Assignment 3
I. Find the following words and word combinations, recollect the situations in which they are used:
неразлучная пара (р.62), поднять крышку пианино (р.64), поведение (p.65), находить оправдание (р.65), с легким удивлением (р.66), тем временем (рр.67, 68, 76), отважиться (р.69), подняться (р.73), удаваться, преуспеть (р.74), справиться, смочь (р.75), по направлению к (р.79), близкий (р.80), лежать (р.81), запутаться в водорослях (р.82).
II. Correct the wrong statements:
1. Time lessened the friendship of Anthony and Bob Short.
2. Anthony was the worst pupil at the Stormhoek School.
3. The other mothers liked the friendship of Anthony and Bob.
4. Mrs. Short hated Anthony.
5. Mary was against their friendship.
6. Mary wanted both Anthony and Steve to be considered Europeans.
7. Anthony was fond of music.
8. Steve was keen on drawing and had a lot of friends.
9. Anthony was happy beside his mother.
10.Anthony did not realize that Steve was different from him by the colour of his skin.
11.George got a lot of money after his father's death and he went to England to get the money.
12.The Grahams hadn't enough money to buy even a small house.
13.Mr. Mitchell, the property broker, told George he could buy any house he liked.
14.George struck Anthony on the face because Anthony had got a bad mark at school.
15.George didn't tell Mary that Mr. Mitchell had refused to sell him a house.
16.Anthony, Bob and van der Merwe with a companion were trying to save two sheep and then they had a good time together.
17. Mary wasn't at all shocked when Anthony told her about what had happened on the river.
18. George and Mary were quite sure that they should send Steve to the Stormhoek Secondary School for white children.
19. Mary felt pleased whenever she walked through the township she lived in now.
20. It so happened that Bob got drowned in the river.
21. Mrs. Short and Mary became inseparable friends.
22. Mrs. van der Merwe and Mrs. Ferreira were glad to see their children and the Grahams' boys at the same school.
III. Translate into Russian in writing:
(p.80) "Though Mary ... a streak of colour."
IV. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary:
1.... Grahams lived in ... small town in ... South Africa.
2. Ruby Hundt could not give birth to ... child.
3. Mary wanted Anthony to be ... European boy.
4. George was ... Englishman of... good family, but he was ... victim of ... circumstances that was why he lived in ... Stormhoek.
5. To George ... South wind was ... breath of ... Africa – dusty,hot, stifling.
6. Anthony was already five, he was to go to ... school.
7. Hundt realized that in that country ... man who married ...coloured woman married ... trouble.
8. Hundt's wife told her husband he was making ... money thanks to George. Hundt was not cut out to ran ... pub.
9. Hundt told Mr. Thomas not to make ... mountain out of ...molehill.
10. Mary wished George and herself to go to ... England, she thought there was no ... prejudice there. But he reassured her saying there was ... prejudice everywhere.
V. a) Work out from the context an approximate meaning for the italicized phrases.
1. George worked in the bar till eleven o'clock that evening, to make up for the time he had taken off, ... (p.71)
2. He could not tell her what she already knew, that she and Steve were the stumbling stones. (p.72)
3. So they rode hurriedly down through the thickets, parked their bicycles, and made for the little cave which they kept concealed with branches and leaves... (p.73)
4. Van der Merwe's companion fled early in the struggle. It was only when he had lost one of his front teeth and was bleeding at the mouth that he too made off. (p.75)
5. The popularity of their elder child moreover served only toaggravate the problem, since it made them all the more anxious thatnothing should stand in his way. (p.77)
6. "He'll be going to school soon, and if they send him to Stormhoek Secondary I'm going to put my foot down. (p.85)
7. "Would you like the paper," asked Mrs. Ferreira, "to be full of a story about your son being a playmate of a Coloured woman's child? Rather a comedown for Mrs. Short, I think." (p.84)
b) Check with your teacher, or an English-English dictionary, that you have guessed correctly:
- to go towards;
- humiliation;
- to oppose someone;
- to make a strong decision;
- to compensate for smth;
- to run away;
- things that prevent you doing something.
c) Now write sentences of your own using the seven phrases.
VI. Translate into English in writing:
1. Энтони и Боб Шорт были неразлучны. Мери была более чем довольна таким поворотом событий. Она была счастлива, что ее Энтони дружит с белым мальчиком.
2. Стив отличался от Энтони. Он был спокойным ребенком и мало замечал других детей. Мери понимала, что образование Стива будет проблемой.
3. Поведение Энтони становилось немного странным: он почти не замечал Стива, он начал находить оправдания, чтобы не появляться на публике с матерью.
4. Джордж Грэхем получил от отца наследство в 250 фунтов, что разозлило Джорджа, потому что было очень маленьким.
5. Грэхемам не удалось купить дом в том районе, который им нравился, так как там не позволялось жить цветным.
6. Мери знала, что она и Стив были камнем преткновения, из-за них Джордж не смог купить дом в том районе, и она очень страдала от этого.
7. В конце концов Грэхемам удалось купить хороший дом недалеко от улицы, где жили Шорты, и Энтони был счастлив.
8. Однажды Боб купался в реке, а Энтони загорал на берегу. Вдруг Боб запутался в водорослях и начал тонуть. Энтони спас его, хотя до смерти испугался.
9. После этого случая Джорджа поздравили с тем, что у него такой храбрый сын. Миссис Шорт навестила Мери, чтобы поблагодарить ее. Она старалась обращаться с Мери как с равной, но Мери видела, что она ошеломлена.
10. Миссис Ферейра считала унижением для Миссис Шорт, что ее сын дружит с цветным мальчиком.
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 287.