6. Jasmine was a singer
7. Jasmine has traveled to fifty-five countries.
8. Jasmine went to a special school for blind children.
9. Jasmine taught blind children
10. Jasmine would like to help blind children in other countries
2. Выполнение задания по лексик
Read the text and complete the sentences using the words е below.
offer attractive colourful temperate region suitable variety danger importance particularly extensive |
The Garden, construction of which began in 1932, is today considered one of the finest of its type in the northern ______ (1) of the world. Covering some thirty-five acres of woodland it has much to _____ (2) the keen plantsman and those in search of a great display of colour with a fine range of rhododendrons, camellias, magnolias, and a great _____ (3) of other trees and shrubs all producing a wealth of colour and interest throughout the seasons, ______ (4) in spring and summer. ______ (5) herbaceous plants for the moist woodland conditions also feature and here such plants as primulas, meconopsis, hos-tas, and ferns flourish. Daffodils are of great ______ (6) in spring and lilies and hydrangeas are a highlight in summer. A more formal area of the gardenia devoted to the summer scene and here we have many hundreds of modern roses, ______ (7) herbaceous borders, a range of alpines and a new and very interesting and ______ (8) dry garden. Autumn also provides an outstanding array of autumn foliage colour and fruit, and winter also provides much of interest and beauty. In short, a visit is rewarding at any season and should be made frequently to take advantage of the seasonal changes, Gardens cannot stand still, and the dry garden is an example of a recent addition which provides homes of a range of ______ (9) plants from the drier parts of the world— the Mediterranean area, for example. Whilst all plantings are made with an eye to providing the maximum range of colour at all seasons, the need to conserve plants which are in great _____ (10) of being lost is very much in the minds of management. Many new trees, shrubs and plants are also planted in the Garden and we pride ourselves on everything being exceptionally clearly labelled.
3. Выполнение задания по грамматике
Do the following grammar tasks.
1. Choose the right form of Present Perfect: Randy … me since July.
A) Not visited.
B) Hasn’t visited.
C) Didn’t visited.
D) Didn’t visit.
E) Doesn’t visited.
2. Choose the right variant: Let’s go for a walk. It … .
A) isn’t raining
B) doesn’t rain
C) wasn’t raining
D) not rain
E) aren’t raining
3. Choose the right variant:
In India the right hand______for eating.
A) used
B) is used
C) uses
D) is being used
E) using
4. When you go abroad … very attentive.
A) are
B) will be
C) be
D) shall be
E) been
5. Insert the proper preposition: Let's meet ... 8 o'clock in the evening.
A) on.
B) in.
C) at.
D) of.
E) for.
6. Choose the verb in the Passive voice: The accused ….. about his rights.
A) are told
B) has told
C) was told
D) told
E) will tell
7. Define the tense and voice of the verb in the sentence: This table has been made of wood.
A) Present Continuous Active
B) Past Perfect Passive
C) Future Simple Active
D) Present Perfect Passive
E) Past Continuous Passive
Choose the right form of the verb “to take” in Past Simple
A) took
B) takes
C) taken
D) taked
E) take
Define the tense-form: I shall do it next month.
A) Past Simple
B) Future Simple
C) Present Simple
D) Future Continuous
E) Present Perfect
10. Insert the proper pronoun: Will you give me … bread, please?
A) any
B) anything
C) something
D) some
E) every
Беседа по устной разговорной теме.
Talk on the given topic.
Билет № 15
1. Прослушивание текста «An amazing woman» и выполнение задания на понимание прослушанного материала
Listen to the text and choose the right variant
1. How many years did Jasmine Smith work as a teacher?
2. How many countries did she travel around the world?
3. What kind of school did Jasmine attend?
a. special school
b. local secondary school
c. grammar school
4. Where did Jasmine Smith work as a teacher after college?
a. at a school for mute children
b. at a school for deaf children
c. at a school for blind children
5. What are Jasmine’s other plans?
a. to buy a flat & to climb Mount Kilimanjaro
b. to climb Mount Kilimanjaro & write a book
c. to write a book about her travels
Listen to the text and write if these statement s are True or False.
6. Jasmine was a singer
7. Jasmine has traveled to fifty-five countries.
8. Jasmine went to a special school for blind children.
9. Jasmine taught blind children
10. Jasmine would like to help blind children in other countries
2. Выполнение задания по лексик
Read the text and complete the sentences using the words е below.
middle-class behaved minority unemployment attitudes success beliefsafford developed extreme |
The majority of young people in Britain today accept most of the _____ (1), customs and behaviour of their parents most of the time. But they have become much more independent since the Pop Revolution of the 1960s. At that time they ______ (2) their own separate culture: they listened to different music, wore different clothes, had different ideas about life, used different words and ______ (3) differently. But youth culture is always changing. The young people of the 1960s who rebelled against the traditional ideas of their parents are now considered out-of-date by today's youth. So are the hippies,who disapproved so strongly of materialism and who believed in "free love", "flower power" and "doing your own thing."
In the mid-1970s _____ (4) rose above one million and this produced one of the most _______ (5) and "different" youth groups: the punks. The punks who first appeared on the streets of London were young working-class people who were fed up with trying to find jobs but did not want to join the mainly _____ (6) hippies. They dyed their hair with bright colours: purple, orange, green. Some wore rings and metal objects attached to their ears, noses and cheeks. They made their own kind of music, punk rock, and they sniffed glue when they could not _____ (7) other drugs. They claimed that their ambition was to die before the age of thirty. Some did.
Only a _______ (8) of people became real punks and there are few left in Britain now, but high unemployment continues to have a strong influence on the _____ (9) and behaviour of young people. They fear unemployment. Today's teenagers feel that the good things in life will come to them if they can get a job. So they are not interested in being rebels any more; they want to become adults as quickly as possible. Young people are still concerned about world peace, as the young people of the 1960s were, but now students are more interested in examination results than in student politics. Smart clothes, money and _______ (10) became fashionable again in the 1980s. There are many young people who cannot find a job of any sort, and many school leavers look at their future without hope. But the fortunate ones who find jobs enjoy the materialistic lifestyle of the 1980s. Who can say how attitudes and behaviour will have changed by the end of the 1990s?
3. Выполнение задания по грамматике
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 209.