Table1. The Age of First Interest of respondents from western (WP) or other (OP) polities as the mean (Mean) and percentages between 5-10 years (% 5-10), and the percentage that were a Society Member, or that had Close Friends or Best Friend interested in amphibians.
Biopolity | No | Age |
Age of First Interest
Society member Friends
Western polities included respondents from 18 countries: Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Germany, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Russia, Hungary, Romania, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Finland. Other polities included respondents from 28 countries: South Africa, Argentina, Cameroon, Morocco, Madagascar, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thai, Toga, Singapore, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Salvador, Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Bolivia, Chili, Columbia, Costa Rico and Cuba. We had no respondents from Japan or South Korea countries known to support large numbers of private amphibian keepers.
The age of respondents averaged 44.6 years (range 15.0 to 89.0 years), with western polities averaging 42.5 years and other polities 43.3 years (Tab. 1). Curves of respondents ages were dissimilar between western and other polities, with a large peak in western polities between 35 to 44 years old (born 1970 to 1980), a trough between 44 to 49 years old (born 1964 to 1969), and then a peak between 50 to 55 years old (born 1960 to 1964; Fig. 1b).
Figure1. The percentage of respondents first age of interest (a) and the age (b), Curves were generated from the averages of the survey results; therefore an age data point 7.5 represents a response of age of interest of 5 to 10 years of age. a, the percentage of respondents in either WPs or OPs against their first age of interest in amphibians. b, the percentage of respondents for WPs and OPs against years of birth presented as 5 year ranges; peaks are specified by year of birth ranges. The date ranges on (b) are the years of births of respondents.
Fig2. Laotriton laoensis (Stuart & Papenfuss, 2002) – one of the species of threatened caudated amphibians which was first captive bred by establishing CBP thanks to private keeper.
Journal of Zoological Research V2 • I1 • 2018
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 263.