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Скрипт выполненного задания
In the first photo we can see a girl sitting in a classroom and trying to do her task or solve some questions. We can see that she is nervous. It is difficult for her to do her studies. And in the second photo we can see a group of pupils also in the classroom, but the difference is that they look happy and they are enjoying things that they are doing, This pictures are different because they show us different learning styles, and I more prefer learning style from the second picture because I think that education must be enjoyable. And you can only learn something if you are interested in what you are doing.
ЗАДАНИЕ 8. Просмотрите скрипт ответа другого экзаменуемого на то же задание 4 вариант 2. Какие лексико-грамматические ошибки допустил участник ЕГЭ?
Скрипт выполненного задания
So, in these pictures I see pupils in their schools or universities. These pictures have only pupils studying in common. And the difference of the pictures is that on the first picture pupils are sad disabled to do their tasks and on the second picture pupils are smiling. They are doing their homework or just classwork. And they are happy and glad to learn it. In my opinion, the second picture is better than the first, and learning style in the second picture is better than in the first. I think that people should study when they are really interested in it, when they want to do it. And if somebody will just make them study, it won’t give any result
ЗАДАНИЕ 9. Просмотрите скрипт ответа другого экзаменуемого на задание 4 вариант 1 (день рождения). Какие ошибки в решении коммуникативной задачи и в организации текста допустил участник ЕГЭ?
Скрипт выполненного задания
In the first picture we can see a lot of children who have birthday. Maybe it’s a girl’s birthday. And she is blowing her candles on her cake, and every child is really happy because it is very important moment for her. And I think that they are very happy. In the second picture I can see an old man who is sitting in front of his cake and I suppose that he is very upset because it was his birthday. Maybe it was delayed and nobody comes to him to celebrate him.
ЗАДАНИЕ 10. Просмотрите скрипт ответа еще одного экзаменуемого на задание 4 вариант 1 (день рождения). Отредактируйте его так, чтобы экзаменуемый получил максимальный балл.
Though these two pictures seem to be rather different in fact they have much in common. Well, in the first picture we can see birthday party. . There is a lot of children and even a funny clown. I suppose it is summer time because boys and girls in this picture are wearing T-shirt. I also suppose that these children don’t study in school because they don’t look like pupils. Well, there are a lot of happine…. and funni….. And I suppose this birthday party for little girl because she is blowing candles in the cake. In the second picture we can see also birthday party but it is a lot of sadness, and we can see alone old man who is looking on the cake with sadness. It is dark in the room and I think he is alone because his friends dead or maybe they are in the trip. I can’t see candles on the cake but I think the fire in the cake was made by this man. What about difference of this pictures (/) this is atmosphere in this picture. If in the first picture we can see happiness and a lot of fun, the second picture looks sadness. To tell the truth, I want to cry. What about common thing these people are in the birthday party and they have a birthday. What about kind of birthday I would prefer first party because I don’t want to be on a birthday alone. It is ugly also because I don’t want to be old. It’s sound rubbish but I don’t want.
ЗАДАНИЕ 11. Прослушайте и оцените ответ № (051416)6858 на задание 4. Используйте критерии и дополнительную схему оценивания.
Задание для учащихся
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which of the books presented in the pictures you’d prefer to read
· explain why
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 252.