As we have already said the predicate in English is factual center, which gravitates all the parts of the sentence. Particularly it is interesting to mark the fixed place of the negation before the predicate, not depending on to which part it belongs by the meaning.
We do not advocate the rights of black Africans in order to drive white Africans. Biz qora Afrikaliklarning huquqini ularni bu yerlardan quvg’in qilish maqsadida himoya qilayotganimiz yo’q.- Мы защищаем права черных африканцев не для того, чтобы изгнать белых африканцев.
"Не wasn't born here," Leo said. "He was born in New York." “U bu yerda tug’ilmagan- dedi Leo.- U Nyu-Yorkda tug’ilgan”- «Он родился не здесь, — сказал Лео. — Он родился в Нью-Йорке».
One can conclude fro here, that in Uzbek and Russian sentence the negation belongs to the word, but in English it belongs to the whole sentence. Consequently, in English the negation is syntactical, and in Uzbek and Russian- morphological.
Indicative example of the fact that in English negative sentence the negation belongs to the entire sentence, not to its separate parts is referring the negation in compound sentence to the main part, though by sense it belongs to the subordinate clause:
I don't think we've been to the theatre for two or three years.- Menimcha biz teatrda 2-3 yil davomida tushmadik.- Думаю, что мы не были в театре в течение двух-трех лет.
"Do you think he'll pay the money back?" "No, I don't
think he will. (...) –Seningcha u pulni qaytaradimi? –Yo’q menimcha u pullarni qaytarmaydi. -Нет, думаю, что не отдаст.
Adverbs of indefinite tense (often, never, ever and etc.) also precede, as a rule, the predicate. We must note that all of the quantitative adverbs, in contrast to the qualitative, which come in the end of the sentence. Only, also being quantitative adverb comes in most cases before the predicate, irrespective of what word of the sentence it (in Uzbek and Russian the place of the adverb ‘faqat- только’ is stipulated by the meaning).
I've only been along this road once. Men bu yo’lad faqat bir marotaba yurganman- Этой дорогой я ездил всего один раз.
It only blooms tonight. Bu faqat bugun kechqurun gulladi.- Он цветет только сегодня ночью.
We can suppose, that taking the preposition to the end in special questions (What are you looking at?) and in the attributive clauses without conjunction at the end of the sentence (The book you are looking for is on my desk) is explained by the gravitation of the preposition to the verb- predicate, which controls this preposition.
But not only qualitative adverbs and prepositions gravitate to the verb –predicate. All kind of determiners belonging to it are also closely connected with it. Thus, in nominal composite predicate, expressed by the combination of the verb «to be + adjective», the modifiers of measure or the quantity are wedged into two components of the predicate- between the link-verb to be and the predicative, which they determine.
The postman was an hour late. –Pochtalon bir soatga kech qoldi.Почтальон опоздал на час.
The snow was three feet deep.- Qor qalinligi uch fut edi.- Снег был глубиной в три фута.
The aspiration to introduce the determiner, which is factual modifier or the object, into the group of is clearly seen in the sentences like:
Не was mountain born. – U tog’da tug’ilgan.- Он родился в горах. (literally: «- Он был горнорожденным».)
Не was house proud. – U o’z uyi bilan g’ururlanadi. -Он гордился своим домом. (literally: «Он был домом гордый».)
Sometimes the group of the predicate can be very large because of adverbial meaning (manner) which it contains. This happens in composite predicates like:
I am horrid to say such things.
I was surprised to find Elliott very spry.
The elements of these composite predicates are closely connected between each other, but while translating them into Uzbek or Russian they have to be torn, breaking to pieces the predicate into predicate and the modifier of manner, or dividing the simple English sentence into the main and subordinate parts.
Bunday narsalani gapitishim juda ham dahshatli.- Ужасно, что я говорю такие вещи.
Eliot o’zini tetik tutayotganligidan men hayron qoldim.-Я был удивлен, что Эллиотт держался так бодро.
The use of such many-componential predicates with the adverbial meaning in English is stipulated by briefness of the means of expression, compactness of English sentence.
Не seemed to recognise her at once. – Bir qarashda u uni birdaniga tanib qolgan degan hayol keladi.-Казалось, он сразу же узнал ее.
I happened to meet him there.- Shunday bo’ldiki, men uni o’has yerda uchratib qoldim.-Случилось так, что я его
там встретил.
She appeared to misunderstand me.- Menimcha, u meni tushunmadi. -По-видимому, она не поняла меня.
As we can see these simple sentences are translated into Uzbek and Russian either by compound sentence or by introductory word.
The close connection of the predicate with the modifier can be seen in other kind of word combinations, which have become common for English, but still keeping its imagery character.
She was stung out of her fear.- Bu uning nafsoniyatiga shunchalik tegdiki, u hattoki qo’rqishni bas qildi.- Это так уязвило ее, что она перестала бояться.
This shocked Mr Campbell into speech. –Bu janob Kempbelni shunchalik hayratlantirib yubordiki, u hatto gapirib yubordi. -Это так потрясло м-ра Кэмпбелла, что он заговорил.
The new situation seemed likely to torture her into desperation. Ishning bunday tus olishi uni qayg’uga botiradi degan hayolga olib keldi.-Изменившееся положение дел, казалось, доведет ее до отчаяния.
In such word combinations the meaning of the modifier of manner is always present.
to frown — humrayib qaramoq- взглянуть исподлобья, глядеть хмурясь
to scowl — jahl bilab qaramoq-сердито смотреть
to stare — baqrayib qaramo-смотреть пристально, с изумлением уставиться
to smile — iljayib qaramoq-с улыбкой взглянуть на кого-л.
to smirk — o’ziga ishongan holda iljayib qaramoq-смотреть с самодовольной, деланной или глупой улыбкой
to grin —tishini ko’rsatib qaramoq- смотреть с ухмылкой
to squint —bilintirmay qaramoq- смотреть искоса, украдкой
to snub — past nazar bilan qaramoq-смотреть свысока, с презрением an so on.
As it is clearly seen such verbs are translated into Uzbek and Russian not by a single word, but by the combinations of the words.
Our qualification paper deals with the problems of the theory of translation and the theoretical grammar, and it was carried out at the interfaces between these two subjects, which shows their close connection.
The object of investigation was English predicate, its properties and the way of transforming it into Uzbek language, but we have also touched Russian.
In general while translating the predicate there are not any difficulties, if the predicate is expressed by the action verbs, therefore we have taken the most interesting and significant, and at the same time causing problems for the translator parts of the predicate, that is the link- verbs, to be and to have. Besides being a link verb they fulfill a greater number of functions, sometimes forming idiomatic expressions. Generally to be is not translated into Uzbek in present tense, but in the future and in the past tenses it appears. We have revealed the cases when one should use action verbs in translation. The same is with the verb to have, which besides its main meaning “ega bo’lmoq” have a number of different meanings, and most of them are idiomatic.
In the first chapter we have looked through the theoretical base of the predicate, the structure of the sentence, the interrelations of the predicate with other parts of the sentence and one problem that is typical to the predicate, its complication features. We have also discussed the types of complications.
As the main part of the sentence the predicate is in the center of attention, and there are many tasks and problems concerning it, and the research into it will be continued. And in our qualification paper we just tried to combine these all and approach to it from not only theoretical, but also from practical point of view.
Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 244.