imported cameras in

this country?

4) Personal effects are usually duty-free if one does not exceed ….. a certain




5) In a number of countries furs do not fall ….. customs restrictions.

6) Customs duties are taxed both ….. imported as well as exported goods.


1.5.2 The following statements are grammatically incorrect. Find the errors

and correct them:


1) On the customs-house a passenger’s luggage are carefully gone into customs

inspectors. (3 errors)

2) Sometimes customs inspector carefully search under the passenger’s

belongings to prevent smuggling. (2 errors)

3) There are 150 % duty about this article. (2 errors)

4) As soon as one’s luggage cleared the customs special stamps are pasted

onto it. (2 errors)

5) It took me about two hour to go through all the formalities on the customs-

house. (2 errors)


1.5.3 Make up sentences with the Passive and Active Voice using the

following word combinations:


not liable to duty, to be subject to customs restrictions, to inspect one’s

luggage, to be released by the customs, to go through the customs, to have a

greater amount of something.


Pre-Text Assignments


2.1.1 Read the following word and phrase list. Try to memorize all the words

and word-groups:


customs tariffs

customs inspector

customs inspection

goods (items) liable to duty


to have something to declare

Have you got anything to declare?

to fill in a customs declaration

to smuggle something in/out


to exceed the quota

to leave something in the care of the

customs house

there is a duty of … per cent on…over


make somebody pay duty on something


particulars of the amount, weight and


customs clearing

to check something against the

invoice(contents list)

to license the exports(imports)


таможенные тарифы

таможенный инспектор

таможенная инспекция

предметы, подлежащие оплате

таможенными пошлинами

располагать предметами,

подлежащими декларированию

заполнять таможенную декларацию

ввозить/вывозить из страны что-либо


превысить норму

оставить что-либо на таможне


на этот предмет следует уплатить

пошлину в размере …

заставить кого-либо уплатить


подробности, касающиеся кол-ва,

веса и ценности предметов

таможенная очистка

сверять по накладной, списку


выдать лицензию на ввоз/вывоз


2.1.2 Complete the following sentences using the words and expressions from

the word and phrase list. Try to think of as many variants as possible:


1) Customs wars are waged between different countries so as to …

2) Customs tariffs serve to …

3) It is only natural that in war- time customs inspections are more…

4) Customs houses are set up to …

5) To declare an item is to …

6) The opposite of reducing customs tariffs is to …

7) If one exceeds the quota…

8) At the border the personal luggage is taken to … for …

9) If an article falls under restriction we say that …



10) The standard question a customs inspector would use before going through

your luggage is …

11) When questioned by the customs inspector you are to give particulars of …

12) Duty-free articles are allowed to …


2.1.3 Translate the following from Russian into English:


1) Я не знаю, что разрешается провозить беспошлинно.

2) Вы не превысили норму. Оплате пошлиной эти вещи не подлежат.

3) Я ничего не имею предъявить вам.

4) Я не знал, что на эти предметы распространяются таможенные


5) Эти предметы подлежат таможенному обложению в размере 100

процентов их стоимости.

6) При переезде через границу вы обязаны сообщить об имеющейся у вас на

руках иностранной валюте.

7) Я вас прошу, как можно скорее осмотреть мой багаж. Мой самолет

вылетает через час.

8) Вот лицензия Министерства Торговли на вывоз этого аппарата.


2.1.4 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning:


citizenship purpose submit separately monetary false flight

valuables currency icons precious antiques middle bonds


2.1.5 Check up the meaning of the following verbs:












2.1.6 Give the initial forms of the following words and state what parts of

speech they belong to:
















Persons giving false information in the Customs Declaration or to Customs officer

shall render themselves liable under laws of Russia.

Full Name _________________________________________________________


Arriving from ______________________________________________________

Country of destination________________________________________________

Purpose of visit (business,tourism,private,etc.)_____________________________


consists of .... pieces.

With me and in my luggage I have:

1. Weapons of all descriptions and ammunition…………………...........................

2. Narcotics and appliances for the use thereof


3. Antiques and objects of art (painting, drawings, icons, etc.).................................

4. Russian currency, Russian State Loan bonds, etc.


5. Currency other than Russian rubles (bank notes, exchequer bills, coins),

payment vouchers (cheques, bills, letters of credit, etc.), securities (shares,

bonds, etc.) in foreign currencies, precious metals (gold, silver, platinum,

metals of platinum group) in any form or condition, crude and processed

natural precious stones (diamonds, brilliants, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and

pearls), jewellery and other articles made of precious metals and precious

stones, and scrap thereof, as well as properly papers:

Description Amount/Quantity For official use

In figures/in words


Russian rubles, other currency, payment vouchers, valuables and any objects

belonging to other persons…………………………………………………….....

I am aware that, in addition to the objects listed in the Customs Declaration, I must

submit for inspection: printed matter, manuscripts, films, sound recordings, postage

stamps, graphics, etc. plants, fruit, seeds, live animals and birds, as well as raw

foodstuffs of animal origin and slaughtered fowl.

I also declare that my luggage sent separately consists of … pieces.

Date …. Owner of luggage (signed) ….


Customs Declaration

customs use only

Department of the Treasury United States

Customs Service




Each arriving traveller or responsible family member must provide the following

information (only ONE written declaration per family is required):

1.Family Name ……………………………………………………………

2.First (Given) Name………………………………………………………

3.Middle Initial(s)………………………………………………………….

4.Birth Date (day/mo/yr)…………………………………………………...

5.Airline/Flight No. Or Vessel Name or Vehicle License No …………….

6.Number of Family Members travelling with You………………………

6. (a) Country or Citizenship………………………………………………..

7. (b) Country of Residence…………………………………………………

8. (a) U.S. Address (Street Number /Hotel/Mailing Address in U.S.)……….

9. (b) U. S. Address (City) ………………………………………………….

10.(c) U.S. Address (State) ………………………………………………….

11.Countries visited on this trip prior to U.S. arrival………………………..

12.The purpose of my (our) trip is or was Business.............Personal..... ..

(Check one or both boxes, if applicable)

13.I am (We are) bringing fruits, plants, metals, food,

soil, birds, snails, other live animals, wildlife products Yes No

farm products; or, have been on a farm or ranch

outside the U.S.

14.I am (We are) carrying currency or monetary

instruments over $ 10.000 U.S., or foreign Yes No


15.I have (We have) commercial merchandise

U.S. or foreign (Check one box only) Yes No

16.The total value of all goods, including commercial

merchandise, I/we purchased or acquired abroad ………………

and am/are bringing to the U.S. is: (U.S. Dollars)


Grammar Assignments


2.5.1 Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:












Did you remember (pack) the beach towels?

Sorry, I forgot (do) that. Look, they're here in the bath.

O.K., my bag 's pretty full but I'll try (put) them all.

Oh, I really dislike (pack). It's so boring!

Never mind it. It's all worth it. Do you remember (go) to India last year?

Of course. I'll certainly never forget (have) all those injections. And I'm

glad I tried (eat) all that spicy Indian food - it was delicious.

In fact you didn't stop (eat) all the time we were there!

We had some strangest experiences, didn't we? Do you remember when

you stopped (give) money to a blind man and within thirty seconds

we were surrounded by beggars?


2.5.2 Choose the correct verb form to fill gaps in these sentences:


1) I know it's not easy, but try ….. your best in the exam. (doing /to do)

2) This job is exhausting. I'm going to stop ….. a rest. (having/to have )

3) When I was a child I remember ….. horses in the street. (seeing/to


4) My secretary isn't very reliable. She often forgets ….. the files in the

correct order. (to put/ putting)

5) That athlete is attempting ….. the world record. (to break/ breaking)


Pre-Text Assignments


3.1.1 Study the following vocabulary list and memorize the words:















customs clearance



орган, организация

верховный, главный


организация, институт

статут, законодательный акт


введение, соблюдение


исполнение, проведение


партия (груза), перевозка,


пункт, предмет

таможенная очистка

клиент, заказчик


3.1.2 Guess the meaning of the following verbs according to their











interfere (with)






to do, to perform

to form, to make

to be made / formed

from something

to organize , to perform

to put a plan or system

into operation

to have as parts or members

to involve yourself in matters,

to influence

to transport

to lead, to be in charge of

to accept


3.1.3 Read the following words and guess their meaning:


council regional economical committee institution












Grammar Assignments


3.5.1 Look at the headlines for the newspaper articles given below and guess

what they have in common:



Pre-Text Assignments


4.1.1 Read the following verbs and guess their meaning:


submit dedicate conduct interprete implement


allow reject ease require facilitate



4.1.2 Read the following words and give their initial forms:


straightforward official


non- dutiable pressure





clearance review



declaration shipment




4.1.3 Match the words and their definitions (one item has been done for



1) reject


2) clearance

3) competency

4) recognize

5) urgent

6) extend


a) very important and needing to be

dealt with quickly or first

b) to accept as being lawful or real

c) possessing knowledge or skillful

d) to make longer or greater

e) the act or result of clearing

f) to refuse to accept


4.1.4 Study the following vocabulary:


1) to facilitate –облегчить

2) trade - торговля

3) to review- пересмотреть, проанализировать

4) (non)-dutiable- (не)облагаемый таможенной пошлиной

5) to register- включить, упомянуть

6) bottom – низкий

7) prevalence- преобладание

8) to rate- оценить, дать оценку

9) without a doubt – без сомнения

10) to submit – подать, заполнить декларацию

11) revenue – доход, сбор

12) to lower – снизить



13) to reduce - уменьшить

14) multinationals –международные корпорации

15) to confront with –столкнуться с чем-либо/кем-либо

16) emergency-срочность

17) lack – нехватка

18) sample- образец

19) spare parts-детали, комплектующие

20) consignment-товар

21) shipment-партия товара, груз

22) border post- таможенный пост

23) lengthy – длинный, долгий

24) to treat – рассматривать

25) extra – дополнительный


4.2 Read the following analytical article taken from “Transition”

The questions below

Text A




Passenger: Are you going to examine my things?

Customs Officer: In a moment, sir. Meanwhile, can I ask you to look through these

lists, please.

Passenger: What lists?

Customs Officer: The Prohibited Articles list and, the Duty-Free Quota list.

Here they are.

Passenger: Thank you.

Customs Officer: Do you have anything to declare, sir?

Passenger: Nothing from the first list.

Customs Officer: Do you have any items above the fixed quota?

Passenger: Well, I haven't got through the second list, you know. They are

both rather long.

Customs Officer: Will you please open your suitcases, sir?

Passenger: Yes, of course, here you are.

Customs Officer: What are these things?

Passenger: They are for my personal use.

Customs Officer: You have suits above the fixed quota, sir.

Passenger: But they are not new.

Customs Officer: All the same. You will have to pay duty on this extra one.

Passenger: Well, all right.

Customs Officer: Now, I see you have books.

Passenger: Are they prohibited?

Customs Officer: They'll have to he looked through, sir. Can you put them aside,


Passenger: What? Are you going to read them all?

Customs Officer: No, our interpreter will just skip through them. That's all.

Now, what are these things?

Passenger: Oh, just a few things for my family. Are they liable to duty too? Am I

liable to pay duty on them too?

Customs Officer: No, they are not. Well, the examination is over, sir. You may pay

the duty for the suit over there.

Passenger: Yes, thank you.



Customs Officer: When you bring the receipt, I'll stamp your documents, sir.


Grammar Assignments


4.7.1 Put in the verbs given in brackets in the correct form:


1) If the officer assigned to the job is ill or on vacation, severe backlogs and

delays _____ (can/ not/avoid).

2) If the certificate is not sent in time, the business community


3) If he hadn’t climbed the ladder, he _____(not/ break) his leg.

4) If it _____(not/ be) cold, they wouldn’t have lit the fire.

5) I _____(give) John your message if I should see him today.

6) Those plants _____(not grow) if you don’t water them.

7) I would buy that bag if it _____(be) cheaper.

8) If she _____(open) the letter, she would have been surprised.


4.7.2 Put in the modal verbs in the correct forms:


1) At UK ports and airports, all travelers _____ pass through either a red or

green customs channel.

2) You _____ pass through the green channel only if you do not have any

goods to declare.



3) You _____be sure that your goods are strictly within the Customs

allowances and that you are bringing into the UK is not banned or restricted


4) You _____to go to the red channel or “red point” if you have goods that you

_____ to declare at Customs.

5) If you are a traveler arriving in the UK from another EU country and have

nothing to declare you _____ use the blue channel.

6) Whichever channel you are passing through, you _____be stopped by a

Customs officer.



Unit 5 Customs Control


Pre-Text Assignments


5.1.1 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning:























5.1.2 Read the following words and their translation. Try to memorize







customs allowance

make sure



in the public eye

to be drawn into



seek assistance





at someone’s disposal


выяснять, обнаруживать


законный, легальный, легитимный


таможенная норма


утаивание; маскировка


на виду общественности

вовлекать в спор



обратиться за помощью


подходящий, подобающий

орудие, средство, способ


в чьем-либо распоряжении






5.2.2 Read the text again and make a short review (10-12 sentences) on

how to make passenger and baggage control effective.


5.2.3 Answer the following questions:


1) What is the most important point in dealing with a passenger?

2) What questions are supposed to be asked by a Customs officer?

3) Why is it important to verify whether a passenger is engaged

in legitimate business?

4) Why should a Customs officer be suspicious if a passenger

returning from holidays has only light baggage?

5) What points are of major importance prior to baggage


6) What can make the examination of baggage more successful?

7) What technical equipment is necessary for a better examination?

8) What precautions should be taken when using tools to examine




5.2.4 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning:


importer exporter shipment declaration documentation legalization

accuracy expertise specification provision primary employ


5.2.5 Read the following words and their translation. Try to memorize the







freight forwarder



to levy a fine








экспедитор, отвечающий за груз



налагать штраф




Grammar Assignments


5.6.1 The following statements in Passive are grammatically incorrect. Find

the mistakes and correct them.


1) You go to the check-in counter where your ticket is look at, and your things

are weighed and label, a claim-check for each piece of your luggage are

inserted in the ticket and you gave a boarding pass.

2) The form have to be fill in in block letters.

3) In most countries there is also a security-check when your carry-on luggage

are inspected.

4) Some of the formalities are repeated when you are arrive at your destination.



5) The customs declaration and the immigration form is often filled on board

the plane.


5.6.2 Put in the verbs given in brackets in the appropriate tense-forms:


When shopping, _____ receipts for all of your purchases. (keep) Upon

reentering the country, be ready to show customs officials what you _____.

(buy) If you _____ a duty is incorrect, appeal the assessment. (feel) If you

object to the way your clearance _____handled, get the inspector’s badget

number. (be) In either case, first ask to see a supervisor, then write to the port

director at the address _____ on your receipt. (list) Send a copy of the receipt

and other documentation. If you still _____ satisfaction you can take your case

to customs headquarters in Washington. (not get)




Pre-Text Assignments


6.1.1 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning:














6.1.2 Check up the meaning of the following verbs:


tend direct produce haul lose consist claim show prove issue clear


6.1.3 Read the following words and their translation. Memorize them:


haulage (trucking)

freight company









perishable goods


перевозка грузовиком, фурой

компания, занимающаяся

перевозкой грузов

груз, партия товара






конечная cтанция

скоропортящийся товар, груз





customs clearance

and handling charges

to inspect goods






таможенная очистка и расходы


досматривать груз

подчиненный, служебный,



The Letter



Furnace House, Granville Road, Sheffield S2 2RL

Reg. No: 6244536 Telephone:0742

VAT No: 31 6758900 Telex: 813297


Fax: 0742 610318


International Containers Ltd.

Buxton House

Mableton Place

London WC1H 9BH


Dear Sirs,

We are a large steel company and wish to export a consignment of steel tubing,

approximate weight 16 tonnes, and lengths varying from 2 to 5 metres.

The consignment is destined for Dortner Industries, Hamburg. Could you pick up

the load, transport it to London from Sheffield, and then deliver it to its destination

in Germany by the April 28th?

Please let us have details of your sailings and freight charges, and we can promise

you regular shipments if you quote a competitive rate.


Yours, faithfully,

Thomas Pike


Export Department


Grammar Assignment


6.7.1 Put in the verbs given in brackets in the appropriate form:


French Passport

An elder American absent mindedly ….. (arrive) at French customs at Paris

airport and fumbled for his passport. “You have been in France before, Sir?”, the

customs officer ….. (ask) sarcastically.

The ancient Yank admitted that he ….. (be) to France before.

“ Then you should know enough to have your passport ready for inspection”,

….. (snap) the irate officer.

The American said that the last time he came to France he ….. (not have) to

show his passport.

“ Impossible, old man. You Americans always have to show your passports

when ….. (arrive) in France.”

The old American gave the Frenchman a long hard look.

“ I assure you, young man, that when I came ashore on Omaha Beach in

Normandy on D-Day in 1944, there was no Frenchman on the beach ….. (ask) to

see my passport!”


D-Day- день высадки союзных войск на Атлантическое побережье Европы

(6 июня 1944г.)



Pre-Text Assignments


7.1.1 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning:


terrorism violence kidnapping bombing manifest effect

civilian population support domestic security mission


7.1.2 Check up the meaning of the following verbs:


intimidate manifest influence dimension deny suspect involve cooperate


7.1.3 Read the following words and their translation. Memorize them:


sustained – длительный,


hijacking – угон транспортного

средства с захватом заложников

clandestine – тайный, скрытый,


guerilla wars – партизанские войны

quest – поиск, искомый предмет

intimidate – пугать, устрашать,



slip – проскользнуть

prevention – предосторожность

enforcement agencies – силовые


deliberate – намеренный

generic – общий

civilians – мирные граждане

hostages - заложники

dimension – распространяться

spectacular – зрелищный


Pre-Text Assignments


8.1.1 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning:






















8.1.2 Check up the meaning of the following verbs:


prepare propose secure establish recommend Interprete address emphasize


8.1.3 Read the following words and their translation:


secure – обеспечить

attain – достигать

draft – черновик, проект

amendment – поправка

interpretation – толкование

application – практическое применение

intergovernmental – межправительственный

as regards – что касается

fraud – мошенничество

theft – кража

illicit – незаконный

mutual – двусторонний, обоюдный

combat – бороться


Grammar Assignments


8.4.1 Fill in the verbs given in brackets in the suitable forms:


1) If you _____to begin with going through the customs, you’d better fill in the

customs declaration before you talk to the customs officer. (be supposed)

2) If your luggage _____more than 30 kg, you have to pay extra. (weigh)

3) The VAT is not raised when the goods_____and when the goods are

designed directly for re-export. (be imported)

4) If the payment of services is made by compensatory goods, then those goods

imported for processing _____by VAT. (be levied)


VAT – value added tax (НДС)


8.4.2 Punctuate the following text:


Anti-Drug Alliance


Rostov Airport staff have joined the fight against drug smuggling sealing an

alliance with Customs the airport authorities joined the battle against drugs when

they signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Customs formally recognizing

the need for close co-operation between the two organizations Rostov Airport is

the third airport in Russia to enter into the anti-drug alliance with Customs after

Moscow and St. Petersburg more flights and a greater number of passengers

require increased vigilance by all parties and greater awareness of the potential

for drug smuggling to prevent additional expense and delays to the airport and

its customers the Memorandum will enable improved targeting of high-risk traffic

missing delay and inconveniences to legitimate trade and transport airport staff as

well as staff from other agencies and organizations working with aircraft and


cargo operations will have increased awareness of drug smuggling and may help

increase detection rates the airport will also be advised by Customs on how it can

prevent its facilities being used by drug smugglers security and control procedures

will be regularly reviewed to minimize unauthorized access to airport premises

equipment and cargo shipment.



8.4.3 Find the synonyms for the verbs from the box given below:


improve, involve, secure, propose, attain, ensure


1) intend , mean , be about; 2) ameliorate , amend , better , make better; 3) envelop

, enfold; 4) guard, protect; 5) reach; 6) assure , guarantee


Written Translation


Divide into 2 groups:

Group 1. Translate the text C in written form. (500symbols)

Group II. Translate the text D in written form. (500symbols)

Time limit – 30 minutes

Text C

Customs Role In The International Trade


Planning for any international movement must take into account, at the very

earliest moment, the arrangements for dealing with customs activities, whether in

this country, or overseas.

The Customs' role embodies that of statistician, policeman and tax collector all

in the one function, and therefore plans must be made in advance to ensure that the

correct information is available on the documents, the correct laws are complied

with, and, finally, that funds are available to pay any taxes due.


Text D

Customs Procedure Codes Are Bound To Be Changed


Traditionally, goods being imported or exported have been cleared at the port

of departure or arrival. This seems bound to change as Customs are already

actively encouraging shippers to arrange clearance inland at their own premises.

Plans announced also include the greater use of customs warehousing to

delay the payment of duty and VAT until the very last moment, thereby improving

cashflow and business planning. Customs procedure codes and the rules which

govern them also seem certain to be relaxed, and made more flexible.



Pre-Text Assignments


9.1.1 Read the following words and their translation. Memorize them:


smuggling - контрабанда

make use of - использовать

priority – приоритетный, важный

freight - груз

tolling – дорожный сбор

obligation - обязательство


transparency - прозрачность

interception - перехват

guise - обертка

unlawful - незаконный

detour - обходной

violation – нарушение



9.1.2 Check up the meaning of the following verbs:


determine guard resort readdress penetrate combat reload evade


NB! Verbs with prefix re- sometimes have a meaning of “doing it again”.


Newspaper Stories


9.3.1 When you read a newspaper you never want to read all the articles and

stories. Usually you check the headlines and just choose to read those articles

which look interesting. Look at these three newspaper headlines:


SARS Measures At Customs

Customs Bust Smuggling Soviet Coins and Medals

Customs Foils Smuggling of 80,000 Cigarettes Packs



Which headlines do you think will have stories of interest to you?


9.3.2 Look at the following list of words. They all come from the stories that

go with the headlines. Which words do you think go with which headline? Why?


cultural value passenger (n) arrival (n) require(v) detain(v)

inscription (n) confiscate (v) brand (n) order(n) seize (v)

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom)


9.3.3 Choose one headline only and read the story for the headline you’ve



Text 1


Primorye customs officers detained a Chinese man on Tuesday who tried to

smuggle out Soviet coins and medals with cultural value, the customs authorities

said. The 24-year-old Yan Khan Si, returning from a business trip, carried three

medals with the inscription "Veteran of Labor," one dedicated to the 70th





anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR, a World War Two order and nine

Soviet coins dating back to 1922 and 1957. He said that he intended them for his

collection in his Harbin homers.

Text 2

The Federal Government is planning to introduce new customs measures for

all passengers entering Australia to help identify people who may have been

exposed to the SARS virus. As part of the immigration process, plane or sea

arrivals already fill out an incoming passenger card (IPC), which requires personal

information and details on food, plant or animal matter being brought into

Australia. The Government now intends to introduce an additional card, which will

contain questions to determine the extent to which a person may have been

exposed to SARS, the deadly pneumonia which has already killed more than 500

people worldwide.



Text 3


AMMAN — The Customs Department seized an estimated 80,000 packs of

cigarettes at dawn Sunday and foiled an attempt to smuggle 40 kilogrammes of

silver into the country two days ago, a senior department official said on Sunday.

“The cigarettes, which included both US Marlboro and French Gauloises brands,

were confiscated in Karamah near the eastern border with Iraq,” Department

Director General Mahmoud Qteishat said. Even though Marlboro and Gauloises

are being locally manufactured, attempts to smuggle the brands into the country are

on the increase.


9.3.4 Say whether the following statements are true or false:


1) The Customs agency is planning to introduce new measures only for female

passengers entering Australia.

2) The Customs Department in Amman seized 40 kilos of silver.

3) Smuggler of Soviet orders told he had intended them for his relatives.

4) Marlboro and Gauloises are not manufactured in Amman.

5) The smuggler from Harbin tried to smuggle out nine coins three orders and

two medals from Russia.

6) Attempts to smuggle cigarettes into Amman are decreasing.


9.3.5 Match a line in A with a line in B (one item has been done for you):


a. if you seize something, you usually 1 marking a surface with something

written ( esp. some name)

b. an order is

c. to smuggle


d. inscription means


e. pneumonia


f. to expose to

g. measure

2 take hold of eagerly and forcefully.

3 to take goods from one country to

another illegally

4 a serious desease of the lungs with

inflammation and difficulty

in breathing

5 a system for calculating amount

size, weight, etc.

6 to uncover, to leave unprotected

7 a special honor award given for

service, bravery, etc.



Grammar Assignments


9.5.1 Fill in each space in the following sentences with a verb given in

brackets in a suitable form:


1) If you (follow) the customs instructions and if you do not break any law, you

(enjoy) your trip abroad.

2) If you (carry) goods for commercial purpose, go to the channel indicated by the

red symbol.

3) If you (catch) with goods that are prohibited or restricted, or goods in excess of

your Customs allowances, you (risk) heavy fines and possibly a prison sentence.

4) You could pass through the green channel only if you (not have) any goods to

declare to Customs.

5) If you (carry) any commercial goods, or goods belonging to your employer,

such as laptop computers, you must declare them in the Red Channel.


9.5.2 Fill each space in the following text with one suitable verb from the



working loaded seized discovered was arrested alerted to appeared




U.S. Customs Service inspectors ... at the Otay Mesa port of entry on Friday

evening ... over three tons of marijuana from a tractor-trailer truck ... with a cargo

of furniture. The seizure was made at around 6p.m. on July 19, after inspectors

noticed that the driver ... extremely nervous. During a secondary examination, a

Customs narcotics detector dog ... to the trailer and its load of sofas. Inspectors ... a

false front wall behind which were 2.125 wrapped packages of marijuana... 7,513

pounds and valued at $3,4 million. The 25-year-old driver ... by U.S. Customs

special agents and subsequently transported to the Metropolitan Correctional



The Smuggler


Sam Lewis was a customs officer. He used to work in a small border town.

The road was usually very quiet and there were not many travelers. It was not a

very interesting job, but Sam liked an easy life. About once a week he used to meet

an old man. His name was Draper. He always used to arrive at the border early in

the morning in a big truck. The truck was always empty. After a while Sam

became suspicious. He often used to search the truck, but never found anything.

One day he asked Draper about his job. Draper laughed and said: ”I am a

smuggler”. Last year Sam retired. He spent his savings on an expensive holiday.

He flew to Bermuda, and stayed in a luxury hotel. One day he was sitting by the

pool and saw Draper drinking champagne. Sam walked over to him.


Sam: Hello, there!

Draper: Hi!

Sam: Remember me?

Draper: Yes... Of course I do. You’re a customs officer.

Sam: I used to be, but I’m not anymore. I retired last month. I often used to

search your truck....

Draper: ...but you never found anything!

Sam: No, I didn’t. Can I ask you something?

Draper: Of course you can.

Sam: Were you a smuggler?

Draper Sure I was.

Sam: But ... the truck was always empty. What were you smuggling?

Draper: Trucks.



Pre-text Assignments


10.1.1 Check up the meaning of the following verbs:

















10.1.2 Learn the following vocabulary:


1 seal

2 enforcement


3 yoke

4 merchant

5 princedom

6 to hand down

7 on pain of confiscation

8 significant

9 to put into power

10 life-and-death mission

11 on the brink of bankruptcy

12 miscellaneous

13 fiscal prop

14 maxim

15 amendment

16 income tax

17 major source of revenue

18 proliferation



клеймо, печать

обеспечение соблюдения






под угрозой конфискации


привести в действие

миссия жизни и смерти

на грани банкротства

различный, разнообразный

фискальный сбор

аксиома, изречение, сентенция


подоходный налог

основной источник дохода

распространение, быстрое увеличение


Grammar Assignments


Intercepts more than:

210 fraudulent documents

1 traveler for terrorism/national

security concerns; 1 stowaway


10.6.1 Read the following text and fill in the gaps with suitable words from

the box given below:



The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mission Statement

We are the ….. of our Nation’s borders. We are America’s frontline.

We ….. the American homeland at and ….. our borders.

We ….. the American public against terrorists and the instruments of terror.

We steadfastly enforce the laws of the United States while ….. our Nation’s

economic security through lawful international trade and travel.

Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 365.