1. The basic principles of the history of philosophy
2. Periods in the history of philosophy, their philosophical and
psychological paradigms.
Each epoch in the life of mankind raised its own philosophical problems and solved them in its own way. While retaining a certain measure of continuity, any new system rejected, in some degree or other, all the previous ones. The history of philosophy can be likened to the growth of a quaint- looking tree with constantly multiplying branches, each branch having form and colour entirely different from the others. Also, the branches of philosophical knowledge that appear to have long gone dead suddenly break into green leaf, bloom, and produce fruit, useful or illusory, as the case may be.
The evolution of philosophyical ideas is a highly contradictory, though in the last analysis, progressive process, with numerous rises and declines, ideas far outsripping their day and time, and a great deal of back- tracking. It also often happened that progress in one direction was accompained by retreat in another, which produced curious philosophical systems combining, e.g., elements of materialism with idealistic explanation and ideas. Old philosophers, especially progressivly thinking ones, often raised problems of which the solution demanded several generations of thinkers. On the whole the history of philosophy is the book of wisdom, which can help a great deal in the comprehention of contemporary philosophical problems as well.
The aim of the topic is to study the genesis of philosophy as the problem of man`s essence genesis. The main methodological principle of researching the topic is the contansive-logical basis of dividing history into periods both general history and the history of philosophy. There are some principal rules, underlying the consideration of the topic.In the history of philosophy the subject of philosophy is regarded as socio-cultural space- time.
The genesis of philosophy subject exposes contansive penetration into the the essence of cognition of its own subject;
The history of philosophy is a contansive field of socio-cultural research of the subject of phiosophy as the problem of man’s genesis.
The problem of man`s genesis is the genesis of historical-philosophical understanding of man as a free creative personality.
Taking into consideration the contansive-logical basis of devision of history into periods the following types of history can be distinguished:
Ethnic history: the ethnogenesis stages;
Social history: the sociogenesis stages - formation of historic communities;
Economic history: the social production formation stages, material in the first place;
Political history: the state organization stages;
Cognition history: the development of ideal forms of social production stages- science, law, politics;
Spiritual history: the development of spiritual forms of social production stages- morals, art, religion, philosophy;
Cultural history: the stages of society development as a system of all above-mentioned aspects.
The devision of the history of philosophy into periods is stipulated by the contansive-logical approach and reflects:
1. The dominating type of culture system and its elements with the unity of: activity, mode of life, thinking, cognition, knowledge, worldview, culture as historic-logical types of morals, mythology, religion, science, philosophy, art.
2. The dominating type of philosophical paradigm (from Greek “paradeigma” meaning a model), and its structural elements: philosophy object, philosophy methods, concept of truth in philosophy, structure of philosophy as a system, subject of philosophy.
3. The dominating type of psychological paradigm as a definite solution of man`s essence problem: cosmological, religious, naturalistic, ethnic, sociological, economic, political, psychological, cultural, spiritual.
The generaly accepted periodization of the history of philosophy includes the following periods:
Ancient philosophy: up to 6th century BC
Three centers of origination (A.Chanyshev) are known:
1. Eastern: China (18th - 12th centuries BC);
2. Middle: India (25th - 16th centuries BC);
3.Western: ancient civilizations of Chummier, Accede, the Egyptian Realm (the 3d millenium BC), Krit and Miken Realms (the 2nd millenium BC).
The Eastern philosophical-psychological paradigm: Chinese, Indian, Near- Eastern.
The Western philosophical-psychological paradigm: pre-Socratic epoch of Hellenism.
The first philosophical systems arose more or less simultaneously in India, China, Near East, Ancient Greek cultures in the III- II millenium BC. The common line, that is genetically intrinsic to all philosophical systems, was an identity of the basic worldview and the philosophy question - the question of man`s relation to the world. At the same time it is necessary to indicate declensions of philosophy essence from dominating by then mythological worldview:
- mythological consciousness determined a suitable worldview, which in perceptibly-obvious form delineates a picture of the world as fields of activity of anthropomorphous forces; in this picture man occupieed an actor place, whose personate was traditionally definite;
- philosophy decidedly changed authority of tradition to authority of reason, it circulated its methods on all the universe, which became a disantrophomorphed and dismythologized one.
The philosophical paradigm: mythologizm (from Greek “mythos” meaning a legend and “logos” meaning teaching) in interpretation of the object of cognition - primeval understanding the unity (syncretism) of man, community, nature, space intercourses, their principal unity, lack of cognitive devision on subject and object. Simultaneously – there was a dominating theme in Ancient philosophy researches, for example: in ancient Ukraine, Iran, Scandinavia, other countries the cosmological theme of the mythopoetic image of World Tree; in ancient China it was ritual, etiquette; in ancient India - cognition, self-cognition, ethics.
The psychological paradigm: mythologizm in interpretation of man as impersonal - cosmic, tribal - wight, lack of psychological individual signs of a human being and his conduct, prevailing of collective consciousness and at the same time lack of valid self- consciousness.
Ancient philosophy: 6th c entury BC - 6th c entury AD – A NTIQUITY.
The Eastern paradigm: Pre-Socratic period; Classic period and Hellenism of Ancient Greece.
The Western paradigm: Roman philosophy.
Antiquity broke off with mythology, and the first philosophers tried to account for the world, proceeding from itself, and also their deductions were rationally-logically based in the form of the cosmological theory. Philosophy began to research man’s essence (Socrates), processes of cognition and their laws (Plato, Aristotle), ethics and aesthetics, politics and other.
The philosophical paradigm: the prevailing of the idea of substantial-natural unity of man and the world (unlike ancient identification), but in different forms - as physical (Ionics), as mathematical (Pythagoreans), as being (Eleas). As far as Eleas is concerned the interpretation of man and the world unity is particularly philosophical, because not a separate man but man in his relation to the world had already become the object of cognition. Still in the ancient philosophy we can find the embryos of all the subsequent philosophical systems.
Just this period was characterized by the so-called axial time (K. Jaspers)- 800-200 th BC, when the base of contemporary culture was founded. This time interval gave to the world culture and civilization such gigantic figures and phenomena as follows:
China: Confucius, Lao- tzi, Mo- tzi, Chjuan- tzi, Le- tzi;
India: Upanishads, Buddha, all philosophical schools;
Iran: Zaratushtra;
Palestine: the old testament prophets- Iliah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, others;
Greece: Homer, Parmenides, Heraclitus, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Thoucidid, Archimed.
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 346.