Woodrow Wilson was the 28th president of the United States in 1913-1921. Historians rated him as the greatest president of the United States.
In his first presidential term, in April 1913, at the opening of the special session of the Congress, which the president called for considering tariff reform, Wilson personally appeared before a joint meeting of the House and the Senate to explain his program. Congress passed Underwood-Simmons law, which reduced the import tariff and imposed a new federal income tax. He also passed legislation establishing the Federal Reserve System, which provides a system for regulating the country's banks, the lending and money supply, and the Federal Trade Commission, which investigates and prohibits unfair business practices. Other achievements included laws on child labor, an eight-hour working day for railway workers and state loans to farmers. During his presidency, Wilson spoke in defense of farmers and small businesses. He took a neutral position in foreign policy, trying to keep the country from entering the First World War.
uring 1914-1917 Woodrow Wilson kept the country from entering the First World War. In 1916, he offered his services as an intermediary, but the belligerents did not take his proposals seriously. The Republicans, led by Theodore Roosevelt, criticized Wilson for his peace-loving policy and his unwillingness to create a strong army. At the same time, Wilson won the sympathy of pacifist-minded Americans, arguing that the arms race would lead to the involvement of the US in the war.
Wilson actively opposed the unrestricted submarine war that Germany unleashed. In the framework of an unrestricted submarine war, the German naval forces destroyed ships entering the zone adjacent to Great Britain. May 7, 1915 German submarine sank passenger liner "Lusitania", killing more than 1,000 people, of which 124 Americans, which caused outrage in the US. In 1916, he issued an ultimatum against Germany to end unrestricted submarine warfare, and also dismissed his pacifist-minded Secretary of State Brian. Germany agreed with the requirements of Wilson, after which he demanded from the UK to limit the naval blockade of Germany, which led to a complication of relations between Britain and America.
On the second presidential term, Wilson concentrated his efforts on the First World War, which the US entered on April 6, 1917, just over a month after the start of Wilson's second presidential term.
The participation of America helped to achieve victory for the allies, and on 11 November 1918 the Germans signed a truce. At the Paris Peace Conference, which opened in January 1919, it included the heads of government of Britain, France and Italy, Wilson helped negotiate the Versailles Treaty. The agreement included a charter of the League of Nations, an organization designed to arbitrate international disputes and prevent future wars. Wilson originally put forward the idea of the League in a speech in January 1918 in the US Congress, in which he outlined his "Fourteen points" for a postwar peace settlement.
The second administration of Woodrow Wilson saw the adoption of two significant constitutional amendments. The era of the ban was opened on January 17, 1920, when the 18th amendment prohibiting the production, sale and transportation of alcohol, entered into force after its ratification a year earlier. In 1919, Wilson vetoed the National Prohibition Act (or the Wohlsted Act), designed to enforce the 18th Amendment; but his veto was canceled by Congress. The ban lasted until 1933, when it was abolished by the 21st Amendment.
Also in 1920, American women received the right to vote when the 19th Amendment became law in August, Wilson pushed Congress to accept this amendment.
In conclusion, Woodrow Wilson was able to become a worthy president of the United States. He thought about his people and country, and was able to come up with the famous "14 points of Woodrow Wilson." Which later, came true as he wanted. He could insist on his decision. During the war I was able to emerge victor and economic strong.
Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 234.