В процессе сплошной выборки мы классифицировали отмеченные нами лакуны по лексико-тематическим группам. Представим полученные результаты.
1. Лакуны, обозначающие имена:
Even that Russian Lolita duet – tAtU – or what have you, had to pretend they were lesbians just to attract ticket sales (2007. №21. Confessions of a Heterosexual).
Masha wasted no time in restoring my healthy cynicism in the general wretchedness of the human race when she chirpily announced: «an iPhone, of course!» And people say there is no more romance left in the world. How are men supposed to be chivalrous in such a vile and vulgar world? Then Masha proceeded to lecture me about the general advantages of car ownership, as opposed to merely Metro card ownership, especially when trying to impress the opposite sex (21 ноября 2008 г. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge. Another senseless Neo-Luddite rant).
Presently, there is a comely young girl, let's call her Zina, since that is her name (it really is), who is blowing her nose copiously into an embroidered handkerchief between lustful gulps of cold firewater while cursing some poor brute named ‘Serozha (11 декабря 2008. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge. Russia: a riddle stuck in an apartment surrounded by a dacha).
On September 10, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov was scheduled to address the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, to inform the deputies about current military development and various problems (2008, №36. Russian Army’s weaknesses exposed).
On Monday morning, during my rush-hour trudge to the metro, I discovered the semi-sensational news that Kseniya Sukhinova, 21, Siberia's native princess, had won the Miss World 2008 competition that was held in Johannesburg over the weekend (18 декабря 2008 г. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge. English-language daily snubs Russia Miss World).
2. Лакуны, обозначающие предметы быта:
Here I was greeted with a choice of Sea Grouper in Mustard Sauce, Salmon and Mussels with Mushroom Sauce, Shrimp Shaslik, and Pike Perch Cutlets with lobster bisque sauce.
While the price for this epicurean fantasy may seem steep (3,200 rubles, prices may vary), the atmosphere and overall quality of the dishes make it worth every ruble spent (2008, №8. If you are looking for a great way to avoid dishes and a messy stove as the weekend winds down, it would be hard to beat an all-you-can-eat Sunday Brunch).
«FACE CONTROL» sign means that adorns the front of Moscow hotspots: It means the ability to ask the bartender for «two gin and tonics» without contorting your face in pain when he asks you for 1,200 rubles (24 октября 2008 г. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge. How to Survive in Moscow during a crisis).
It's kind of like the samovar, matryoshka doll and the black bear (25 декабря 2008 г. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge. Some sobering comments on vodka, the notorious Russian toast, and other surprises…)
Russia: a riddle stuck in an apartment surrounded by a dacha (11 декабря 2008 г. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge).
Some sobering comments on vodka, the notorious Russian toast, and other surprises… (25 декабря 2008 г. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge)
3. Лакуны, обозначающие понятия культуры:
«The report contains a direct indication that the United States intends to finance projects within the framework of the forthcoming State Duma and presidential election campaigns,» said Kosachev, as quoted by RIA Novosti ( 2007 г., №14. Screeching Eagle, Shrugging Bear).
Moreover, Russian forces did not know the firing positions of Georgia's Grad multiple-launch rocket systems, Gvozdika self-propelled guns and T‑72 tank units (2008, №36. Russian Army’s weaknesses exposed).
The overwhelming majority of Russian publications, including Noviye Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moskovskiy Komsomolets, Gazeta – and even the usually staid business daily, Kommersant – all proudly carried Kseniya's enchanting story of personal triumph) и пр. (18 декабря 2008 г. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge. English-language daily snubs Russia Miss World).
4. Лакуны, называющие элементы общественного устройства:
On September 10, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov was scheduled to address the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, to inform the deputies about current military development and various problems (2008, №36. Russian Army’s weaknesses exposed).
Although Russian and foreign UCAVs are regularly displayed at the annual MAKS international aerospace show in Zhukovsky near Moscow, including at the MAKS‑2007 show, the Russian Army still lacks them because the national Defense Ministry decided to stop buying them in 2006 (2008, №36. Russian Army’s weaknesses exposed).
The Dzerzhinsky Ural Railroad Car Works (Uralvagonzavod), which has developed all post-Soviet and Russian main battle tanks except the T‑80, unveiled its Tank Support Combat Vehicle (TSCV) over 20 years ago (2008, №36. Russian Army’s weaknesses exposed).
In June, British Petroleum's majority share in the huge Kovykta field was taken over by state-owned Gazprom for a pittance; last year, Shell forfeited its majority stake in the Sakhalin‑2 oil and gas project (2007. №28. London’s Russian Witch Hunt.).
Early the next morning, Serozha and Zina zig-zagged in their Zigoli to the nearest ZAGS, the government agency where love birds enlist for marital duty (11 декабря 2008. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge. Russia: a riddle stuck in an apartment surrounded by a dacha).
5. Лакуны, обозначающие имена политических и творческих деятелей:
Moreover, Putin survived the political nightmare of Beslan, Dubrovka and a wave of deadly apartment blasts. His term in office also saw the elimination of child butcher Shamil Basayev (2007, №34. Putin-Sarko Showdown).
Consequently, the Russians had no choice but to send a Tupolev Tu‑22M3 Backfire strategic bomber on a reconnaissance mission and to use Sukhoi Su‑25 Frogfoot ground-attack jets to hit Georgian MLRS batteries (2008, №36. Russian Army’s weaknesses exposed).
6. Лакуны , называющие географические понятия:
On August 13, the Internet lights up with photos of the Russian president fishing the Yenisei River on the border of Mongolia (2007, №34. Putin-Sarko Showdown).
Moreover, Putin survived the political nightmare of Beslan, Dubrovka and a wave of deadly apartment blasts. His term in office also saw the elimination of child butcher Shamil Basayev (2007, №34. Putin-Sarko Showdown).
Those, who fought in Georgia this August, know that Russian peace-keepers sustained the greatest casualties during the first hours of the Georgian aggression because Moscow and Vladikavkaz, where the 58th Army's headquarters is located, failed to promptly order troops to repel the attack and to send elements of the 58th Army to South Ossetia (2008, №36. Russian Army’s weaknesses exposed).
Although Russian and foreign UCAVs are regularly displayed at the annual MAKS international aerospace show in Zhukovsky near Moscow, including at the MAKS‑2007 show, the Russian Army still lacks them because the national Defense Ministry decided to stop buying them in 2006 (2008, №36. Russian Army’s weaknesses exposed).
They must be referring to those illegal demonstrations that were orchestrated on Triumfalnaya Ploshchad, on busy Tverskaya Ulitsa in which dozens of ‘Other Russia' protesters were detained because they refused to hold their rally at a special government-sanctioned ‘safe zone' (as is common practice, by the way, in all Western countries) (18 декабря 2008 г. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge. English-language daily snubs Russia Miss World).
7. Лакуны, называющие исторические события и явления:
Russian communists and capitalists celebrate the victory with equal fervor on May 9th (2007. №18. Russia’s New War).
«Orwellian ‘free speech zones, '» argues Ronald Bailey in Reason Magazine, «are typically far away from the venue where the visiting president is appearing, so that he can enjoy a Potemkin village experience in which he sees only an adoring populace through his limousine window (подчеркнутое выражение напоминает факты истории – потемкинские деревни, возводимые Григорием Потемкиным, вернее, фальшивые деревни, представление о них) (2007 г., №15. The Other Other Russia).
8. Узуальные лакуны
First, if you want to drink with the natives you must understand that the Russian people never say «Na zdaroviya» before they toss back their favorite firewater (25 декабря 2008 г. «American in Moscow» by Robert Bridge. Some sobering comments on vodka, the notorious Russian toast, and other surprises…)
AAH! Not that! What about my career? What about ME? (2007. №21. Confessions of a Heterosexual).
Let the offspring of our diseased loins run rampant, touching strangers' clothes with their sticky little offspring fingers. Hee, hee, hee (2007. №21. Confessions of a Heterosexual).
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 199.