1. How many years did Jasmine Smith work as a teacher?
2. How many countries did she travel around the world?
3. What kind of school did Jasmine attend?
a. special school
b. local secondary school
c. grammar school
4. Where did Jasmine Smith work as a teacher after college?
a. at a school for mute children
b. at a school for deaf children
c. at a school for blind children
5. What are Jasmine’s other plans?
a. to buy a flat & to climb Mount Kilimanjaro
b. to climb Mount Kilimanjaro & write a book
c. to write a book about her travels
Listen to the text and write if these statement s are True or False.
6. Jasmine was a singer
7. Jasmine has traveled to fifty-five countries.
8. Jasmine went to a special school for blind children.
9. Jasmine taught blind children
10. Jasmine would like to help blind children in other countries
2. Выполнение задания по лексик
Read the text and complete the sentences using the words е below.
influence disturbance swarm collapsing scandals demanded rude equipped rang authoritarian |
Classroom violence in England has been a great problem for some time now. Pupils stay away for months on end: they are _____ (1) to the teachers and even commit violent acts. During the past months in Britain, school _____ (2) have become front page news. Teachers at Holland Park School in London, one of Britain's best-known comprehensive schools, have been _______ (3) with police-type two-way radios to help fight violence and vandalism. The radios are all connected to the headmaster's office. The vandals are not always pupils. Often they are outsiders who _______ (4) into the school, smash windows, break doors and interrupt lessons.
It's difficult talking to trouble-makers. They are usually people who _____ (5) around and find it fun to cause _____ (6). They are bored, don't know what to do with their time and under the _____ (7) of drink come into school so as to be centre of attention. On the radio staff can contact each other, call for help when trouble starts, and the head-master can follow the incident on the master radio.
David Hargreaves, a teacher at Manchester university, has 20 come up with several theories. He believes that one of the causes of confusion is the difference between teachers. One teacher is very open and friendly and encourages his pupils to be familiar with him. Another teacher is very ______ (8) and punishes the pupil for the same behaviour which the pupil has shown before. Parents have already given up a lot of their traditional power to the young and they think schools should report their own _____ (9) authority. At the parents' meeting a helpless mother complained about her 15-year-old son and put the blame on the teachers at his school. She _____ (10) that teachers should discipline pupils more strictly. But this could not succeed. What used to be a crisis only in the home is now a crisis in the classroom, too. David Hargreaves also firmly believes that "small is beautiful". He sees no future for the large school in its present form.
3. Выполнение задания по грамматике
Do the following grammar tasks.
1. Choose the correct answer London, the capital … Great Britain is situated … the river Thames
A) on, to
B) to, in
C) of, on
D) with, for
E) into, on
2. Choose the right form of Present Perfect: She … to us yet.
A) Didn’t write.
B) Hasn’t write.
C) Hasn’t written.
D) Doesn’t written.
E) Doesn’t write.
Which verb can not be used in Continuous Tenses?
A) understand
B) watch
C) read
D) listen
E) eat
4. Choose the right variant:
On festive occasions sweets______at the end of a meal.
A) are served
B) is being served
C) is served
D) served
E) serving
5. When you heat water it … .
A) boils
B) has boiled
C) boiling
D) boil
E) to boil
6. Unless they improve their attitude towards the work, they … the exam.
A) would fail
B) will fail
C) fail
D) will failed
E) failed
7. What was the result of the dispute you … in?
A) are
B) were
C) have been
D) was
E) had been
8. Find the synonym to the underlined word: We usually drink much water in hot weather.
A) few.
B) a lot of.
C) many.
D) little.
E) a lot.
9. Find the synonym to the underlined word: We have little bread at home, please, go and buy some.
A) many.
B) few.
C) much.
D) a lot of.
E) not much.
10. Define the tense and voice of the verb in the sentence: The play was written by Shakespeare.
A) Past Continuous Passive
B) Present Simple Passive
C) Past Simple Passive
D) Past Perfect Passive
E) Past Simple Active
Беседа по устной разговорной теме.
Talk on the given topic.
Билет № 14
1. Прослушивание текста «An amazing woman» и выполнение задания на понимание прослушанного материала
Listen to the text and choose the right variant
1. How many years did Jasmine Smith work as a teacher?
2. How many countries did she travel around the world?
3. What kind of school did Jasmine attend?
a. special school
b. local secondary school
c. grammar school
4. Where did Jasmine Smith work as a teacher after college?
a. at a school for mute children
b. at a school for deaf children
c. at a school for blind children
5. What are Jasmine’s other plans?
a. to buy a flat & to climb Mount Kilimanjaro
b. to climb Mount Kilimanjaro & write a book
c. to write a book about her travels
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 250.