1. I (to play) the piano.
2. My friend (to pay) for the trip.
3. We (to become) famous lawyers.
4. John (to write) a report.
14. Disagree as in the model, using both, neither ... nor.
Выразите свое несогласие, используя модель(both, neither... nor).
model: We need both fruit and vegetables.
We need neither fruit nor vegetables.
1. They will go to both Canada and Australia.
2. She drinks both water and coffee after lunch.
3. Ann and Jill both are fond of honey.
15. Express the same idea in English (either... or).
Скажите это по-английски.
1. Он будет или адвокатом, или ученым.
2. Купи либо яблоки, либо апельсины.
3. Сделай это либо сегодня, либо завтра.
Read the text.
Прочтите текст.
Smart Guy.
One morning a well-dressed gentleman of aristocratic bearing accompanied by his manservant entered a jeweller’s shop in Bond Street in London.
The gentleman wore his right arm in a sling. He began to examine the rings and when he selected a couple of rings to the value of one thousand pounds, he put his hand into his breast pocket, as he wished to pay for the rings at once.
“Oh, hang it! I must have left my wallet at home. Here, Daniel,” he said to his servant, “take the car, drive back to my wife and ask her to give you the money. Oh, Mr ... just oblige me with a sheet of notepaper to write a few lines, please.”
The jeweller at once complied with the request, and the gentleman tried to write, but found it difficult, as his hand was bandaged and quite painful.
“No, I cannot manage it. Would you please write it for me?”
So the jeweller took the pen and paper and at the dictation of the gentleman wrote:
“Kindly send me a thousand pounds, via bearer – Theophilus.”
“What a strange coincidence,” observed the jeweller. “My name is Theophilus, too.”
“Ah, I am glad to hear it,” replied the gentleman while his man took the note and left by the swanky car outside the door.
The jeweller and the gentleman waited for a very long time, until the latter began to yawn and show signs of impatience, and after a further wait he said:
“I must go home and see what has caused the delay. Keep the rings for time being, and tomorrow I shall call for them and take them away.”
When the jeweller arrived home in the evening he told his wife that he did a fair stroke of business with a strange gentleman.
“Indeed?” his wife replied. “But why then did you send home for a thousand pounds?”
“What? I ... didn’t ... ”
“What on earth’s the matter with you?” interrupted his wife. “That’s your handwriting, isn’t it? And that’s your notepaper, isn’t it?”
The jeweller fainted.
Translate the text into Russian in written form.
Письменно переведите текст.
18. Make up all possible types of questions (general, alternative, disjunctive, special,question to the subject).
Поставьте различные типы вопросов к следующим предложениям, обозначьте тип вопроса.
1. The gentleman wore his right arm in a sling.
2. The jeweller took the pen and paper and at the dictation of the gentleman wrote.
Answer the questions on the text in written form.
Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. Who entered a jeweller’s shop one day?
2. What did he begin to examine?
3. Why couldn’t he pay for the rings?
4. Who took the message to the jeweller’s wife?
5. Did they wait long for the servant to come back?
6. Why did the woman decide to give money to the servant?
Курс 2 семестр
Контрольная работа №2
2 вариант
Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous Tense.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Continuous Tense.
1. Please, be quiet. The baby (to sleep). 2. She (to wash) her hair now. 3. What you (to laugh) at? 4. I (to try) to explain it to you. 5. I (not to walk) with my dog now. 6. It (to rain), take your umbrella. 7. I (to grow) a beard now.
Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tenses.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Indefinite или Present Continuous.
1. I (to eat) porridge every morning. 2. At this moment we (to do) an exercise on tenses. 3. Sally (to take) a shower now. 4. Susan (to be) in love with Peter. 5. What the children (to do)? 6. The professor (to speak) five foreign languages. Right now he (to speak) Dutch. 7. You (to smoke)?
Use the correct form of the verb “to be” (the Present Continuous or the Past Continuous Tenses).
Употребите глагол “to be” в правильной форме и времени (Present Continuous или Past Continuous).
1. The secretary … typing our letters now. 2. When I saw him he … sitting in
a cafe. 3. She … cooking dinner, while her husband … watching TV yesterday.
4. My son … sitting at the table. He … reading his English book.
4. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous, the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tenses.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя время Past Indefinite или Past Continuous, Present Indefinite или Present Continuous.
1. She (to open) a box of chocolates when he came in. She (to like) chocolate.
2. Her son (to cook) supper when she (to come) home yesterday. 3. What you (to watch) on TV yesterday? 4. They (to watch) an interesting film at 6 o’clock yesterday. 5. You (to mend) TV last year? 6. The businessman (to fly) to England every week. 7. The house (to be) full of policeman and police dogs yesterday. What they (to do)? – They (to look) for drugs. 8. He (not to realize) that he (to stand) on my toe.
Match parts I and II.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 192.