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Составьте английские предложения с выделенными в тексте словами и выражениями. Переведите их.

2. Дополните список выделенных слов из текста ( Vocabulary list ) другими словами и выражениями по теме “ Education ”. Распределите их по группам согласно Приложению 1.

Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу словами из предложенных ниже.

dorm   elective major semester transcript tuition

1. He took four required courses and one ___ last semester.

2. Her parents pushed her to ___ in medicine and become a doctor.

3. Many students work while in university to help cover the cost of their ___ .

4. She wanted to take a(n) ___ off from school to travel in Europe.

5. The company requested a copy of his final ___ proving he finished his degree.

6. When I lived in the ___ on campus, I shared a room with another student.


1. Найдите в тексте и выпишите 5 причастий, определите их тип ( Participle I / II ), объясните, как они были образованы. Дополните список своими примерами причастий, составьте с ними несколько английских предложений.

2. Выпишите из текста 3 предложения в Present Perfect и 3 в Present Continuous . Подчеркните в них подлежащее и сказуемое. Переведите предложения.

3. Выпишите из текста 5 сложноподчиненных предложений с придаточными определительными. Письменно переведите их, отметив определяемое слово знаком ×.


Письменно прокомментируйте одно из предложенных ниже утверждений (100-150 слов). Используйте слова и фразы из Приложения 2.

1. Learning is not a product of schooling, but the lifelong attempt to acquire it / Einstein

2. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet / Aristotle

3. You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward / C. Hall

4. Learning is a gift. Even when pain is your teacher / M. Watson

5. Higher education abroad will never be out of fashion and will not lose its relevance.

Вариант III

Healthy lifestyle


Подготовьте устный ответ на следующие вопросы по заданной теме.

1. Describe your lifestyle and decide how healthy it is on a scale from 1 - unhealthy to 5 - healthy.

You might want to think about some of these areas:

ü the kind of thing you eat

ü the amount of exercise you take

ü the amount of stress in your life

ü whether you consider you are happy

ü busy or laid-back lifestyle

ü your own health over the past few years

ü your past family health history

ü whether you drink or smoke

2. Give three reasons why many people have an unhealthy diet.

3. Describe an activity you like doing to keep healthy.

You should say: what it is, when and where you do it, how it keeps you healthy and explain why you like doing it.


Прочитайте текст, обращая внимание на выделенные слова и выражения. Заполните пропуски в тексте (1-5) подходящими по смыслу фразами ( a - e ).

a) mental illness

b) weight loss and fitness regimes

c)  this particular body shape as 'wrong' and unhealthy

d)  they were financially successful in life

e) there are social factors too


The body

The concept of 'the body' is closely related to the ideas of 'illness' and 'health’.

All of us exist in 'bodies' of different shapes, heights, colours and physical abilities. The main reasons for the differences are genetic, and the fact that people's bodies change as they age. However, a huge range of research indicates that 1 ___.

Poorer people are more likely to eat 'unhealthy' foods, to smoke cigarettes and to be employed boring, inactive employment. Moreover, their housing conditions and neighbourhoods tend to be worse. All of these factors impact upon the condition of a person's health: the physical shapes of bodies are strongly influenced by social factors.

These social factors are also closely linked to emotional wellbeing. People with low or no incomes are more likely to have mental health problems. It is not clear, however, whether poverty causes 2 ___ , or whether it is the other way around. For example, certain people with mental health issues may be at risk of becoming homeless, just as a person who is homeless may have an increased risk of illnesses such as depression.

There are other types of social factors too. Bodies are young or old, short or tall, big or small, weak or strong. Whether these judgments matter and whether they are positive or negative depends on the cultural and historical context. The culture and media of different societies promote very different valuations of body shapes. What is considered as attractive or ugly, normal or abnormal varies enormously. Currently, for example, in rich societies the ideal of slimness is highly valued, but historically this was different. In most societies the ideal body shape for a woman was a 'full figure' with a noticeable belly, while in middle-aged men, a large stomach indicated that 3 ___ . In many traditional African and Pacific island cultures, for example, a large body shape was a sign of success and a shape to be aimed at.

It is easy for people to feel undervalued because of factors they have no power to change, for example, their age and height. Equally, they can feel pressured into making changes to their appearance - when it is possible to make such changes - which in extreme cases can lead to obsessions with 4 ___ .

Sociologists, then, are suggesting that we should not just view bodies and minds in biological terms, but also in social terms. The physical body and what we seek to do with it change over time. This has important implications for medicine and ideas of health. Thus, the idea of people being 'obese' is physically related to large amounts of processed food, together with lack of exercise, and is therefore a medical issue. However, it has also become a mental health issue and social problem as a result of people coming to define 5 ___ .

2. Определите, являются следующие утверждения истинными ( True ) или ложными ( False ). Исправьте ложные утверждения, запишите и переведите их.

1. The main reasons for the differences in people’s bodies are genetic, the fact that they age and social factors.

2. Poor people’s housing conditions and neighbourhoods tend to be better.

3. The social factors are closely linked to emotional wellbeing.

4. The culture and media of different societies promote one and the same valuations of body shapes.

5. Currently, in rich societies the ideal of slimness is highly valued.

Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 1174.