Choose the right equivalent: James should tell everyone the good news as soon as possible
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

A) Everyone should be told the good news

B) James should be told good news

C) Everyone should have told James the good news

D) James should tell the good news

E) Everyone should have been told

10. After the festival’s over she … a vacation with her family.

A) will take

B) take

C) taking

D) takes

E) is taking

E) will built

Беседа по устной разговорной теме.

Talk on the given topic.



Билет № 12

1. Прослушивание текста «An amazing woman» и выполнение задания на понимание прослушанного материала

Listen to the text and choose the right variant

1. How many years did Jasmine Smith work as a teacher?




2. How many countries did she travel around the world?




3. What kind of school did Jasmine attend?

a. special school

b. local secondary school

c. grammar school



4. Where did Jasmine Smith work as a teacher after college?

a. at a school for mute children

b. at a school for deaf children

c. at a school for blind children


5. What are Jasmine’s other plans?

a. to buy a flat & to climb Mount Kilimanjaro

b. to climb Mount Kilimanjaro & write a book

c. to write a book about her travels



Listen to the text and write if these statement s are True or False.

6. Jasmine was a singer

7. Jasmine has traveled to fifty-five countries.

8. Jasmine went to a special school for blind children.

9. Jasmine taught blind children

10. Jasmine would like to help blind children in other countries

2. Выполнение задания по лексик

Read the text and complete the sentences using the words е below.

denominations pay out parcels compartments fold it up dutiescollections to declare valuable enve­lope


The General Post Office and local post offices have many_____ (1). They not only deliver letters, telegrams, news­papers and magazines, but, among other things, they ______ (2) old age pensions, subscribe to periodicals and take and deliver _____ (3). Inside the post office is a long counter divided into departments for parcels, stamps, registered and air-mail letters, telegrams, money-order, etc. There is a post-box in all post offices, or you can drop your letters and postcards into one of the familiar red and blue post-boxes attached to some houses in the street. There are several _____ (4) a day and your letter will soon reach the addressee.

Do you want to send a telegram? Just ask for a tele­gram form at the post office counter or take one from the box in the small ______ (5) provided for the writ­ing of telegrams and fill it in. Perhaps you want to buy a stamp or a stamped ______ (6) to send a letter, then you go to the counter where they sell postcards, envelopes, blocks of stamps and stamps of different ______ (7), or get them from the slot machine. When we have written a letter we sign it, ________ (8) and put it in an envelope. We stick down the flap, write the address of both the addressee and stick on a stamp in the upper right-hand corner. Don't forget to write the mailing code - it includes the index number and the post office number which serves the addressee. If your letter contains anything _______ (9), it is a good idea to register it. When you register a letter the clerk gives you a receipt and you pay the registration fee. If you go to the post office to send off a parcel you will have the parcel weighed at the parcel-counter. You may also have your parcel insured if you want ______ (10) its value.

At the post office you can send money by post. You should fill in a money-order form stating the name of the recipient or payer,his address,as well as the sender's address, and the sum of money you are sending. The clerk takes your money together with the money-order and gives you a receipt.

3. Выполнение задания по грамматике

Do the following grammar tasks.

1. Choose the right variant of to be: This … a cap.

A) is

B) are

C) am

D) be

E) being

2. Insert the proper preposition: Please take that long pencil … … your brief-case and put it … the table.

A) from/to

B) off/at

C) out of/on

D) of/in

E) out off/for


Choose the verb in Past Simple.

A) work

B) working

C) works

D) worked

E) worken


4. Choose the proper translation: Any of Gogol`s books.

A) ни одна из книг Гоголя

B) любые книги Гоголя

C) много книг Гоголя

D) разные книги Гоголя

E) какая-то книга Гоголя

Define the tense-form: I shall do it next month.

A) Past Simple

B) Future Simple

C) Present Simple

D) Future Continuous

E) Present Perfect


6. Insert the proper pronoun: Will you give me … bread, please?

A) any

B) anything

C) something

D) some

E) every


Define the tense-form: I’m reading a new book

A) Present Simple

B) Present Continuous

C) Past Perfect

D) Past Continuous

E) Present Perfect


8. America’s first college, Harvard, … in Massachusetts in 1636.

A) is being founded

B) had been founded

C) was founded

D) were founded

E) has been founded


9. Choose the correct answer - You might … told us that half an hour ago.

A) to have

B) to be having

C) to be had

D) to have been

E) have.


10. Choose the right variant:

Jane told everybody that she______a meeting______.

A) had, tomorrow

B) was having, tomorrow

C) will have, the next day

D) was having, the next day

E) have, today


Беседа по устной разговорной теме.

Talk on the given topic.


Билет № 13

1. Прослушивание текста «An amazing woman» и выполнение задания на понимание прослушанного материала

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 342.