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Nowadays every country has realized the importance of farm mechanization. Agricultural enterprises are able to obtain high yields of crops and animal produce because they work in close contact with science. Science and technology help make agriculture more productive. They provide farmers with labor-saving technologies produce improved plant varieties and breeds of livestock and develop new agricultural chemicals.
Farm mechanization is the process of using agricultural machinery to mechanize the work of agriculture. Powered machinery has replaced manual labor and animals such as oxen, horses and mules.
The history of agriculture contains many examples of the use of primitive tools, such as the hoe and the plow.
Of greatest significance was the development of mechanical power for farm work. Wind, water and animals were used to provide energy for various devices. The Industrial Revolution began by putting water and steam to work. James Watt, a British engineer, developed a steam engine in 1765.
In the middle of the 18th century farmers tried out a moldboard plow. The first combine was designed in 1836. In 1897 a German engineer Rudolf Diesel invented a new engine known as a diesel which began a transport revolution in cars, lorries, trains and ships.
In the early 19th century, animals were the chief source of power in farming. During World War I gasoline- (petrol-) powered tractors became common, and diesel engines later became prevalent.
In the 20th century the introduction of four-stroke internal combustion engine contributed to great changes in agriculture. In the developed countries, the number of farm workers has steadily declined, while farm production has increased because of the use of machinery. Agricultural equipment (planters, cultivators, reapers, pickers, threshers, mowers, balers) may be towed behind or mounted on the tractor. Modern tractors have many electrical switches and levers in the cab for controlling the multitude of different functions available on the tractor. Space technology has been incorporated into agriculture in the form of GPS devices, and on-board computers installed as optional features on farm tractors. Several tractor companies have also been working on producing a driverless tractor.
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(А ) Exercise 1. Guess the meanings of the following international words.
Mechanization, history, method, mechanical, device, engineer, revolution, industrial, stimulate, combine, transport, tractor, contact, productivity, technology, integration, intensive, energy, chemicals, primitive, function, start, electrical, cultivator, computer.
(A) Exercise 3. Find in the text word combinations built on the model V+N, corresponding to the Russian phrases:
Осознать значимость, получить высокий урожай, разработать химикаты, использовать технику, обеспечить энергией, испытывать плуг, проектировать комбайн, изобрести двигатель, буксировать технику, контролировать функции.
(B) Exercise 3. Match the word in A and its synonym in B.
A | B |
1. significance | a. company |
2. modern | b. simple |
3. engine | c. device |
4. enterprise | d. to enlarge |
5. tool | e. up- to- date |
6. to increase | f. profitable |
7. useful | g. importance |
8. primitive | i. motor |
(B) Exercise 4. Complete these world-building tables.
mechanize | |
contact | |
produce | |
develop | |
invent | |
eliminate | |
design | |
introduce | |
control | |
install | |
efficiency | |
significance | |
electricity | |
mechanics | |
industry | |
technology |
(C)Exercise 5. Write down sentences of your own using new word combinations.
· labor-saving technologies
· manual labor
· primitive tools
· to provide energy
· to obtain high yields of crops
· to install on-board computers
· to produce a driverless tractor
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(A)Exercise 1. Find the adjectives in the text which are used with the following words or phrases:
§ mechanization § yields § tools § power § plow | § revolution § engine § equipment § switches § tractors |
(А ) Exercise 2. Match the columns.
1. The history of agriculture | A. because they work in close contact with science. |
2. Nowadays every country | B. to mechanize the work of agriculture. |
3. In 1897 a German engineer Rudolf Diesel | C. contains many examples of the use of primitive tools, such as the hoe and the plough. |
4. The use first of water power and then of steam power | D. has realized the importance of farm mechanization. |
5. Farm mechanization is the process | E. invented a new engine known as a diesel which began a transport revolution in cars, lorries, trains and ships. |
6. Farm mechanization is the process of using agricultural machinery | F. stimulated the invention of agricultural machinery replacing manual labor. |
7. Agricultural enterprises are able to obtain high yields of crops and animal produce | G. of using agricultural machinery to mechanize the agricultural work, greatly increasing farm productivity. |
(A) Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
1. Every country has realized the importance … farm mechanization..
2. Science and technology provide farmers … labor-saving technologies
3. The history of agriculture contains many examples … the use … primitive tools, such as the hoe and the plough.
4. … greatest significance was the development … mechanical power … farm work.
5. Wind, water and animals were used to provide energy … various devices.
6. The Industrial Revolution began … putting water and steam … work.
7. … the middle of the 18th century farmers tried … a moldboard plow.
8. … World War I gasoline- powered tractors became common.
9. Modern agriculture is known ….. its full-scale mechanization.
(B) Exercise 4. Complete each sentence with the appropriate word: a, b, c.
1. The history of agriculture contains many examples of the use of … tools.
a) modern
b) primitive
c) special
2. Tractors … loads and livestock.
a) hauled
b) powered
c) provided
3. Modern agriculture is known by its … mechanization.
a) full-scale
b) labor-saving
c) intensive
4. Several tractor companies have also been working on producing a … tractor.
a) cabless
b) driverless
c) useless
5. The use first of water power and then of steam power stimulated the invention … of agricultural machinery.
a) providing a source of power
b) putting water and steam to work
c) replacing manual labor
6. Nowadays every country has also realized … of farm mechanization.
a) the popularity
b) the amount
c) the importance
7. … help make agriculture more productive.
a) politics and education
b) economy and ecology
c) science and technology
(B) Exercise 5. Give the English equivalents for the following phrases reflecting realities in agriculture.
Важность механизации; примитивные орудия труда; разработка механической энергии для сельскохозяйственных работ; опробовать навесной плуг; двигатель внутреннего сгорания; ручной труд; сельскохозяйственные предприятия; трудосберегающие технологии; улучшенные сорта растений; улучшенные породы животных; разработать самоходный трактор.
(B,C) Exercise 6. Match the words with the definitions below.
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 466.