Describe main directions of John Kennedy’s Foreign Policy
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In the beginning of his term, he approved the CIA's plan to invade Cuba. After the invasion turned out to be a failure, the Cuban Missile Crisis began. During the crisis, Cuba ordered a lot of nuclear missiles from the Soviet Union. It was the closest the world was to having a nuclear war. Kennedy ordered US Navy ships to surround Cuba. He ended the crisis peacefully by making an agreement with the Soviet Union. They agreed that the Soviet Union would stop selling nuclear weapons to Cuba. In return, the U.S. would take its missiles out of Turkey and promise to never invade Cuba again.

He also created a plan called the New Frontier. This was a series of government programs, such as urban renewal, to help poor and working class people. He created the Peace Corps to help poor countries all over the world. He agreed to a large tax cut to help the economy. He also called for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which would make discrimination and segregation illegal. Kennedy intended to reach a détente with Cuban Premier, Fidel Castro, and to withdraw all US military advisers from Vietnam.

JFK's foreign policy in UK

By 1960 the United Kingdom had ceased their work on a national missile system and Eisenhower offered to make the American GAM-87 Skybolt available to the British as soon as it was improved. The United Kingdom accepted the offer as the GAM-87 Skybolt would have ensured it a nuclear deterrent through most of the 1960s. By mid-1962, however, Robert McNamara had deemed the Skybolt project "excessively expensive... with serious technical flaws" and decided to cancel it.

Because of informational mishaps Kennedy was not informed that McNamara's decision would have serious political consequences for Harold Macmillan's government. At a meeting with Macmillan, Kennedy attempted to save the situation and offered the United Kingdom the UGM-27 Polaris in lieu of Skybolt. The related agreement dissatisfied French President Charles De Gaulle, who resented American preference toward Great Britain.

54. Describe main directions of John Kennedy’s Foreign Policy
Already in the first month in power, President Kennedy promised to make America a "world leader" and firmly uphold the ideals of "freedom and the market." The United States began to rapidly expand its nuclear missile arsenal. But the Americans did not plan the head-on collision with the Soviet bloc, now they were not talking about "massive retaliation", but about "flexible response". Kennedy publicly acknowledged the possibility of a peaceful competition between capitalism and socialism.
At the same time, the US administration did not completely abandon its policy of confronting the USSR. In 1961, the Americans organized the invasion of Cuba by the opponents of the Cuban revolutionary government, and after its failure repeatedly helped the anti-Cuban forces. After the US became aware of the deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles on the island, Kennedy announced a naval blockade of Cuba. Two great powers - the US and the USSR - almost started fighting against each other. But at the last moment J. Kennedy and NS Khrushchev found the strength to make mutual concessions. The Americans pledged not to attack revolutionary Cuba, but the USSR withdrew its missiles. In August 1963, the USSR, the United States and Great Britain agreed to ban nuclear testing in the atmosphere, space and under water. Five years later, an agreement on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons was signed.
The Americans have allocated several billion dollars to help the countries of Latin America - for carrying out agrarian reforms and modernizing production. But pretty soon the US again returned to the familiar policy of using force against undesirable governments.

Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 220.