1) a machine with moving parts that uses a fuel to produce movement, for example in a road vehicle or aircraft;
2) a machine used for cutting grass;
3) a machine for making up material such as paper, hay, or cotton into bales;
4) a large amount produced of an agricultural or industrial product;
5) a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit;
6) a thing used to help perform a job;
7) a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment;
8) a machine used to cut and gather crops.
(B,C) Exercise 6. Translate into English the following words, word combinations and sentences.
a) Технологии, трудосберегающие технологии; Наука и техника обеспечивают фермеров трудосберегающими технологиями;
b) Сельскохозяйственная техника, использование сельскохозяйственной техники, использование сельскохозяйственной техники, чтобы механизировать работу в сельском хозяйстве;
c) Плуг, отвальный плуг; Фермеры испытывали отвальный плуг;
d) Двигатель, двигатель внутреннего сгорания; Двигатель внутреннего сгорания способствовал крупным изменениям в сельском хозяйстве;
e) Трактор, самоходный трактор; Несколько тракторных компаний ведут разработку самоходного трактора.
(A,B) Exercise 1. Put the following points in the order which they are treated in the text. Then say a few words on each point. Make use of the text.
a) Agricultural development in the period of Industrial revolution;
b) Agricultural changes in the 20th century;
c) Primitive agricultural devices;
d) Agricultural inventions in the era of Transport revolution;
e) The 19th century farming;
f) Modern innovations in agriculture;
g) The significance of farm mechanization.
(A,B) Exercise 2. In a small group discuss the following problems. Use the given tables:
Ø What are the main advantages of farm mechanization?
Table 1. The significance of farm mechanization
§ replacement of manual labor and animals § high yields of crops and animal produce § using labor-saving technologies § improvement of plant varieties and breeds of livestock |
Ø What are the main steps of engine development?
Table 2. Types of engines
§ steam engine § diesel engine § gasoline (petrol) engine § internal combustion engine |
Ø What are the main novelties in farm machinery today?
Table 3 . Tractors innovations
§ electrical switches and levers § GPS devices § on-board computers § remote control driving |
(B) Exercise 3. Match the invention with its date. Speak of the person who invented the device and the place of invention.
1. 7000 B.C. | A. combine |
2. 1836 | B. diesel engine |
3. 1765 | C. steam engine |
4. 1897 | D. a hoe |
5. 1858 | E. Internal combustion engine |
(A,B,C) Exercise 4. Speak on the topic «Mechanization of agriculture». Prove that agricultural mechanization is considered one of the scientific wonders of the world.
(A) Speak on the topic. Give your reasons using the text. (4-6 sentences)
(B) Speak on the topic. Mention all inventions and their inventors that made the greatest contribution to agriculture. (6-8 sentences)
(C) Speak on the topic. Add your own information about agricultural inventions and their inventors. (8-12 sentences)
(C) Exercise 5. What major scientific advances in agriculture are going to take place in our lifetime? Describe them and explain why they are going to happen. Make use of the following ideas.
§ precision agriculture § sensors and controls § unmanned aerial systems |
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Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 234.