Identify the causes and outcomes of the Korean War
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During the Second World War, the entire territory of Korea was arbitrarily divided by the 38th parallel: the northern part was received by the USSR, and the southern part of the United States. Got, in what sense? They had to get rid of the presence of the Japanese army, the USSR in the north, and the US in the south.

After the war, the US government and the USSR signed an agreement on the provisional management of these territories with the aim of restoring the country and preserving peace.

       The UN assumed that after the war, Korea would once again become one, but the cold war between the USSR and the United States began. There was a problem - the countries could not agree on the details of the unification of the country. In 1947, the United States told the world that she would be responsible for the fate of Korea.

In the meantime, the Communists also wanted to unify the country under one flag, but not American. Thus, in the south, a pro-American Korea was formed, and in the north pro-communist, each side wanted to subdue all of Korea.

In 1949, South Korean soldiers and police officers committed about 2,000 crimes in North Korea, dozens of times the air and land borders of the state were violated. This gave rise to growing discontent and tension between the two camps.

       North Korea began preparations for war already in 1948. But the final decision about the attack on South Korea was made in 1950, when the North Korean government met with Stalin. North Korea back in 1949, asked for military assistance in the event of a full-scale war against South Korea. But Stalin refused this - the Soviet army will not take part in the fighting against South Korea, for which the US will rise, because it can lead to the Third World War. But he agreed to help in supplying supplies, equipment, as well as personnel training the North Korean army. The Chinese military moved to the side of North Korea and were ready to enter the war.

       These are the reasons for the Korean War of 1950-1953. were key, and they led to its beginning.

       The military conflict began on June 25, 1950 with a large-scale offensive by North Korea against South Korea. The beginning of the war went successfully for North Korea, they pushed all directions and won before the entry into the war of the UN forces.

In total, about 1 million fighters from South Korea participated in the fighting, the majority of which were fighters of South Korea - about 600 thousand fighters and the United States - about 300 thousand soldiers. About the same number of fighters participated in South Korea, among them 800 thousand Chinese servicemen and 260 thousand North Korean fighters.

Negotiations dragged on for almost 2 years and were completed, when both the Moscow and Washington changed the supreme authority. After replacing Truman Eisenhower, as a competent military specialist, he rightly assessed the possible consequences of the continuation of the war, as destructive for the United States. The White House decided to make concessions. In Moscow, the group that headed after the death of Stalin, in turn, considered it necessary to turn the conflict over. The least acceptable requirements, affecting the Americans, were dropped. On July 27, 1953, the fire was stopped, the troops were divorced, and the war was completed in the same place where it began, at the 38th parallel, which has now become the border of two Korean states. Together with it, a permanent air war ended, which did not promise victory to either side.

General results of the conflict. The overall outcome of the conflict looked sad. According to creepy and far from accurate estimates, the people of both Koreas lost about 8-9 million people, over 80% of whom were civilians. The loss of Chinese "volunteers" was considered more accurate, but the information was immediately classified. Americans "limited war" cost 54 thousand dead, without taking into account those people who lost contingents of other participants in the UN mission. Since formally the USSR did not participate in the conflict, not only information about losses, but even references to the 64th Corps and its combat activities for a long time did not exist. They were talked about rather late, and reliable information appeared only in the late 1980s. However, even today figures on our dead swim in the range from 200 to 1500 thousand people.

Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 246.