Курс 1 семестр
Для выполнения контрольной работы необходимо повторить следующий грамматический материал: вспомогательные глаголы “to be”, “to have”; порядок слов в предложении, постановка вопросов различного коммуникативного типа; число, притяжательный падеж имен существительных; артикль; обороты “there + be”, “it + be”; времена группы Indefinite – Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite.
Контрольная работа №1
Вариант 1
Complete the sentences. Use the verb “to be” in the Present Indefinite Tense.
Вставьте глагол “to be” в настоящем неопределенном (простом) времени.
1. I ... a student. I ... at home. 2. Sunday ... my day off. 3. Diamonds ... not cheap. 4. “Where ... the children?” – “I don’t know”. 5. My friend ... 40 years old.. 6 You ... welcome. 7. What country ... she from?
Use “to be” or “to have” in one of the Indefinite Tenses (Past, Present, Future).
Заполните пропуски формой глаголов “to be” или “to have (got)”, употребляя их в соответствующей форме неопределенного времени.
1. That ... good news! 2. The police here ... helpful. 3. We ... a lot of work to do today. 4. “ ... this your watch?” – “Yes, it ... ”. 5. She ... some fine pictures. 6. He ... at the theatre yesterday. 7. My sister ... blue eyes and her hair ... fair. 8. This car ... four doors. 9. My aunt ... at home tomorrow. 10. When my granny ... young, she ... an actress.
Put the words in the right order.
Составьте предложения, правильно расположив слова.
1. (she/smokes/every day/ten cigarettes)
2. (on television/news /did you watch/the?)
3. (in her bag/ the/ money/put/the/ woman)
4. (I /fluently/want to speak/English)
5. (on Monday/here/will they be?)
Make the following nouns plural.
Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных (не забудьте, что неопределенный артикль опускается перед множественным числом).
A dog, a box, a day, a slice, a woman, a party, an ex-president, a leaf, a sheep, a German, a wolf, a watch, a dress, a son-in law, a handkerchief, a woman-judge.
Choose the correct noun.
Выберите правильную форму существительного.
1. The ... comes every morning.
a) postman
b) postmen
2. ... are also domestic animals.
a) mouse
b) mice
3. How many ... high is that house?
a) feet
b) foot
4. ... walk to school every day.
a) child
b) children
5. ... was my favourite subject when I was at school.
a) mathematics
b) mathematic
6. They are going to buy some new ... .
a) furniture
b) furnitures
7. The tourist guide gave us some ... about the town.
a) information
b) informations
Use nouns in the possessive case instead of prepositional phrases.
Перефразируйте, употребляя притяжательный падеж.
1. The flat of my sister is large. 2. The work of these students is interesting. 3. Where is the office of the manager? 4. The house of my brother-in-law is very big. 5. What is the name of the man who lent us the money?
Translate into English using possessive case.
Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя притяжательный падеж.
1. Это пальто моей жены. 2. “Чья это сумка?” – “Это сумка Кати”. 3. Отец моего друга – директор крупной компании. 4. Это книги моего сына. 5. Семья миссис Росс живет на юге Англии.
8. Use “there is/are”,“there was/were”construction.
Вставьте оборот“there is/are”,“there was/were”.
1. ... much snow in the street. 2. ... men at the office yesterday. 3. ... books on the shelf. 4. Look! The bag is empty. ... nothing in it. 5. ... a lot of children’s summer clothes in our shop. 6. ... a storm yesterday. 7. ... much food in the fridge?
Choose the right variant.
Укажите правильный вариант перевода.
1. There is no telephone in the room.
a) Телефона нет в комнате.
b) В комнате нет телефона.
2. The flowers are in the vase.
a) Цветы в вазе.
b) В вазе цветы.
3. There is a good film on TV this evening.
a) Хороший фильм по телевизору сегодня вечером.
b) Сегодня вечером хороший фильм по телевизору.
4. There will be a lot of people at the party on Sunday.
a) В воскресенье на вечеринке будет много людей.
b) Будет много людей на вечеринке в воскресенье.
Choose the right variant.
Выберите правильный вариант.
1. ... is never late to study.
a) it b) there
2. Once upon a time ... lived a beautiful princess.
a) it b) there
3. What is ...?
a) it b) there
4. Is ... a library in your school?
a) it b) there
5. The journey took a long time. ... was a lot of traffic.
a) it b) there
6. How far is ... from Minsk to Moscow?
a) it b) there
Use articles where necessary.
Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. I like to have ... cup of tea when I wake up in ... morning.
2. Can I have ... apple?
3. Have you ever seen ... Acropolis in ... Athens?
4. ... British usually have ... butter on their bread.
5. What ... wonderful news!
6. Most people watch TV after ... supper.
7. We have ... new student in the class. ... student came from Grodno.
8. ... Tverskaya Street is the central street of Moscow.
Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. They are clever. 2. She was in her last year at the University. 3. They will move into a new flat. 4. He has many uncles and aunts. 5. It’s cold today. 7. There were many photos in this album. 8. My friend goes to the Crimea every summer. 9. My mother bought a new suit last week. 10. Tom and Nick play football very well.
Give three forms of the verbs. Translate them into Russian.
Напишите основные формы следующих глаголов. Переведите их на русский язык.
Read, cost, decide, see, study, like, work, give, talk, catch, go.
Use the correct tense forms (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 187.