Answer the questions in written form.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Ответьте на вопросы письменно.

1. When does the Inauguration take place?

2. What is meant by inauguration?

3. Where is the inauguration held?

4. What is the central point of the ceremony?

5. What is regarded as a declaration of principles of the new Administration?

6. How does the ceremony end?

7. What does the scope of the ceremony depend on?

Put all types of questions to the sentences.

Поставьте все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям. Обозначьте тип вопроса.

1. The ceremony ends in a military parade.

2. Inauguration is connected with some traditions.


К зачету необходимо подготовить:

1. Устное сообщение, беседа по одной из предложенных тем:

§ Конституция США.

§ Политическая система США.

§ Исполнительная ветвь власти. Президент.

§ Законодательная ветвь власти. Конгресс.

1. Тематические вопросы к зачету.

1. When was the US Constitution adopted?

2. Whose interests did the document represent?

3. What was the main principle of the Constitution?

4. What is the Bill of Rights?

5. Why do all American governments have the dual character?

6. How many branches of government do you know?

7. Who represents the executive power?

8. Who represents the legislative power?

9. Who represents the judicial power?

10. Who is the head of each state?

11. How many terms may a Senator or a Representative serve?

12. What are the functions of Congress?

13. How many Representatives are there in the House?

14. Who may be the President of the USA?

15. What are the functions of the President?

16. Who succeeds the President if he dies or resigns?

17. Under what circumstances can the President be removed from office before his term expires?


2. Защита контрольной работы включает умение объяснить употребление любого изученного грамматического явления.


Курс 6 семестр.


Контрольная работа №6.

Вариант 1.

Translate from Russian into English.

Переведите с русского на английский язык.

1. Как бы я хотел быть опытным следователем.

2. Как жаль, что я не так хорошо сдал экзамен по криминалистике.

3. Полиция задержала бы преступника, если бы прибыла раньше.

4. Студенты лучше бы знали свою специальность, если бы у них было больше практики.

Change the sentences using Passive Voice.

Измените предложения, используя Passive Voice.

1. The executive, legislative and judicial branches of power compose the government of the USA.

2. They didn’t invite her to the party.

3. We discussed the matter some days ago.

4. The president appoints Federal Judges, ambassadors to other countries.

5. You have done these exercises successfully.

6. The Law Institute trains future investigators, detectives and lawyers.

7. He has just finished his report.

Put the verbs into the correct tense form.

Поставьте глаголы в правильную временную форму.

1. What you (to do) here? – I (to prepare) for my report. – How long you (to prepare) for it? – Oh, I (to work) since morning.

2. He (to teach) at school for five years when the war (to break) out.

3. When Mrs. Smith (to come) home yesterday, she (to see) that her daughter

(to cook) the supper and (to wait) for her with table laid.

4. Five minutes (not to pass) when the train for which we (to wait) (to appear) in the distance.

5. When they returned they (to tell) us many interesting things which they (to see) during their journey.

6. Peter (to read) by the fireplace when the door (to open) and the maid (to enter), the cook (to follow) her.

7. The rain (to stop) by the time we (to reach) home.

Translate from Russian into English.

Переведите с русского на английский язык.

1. Я был уверен, что если мы поспешим, мы не опоздаем на поезд.

2. Он сказал нам, что когда он вошел в комнату, его друг уже сидел на диване.

3. Мы не думали, что он так рассердится.

4. Гид предупредил нас, что в этой части города движение довольно сильное.

5. В прошлом году они думали, что никогда не будут хорошо читать по-английски, но вчера они увидели, что читают тексты довольно хорошо.

6. Я боялся, что заблужусь в лесу.

Put the sentences from direct into indirect speech.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. Mike said to the teacher: “My sister knows two foreign languages”.

2. Helen said to Peter: “Did you play chess with your father yesterday?”.

3. “What are you doing here, boys?”, said Kate.

4. Father said to Jane: “Show me your exercise book”.

5. “Don’t make noise”, said Tom’s mother to him.

6. “Will you play football with us?”, said the boys to Peter.

7. “We shall go to the Zoo tomorrow”, said our grandmother.

8. My friend said to me: “The discussion will still be going on when you return”.

Read and translate the text in written form.

Прочтите и переведите текст письменно.


The study of fingerprints is the best means available for identifying individuals. Fingerprinting is a simple and inexpensive means of recording an unchanging characteristic of an individual. Fingerprints records are consulted to determine if there is any prior criminal record. They help in determining the identity of the dead or injured. First the anthropometrical system introduced by Alphonse Bertillon in 1882 was used as the means of individual identification. But in 1896 Argentina became the first country to introduce dactyloscopy with the formation of a fingerprint classification system developed by Dr. Juan Vucetich.

In 1897 in India Inspector Edward Henry worked out his fingerprint classification system. And by the beginning of World War I England and practically all of Europe were using dactyloscopy. This method is still used today though it has been further improved. Fingerprints are perhaps the most common form of physical evidence and certainly one of the most valuable. They relate directly to the final aim of every criminal investigation – the identification of an offender.

Fingerprints of the offender are often found at the scene of a crime. However, the prints can be easily destroyed by the first careless act. They are also, in many cases, difficult to find, especially latent prints. So it is necessary that the crime investigator make a thorough search of all surfaces in and around the scene of a crime. Particular attention should be paid to such places as the backs of chairs, tabletops, telephone, etc.

Valuable help in obtaining latent prints may be given from a person who knows the usual layout of the crime scene. He may point out articles that are out of place or identify objects that may have been brought in by the criminal. The possibility that the weapons of Science can be turned against itself by the forging of fingerprints cannot be ignored. At least forgery is of the theoretical importance. To make a facsimile of a fingerprint for some purpose would not be difficult, but it becomes a very different matter when it is put into practical use as a forgery.

It is certainly possible to make a fingerprint and get from it a visible print, but the forged fingerprint does not stand up to expert examination. Even, if it were possible, it is easily detectable with the use of a good hand-lens. The best weapon against such forgeries is, basically, the photographic enlargement.

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 243.