Amphibian Keeper Conservation Breeding Programs
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Table4. The sources of information on amphibians as percentages of respondents from western (WP) or other (OP) polities. Metrics were often, sometimes, and not often. The percentage of often responses as a percentage of responding participants is shown.


Polity Books Journals Internet
WP Mean 71 73 76
WP Range 61-92 71-87 71-91
OP Mean 63 89 71
OP Range 45-77 82-95 69-77
Overall Mean 69 77 74

Respondents awareness of threats to amphibian survival corresponded with science based knowledge (Bishop et al., 2012; Amphibia web, 2017; Xenopoulos et al., 2005) as: habitat loss (100%),   disease  (90%),   climate  change  (80%),

illegal trade (60%), consumption (40%) and legal trade (20%). A greater concern for the effects on amphibians of climate change and both legal and illegal trade was shown by other polities compared with western polities (Tab. 5).

Table5. Causes of amphibians declines as the mean percentages of overall respondents. The percentage of very high plus high responses as a percentage of responding participants is shown. Metrics were very high, high, moderate and low.


Causes of amphibians declines WP OP Overall
Habitat loss 100 89 99
Disease 90 86 89
Climate change 71 90 77
Illegal trade 53 84 61
Consumption 43 36 41
Legal trade 17 35 22

Respondents interests in amphibian species was highest for Anurans at 90%, 65% for Caudata 65%, and 35% for Caecilians. There was a high percentage (60%) of keepers in Germany keeping threatened species in contrast to the overall average of 35%. The percentage of Anuran keepers in western polities was lower (60%) than in other polities (75%), and of Caudata keepers in western polities higher (70%) than in other polities (20%). Of all amphibian    keepers,    70%    kept   Anurans,    50%

Caudata, and 2% Caecilians (Tab. 6). Most Anuran keepers 55% kept more than 5 individuals, 25% more than 5-15, and 30% more than 15. Half of Caudata keepers kept more than 5 individuals, 10% more than 5-15, and 40% more than 15. The vast majority (95%) of Caecilian keepers kept less than 5 individuals (Tab. 7). Overall 45% of keepers also kept reptiles, 25% fish, insects or mammals, and 10% spiders, scorpions, or birds.

Table 6. Overall percentage of yes answers by respondents to keeping amphibians, the percentage of these that keep amphibians from different amphibian families, and the percentage of these that breed amphibians from these families.


Question WP OP Overall
Keeping - Amphibians 61 18 50
- Anurans 74 61 72
- Salamanders 69 17 52
- Caecilians 3 0 2
Breeding Anurans 75 92 77
- Salamanders 88 100 88
- Caecilians 30 0 15

Table7. The percentage of keepers that kept anurans, salamanders, or caecilians. The number of respondents for each amphibian order are in brackets.*- values containing the lower case letter are not different in the row, and containing the same upper case letter are not different in the column (P> 0.05, two-sided difference between proportions   test, realized   in STATISTICA 12 Statsoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA).


Question % > 5 < 5 - >15 % < 15 % < 5 Answered/Skipped
Anurans 44aA*(49) 24bA (27) 32ab A (36) 56 (63) 112/182
Salamanders 51aA (50) 12bAB (12) 38a A (38) 50 (50) 101/193
Caecilians 95aB (83) 4bB (3) 1bB (1) 5 (4) 87/207

Journal of Zoological Research V2 • I1 • 2018


Amphibian Keeper Conservation Breeding Programs

More than US$500 a year was spent a year on their collections by 35% of amphibian keepers in western and by 65% in other polities. Keepers in both western and other polities generally spent more than 30 minutes a day on amphibian husbandry (Tab. 8).

Anurans were bred by 60% of Anuran keepers, Caudata by 45% of Caudata keepers, and with very few keepers breeding caecilians and with 15% not breeding any species. A lower percentage of amphibian keepers from western polities bred Anurans and Caudata than from other polities (data not tabled).

Table8. The Spending per Year (US$) and Minutes per Day that keepers spent on their collections as percentages from western (WP) or other (OP) polities. For the Spending per Year (US$) amounts of 500+ and 1000+were derived from the survey question the range of amounts.



Spending per Year (US$)

Minutes per Day

  0-200 200-500 500-1000 500+ 1000+ 30 30-60 60+ WP 35 30 18 35 17 46 36 19 OP 36 7 14 56 42 50 21 29 Total %     27 57 30 18 52 30

making was of lower priority in western (65%) than in other (80%) polities. Of nations, Germany and Russia are the highest (> 80%) priorities, with Australia, UK, and the USA - the lowest (<40%). Receiving financial support for KCBPs was less important to western (55%) than other polities (65%, Tab. 9).

The provision of internet portals was of higher priority to western (75%) than to other polities (65%). Desire by keepers for official recognition of their CBPs was higher in western (75%) than in other polities (65%). It was lowest in Australia (60%), UK (50%), and Latin America (60%), and highest in Germany (95%) and Russia (>80%).     Being     included     in     policy     decision

Table9. The percentage of keepers, from western (WP) or other (OP) polities, that considered that keepers CBPs would benefit by the provision of: Internet Portals and Financial Support, and the recognition of keepers CBPs as an “Official” Programs and a role in global decision making concerning amphibian CBPs.


Polity Internet Portal Financial Support Official Programs Decision Making
WP Mean 72 54 75 63
WP Range 40-80 30-86 50-95 35-82
OP Mean 64 66 65 78
OP Range 64-65 61-73 59-86 64-86
Overall Mean 70 57 72 67

Respondents from western and other polities would chose species for their CBPs mainly through the managing organization and through

personal contacts, with the species location being of particular importance to other polities (Tab. 10).

Table10. The importance of influences on respondents choice of a target species for their CBP as Other People, Managing Organization, Location, Documentaries-News, Species, News/Reports, and Newsletters. Metrics were very high, high, moderate and low. The percentage of very high plus high responses is shown as a percentage of the number of respondents.


Polity Other People Managing Organization Location Documentaries-News Species News/ Reports Newsletters
WP Mean 62 62 55 37 45 33 32
OP Mean 62 63 71 59 36 60 52
Overall Mean 62 62 59 43 43 41 37

Respondents support for the sale of surplus amphibians from CBPs was much higher in western (70%) than in other polities (30%). Germany (95%) and Russia (100%) most favored sale of surplus amphibians, with Australia (30%) the least in favor. The legal harvest of amphibians was equally favored (65%) between western and other polities, however,   was   widely   variable   within   western

polities with a range from 40-90%. Participants in Germany (90%) and the UK (80%) were the most supportive and Australia the least (40%). Legal trade was supported more in western (80%) than in other polities (55%), with a high variability of responses in western polities from 30-95%, with Germany (95%) and Russia (90%) most supportive, and with Europe (40%) and Australia (30%) the least supportive (Tab. 11).



Journal of Zoological Research V2 • I1 • 2018

Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 255.