Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
- Minus
plus or minus
sign of multiplication; multiplication sign
sign of division; division sign
round brackets; parentheses
Curly brackets; braces
square brackets; brackets
approaches; is approximately equal
~ equivalent, similar; of the order of
is congruent to; is isomorphic to
a equal b; a is equal to b
a is not equal to b; a is not b
approximately equals b
a plus or minus b
a is greater than b
a is substantially greater than b
a is less than b
a is substantially less than b
a second is greater than a d-th
x approaches infinity x tends to infinity
a is greater than or equals b
p is identically equal to q
n factorial
a prime
a double prime; a second prime
a triple prime
a vector; the mean value of a
the first derivative
a third; a sub three; a suffix three
a j th; a sub j product
f prime sub (suffix) c; f suffix (sub) c, prime
a second, double prime; a double prime, second
eighty seven degrees six minutes ten second
a plus b is c; a plus b equals c; a plus b is equal to c; a plus b makes c
a plus b all squared
c minus b is a; c minus b equals a; c minus b is equal to a; c minus b leaves a
bracket two x minus y close the bracket
a time b is c; a multiplied by b equals c; a by b is equal to c
a is equal to the ratio of e to l
ab squared (divided) by b equals ab
a divided by infinity is infinity small; a by infinity is equal to zero
x plus or minus square root of x square minus y square all over y
a divided by b is c; a by b equals c; a by b is equal to c; the ratio of a to b is c
a to b is as c to d
a (one) half
a (one) third
a (one) quarter; a (one) fourth
two thirds
twenty five fifty sevenths
2 two and a half
one two hundred and seventy third
o [ou] point five; zero point five; nought point five; point five; one half
o [ou] point five noughts one
the cube root of twenty seven is three
the cube root of a
the fourth root of sixteen is two
the fifth root of a square
Alpha equals the square root of capital R square plus x square
the square root of b first plus capital A divided by two xa double prime
a) dz over dx b) the first derivative of z with respect to x
a) the second derivative of y with respect to x b) d two y over d x square
the nth derivative of y with respect to x
partial d two z over partial d square plus partial d two z over partial d square equals zero
y is a function of x
d over dx of the integral from t nought to t of capital F dx
capital E is equal to the ratio of capital P divided by a to e divided by l is equal to the ratio of the product Pl to the product ae
capital L equals the square root out of capital R square plus minus square
gamma is equal to the ratio of c prime c to ac prime
a to the m by nth power equals the nth root of (out of) a to the mth power
the integral of dy divided by the square root out of c square minus y square
capital F equals capital C sub (suffix) mu HIL sine theta
a plus b over a minus b is equal to c plus d over c minus d
capital V equals u square root of sine square i plus cosine square i equals u
tangent r equals tangent i divided by l
the decimal logarithm of ten equals one
a cubed is equal to the logarithm of d to the base c
four c plus W third plus two n first a prime plus capital R nth equals thirty three and one third
capital P sub (suffix) cr (critical) equals square capital El all over four l square
x + a is round brackets to the power p minus the r-th root of x all (in square brackets) to the minus q-th power minus s equals zero
Open round brackets capital D minus r first close the round brackets open square and round brackets capital D minus r second close round brackets by y close square brackets equals open round brackets capital D minus r second close the round brackets open square and round brackets capital D minus r first close round brackets by y close square brackets
u is equal to the integral of f sub one of x multiplied by dx plus the integral of f sub two of y multiplied by dy
capital M is equal to capital R sub one multiplied by x minus capital P sub one round brackets opened x minus a sub one brackets closed minus capital P sub two round brackets opened x minus a sub two brackets closed
a sub v is equal to m omega omega square alpha square divided by square brackets, r, p square m square plus capital R second round brackets opened capital R first plus omega square alpha square divided by rp round and square brackets closed
  a) of z is equal to b, square brackets, parenthesis, z divided by c sub m plus 2, close parenthesis to the power m over m minus 1, minus 1, close square brackets; b) of z is equal to b multiplied by the whole quantity; the quantity 2 plus z over c sub m, to the power m over m minus 1, minus 1
the absolute value of the quantity sub j of t one minus sub j of t two is less than or equal to the absolute value of the quantity M of t one minus over j, minus M of sub 2 minus over j
  the limit as s becomes infinite of the integral of f of s and of s plus delta n of s, with respect to s, from to t, is equal to the integral of f of s and of s, with respect to s, from to t
sub n minus r sub s plus l of t is equal to p sub n minus r sub s plus l, times e to the power of t times sub q plus s
the partial derivative of F of lambda sub i of t and t, with respect to lambda, multiplied by lambda sub i prime of t, plus the partial derivative of F with arguments lambda sub i of t and t, with respect to t, is equal to zero
the second derivative of y with respect to s, plus y, times the quantity 1 plus b of s, is equal to zero
    f of z is equal to sub mk hat, plus big 0 of one over the absolute value of z, as absolute z becomes infinite, with the argument of z equal to gamma
  D sub n minus 1 of is equal to the product from s equal to zero to n of, parenthesis, 1 minus x sub s squared, close parenthesis, to the power epsilon minus 1
the second partial (derivative) of u with respect to t plus a to the fourth power, times u, is equal to zero, where a is positive
set of functions holomorphic in D (function spaces)
Norm of f, the absolute value of f
distance between the sets and (curves, domains, regions)
b is the imaginary part of a + bi (complex variables)
a is the real part of a + bi (complex variables)
∂S the boundary of S
the complement of S
union of sets C and D
intersection of sets C and D
B is a subset of A; B is included in A
a is an element of the set A; a belongs to A



Unit 1

Reading and Vocabulary

1. 1c 2b 3a 4g 5f 6d 7e


2. 1b 2a 3g 4f 5c 6d 7e


3. 1 to apply, 2 to be admitted, 3 to take/to pass an exam, 4 to attend, 5 to miss, 6 to do research, 7 Bachelor’s degree

Grammar focus

A   1. How old is s/he? 2. Where does s/he come from? 3. Did he/she pass entrance exams? 4. What were his/her external scores? 5. What faculty does s/he study at? 6. What course does s/he take? 7. What subjects does s/he study? 8. Does s/he live in a dormitory? 9. What is s/he going to do after his/her Bachelor’s degree?  

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 308.