Formation of the Passive Tense Forms
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
Present Past
Indefinite I am ü He is ý invited We areþ I was ü He was ý invited We wereþ
Continuous I am ü He is ý being We areþ invited I was ü He was ý being We were þ invited
Perfect I have ü He has ý been We have þinvited I ü He ý had been We þ invited
Perfect Continuous --------------- ------------------


Future Future in the Past
Indefinite I shall/will ü He will ý be invited We shall/will þ I should/would ü He would ý be invited We should/would þ
Continuous    ------------------    -------------------
Perfect I shall/will ü He will ý have been We shall/will þ invited I should/would ü He would ý have been We should/would þ invited
Perfect Continuous _____ _____


7. State the tense and voice form of the verbs:

can be divided; are owned; will be used; was provided; has been expanded; is made; might have been obtained; shall be asked; is being done; have been translated; should be called; were being built; was followed; had been closed; will have been helped; would have been called.

8. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Don’t put on that funny hat. You will be laughed at. 2. I hope my work will be approved of. 3. Our professor is always attentively listened to. 4. In producing these things the new synthetic material has been made use of. 5. His words were not taken notice of. 6. Will the results of our work be referred to by? 7. The proposal was objected to by. 8. She has always been well spoken of. 9. All the new data have been looked through with great attention. 10. Where have you been? You have been looked for everywhere.

9. Give the corresponding passive construction:

1. They will insist on your arrival. 2. They told us very interesting news. 3. They do not allow people to own this plot of land. 4. They asked me to take part in this conference, but I refused. 5. This boy told a lie once, therefore nobody believes him now. 6. They speak much of every new achievement in computer programmes. 7. I don’t think you pay much attention to the obligations of your company. 8. Nobody wondered at the excellent results of this business enterprise. 9. Have you sent for the managing director? 10. They gave us all necessary information. 11. I looked for the warranty card everywhere, but I could not find it anywhere. 12. This executive officer took great care of the advertising of their products.

10. Translate the following into Russian:

1. Since the beginning of that extraordinary era of economic progress ushered in by the Industrial Revolution, old ways of conducting business have been modified, and new forms of business organization have been introduced.

2. Unless an activity is specifically prohibited by law, no line of business is closed to an owner.

3. Unless a limited partnership has been established, all parties equally share the burden of loss and debts.

4. Some products are marketed most effectively by direct sale from manufacturer to consumer.

5. Simple transactions are completed by clerks.

6. Displays must be supplied and set up, and cooperative advertising programs may be worked out.

7. Store clerks should be trained in a knowledge of the manufacturer’s products.

8. The production plan must be made to meet fluctuating market demands.

9. Workers must be hired, trained, and assigned in synchronization with the changing production processes and schedules.

10. Commodity analysis studies the ways in which a product or product group is brought to market.


Forms of the Infinitive

Active Passive
Indefinite to ask — спрашивать (V0) to be asked — быть опрошен-ным (спрашиваемым) (to be + V3)
Continuous to be asking — спрашивать (to be + V-ing) __________
Perfect to have asked — (уже) спросить (в прошлом) (to have + V3) to have been asked — быть (уже) спрошенным (в прош-лом) (To have been + V3)
Perfect Continuous to have been asking — спросить (to have been + V-ing) __________


11. Define the form of the Infinitive:

to manage; to be informed; to have been over; to be improving; to have been entering; to be investigated; must be raining; shall discuss; to have been taken.

12. a) Form verbs using the suffix -en:

wide, deep, broad, strength, length, sharp, moist.

b) Form verbs from the following nouns using the suffix -ize:

victim, sympathy, patron, character, organ.

c) Form nouns from the following nouns and adjectives using the suffix -ism:

race, communist, capital, social, feudal, nominal.

13. Read the text and retell it in Russian:

Paul Samuelson (1915-) And Milton Friedman (1912-)

Дата: 2019-07-31, просмотров: 215.