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Слова и выражения для запоминания:


generation              поколение

simply put              проще говоря

outcome                 результат


human beings        люди

previous                 предыдущий

to deal with           рассматривать, заниматься (ч.л.)

device                    прибор, средство, способ, прием

3 paragraph

plain folks              простые люди

impression             впечатление

election                  выборы

hard hat                 каска

coal mines              угольные шахты

obviously               очевидно, явно

the rest of              остальная часть

4 paragraph

card stacking         подтасовывание карт, преднамеренное игнорирование аргументов, не поддерживающих отстаиваемый тезис

impact                    влияние

misleading             ошибочный

to apply                 применять

to omit                   пропускать, пренебрегать

endorsement          одобрение, подтверждение


bandwagon            победившая сторона, повальное увлечение

to follow                следовать за

appeal                    призыв


to wear                  носить (в английском языке относится как к одежде, так и к духАм)

to feature               показывать, изображать

consumer               потребитель


Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is it important to know about propaganda devices? Why or why not?

2. Can you protect yourself against the techniques of propaganda?

Прочитайте и переведите текст:

1Advertisers and politicians have been using propaganda techniques for generations now. Simply put, a propagandist uses emotional and persuasive means to get desired outcomes from others, mostly for their own personal gains.

2As human beings, we begin to lose all sense of rationality when we are driven by emotions. And that is exactly how propagandists exploit other people. The previous text dealt with such propaganda devices as slogans, name calling and glittering generalities.

Here are some more of the more common forms of propaganda devices used today:

3Plain Folks. The “plain folks” device creates an impression that the advertiser or political candidates are just ordinary people like you and me. In every presidential election, you will see candidates visiting coal mines and factories wearing hard hats. They don’t go down into the coal mines, so obviously they don’t wear the hard hats for protection. Instead, the hats are used to give the impression that they are just ordinary folks like the rest of the workers.

4Card Stacking. Card stacking is a technique by which facts, illustrations and statements are carefully selected to make the maximum impact and sometimes give the misleading impression. The cliché that “statistics don’t lie, but you can lie with statistics” applies to this technique. An advertisement claiming that “Four out of five dentists recommend Chewy chewing gum “will certainly be true, but it could be omitting the fact that only five dentists were contacted, and that four of them were paid to give an anonymous endorsement.

5Bandwagon. The bandwagon device is based on the idea that if everybody else is doing it, so should you. Jump on the bandwagon, follow the crowd, don’t throw your vote away by voting for a looser are clichés associated with this device. Advertisements telling you to join the Pepsi Generation or have a good time with the crowd when it is “Miller time” are examples of this type of appeal.

6Sex Appeal. We don’t ordinarily think about sex as a propaganda device, but it sells products in many ways. In recent years emotional appeals based on sex have been used more and more in product advertising. How about the after-shave-lotion ad that features a sexy female voice saying:” Wear English Leather* or wear nothing at all’? Sex appeal is used to stimulate emotions and sell consumer products to both sexes. (1900)

*English Leather- fragrance for men

Упражнение 2. Найдите синонимы:

1. persuade 1. influence
2. impact 2. call
3. misleading 3. approval
4. appeal 4. convince
5. endorsement 5. false

Упражнение 3. Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

1. Advertisers and politicians have been using propaganda techniques for generations now.

       a. production         b. a long period of time     c. process

2. The “plain folks” device creates an impression that the advertiser or political candidates are just ordinary people like you and me.

       a. trick                   b. machine                         c. equipment

3. An advertisement could be omitting the fact that only five dentists were contacted, and that four of them were paid to give an anonymous endorsement.

a. leaving out         b. finding                          c. demonstrating

4. Jump on the bandwagon, follow the crowd, don’t throw your vote away by voting for a looser.

       a. don’t be late      b. do sports                       c. join the winners

5. Wear English Leather or wear nothing at all

       a. put on                b. buy                                c. apply the fragrance

Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Who uses emotional and persuasive means to get desired outcomes from others?

2. When do people begin to lose all sense of rationality?

3.  When do you see candidates visiting coal mines and factories wearing hard hats?

4. Why do such people wear hard hats?

5. . What is card stacking?

6. What technique does the cliché that “statistics don’t lie, but you can lie with statistics” apply to?

7. Give the examples of bandwagon device.

8. Is sex appeal used to stimulate emotions and sell consumer products to men only?


Упражнение 5. Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию:

A. When a product or an idea is linked with another to create the impression that they share positive attributes, the technique being used is known as testimonial.

B. This type of propaganda uses a technique to project certain qualities (this can either be positive or negative) of a person, ideology or object to other things and people.

C. The use of Swastika is now generally associated with and prosperity.

D. Music is often thought of as a propaganda device.

E. Various governments and groups have used music to exert a psychological effect on people. Some of these efforts were highly effective.

Transfer. When a product or an idea is linked with another to create the impression that they share positive attributes, the technique being used is known as transfer. This technique can be used to create positive and negative feelings about an entity.

This propaganda technique is capable of creating highly emotional responses and therefore, generally the imagery for association tends to be visual. The use of Swastika by the Nazi Party led to negative associations for the symbol when in actuality it was an identifier for health and prosperity. Till today the use of the Swastika can cause negative perceptions in the minds of people.

Music. The last device in our list – music – is also seldom thought of as a propaganda device, yet it is one of the most effective devices in radio and TV commercials. Music is an excellent tool for creating specific moods, and it can be used effectively for product identification. Often people will think of a product when they hear a tune that is associated with the product in the ads. (800)


Дата: 2019-07-30, просмотров: 228.