Сформулируйте основную идею текста в 5-7 предложениях.
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Составьте английские предложения с выделенными в тексте словами и выражениями. Переведите их.

2. Дополните список выделенных слов из текста ( Vocabulary list ) другими словами и выражениями по теме “ Healthy lifestyle ”. Распределите их по группам согласно Приложению 1 стр. .

3. Найдите в тексте:

- 8 пар слов с противоположным значением;

- 8 слов-связок, соединяющих предложения между собой;

- 8 наречий и объясните, как они были образованы;

- 8 существительных с разными суффиксами (-ty, -ness, -ment, -tion, -sion). 

4. Закончите предложения по смыслу:

1. Bad habits can lead to … .

2. … is considered as attractive in our society today.

3. Many people are employed in … .

4. The physical shapes of bodies are influenced by … .

5. To be ‘obese’ means … .


Выпишите из текста предложения в страдательном залоге, переделайте их в действительный залог. Подчеркните главные члены предложения, переведите предложения.

2. Найдите в тексте и выпишите 5 причастий, определите их тип ( Participle I / II ), объясните, как они были образованы. Дополните список своими примерами причастий, составьте с ними несколько английских предложений.

Составьте 5 предложений в страдательном залоге по заданной теме.


Письменно прокомментируйте одно из предложенных ниже утверждений (100-150 слов). Используйте слова и фразы из Приложения 2.

1. There is a lot of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it / Billings

2. A sound mind in a sound body.

3. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

4. Hard work never did anyone any harm.

5. Sleep is a healing balm for every ill.

6. Diseases are the interests of pleasures.

7. Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.

8. Hygiene is two thirds of health.

Вариант I V



Подготовьте устный ответ на следующие вопросы по заданной теме.

1.  In what ways do humans cause damage to the planet?

2. What, in your opinion, are the major problems facing the Earth’s environment today?

3. What are the best ways to help solve these problems?

4. If people disagree with government decisions, how should they express their disagreement? Why would this method be effective?

5. What are some things we can do to help prevent the extinction of a species?

6. Do you think that humans are in danger of becoming extinct? Why or why not?


Прочитайте текст, обращая внимание на выделенные слова и выражения. Подберите к каждому отрывку текста (1-4) подходящий заголовок из предложенных ниже ( a - d ).

a) The ways humans impact the Earth

b) “Red list”

c) Mass extinctions in the history of the Earth

d) Scientific prognosis

Sixth Extinction

1. Most species of plants and animals that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct. Though most have become extinct slowly, some have been almost completely wiped out in a sudden, massive, catastrophic event. These mass extinctions have happened at least five times in the history of the Earth. The first mass extinction occurred about 450 million years ago, when sudden changes in sea level, caused by melting glaciers, killed most marine species. The most recent mass extinction was 65 million years ago, when most scientists believe an asteroid struck the Earth in Mexico and extinguished the dinosaurs.

Now scientists claim a “Sixth Extinction” is underway. This extinction is not caused by one big event but by a series of human actions that disrupt the environment. Edward O. Wilson, a Harvard University scientist, estimates that human harm will cause half of all species of life to be extinct by 2100. Scientists say that human activities are causing biological extinction at a rate hundreds of times faster than ever before.

2. Humans cause damage to the Earth in three primary ways. The first is exploitation. Humans hunt animals for food, clothing, and sometimes just for fun. They also collect plants and insects such as butterflies for recreation. The second way humans impact the Earth is by putting alien plant or animal species in new environments. In Africa, for example, some fisherman put perch from Egypt’s Nile River into Lake Victoria. Nile perch like to eat other fish. Since they came, more than 200 native species of fish have disappeared from the lake. The third way humans cause damage is by destroying natural habitats. They clear trees from forests to build houses, farms, cities, and roads. One of the most terrible instances of habitat destructions is the cutting down of the tropical rainforests. It is estimated that these rainforests, which cover less than 10 percent of the Earth, contain almost half of all the world’s plant and animal species.

3. Human activity has had a devastating effect on the natural environment. Each year, an international organization of scientists releases a special “red list” that updates the status of more than 44,000 animal and plant species. In 2008, the organization reported that 25 percent of our planet’s 5,487 mammals are on the verge of extinction. It also claimed that almost 40 percent of all species are “threatened” with extinction, including 33 percent of all amphibians, a quarter of the Earth’s coniferous trees, and about 12 percent of all birds. Of all threatened species on the red list, about 3,000 are “critically endangered,” which means they could disappear soon.

4. What would happen to people if the “Sixth Extinction” takes place? Scientists say life on Earth would be grim. There would not be enough food to eat, and water would be too polluted to drink. New species of pests and plants would invade the natural areas that remain. These invaders could carry new kinds of germs, causing diseases that human bodies cannot resist. Without plants to help cool the sun, the ice at the North and South Poles could melt, causing sea levels to rise and wash away coastal cities. By wiping out other species, human beings might be paving the way for the greatest extinction of all: their own.

2. Определите, являются следующие утверждения истинными ( True ) или ложными ( False ) . Исправьте ложные утверждения , выпишите и переведите эти утверждения.

1. Some scientists estimate that half of all species will be extinct in the next century.

2. The Earth is facing its third mass extinction in history.

3. A higher percentage of bird species face extinction than coniferous trees.

4. Forty percent of all mammals are threatened with extinction.

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа .

1. How many ways does the reading passage indicate that humans harm the environment?

    a) One        b) Two    c) Three      d) Four

2. Which is NOT an outcome of mass extinction of life on earth?

a) Rising of sea levels b) Food shortages c) Lack of fresh water d) Natural disasters

3. Which kind of animal is the Nile perch?

    a) amphibian  b) fish    c) bird    d) mammal

Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 778.