1. I'm good at … .
2. It is useful/ useless for me to ... in my free time.
3. It is pleasure for me to … in my free time.
4. I absolutely hate … in my free time.
5. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time for … in my free time.
6. The most popular hobby in our country nowadays is … .
7. … is the best free time activity because … .
Выпишите из текста 12 существительных во множественном числе, напишите их форму единственного числа. Слова переведите, составьте предложения с ними.
Выпишите из текста 5 прилагательных и/или наречий, укажите их степень сравнения. Составьте предложения с ними.
3. Найдите в тексте 2 предложения в Present Continuous, 5 предложений в Present Simple. Предложения из Present Simple переделайте в Past Simple и Future Simple; переложения в Present Continuous переделайте в Past Continuous и Future Continuous. Запишите и переведите предложения.
Письменно прокомментируйте одно из предложенных ниже утверждений (100 – 150 слов). Используйте фразы из Приложения 2.
1. Lost time is never found again.
2. Time and tide wait for no man.
3. Time wasted with pleasure is never wasted.
4. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
5. What may be done at any time, will be done at no time.
6. Leisure is time for doing something useful.
Вариант IV
Appearance and personality
Подготовьте устные ответы на следующие вопросы по заданной теме.
1. Do you believe that attractive people have more advantages in our society? Why or why not?
2. Are personal qualities an important part of attractiveness for you? How important are they to you? Would you go out with someone who was not physically attractive but someone you really liked? Why or why not?
3. Are you satisfied with your appearance? Who has influenced your opinion about your own appearance? (Examples: family, peers, the media, medical professionals) Explain.
4. In your opinion, is plastic surgery worth the health risks? If you could change things about your face or body, what would they be?
5. What famous person do you think has the perfect face and body? Describe that person.
1. Прочитайте текст, обращая внимание на выделенные слова и выражения. Закончите предложение одним из предложенных вариантов (a - f), который, по Вашему мнению, в большей степени характеризует основную идею этого текста. Предложение выпишите и аргументируйте свой выбор несколькими английскими предложениями.
The Maasai people are satisfied with their physical appearance because …
a) they don’t watch TV and don’t read books.
b) they have a high opinion of their appearance.
c) they wear a lot of jewelry.
d) they don’t know what technology is.
e) they have their own definition of beauty.
f) behavior and character are more important for them than appearance.
Body Dissatisfaction?
Maybe the Maasai Have the Answer
It is common knowledge that many Americans are unhappy with their appearance. However, do people in other cultures feel the same? Social researcher Robert Biswas-Diener wanted to find out, so he went to Kenya to study the Maasai people.
He conducted his study in a village that had no television, no magazines, or other forms of media. He asked the people questions such as, “How satisfied are you with your physical appearance?” Their answers were surprising. Everyone in the village was completely satisfied! They sometimes said that other people in the village were unattractive, but they had a high opinion of their own appearance.
Why do the Maasai have such a healthy outlook on physical beauty? According to Dr. Biswas-Diener, there are several reasons. One of the most important is that they focus on things they can control,
… every single person I interviewed mentioned jewelry as necessary for attractiveness. … the Maasai wisely focus on adornment rather than the body itself when trying to appear attractive.
There is also a major difference in the way the Maasai look at their bodies. Out of 120 people that were interviewed, only one mentioned breast size when asked to describe a good-looking woman. Instead, the Maasai talked about cleanliness, white teeth, short hair, height (tall is good), and elongated ear lobes. (Maasai women lengthen their ear lobes by wearing heavy earrings.)
Americans, on the other hand, are obsessed about things over which they have limited control. Plastic surgery, diets, liposuction, face lifts, exercise programs, and breast implants are part of a culture that wants to control all aspects of physical appearance. Americans believe they have more control over their physical appearance than the Maasai do. And they are correct. Technology gives them more control. Ironically, this control makes them feel more dissatisfied.
Perhaps the greatest difference that the researcher found between American and Maasai cultures is the definition of attractiveness itself. In the Maasai language, the word for physical appearance can also be used to describe morality. In fact, the Maasai usually think about attractiveness in terms of both physical traits and moral character. When he asked the Maasai to describe a good-looking person, they often used adjectives such as friendly, well-respected, disciplined, and brave.
So it seems according to the research that the Maasai are more satisfied with their physical appearance for three main reasons. They focus more on adornment than physical attributes. When they do think of bodily characteristics, they focus on those they can easily change. Finally, the Maasai consider behavior and character, as well as physical beauty, when they think about attractiveness.
Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 1150.