Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Слова и выражения для запоминания:


sophisticated                     сложный

respected                           уважаемый

to surround                        окружать

controversy                       противоречие

confusion                          путаница, недоразумение

with regard to                               по отношению к

rather + прилагательное весьма, довольно

efforts                                           усилия

to promote                         продвигать, способствовать

good will                           репутация


to define                       определять

definition                      определение

to note                               отметить, заметить

to determine                      определить

to devise                       создавать

to secure                  обеспечивать


to predict                      предсказывать

to counsel                     консультировать

to implement                применять

4 paragraph

to handle                      управлять (чем-л.) , справляться (с чем-л.)

to agree                         соглашаться

space                             место, пространство


to confuse                         путать

to involve                          быть связянным

paid                              оплаченный

to sell                                 продавать

goods                                товары

services                              услуги

on the other hand              с другой стороны

free,                              свободный, бесплатный

to overlap                          частично совпадать

6 paragraph

in fact                                в сущности, фактически

thus                                   следовательно, таким образом

unfortunately                к сожалению

to mean                         значить, означать

Text 1. WHAT IS PR?

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When did you first learn about PR?
  2. What associations do you have when you hear the word combination Public Relations (PR)?


Прочитайте и переведите текст:

1.Public relations like advertising, is a message business that in the recent years has become highly sophisticated and respected. However, it is still surrounded by some of the controversies. It comes from the fact that a great deal of confusion still exists with regard to what public relation is.

The Random House College Dictionary defines public relations rather simply:

a. the efforts of a corporation to promote good will between itself and the public.

b. the methods used to promote such good will.

2. The Public Relations Handbook has expanded on this definition noting that PR enables institutions and people to learn what others think of them, determine what they must do to earn the good will of others, devise ways to win that good will and carry on programs designed to secure goods will.

3. Here is another attempt to define PR: “Public relations practice is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization leaders and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both the organization’s and public’s interests”.

4. There are many other definitions. This only indicates that PR is a complex field with a variety of functions and activities. All the definitions agree that public relations is an organized effort to handle relationships with the public.

5. Some people confuse PR and advertising. Advertising involves the paid use of time and space in the mass media, usually to sell goods and services. Public relations, on the other hand, often uses free space and time in the media to sell corporate images, individuals and good will. These two practices sometimes overlap when paid advertising is used to sell a corporate image or create good will.

6. In fact, advertising often becomes an important part of PR practitioners’ total campaign. Thus, the confusion over these two fields is understandable

Unfortunately, “public relations” still means different things to different people.



Упражнение 2. Найдите синонимы:

1. controversy a. . benevolence (благожелательность, доброжелательность
2. goodwill b. polemics
3. consequence c. result

Упражнение 3. Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

1. Public relations like advertising, is a message business that in the recent years has become highly sophisticated and respected.

a. false       b. complicated                   c. easy

2. All the definitions agree that PR is an organized effort to handle relationship with public.

a. control    b. discuss               c. suspend

3. Public relations often use free space and time in the media to sell corporate images, individuals and good will.

a. vacant    b. unrestricted       c. without paying money

Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the attitude to public relations at present?

2. Why is PR surrounded by some of the controversies?

3. What definition of PR does the Random House College Dictionary give?

4. Why are there so many definitions of PR in various sources?

5. What is the difference between PR and advertising?

6. What activities does PR include?

  1. Can you give a definition of PR?
  2. What examples of PR activity do you know?

Упражнение 5. Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию:

Case study

1. Perrier is an oil tanker.

2. The company Source Perrier did everything to minimize the damage caused by the crisis.

3. This case is the example of bad crisis management


Up until 1990 ordering Perrier1 was a fashionable thing to do. However, it was reported in the news media that this chic French bottled mineral water had been contaminated (загрязнена) with the traces of benzene2. Within weeks after that, Perrier became a forgotten product. Source Perrier first tried to ignore the benzene contamination, and then tried to minimize its extent. The public lost confidence in the company and its product.



1. Perrier – торговая марка Перье, натуральная минеральная вода

2. benzene - бензол




Case study

1. Exxon Valdes is bottled mineral water.

2. The public criticized Exxon Shipping Company

3. This case is the example of bad crisis management.

In 1989, when the oil tanker Exxon Valdez was grounded in Alaska, spilling (разлив) nearly 11 million gallons of oil in Prince William Sound1 the public turned on2 this large oil firm, boycotting its gasoline3 and conjuring up images of a major polluter whenever the name Exxon was encountered. Exxon at first denied (отрицать) responsibility for the oil spill and was slow to begin cleanup operations. As one public relations practitioner put it: «Exxon should have had the president of the company on the shore cleaning the rocks within 24 hours.”



1. Prince William Sound - пролив Принца Вильяма

2. to turn on smb.- ополчиться на к-л

3. gasoline  (gas)– бензин (ам.)




advisor                                                      советник

 to address the interests           учитывать нужды

consistent                             соответствующий


to conquer                                     завоевать

 whole                                                       весь, целый

to extend                                       расширять

rule                                                правление

gold and ivory                              золото и слоновая кость

statue                                            статуя

reminder                                        напоминание

presence                                        присутствие

common                                        обычный, распространенный. общий,

technique                                      метод

commemorative                            памятный, мемориальный

stamp                                            марка, печать, штамп

and so on                                      и так далее


BC; AD                                        before Christ, до н.э.; Anno Domini; н.э., (нашей эры)

to contribute                                 вносить вклад

contemporary                                современный

persuasive                                     убедительный

to develop                                     развивать, создавать

compelling                                    неотразимый

to remain                                       оставаться

influential                                влиятельный


exploits                                         подвиги

to convince                                   убедить

state                                              состояние, государство

to continue                                    продолжать

account                                         отчет, описание

5 paragraph

capital                                           столица

to deliver                                       выступать (с речью), доставлять

close                                              близкий, тесный

court                                              двор(королевский), суд

in charge of                                   ответственный за


escape                                           избежать

hardships                                       трудности, тяготы

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Do you know anything about the beginning of PR activity?

2.  Is the history of public relations of interest to you? Why, or why not?


Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Case study

1. Tylenol is the name of the book.

2. Johnson & Johnson told the truth about the crisis.

3. They didn’t tell anybody about their efforts.


At the beginning of 1980s the two companies Bristol-Myers and Johnson & Johnson encountered the crises of cyanide-tainted1 capsules in their drugs called Extra-Strength Execedrin and Tylenol. They didn’t try to conceal the bad news when the poisoned capsules were discovered. The companies immediately removed the products from the store shelves and publicized both their efforts and their concern for the safety of the customers.



1. cyanide-tainted – загрязненный цианидом


although                                        хотя

throughout                                    на протяжении

root                                               корень

press agentry                                 пресс-посредничество

attempt                                          попытка

to appear                                  появиться

2 paragraph

to own                                           владеть

to promote                                    продвигать

midget                                           карлик

nightingale                               соловей


however                                        однако

to develop                                     развивать, создавать

combat                                                      сражаться, бороться

to acquire                                      приобретать

favorable                                  благоприятный

4 paragraph

to consider to be                           считать,

giants                                            гиганты

to distribute                                  распределять, распространять

to explain                                      объяснять

side                                               сторона

to deal in                                       торговать чем-л

5 paragraph

to involve                                      заниматься чем-л.,

to enter                                          входить

to establish                                    учреждать, устанавливать

to head                                          возглавлять

sale                                                продажа

to convince                                   убеждать

necessity                                       необходимость

participation                                  участие

6 paragraph

member                                         член(какой-л. организации, объединения, структуры)

to set up                                        основывать

own                                               собственный

counsel                                     консультант

subject                                           предмет, тема

eventually                                     в конечном счёте, в итоге

to earn                                           зарабатывать

to reject                                         отвергать

offer                                              предлагать

to propagate                                  распространять




issues management            докризисное управление

attempt                              попытка

such as                          такой как

disasters                        бедствие (стихийное)

favorable                           благоприятный

2 paragraph

controversial                      спорный, дискуссионный

to abandon                    отказаться от

to handlе                                       иметь дело, обращаться

to treat                               вести себя, относиться

unfairly.                             несправедливо

3 paragraph

posture                              отношение, позиция, подход

to run (an ad)                    помещать объявление

to present                          представлять

to follow the lead              последовать примеру

to lead                               возглавлять

to challengе                       ставить под сомнение, оспаривать

biased                                предвзятый

network                             канал (ТV)

to refuse                                        отказаться

counter-                             против (приставка)

independent                      независимый

affiliate                              фиал

to appear                                       появляться

4 paragraph

cautious                             осторожный

air                                 передать в эфир

poorly                                плохо, недостаточно

to research                         изучать, анализировать

oil industry                        нефтяная промышленность

in general                           в общем

in particular.                      в частности

run-ins                               столкновения, стычки

editor                            редактор

to sever                                         порывать, прерывать (отношения)

to indicate                         указывать

to grant an interview         дать интервью

5 paragraph

executive                           руководитель, начальник

 combative                    боевой; воинственный

approach                            подход

conclude                            сделать вывод

credibility                          доверие

correspond                        соответствовать


Exercise 1. Discuss the following in a small group, answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference between issues management and crises management?

2. When did the idea of the crises management appear?

3. What are the most famous cases of crises management?

Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Case study

1 Ivy Ledbetter Lee, was the owner of the Pennsylvania Railroad

2 He opposed company efforts to hush up the accident

3 As a result, the Pennsylvania Railroad received positive publicity.


The first success in crisis management public relations is attributed to Ivy Ledbetter Lee, who represented the Pennsylvania Railroad in the early twentieth century. One of the trains derailed (сошел с рельс) in 1906, killing and injuring several people. Lee resisted company efforts to hush up the accident, which was a typical approach at the time. Instead, he provided the media with full and accurate accounts of the accident and even ran special trains, at company’s expense, to take journalists to the scene. He also persuaded the company to conduct a survey of railroad beds (полотно) to avoid future derailments and announced that the company would provide financial aid to the families of the killed or injured. As a result, the Pennsylvania Railroad and the railroad industry received their first favorable press coverage in years.




Слова и выражения для запоминания:

1 paragraph

to develop                                     развивать

vehicle                                                      транспорт, средство

to sell                                             продавать

consumption                                  потребление

consumer                                       потребитель

society                                           общество

2 paragraph

to date back to                                           датироваться, существовать с такого-то времени

merchant                                  купец

wares                                             товары

customer                                        потребитель, клиент

sign                                           знак, вывеска, надпись

to indicate                                      показывать

to continue                                    продолжать

ancient.                                                     древний

advertisements (ad, advert)            реклама

wall                                               стена

to excavate                                    вести раскопки

poster                                           плакат, афиша

to emerge                                       появляться

movable type                                 наборный шрифт

3 paragraph

 to establish                                    основать, учреждать

favorite                                          любимый, предпочитаемый

to feature                                       показывать, изображать

entire                                             весь, целый

page                                               страница

4 paragraph

credit                                             честь

to be on his heels                           следовать за, догонять

to perceive                                     понимать, осознавать

space                                             пространство, место

5 paragraph

to join                                            соединять,присоединяться

soap                                               мыло

candle                                            свеча

advertiser                                       рекламодатель

early                                              ранний, первый

to represent                                    представлять

rather than                                     а не

nation                                            страна

6 paragraph

deceptive                                  вводящий в заблуждение; обманный

to exaggerate                                 преувеличивать

to claim                                         утверждать

to cure                                                       лечить

cancer                                            рак

baldness                                        облысение

potion                                            зелье, снадобье

relief                                              облегчение

to deaden                                       притуплять, ослаблять

pain                                           боль

trade                                              торговля, профессия

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What associations do you have when you come across the word “advertising”?

2. What is the purpose of advertising?

3. Name two recent advertising campaigns that have your attention. What in particular interested you?

Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Case study

1. WEAF radio station in New York began selling airtime for advertisers before 1920.

2. Television appeared in 1926-27 with the formation of NBC and CBS.

3. The daily serials became known as the soap opera because they advertised soap products.

Although radio first began to function as mass media communication medium in 1920, it was not until 1922 that station WEAF in New York began selling airtime for advertisers - $100 for 10 minutes. When the picture entered network broadcasting in 1926-27with the formation of NBC and CBS, the new medium potential to carry advertisements was fully realized. Ad agencies began producing programs for advertisers. The ad business had become show business. A New York ad agency, Blackett-Sample-Hummert, developed a new type of daytime drama for Procter & Gamble’s soap products. The daily serial became known as the soap opera.






to stem                                                      происходить от

to predict                                      предсказывать

eventually                                     в конечном итоге

to revolt                                        поднять восстание

because of                                     из-за

poverty                                          нищета


significantly                             значительно

to cut off                                       отрубить, отсечь, отрезать

decision                                         решение

to raise wages                               поднять зарплату

 magnification                               увеличение

to increase – to decrease               увеличивать - уменьшать

consumption                                 потребление

3 paragraph

.while                                            тогда как, пока

possible                                         возможно

almost                                           почти

to buy – to sell                              покупать-продавать

habit                                              привычка

4 paragraph

in particular                                   в частности

 recent                                           недавний, последний

to pay attention                             обращать внимание

previously                                     ранее

to conduct a study                        проводить исследование

to purchase                                    покупать

low - high                                      низкий - высокий

price                                              цена

availability                                доступность, наличие

5 paragraph

to cite                                            цитировать, приводить(данные)

 to support                                     поддерживать

opinion                                          мнение

to note                                           замечать

to promote                                    продвигать, содействовать продаже какого-л. товара

to result in                                     приводить к

failure.                                           провал

to expect                                       ожидать

ugly                                           безобразный

amount                                          количество

to get smb. do smth.                     заставить кого-то сделать что-то

6 paragraph

conversely                                     наоборот

since                                           с, с тех пор как, так как

until                                               до тех пор, пока не


Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Do you think advertising is as effective as it thought to be?

2. Did you purchase the product advertised? If not, have you ever bought a product because you have seen the advertisement?

3. What is the most shocking advertisement you have seen?


Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Minimal effect theory.

3.While some believe that advertising makes our mass production-consumption culture possible, others think that advertising has almost no effect on consumer buying habits.

4. The effectiveness of television advertising, in particular, has come under study in recent years. Advertising researchers have found that while people may have a television on1 at their homes much of the time, they pay less attention to it than previously believed. A study conducted by Gerard Tellis, a University of Iowa professor, found that examination of products purchased by a study group of 250 people showed very little correlation with the advertisements they saw on television. A greater correlation was found between lower prices and the availability of coupons.

5. Schudson cited numerous examples to support the opinion that advertising doesn’t automatically increase sales. He noted that heavy advertising by the Ford Motor Company to promote the Edsel resulted in failure. The Edsel appeared on the market in 1957 as the most heavily promoted consumer product in history. The company expected to sell 200,000 cars its first year but when it took the product off the market two years later, only 109,000 had been sold. The car was ugly, and no amount of advertising was going to get people to buy it.

6. Conversely, he noted that the Hershey Foods Corporation has been a chocolate industry leader since the turn of the century2, even though it didn’t start advertising until 1970. Schudson also noted that that the two largest selling products in American popular culture – marijuana and cocaine – are never advertised.



1. have a television on - телевизор включен

2. the turn of the century – на рубеже веков


Упражнение 2. Найдите синонимы:

1. to stem a. want, need
2. to predict b. to arise
3. poverty c. increase
4. magnification d. to buy
5. to purchase e. deformed
6. ugly f. forecast, foresee

Упражнение 3. Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

1. Karl Marx had predicted in the nineteenth century that workers in capitalist countries would eventually revolt because of poverty and exploitation

a. The workers in capitalist countries would eventually obey the rules.

b. The workers in capitalist countries would eventually rebel trying to change the situation.

2. Examination of products purchased by a study group of 250 people showed very little correlation with the advertisements they saw on television.

a. The products purchased by a study group depended to some extent on the advertisements they saw.

b. The products purchased by a study group did not depend on the advertisements they saw.

3. The Edsel appeared on the market in 1957 as the most heavily promoted consumer product in history.

a. The car was the most intensely promoted

b. The car was the most slowly promoted

4. Hershey Foods Corporation has been a chocolate industry leader didn’t start advertising until 1970.

a. Hershey Foods Corporation started advertising only in 1970.

b. Hershey Foods Corporation has been a chocolate industry leader didn’t start advertising after 1970.


Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What makes our mass production-consumption culture possible according to some people’s beliefs?

2. What do other people believe in?

3. Do people pay much attention to television when it is on at their homes?

4. What did a study conducted by Gerard Tellis, a University of Iowa professor, find?

5. What conclusion did the sociologist Michael Schudson make?

6. What example did Schudson cite to support the opinion that advertising doesn’t automatically increase sales?

7. Could any amount of advertising get people buy the Edsel? Why?

8. Did the Hershey Foods Corporation advertise until 1970? Why?

9. What other examples did Schudson give?


Упражнение 5 Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию

1. Jazz Age of the 1920s is normally associated with misbehavior.

2. The first smoking ads directed toward women was against smoking.

3. When jogging, aerobic exercises and tennis became popular recreations in the 1980, fashionable clothes for these activities started being advertised.


Cutting Edge Theory

The advertising industry is often on the cutting edge (острие) of new cultural developments and trends in our society. For example, when cigarette smoking by women started to become fashionable and suggestive of naughtiness (непокорность) during the Jazz Age of the 1920s, the advertising industry was there to reflect the new trend. One of the first smoking ads directed toward women was for Chesterfield cigarettes in 1926. It showed a romantic couple at night, with the man smoking and the woman sitting next to him. The caption read: “Blow some my way”. When jogging, aerobic exercises and tennis became popular recreations in the 1980s, a glance at magazines showed much money being spent on advertisements for fashionable clothes for these activities.




to blame                 обвинять

goods and services товары и услуги

to argue                 возражать

merely                    просто


to get to do            заставить сделать ч-л

to involve              включать в себя

to run (an ad)         разместить

commercial            рекламный ролик

complexity             сложность

stage                      стадия

awareness              знакомство,                                             информированность

trial                        проба

reinforcement        закрепление

4 paragraph

through                  через

repetition               повторение

technique               метод

consumer               потребитель

to be aware            знать, быть знакомым to exist               существовать

to generate             порождать, давать


to induce               вызывать

make smb. do smth. заставить

to send                              посылать

free                        свободный,                                              бесплатный

sample                   образец

 mail                       почта

to give out             раздавать

store                       магазин

discount                 скидка

offer                      предложение

 price                      цена

reduction          сокращение

 6 paragraph

necessary               необходимый

regular                   обычный

unless                     если не

constantly              постоянно

to remind               напоминать

to please                удовлетворить

probably                вероятно

thus                        следовательно

according to          согласно

to establish            упрочить, укрепить

however                 однако

to cut                     сокращать

likely                      вероятно

to reduce               уменьшить



Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the funniest advertisement you have seen? Describe it.

2. What makes an ad memorable?

Прочитайте и переведите текст:

A-T-R Model

3 Getting a person to buy a product involves far more than simply running an ad in a newspaper or a commercial on TV. To describe the complexities of advertising, we will use the A-T-R model, which shows that there are three main stages in the selling process: awareness, trial and reinforcement.

4 Awareness is the easiest step. Through repetition and other advertising techniques, consumers can be made aware that a product exists. Usually the bigger the advertising campaign, the more4 awareness is generated.

5 Trial, the second step, is much more difficult to induce. Merely advertising a product is not necessarily going to make someone try it. As a result, many companies use other techniques to get people to try the product, including sending free samples through the mail or giving them out in stores, giving away discount coupons and offering price reductions.

6. Reinforcement is the necessary third step to get users to buy the product again. Studies have shown that after people try a new brand, they usually go back to their regular brand unless they are constantly reminded about the new brand by effective advertising.. If the product doesn’t please the customer, he or she will probably never purchase it again. Thus, according to A-T-R theory, increasing the advertising budget after a product is established will not necessarily increase new sales. However, cutting the budget will likely reduce sales because reinforcement will be lost.



1. Caucasian - белый, белокожий, принадлежащий к европеоидной расе

2. this is the case – дело обстоит так

3. Hispanics - латиноамериканцы

4. he bigger … the more – чем больше … тем больше


Упражнение 2 . Найдите синонимы:


1. cutting edge   a. a television or radio advertisement
2. commercial   b. assign responsibility for a fault or wrong
3. awareness c. the process of encouraging or establishing a pattern of behavior, esp. by encouragement or reward
4. trial d. the latest or most advanced stage of development; innovative or pioneering
5. reinforcement e. knowing and understanding a lot about what is happening in the world or around you
6. to blame f. a test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something



Упражнение 3. Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов и словосочетаний:

1. Instead of exclusively featuring blond Caucasian male and female models, as had been the case for decades, a variety of ads began featuring African-Americans, Asian and Hispanics.

a. Ads did not feature blond Caucasian male and female models anymore.

b. For decades advertisements featured only blond Caucasian male and female models.

2. Benetton launched its “United Colors of Benetton” ad campaign featuring youth of diverse nationalities standing arm in arm.

a. Ad campaign featured young people of diverse nationalities closely allied by common interests.

b. Ad campaign featured young people of diverse nationalities standing with arms linked.

3. The advertising industry was again on the cutting edge reflecting our ethnically diverse culture.

a. The advertising industry was again reflecting the latest or most advanced stage of development of our ethnically diverse culture

b. The advertising industry was again advertising the sharp edge of a tool's blade for our ethnically diverse culture.

4. Usually the bigger the advertising campaign, the more awareness is generated.

a. Awareness depends on the scope of advertising campaign.

b. There is no correlation between the scope advertising campaign and awareness.

5. However, cutting the budget will likely reduce sales because reinforcement will be lost.

a. Cutting the budget will most probably reduce sales.

b. Cutting the budget will not necessarily reduce sales.


Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What were the trends in advertising in 1980?

2. What do Caucasian males and females look like?

3. Does advertising create new cultural trends or merely reflect them?

4. What do the letters A-T-R stand for? (e.g. – A-T-R model)

5. What are the three main stages in selling process according to A-T-R model?

6. Is there any connection between the advertizing campaign and awareness?

7. What are the techniques used to get people to try the product?

8. Is it wise to cut the advertising budget after the product is established? Why?

Упражнение 5 Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию

1. Nathan Fowler advised to direct advertising messages to women because they are more emotional.

2. Advertisers present us with specific detail about their products so that we can compare their products with other products.

3. Advertisers use images of glamour and sex appeal; all kinds of humor; appeals to our longings for stronger bonds of family, friendship and community; as well as promises of leisure, self-improvement, and success.

4. Advertisers also use music, contests, special promotions as well as color, composition and compelling graphics to make their ads effective.


Market research began as early as 1891 when Nathan Fowler analyzed consumer patterns(модели) and recommended in Advertising Age that because women make most of the purchasing decisions of their household, manufacturers would do well to direct their advertising messages to them. Since then, ads were increasingly targeted to specific audiences.

Advertisers have deployed a range (ряд) of strategies to reach these audiences. Increasingly, they have emphasized experience (опыт) over information. Rather than present us with specific detail about their products—specifics we might think about and compare with the specifics of other products—most ads present us with emotional appeals (призывы), seducing (соблазняя) us with images of desirable people, places and experiences. Advertisers deploy various strategies to do so. They seek to give power and personality to technological products and to corporations. They also use role models and celebrity endorsements (продвижение знаменитостями); images of glamour and sex appeal; all kinds of humor; appeals to our longings (тяга) for stronger bonds of family, friendship and community; as well as promises of leisure, self-improvement, and success. Advertisers integrate catchy popular music and rope us in (заманивать) with contests and special promotions. They also attract our attention by manipulating the visual elements from color to composition to compelling graphics.




Слова и выражения для запоминания:


technique               метод

to define                определять

to promote             продвигать

cause                      дело, общее дело

thus                   таким образом

evil                         зло

deceptive               лживый, обманчивый

however                 однако

undesirable            нежелательный

connotation           коннотация, дополнительное значение

rather than             а не

extensively            широко

following               следующий ниже

common                 обычный, широко распространенный

2 paragraph

slogan                    девиз, лозунг

the latter                последний из упомянутых, the former – первый из упомянутых

chant                      лозунг, скандирование

convention             съезд, собрание

list                          список

and so on               и так далее


name calling          прозвище, кличка,

as well as               также как и

judgment               суждение

evidence                доказательства

hate                        ненависть

fear                        страх

consumer products потребительские товары

to condemn           осуждать

to reject                 отвергать

pervert                   извращенец

egghead                 яйцеголовый, умник

direct – indirect     прямой, косвенный

approach                подход

upset                      расстроенный

stomach                 желудок

4 paragraph

glittering generalities красивые (общеполитические) призывы

virtuous                 добродетельный, благотворный

to urge                   убеждать, побуждать

to accept                принимать

to approve             одобрить



Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What associations do you have when you hear the word propaganda?

2. Is propaganda evil?


Прочитайте и переведите текст:


1There is an important relationship between propaganda techniques and advertising. Webster’s dictionary defines propaganda as “a systematic effort to promote a particular cause or point of view. Thus, by definition, propaganda is not evil or deceptive. However, the word has taken on undesirable connotation, maybe because these techniques appeal primarily to our emotions rather than to our intellect. Propaganda is a part daily feature of our popular culture. It is a prime ingredient in political speeches and is used extensively in advertising campaigns. The following are some of the more common forms of propaganda devices used today.

2Slogans. The slogan is equally effective in advertising and political campaigns. In the latter, it usually takes the form of a chant that can unite large crowds into one common emotion. Examples of political slogans are “Four More Years” used at political conventions and “America, love it or leave it,” a common bumper sticker during the 1960s. In consumer advertising the list is endless – “Come to Marlboro Country”, “Coke is it”, “Join the Pepsi Generation”, “The Uncola” and so on.

3Name Calling. The device of name calling is constantly used in political and ideological battles as well as in commercial advertising campaigns. It tries to make us form a judgment without examining the evidence on which it should be based. Propagandists appeal to our instincts of hate and fear. They do this by giving ‘bad names” to those individuals, groups, nations, races or consumer products that they would like us to condemn or reject. Such names as communist, capitalist, imperialist, pervert, egghead and so on are just a few that have been used to discredit the opposition. Not all name calling is so direct, however. Often it can work by association. Most name calling in advertising uses this indirect approach: “Our painkiller doesn’t give you an upset stomach” - implying that the competition does.

4Glittering Generalities. Glittering generalities are broad, accepted ideas and virtuous words that are used to sell a point of view. Like name calling, glittering generalities urge us to accept and approve something without examination. Such expressions as “The American way”, “It is in public interests” are examples. Words like “America”, “truth”, “freedom”, “honor”, “justice”, “loyalty”, “progress”, “America’s favorite” are all common glittering generalities. (2000)

Упражнение 2. Найдите синонимы:

1. connotation A. meeting
2. undesirable B. implication
3. convention C. deny
4. reject D. accept
5. approve E. unwanted


Упражнение 3. Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

1. There is an important relationship between propaganda techniques and advertising.

       a. machines            b. method              c. computer

2. In the latter, it usually takes the form of a chant that can unite large crowds into one common emotion

       a. second               b. equal                  c. first

3. Propagandists appeal to our instincts of hate and fear.

       a. terror                  b. regret     c. dislike

4. Like name calling, glittering generalities urge us to accept and approve something without examination

       a. examine             b. support              c. persuade

Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. How does Webster’s dictionary define the word “propaganda”?

2. Why does this word take on an undesirable connotation?

3. What is used extensively both in political speeches and in advertising campaigns?

4. What can unite large crowds into one common emotion?

5. What are the examples of slogans in consumer advertising?

6. What device tries to make us form a judgment without examining the evidence on which it should be based?

7. Is name calling always direct? Give examples.

8. What are glittering generalities?


Упражнение 5

Прочитайте текст, подберите наиболее подходящее окончание предложения:

Testimonial. (свидетельства привлекательных людей) An endorsement of a political candidate by celebrities or other well-respected individuals is called a testimonial. When a movie star endorses some shaving cream, thousands of people may buy it thinking that, if it is good enough for their idol, it is good enough for them.

Testimonial Propaganda: Examples
We can find several famous instances of testimonial propaganda in television commercials as well as in various ads that are showcased through print and online media. Given below are 8 examples of the same.
Example 1: PepsiCo
PepsiCo has used celebrities such as Britney Spears, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, David Beckham, Shakira, and Kanye West, among others, to endorse Pepsi.
Example 2: Puma
Puma pays the World's Fastest Man, Usain Bolt, for lending his name to the famous label and to endorse their running shoes as well as other sports accessories.
Example 3: H&M
A global icon and the heartthrob of women of all ages, David Beckham has lent his name to the clothing multinational brand to endorse the brand's selective and exclusive men's collections.
Example 4: Dior
The exclusive, elegant French fashion house makes use of the stunning Natalie Portman to endorse its Miss Dior label.
Example 7: Chanel
Brad Pitt became the first male face to lend his name to one of the brand's leading products, the Chanel No. 5 perfume.
Example 8: Heineken
The Dutch brewing company had Daniel Craig, as James Bond, lend his name and identity to its beer.

When successfully implemented, testimonial propaganda results in the target audience automatically or subconsciously associating the image and identity of a celebrity or famous personality with a brand/product, which inevitably leads to a boosting of sales as well as the brand's reputation. (1400)

1. An endorsement of a political candidate by celebrities or other well-respected individuals A. the stunning Natalie Portman to endorse its Miss Dior label.
2. PepsiCo has used celebrities such as B. has lent his name to the clothing multinational brand H&M.
3. Puma pays the World's Fastest Man, C. is called a testimonial.
4. A global icon and the heartthrob of women of all ages, David Beckham D. lend his name and identity to the Dutch brewing company.
5. The exclusive, elegant French fashion house makes use of E. Britney Spears, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, David Beckham, Shakira, and Kanye West.
6. Daniel Craig, as James Bond, F. Usain Bolt, for lending his name to the famous label and to endorse their running shoes.


generation              поколение

simply put              проще говоря

outcome                 результат


human beings        люди

previous                 предыдущий

to deal with           рассматривать, заниматься (ч.л.)

device                    прибор, средство, способ, прием

3 paragraph

plain folks              простые люди

impression             впечатление

election                  выборы

hard hat                 каска

coal mines              угольные шахты

obviously               очевидно, явно

the rest of              остальная часть

4 paragraph

card stacking         подтасовывание карт, преднамеренное игнорирование аргументов, не поддерживающих отстаиваемый тезис

impact                    влияние

misleading             ошибочный

to apply                 применять

to omit                   пропускать, пренебрегать

endorsement          одобрение, подтверждение


bandwagon            победившая сторона, повальное увлечение

to follow                следовать за

appeal                    призыв


to wear                  носить (в английском языке относится как к одежде, так и к духАм)

to feature               показывать, изображать

consumer               потребитель


Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is it important to know about propaganda devices? Why or why not?

2. Can you protect yourself against the techniques of propaganda?

Прочитайте и переведите текст:

1Advertisers and politicians have been using propaganda techniques for generations now. Simply put, a propagandist uses emotional and persuasive means to get desired outcomes from others, mostly for their own personal gains.

2As human beings, we begin to lose all sense of rationality when we are driven by emotions. And that is exactly how propagandists exploit other people. The previous text dealt with such propaganda devices as slogans, name calling and glittering generalities.

Here are some more of the more common forms of propaganda devices used today:

3Plain Folks. The “plain folks” device creates an impression that the advertiser or political candidates are just ordinary people like you and me. In every presidential election, you will see candidates visiting coal mines and factories wearing hard hats. They don’t go down into the coal mines, so obviously they don’t wear the hard hats for protection. Instead, the hats are used to give the impression that they are just ordinary folks like the rest of the workers.

4Card Stacking. Card stacking is a technique by which facts, illustrations and statements are carefully selected to make the maximum impact and sometimes give the misleading impression. The cliché that “statistics don’t lie, but you can lie with statistics” applies to this technique. An advertisement claiming that “Four out of five dentists recommend Chewy chewing gum “will certainly be true, but it could be omitting the fact that only five dentists were contacted, and that four of them were paid to give an anonymous endorsement.

5Bandwagon. The bandwagon device is based on the idea that if everybody else is doing it, so should you. Jump on the bandwagon, follow the crowd, don’t throw your vote away by voting for a looser are clichés associated with this device. Advertisements telling you to join the Pepsi Generation or have a good time with the crowd when it is “Miller time” are examples of this type of appeal.

6Sex Appeal. We don’t ordinarily think about sex as a propaganda device, but it sells products in many ways. In recent years emotional appeals based on sex have been used more and more in product advertising. How about the after-shave-lotion ad that features a sexy female voice saying:” Wear English Leather* or wear nothing at all’? Sex appeal is used to stimulate emotions and sell consumer products to both sexes. (1900)

*English Leather- fragrance for men

Упражнение 2. Найдите синонимы:

1. persuade 1. influence
2. impact 2. call
3. misleading 3. approval
4. appeal 4. convince
5. endorsement 5. false

Упражнение 3. Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

1. Advertisers and politicians have been using propaganda techniques for generations now.

       a. production         b. a long period of time     c. process

2. The “plain folks” device creates an impression that the advertiser or political candidates are just ordinary people like you and me.

       a. trick                   b. machine                         c. equipment

3. An advertisement could be omitting the fact that only five dentists were contacted, and that four of them were paid to give an anonymous endorsement.

a. leaving out         b. finding                          c. demonstrating

4. Jump on the bandwagon, follow the crowd, don’t throw your vote away by voting for a looser.

       a. don’t be late      b. do sports                       c. join the winners

5. Wear English Leather or wear nothing at all

       a. put on                b. buy                                c. apply the fragrance

Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Who uses emotional and persuasive means to get desired outcomes from others?

2. When do people begin to lose all sense of rationality?

3.  When do you see candidates visiting coal mines and factories wearing hard hats?

4. Why do such people wear hard hats?

5. . What is card stacking?

6. What technique does the cliché that “statistics don’t lie, but you can lie with statistics” apply to?

7. Give the examples of bandwagon device.

8. Is sex appeal used to stimulate emotions and sell consumer products to men only?


Упражнение 5. Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию:

A. When a product or an idea is linked with another to create the impression that they share positive attributes, the technique being used is known as testimonial.

B. This type of propaganda uses a technique to project certain qualities (this can either be positive or negative) of a person, ideology or object to other things and people.

C. The use of Swastika is now generally associated with and prosperity.

D. Music is often thought of as a propaganda device.

E. Various governments and groups have used music to exert a psychological effect on people. Some of these efforts were highly effective.

Transfer. When a product or an idea is linked with another to create the impression that they share positive attributes, the technique being used is known as transfer. This technique can be used to create positive and negative feelings about an entity.

This propaganda technique is capable of creating highly emotional responses and therefore, generally the imagery for association tends to be visual. The use of Swastika by the Nazi Party led to negative associations for the symbol when in actuality it was an identifier for health and prosperity. Till today the use of the Swastika can cause negative perceptions in the minds of people.

Music. The last device in our list – music – is also seldom thought of as a propaganda device, yet it is one of the most effective devices in radio and TV commercials. Music is an excellent tool for creating specific moods, and it can be used effectively for product identification. Often people will think of a product when they hear a tune that is associated with the product in the ads. (800)



Слова и выражения для запоминания:


sophisticated                     сложный

respected                           уважаемый

to surround                        окружать

controversy                       противоречие

confusion                          путаница, недоразумение

with regard to                               по отношению к

rather + прилагательное весьма, довольно

efforts                                           усилия

to promote                         продвигать, способствовать

good will                           репутация


to define                       определять

definition                      определение

to note                               отметить, заметить

to determine                      определить

to devise                       создавать

to secure                  обеспечивать


to predict                      предсказывать

to counsel                     консультировать

to implement                применять

4 paragraph

to handle                      управлять (чем-л.) , справляться (с чем-л.)

to agree                         соглашаться

space                             место, пространство


to confuse                         путать

to involve                          быть связянным

paid                              оплаченный

to sell                                 продавать

goods                                товары

services                              услуги

on the other hand              с другой стороны

free,                              свободный, бесплатный

to overlap                          частично совпадать

6 paragraph

in fact                                в сущности, фактически

thus                                   следовательно, таким образом

unfortunately                к сожалению

to mean                         значить, означать

Text 1. WHAT IS PR?

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When did you first learn about PR?
  2. What associations do you have when you hear the word combination Public Relations (PR)?


Прочитайте и переведите текст:

1.Public relations like advertising, is a message business that in the recent years has become highly sophisticated and respected. However, it is still surrounded by some of the controversies. It comes from the fact that a great deal of confusion still exists with regard to what public relation is.

The Random House College Dictionary defines public relations rather simply:

a. the efforts of a corporation to promote good will between itself and the public.

b. the methods used to promote such good will.

2. The Public Relations Handbook has expanded on this definition noting that PR enables institutions and people to learn what others think of them, determine what they must do to earn the good will of others, devise ways to win that good will and carry on programs designed to secure goods will.

3. Here is another attempt to define PR: “Public relations practice is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization leaders and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both the organization’s and public’s interests”.

4. There are many other definitions. This only indicates that PR is a complex field with a variety of functions and activities. All the definitions agree that public relations is an organized effort to handle relationships with the public.

5. Some people confuse PR and advertising. Advertising involves the paid use of time and space in the mass media, usually to sell goods and services. Public relations, on the other hand, often uses free space and time in the media to sell corporate images, individuals and good will. These two practices sometimes overlap when paid advertising is used to sell a corporate image or create good will.

6. In fact, advertising often becomes an important part of PR practitioners’ total campaign. Thus, the confusion over these two fields is understandable

Unfortunately, “public relations” still means different things to different people.



Упражнение 2. Найдите синонимы:

1. controversy a. . benevolence (благожелательность, доброжелательность
2. goodwill b. polemics
3. consequence c. result

Упражнение 3. Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

1. Public relations like advertising, is a message business that in the recent years has become highly sophisticated and respected.

a. false       b. complicated                   c. easy

2. All the definitions agree that PR is an organized effort to handle relationship with public.

a. control    b. discuss               c. suspend

3. Public relations often use free space and time in the media to sell corporate images, individuals and good will.

a. vacant    b. unrestricted       c. without paying money

Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the attitude to public relations at present?

2. Why is PR surrounded by some of the controversies?

3. What definition of PR does the Random House College Dictionary give?

4. Why are there so many definitions of PR in various sources?

5. What is the difference between PR and advertising?

6. What activities does PR include?

  1. Can you give a definition of PR?
  2. What examples of PR activity do you know?

Упражнение 5. Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию:

Case study

1. Perrier is an oil tanker.

2. The company Source Perrier did everything to minimize the damage caused by the crisis.

3. This case is the example of bad crisis management


Up until 1990 ordering Perrier1 was a fashionable thing to do. However, it was reported in the news media that this chic French bottled mineral water had been contaminated (загрязнена) with the traces of benzene2. Within weeks after that, Perrier became a forgotten product. Source Perrier first tried to ignore the benzene contamination, and then tried to minimize its extent. The public lost confidence in the company and its product.



1. Perrier – торговая марка Перье, натуральная минеральная вода

2. benzene - бензол





Слова и выражения для запоминания:

1 paragraph

sense                                  смысл, чувство

to include                          включать в себя

major-minor                       главный-второстепенный

separately                          отдельно

2 paragraph.

 be responsible for        отвечать за

to develop                    развивать, разрабатывать, создавать

to represent                   представлять

to provide                     давать, обеспечивать

feedback                       обратная связь

level                                   уровень

3 paragraph

origin                            происхождение

term                               термин, условие, семестр

to stage                         организовывать, устраивать

event                                 событие, мероприятие

to attract                       привлекать

favorable                      благоприятный

attention                       внимание

although                       хотя

fraud                                 обман; мошенничество

deception                          ложь; измышления, неправда

to achieve                          достигать

 to be responsible for         отвечать за

4 paragraph

rather +прилагательное   весьма, довольно

prevalent                           преобладающий

to apply                             применять

favorable                           благоприятный

coverage                            освещение

cause                                 общее дело; благое дело

5 paragraph

to involve                     включать в себя, быть связаным

endorsement                      поддержка, продвижение

to range from to                от…до

whale                                 кит

fund-raising                       привлечение финансовых средств

6. paragraph

skilled                                опытный

 title                              должность, заглавие, название,

7. paragraph

occasionally                       иногда

 unfavorable                      неблагоприятный

experience                         опыт

assistance                          помощь

however                            однако

to expand                      расширять

as well                               тоже, также

Упражнение 1. Данный текст содержит профессиональные термины. Есть несколько способов, применяемых для передачи терминов: транскрипция (транслитерация), эквивалент, пословная передача(калька), описательный перевод. Какие способы использованы для терминов, приведенных ниже:

good will –“гудвил”, репутация и деловые связи фирмы, (нематериальные элементы)

mass media – средства массовой информации

policy making – определение политики, выработка политического курса;

press agentry – пресс-посредничество

spin doctoring – спин-докторинг, политтехнологии

promotion – промоушн, раскрутка,

publicity – паблисити, гласность

advertising – реклама


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Дата: 2019-07-30, просмотров: 637.