Определите, какие утверждения ниже описывают основную структуру американских ( A ) или британских семей ( B ), или обе из них ( C ).
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1. A lot of divorces in recent years.

2. Independence in family life.

3. Equal relationships between parents and children.

4. Free time spending among family members.

5. Working mothers and fathers bringing up children.

6. A nation of “nuclear families”.

7. Early breaking up from parents’ home.



1. Составьте английские предложения с выделенными словами и выражениями, переведите их.

2. Дополните список выделенных слов из текста (Vocabulary list) словами и выражениями по теме “Family matters”. Распределите их по группам согласно Приложению 1.

Подберите к каждому слову или словосочетанию (1-16) синоним или подходящее описание ( a - p ).

1. parents   2. grandparents     3. to participate (in)     4. to look after    5. children 6. one-parent family     7. independence    8. to marry     9. to take after     10. to divorce    11. to take responsibility    12. to keep in touch    13. husband  14. wife     15. nuclear family   16. extended family a) to take part in b) to take care of c) mother and father d) son(s) and daughter(s) e) grandmother and grandfather f) single parent g) freedom h) to look like i) to start family j) to end marriage k) married man l) married woman m) 3 or more generation live together n) parents and their dependent children live together o) to be responsible p) to maintain contact


1. Выпишите из текста 5 неправильных и 5 правильных глагола. Запишите их три основные формы, переведите и употребите в предложениях: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

Найдите в тексте прилагательные в сравнительной и/или превосходной степени, переведите их. Составьте 5 английских предложений.

3. Составьте 2 общих вопроса (General question) и 2 специальных вопроса (Wh-question) по содержанию текста.


Письменно прокомментируйте одно из предложенных ниже утверждений (100 – 150 слов). Используйте фразы из Приложения 2.

1. Family means putting your arms around each other and being there / Barbara Bush

2. Family is really a masterpiece and as every genius creation of humanity, it is immortal.

3. Family is everyday headache, which is caused with problems and arguments.

4. Family is something, which always helps us in difficult situations and will remain in one’s soul forever.

5. Family is all people who live under one roof.


Вариант III

Hobbies and everyday activities


Подготовьте устные ответы на следующие вопросы по заданной теме.

1. Do you agree that Russian people have become extremely health-conscious and for many young people keep-fit is a very important part of their lives? Why?

2. What traditional hobbies do you know? What are modern hobbies? Are they different the world over? Which of them do you have?

3. What is your favourite hobby? Why do you like it? How often do you do it?

4. What activities do you do at the same time every day? Which of these activities do you choose to do and which are obligations?

5. Are you happy with the way you use your time? What would you like to spend more/less time doing?         



Прочитайте текст, обращая внимание на выделенные слова и выражения. Вставьте каждое предложение (A - D) в подходящее место в тексте (1-4).

A. Almost half of all families in the UK eat together only once a month or less.

B. No wonder that the vast majority of working women in the UK say they are stressed and exhausted!

C. People over sixty-five spend nearly two hours a day doing physical activities such as walking, cycling, gardening or sport, while teenagers spend only seventy-five minutes.

D. The vast majority, eighty-five percent, regularly read newspapers, and fifty-four percent regularly read books.

Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 897.