The REVIVAL (or RENAISSANCE) : the 14th- 16th centuries.
There are two stages in this period:
The Early Revival, south paradigm: Italy (the 14th-15th centuries).
The Late Revival, north paradigm: France, Switzerland, Germany, England, Netherlands (the 15th-17th centuries).
The Renaissance continued and developed antique orientation of philosophy on cognition of earthly being. The ethic problem, the kernel of which became the principle: a personality value is determined by his own actions was brought to the forefront The Revival ideal became man as titanic, Godlike being, who created himself. Simultaneously with the ethic problems natural philosophy arose and was developing as an attempt to account for nature, proceeding from itself, to expose its eternity and endlessness (J. Cardano, B.Telesio, G.Bruno). This caused the new, in comparison with the previous periods, understanding of the new cognitive methods as experience (B.Telesio), and doubts (G.Bruno). Aesthetics developed the most possible freedom of expression, of account.
A special type of social-political thinking – utopia (T.More, T.Campanella) arose in philosophy and simultaneously there were attempts to work out philosophical basing for political, state theories (N.Machiavelly), which proceeded from submission of moral to politics.
The Renaissanse philosophical paradigm is a neo-antique revival of the conceptions of substantial-objective character of man ’s relation to the world in the form of man’s corporeality principle, the primacy of his earthly nature as opposed to religion. The development of active humanity and philosophy of nature problems, formation of nature-scientific methodology began to penetrate into philosophy. New sciences as alchemy, astrology appeared. The development of mechanicism (G.Galiley), philosophy of history (J.Vico), the method theory (F.Bacon), stipulated interest of philosophy to the problem of its own method.
The psychological paradigm is the development and prevailing of humanistic conception of man ’s essence, the declaration of his Godlikeness, powerfulness over the nature; the stormy development of natural sciences about man, medicine in particular. It was also the beginning of the fundamental study of man’s cerebrum function, his nervous and psychical activity, psychological, cognitive, ethic distinction of “I”, Thou”, “Other”, the formation of individualistic psychology.
THE MODERN AGES: the 16th-18th centuries.
The Reformation: the 16th-17th centuries.
The Enlightenment: the 18th century.
The main accent in culture is removed to science: just science became the leading practical and rational method. The orientation on science as the highest value was the main peculiarity of philosophy of the Modern Ages: in theories, cognition methodologies (F.Bacon, R.Descartes, B.Spinoza), in social-philosophical and political conceptions (T.Hobbes, French Enlightenment).
The French Enlightenment and Encyclopaediasts (D.Diderot, J.D’Alambert, Ch.-Montesquieu, J.-J.Rousseau, F.-M.Arouet (Voltaire), C.A.Helvetius, P.A.Holbach) mechanically interpreted man’s essence as “machinery” (J.O.Lamettrie, D.Diderot), reduced it by geographic and natural conditions of existence (Ch.-L.Montesquieu, J.-J.Rousseau), they were engaged into the problems of people’s interests, their social self-expression.
English philosophy developed materialistic ontology (J.Toland), gnoseology (J.Lock), anthropology (J.Priestley, A.Collins, D.Hartley), social philosophy (T.Hobbes), philosophical scepticism (D.Hume), solipsism(G.Berkeley).
The German Enlightenment (J.G.Herder, G.E.Lessing, F.Schiller, J.W.Goethe) developed atheistic philosophy aspects, affirms the principles of freedom, Enlightenment and natural essence of man.
The Classic German philosophy (I.Kant, J.G.Fichte, F.W.Schelling, G.V.F.Hegel) determined activity as the subject of philosophy and inquired activity as the base of all man’s relations to the world , activity as a system: ethic, aesthetic, religious, cognitive.
The philosophical paradigm of Modern Ages: Due to the stormy development of natural sciences philosophy assimilated a great deal their achievements in methodology and even obtained the natural science forms, which were the most effective in social-economic relations. In the period of the unrestrained development of society productive forces, knowledge gave an immediately-perceptible objective result, illustrated by F.Bacon`s thesis “knowledge is power”. Just in this period general methods were actively applied in philosophy (R.Descartes, B.Spinoza, G.W.Leibniz). I.Newton’s creation of classic mechanics stipulated long domination of a new mechanical picture of the world. It caused the formation of philosofical mechanical materialism and simultaneously the formation of atheism, bellicose in particular.
The main line systematizing philosophical knowledge was different:
· The Reformation: on theistic, but not church base;
· Enlightenment: in Germany on rationalized-theistic base (The Classic German philosophy); in France and England on atheistic base (the Encyclopaediasts group, philosophical materialism).
It caused radical displacements both in society – bourgeois revolutions in West Europe and in psychology of an individual man.
The Psychological paradigm: Reformation began non-churchness, Protestantism and Lutheranism provided the development of individualistic ethics, the Enlightenment accomplished this process by forming the cult of man’s reason – I.Kant: freedom as the subject of philosophy– “have maliness to be yourself (use your own reason)!” Philosophical, social-economic and social-political problem of the complete mastering knowledge to achieve a happy life on the earth was sharply raised. I ntellect, knowledge and faith were opposed with unrestricted prevailing of intellect. Materialistic philosophy of man (L.A.Feuerbach), which in combination with dialectics (G.W.F.Hegel) in a transformed appearance was assimilated by Marxist philosophy. It was based on the ground of global social-political crushes of the 19th-20th centuries.
The CONTE M PORARY P HILOSOPHY: the 19th-20th centuries.
The Contemporary philosophy has got a planetary character. The main methodological signs of contemporary philosophical recearches are as follows:
1) The inclination to universality of philisophical deductions /Marxism for example/ 2) The inclination to individualized-personal interpretation of philosophical deductions /Existentialism, personalism, philosophical hermeneutics/
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 277.