Make word-combinations from the words in columns. Translate them into Ukrainian.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
1.electric a)field
2.magnetic b)torque
3.mechanical c)accuracy
4.instrument d) harmonics
5.measurement e)impendence
6.technical f)voltage
7.high-order g)scale
8.internal h)waveforms
9.graduated i)professionals
10.voltage j)pointer

Say whether the following statements are true or false

1. Voltmeters is the term used to call dynamic voltage.

2. The higher the value of the external impendence the lower the quality of the voltmeter.

3. Various operating principles are used to measure an electric voltage.

4. The widespread diffusion of semiconductor devices led to the development of a completely different class of voltmeters: electronic voltmeters.

5. The most commonly employed electromechanical voltmeters are electromagnetic and electrodynamic ones.

6. Electrostatic voltmeters have been widely employed in the past for the measurement of low voltage.

7. Engineers, scientists, and other technical professionals around the world depend on oscilloscopes as one of the primary voltage measuring instruments.

8. The oscilloscope is an instrument that presents a graphical display of its output voltage as a function of energy.

9. The oscilloscope is a digital instrument that presents a high-fidelity graphical display of the rapidly changing voltage at its input terminals.

10. The most frequently used display mode is voltage vs. time.


9. Put the words into correct order:

1. The /torque/ is/ the/ electrometer /of/in/ weak/ all/ extremely/ electrostatic/ instruments/ driving/ as.

2. The /impedance/signal/ port/ is/ input/ very/ characterized/ port/ by/ load/high/ so/ that/ the/ signal/ an/ source/ has/ little/ input.

3. One /the/ meter/ characteristics/ power/ an/ electronic/ is/ that/ it/ requires/ of/ an/ of/ external/ supply.

4. Depending /the/ the/ input/ signal/ on/ is/ processed/ electronic/ analog/ digital/ meters/ are/ into/ way/and/ meters/ divided.

5. A /attains/ the/ required/ values/ digital/ measurement/ converting/ the/ analog/ voltmeter/ by/ input/ signal/ into/ digital/ and/when/ by/ discrete-time/ processing/ of/ the/ necessary /converted/ (DVM).

10.Tanslate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. To prevent the aliasing, a low-pass filter must be placed at the input stage of any digital meter.

2. The oscilloscope contains four basic circuit blocks: the vertical amplifier, the time base, the trigger, and the display.

3. Of the four basic blocks of the oscilloscope, the most visible of these blocks is the display with its cathode-ray tube(CRT). This is the component in the oscilloscope that produces the graphical display of the input voltage and it is the component with which the user has the most contact.

4. That the oscilloscope’s vertical axis requires a wide bandwidth amplifier and its time base is capable of displaying events that are as short as a few nanoseconds apart, indicates that the oscilloscope can display rapidly changing voltages.

5. The digital voltmeter is very much like the analog meter except that the mechanical displacement of the pointer is replaced with a digital readout of the input signal.

Look at the electric circuit and answer the questions.

  • What elements does this circuit include?
  • How are the elements connected?
  • Is the value of current the same in all the elements?
  • Is the value of voltage different in all the elements?
  • Is this circuit a parallel circuit?

Do the following tasks.

Task 1.

Resistance equals 80 ohm, voltage equals 55 volt. How much is the current in the circuit?

Task 2.

Resistance equals 10.5 ohm, current equals 35 ampere. How much is the voltage in the circuit?

Task 3.

Voltage equals 80.7 volt, current equals 120 ampere. How much is the resistance in the circuit?

Task 4.

According to the scheme determine the voltage measurement relative error of resistor R1. Accuracy class of analog voltmeter is 1,5 and accuracy class of digital voltmeter is 0.5.


Task 5.

Determine relative error of the interaction, if Rн=1000 Om and resistance of voltmeter is 1 Mom.


Task 6.

Is this scheme correct? Justify your answer.

Task 7.

Can we use this voltmeter for voltage measurement of resistor R1? If U=50 V, R1=500 Om, R2=30 kOm, R3=10 kOm.

13. Make a short presentation on the topic: ”Voltage measurement”.

14. Form past participle of the following verbs:

To misgive, to stride, to withdraw, to strew, to heave ,to partake, to draw, to cleave, to dwell, to rend, to leave, to smite, to spread, to stride, to upset, to suit.

Read and translate text B.


Digital voltmeter

A digital voltmeter (DVM) attains the required measurement by converting the analog input signal into digital, and, when necessary, by discrete-time processing of the converted values. The measurement result is presented in a digital form that can take the form of a digital front-panel display, or a digital output signal. The digital output signal can be coded as a decimal BCD code, or a binary code.

The main factors that characterize DVMs are speed, automatic operation, and programmability. In particular, they presently offer the best combination of speed and accuracy if compared with other available voltage-measuring instruments. Moreover, the capability of automatic operations and programmability make DVMs very useful in applications where flexibility, high speed and computer controllability are required. A typical application field is therefore that of automatically operated systems.

When a DVM is directly interfaced to a digital signal processing (DSP) system and used to convert the analog input voltage into a sequence of sampled values, it is usually called an analog-to-digital converter (ADC).

DVMs basically differ in the following ways: (1) number of measurement ranges, (2) number of digits, (3) accuracy, (4) speed of reading, and (5) operating principle.

The basic measurement ranges of most DVMs are either 1 V or 10 V. It is however possible, with an appropriate preamplifier stage, to obtain full-scale values as low as 0.1 V. If an appropriate voltage divider is used, it is also possible to obtain full-scale values as high as 1000 V.

If the digital presentation takes the form of a digital front-panel display, the measurement result is presented as a decimal number, with a number of digits that typically ranges from 3 to 6. If the digital representation takes the form of a binary-coded output signal, the number of bits of this representation typically ranges from 8 to 16, though 18-bit ADCs are available.

The accuracy of a DVM is usually correlated to its resolution. Indeed, assigning an uncertainty lower than the 0.1% of the range to a three-digit DVM makes no sense, since this is the displayed resolution of the instrument. Similarly, a poorer accuracy makes the three-digit resolution quite useless.

The speed of a DVM can be as high as 1000 readings per second. When the ADC is considered, the conversion rate is taken into account instead of the speed of reading.

DVMs can be divided into two main operating principle classes: the integrating types and the nonintegratingtypes.


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 214.