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1 Issues management attempts to identify and correctly interpret problems before they become a crisis; crisis management attempts to react to crises, such as disasters, in as favorable a climate as possible.

2 In 1980s some corporations’ issue management began taking a new and controversial tone. Some firms abandoned their longtime practice of handling mass media with kid gloves1 and spoke out forcefully when they felt that the press had treated them unfairly.

3 One of the first companies to take this posture was Mobil Oil. It started running full-page ads presenting its position on controversial issues. Some big companies have also followed Mobil’s lead. Herb Schmertz2, who was its vice-president of public affairs at that time, was leading Mobil’s fight against the media. He challenged biased reporting in major newspapers and the television networks. The networks refused to run Mobil’s counter-media advertisements, but some did appear3 on independent TV stations and a few network affiliates. Most of the Mobil messages appeared in newspapers and magazines.

4 Mobil’s counterattacks did not make the company very popular with the media, but Schmertz feels that the ads have made the networks more cautious about airing poorly researched news specials about the oil industry in general and Mobil in particular. In 1984, after continued run-ins with reporters and editors at the Wall Street Journal, Mobil severed all relations with that newspaper. Mobil indicated that it would grant no interviews, send no more press releases or run advertisements in the Wall Street Journal.

5 Many PR executives, including some of the oil industry, have criticized Mobil’s combative approach to issues management. However, two communication researchers studied the new approach and concluded that the news media lost credibility when they attacked firms that responded to the criticism.



1. to handle with kid gloves – обращаться осторожно

2. Herb Schmertz - Герберт Шмерц, в 70е годы вице-президент по связям с общественностью компании «Мобил Ойл»

3. did appear – все же появились («do» имеет усилительное значение)


Упражнение 2 Выберите правильный эквивалент:

1. run-in a. прерывать (отношения)
2. credibility b. схватка, стычка
3. to treat c. способность внушать доверие
4. to challenge d. осторожный,
5. to sever e. обращаться, обходиться, вести себя
6. cautious f. ставить под сомнение, оспаривать


Упражнение 3. Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

1. Issues management attempts to identify and correctly interpret problems before they become a crisis.

a. to count                         b. to recognize                   c. to equate

2. In 1980s some corporations’ issue management began taking a new and controversial tone.

a. beneficial                       b. outstanding                   c.  polemic

3. Some firms abandoned their longtime practice of handling mass media with kid gloves.

a. carefully            b. deliberately                   c. with gloves made of fine kid leather

4. Some big companies have also followed Mobil’s lead.

a. followed the example               b. paid attention to        c. challanged      

5. He challenged biased reporting in major newspapers and the television networks.

a. prejudiced                     b. interesting                     c. loyal

6. The ads have made the networks more cautious about airing poorly researched news specials about the oil industry in general and Mobil in particular.

a. careful                           b. careless                          c. confident

7. Many PR executives have criticized Mobil’s combative approach to issues management.

a. peaceful                         b. militant                          c. biased

8. Some researchers concluded that the news media lost credibility when they attacked firms that responded to the criticism.

a. safety                            b. validity                          c. reliability

Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1 What is the difference between issues management and crisis management?

2 What was the long-time practice of handling mass media with corporations?

3 What company was one of the first to change this practice?

4 Who was Herb Schmertz?

5 How did the company react to media criticism?

6 Did this approach make the company popular with the media?

7 What were the positive and negative effects of such policy?

8 What are the most recent examples of crises management?

Упражнение 5 Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию:


Case study

1 Ivy Ledbetter Lee, was the owner of the Pennsylvania Railroad

2 He opposed company efforts to hush up the accident

3 As a result, the Pennsylvania Railroad received positive publicity.


The first success in crisis management public relations is attributed to Ivy Ledbetter Lee, who represented the Pennsylvania Railroad in the early twentieth century. One of the trains derailed (сошел с рельс) in 1906, killing and injuring several people. Lee resisted company efforts to hush up the accident, which was a typical approach at the time. Instead, he provided the media with full and accurate accounts of the accident and even ran special trains, at company’s expense, to take journalists to the scene. He also persuaded the company to conduct a survey of railroad beds (полотно) to avoid future derailments and announced that the company would provide financial aid to the families of the killed or injured. As a result, the Pennsylvania Railroad and the railroad industry received their first favorable press coverage in years.




Слова и выражения для запоминания:

1 paragraph

to develop                                     развивать

vehicle                                                      транспорт, средство

to sell                                             продавать

consumption                                  потребление

consumer                                       потребитель

society                                           общество

2 paragraph

to date back to                                           датироваться, существовать с такого-то времени

merchant                                  купец

wares                                             товары

customer                                        потребитель, клиент

sign                                           знак, вывеска, надпись

to indicate                                      показывать

to continue                                    продолжать

ancient.                                                     древний

advertisements (ad, advert)            реклама

wall                                               стена

to excavate                                    вести раскопки

poster                                           плакат, афиша

to emerge                                       появляться

movable type                                 наборный шрифт

3 paragraph

 to establish                                    основать, учреждать

favorite                                          любимый, предпочитаемый

to feature                                       показывать, изображать

entire                                             весь, целый

page                                               страница

4 paragraph

credit                                             честь

to be on his heels                           следовать за, догонять

to perceive                                     понимать, осознавать

space                                             пространство, место

5 paragraph

to join                                            соединять,присоединяться

soap                                               мыло

candle                                            свеча

advertiser                                       рекламодатель

early                                              ранний, первый

to represent                                    представлять

rather than                                     а не

nation                                            страна

6 paragraph

deceptive                                  вводящий в заблуждение; обманный

to exaggerate                                 преувеличивать

to claim                                         утверждать

to cure                                                       лечить

cancer                                            рак

baldness                                        облысение

potion                                            зелье, снадобье

relief                                              облегчение

to deaden                                       притуплять, ослаблять

pain                                           боль

trade                                              торговля, профессия

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What associations do you have when you come across the word “advertising”?

2. What is the purpose of advertising?

3. Name two recent advertising campaigns that have your attention. What in particular interested you?

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Дата: 2019-07-30, просмотров: 242.