Use the additional sources and find one or two examples of each level of events
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INES - The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale - is a tool for promptly communicating to the public in consistent terms the safety significance of reported nuclear and radiological incidents and accidents, excluding naturally occurring phenomena such as Radon.

The scale can be applied to any event associated with nuclear facilities, as well as the transport, storage and use of radioactive material and radiation sources. 

The primary purpose of the INES Scale is to facilitate communication and understanding between the technical community, the media and the public on the safety significance of events. It covers a wide spectrum of practices, including industrial use such as radiography, use of radiation sources in hospitals, operations at nuclear facilities, and transport of radioactive material. Events are classified on the scale at seven levels: Levels 4–7 are termed “accidents” and Levels 1–3 “incidents.” Events without safety significance are termed “deviations” and are classified below scale at Level 0.

Serious accident - Level 7

People and the environment

Major release of radioactive material with widespread effects on health and the environment, which requires the implementation and extension of planned countermeasures.

Major accident - Level 6

People and the environment

Significant release of radioactive material likely to require implementation of planned countermeasures.

Accident with wider consequences - Level 5

People and the environment

Limited release of radioactive material likely to require implementation of some planned countermeasures.

Several deaths from radiation.

Radiological barriers and controls

Severe damage to the reactor core.

Release of large quantities of radioactive material within an installation with a high probability of exposure to the public; possibly caused by a fire or severe criticality accident.

Accident with local consequences - Level 4

People and the environment

Minor release of radioactive material, with little likelihood of having to apply countermeasures under unless local food controls.

At least one death from radiation.

Radiological barriers and controls

Fusion fuel or fuel damage, which causes liberation top 0.1% of the core inventory.

Release of significant quantities of radioactive material within an installation with a high probability of significant public exposure.

Major incident - Level 3

People and the environment

Exposure ten times the annual limit for exposure of workers.

Effect non-lethal of radiation health.

Radiological barriers and controls

Rates above 1 Sv / h exposure in an operating area.

Severe contamination in an area not expected by design, with a low probability of significant exposure the public.

Defense in depth

Near accident at a nuclear power plant without provision of security pending application.

Lost or stolen of highly radioactive sealed sources.

Wrong delivery of highly radioactive sealed source without adequate procedures to manipulate.

Incident - Level 2

People and the environment

Exhibition of an audience above 10 mSv.

Exposure of a worker in excess of statutory annual limits.

Radiological barriers and controls

Radiation levels exceeding 50 mSv / h in an area of operation.

Significant contamination inside a facility in an area not expected by design.

Defense in depth

Significant failures in safety provisions, but without real consequences.

Finding of an orphaned sealed source of a device or packaging for the transport of highly radioactive, indicating security arrangements, there has been no impairment.

Inadequate packaging of a highly radioactive sealed source.

Deviations - Level 1

Defense in depth

Overexposure to an audience in excess of statutory annual limits.

Minor problems in safety components with significant defense measures pending application in depth.

Lost or stolen radioactive source, device or transport packaging of low activity.

The entire range of conditions for which an NPP is designed according to established design criteria, including all the national regulatory requirements, and for which damage to the fuel and release of radioactive material are kept within authorized limits, form the design basis of an NPP. Within the design basis, a number of unintended events are considered, including operating errors and equipment failures, whose consequences or potential consequences are not negligible in terms of safety. According to the probability of its occurrence and potential consequences, an event may be classified as an anticipated operational occurrence (also called a transient) or a design basis accident (DBA).

An accident occurring outside the NPP design basis is called a beyond design basis accident (BDBA). Such an accident may or may not involve degradation of the reactor core (leading to significant core damage). An accident involving core degradation (typically with core melting) is also called a severe accident.

Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 238.