Complete the text with necessary words or word combinations
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Put out, reignites, fuel sources, classes, letters, evacuate, fire extinguishers, expertise, extinguishing agents, extinguish

1) Fire safety is based upon the principle of keeping 1) ______ ______and ignition sources separate.

2) A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to 1) ______ or control small fires.

3) It is not intended for use on an out-of-control fire otherwise requires the 3) ______ of a fire brigade.

4) The label will tell you what type of fire (or fire class) the fire extinguisher can safely 4) ______.

5) Different types of 5) ______ ______ are designed to fight different 6) ______ of fire.

6) The three most common 7) ______ ______ of fire extinguishers are water or foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical.

8) Fire extinguishers are marked with 8) ______ (type of fire extinguisher on the category).

9) When you’re actively fighting the fire, you should remember there may be cases when you’ll have to give up, quit fighting the fire, and 9) ______the fire area for your own safety.

10) Once the fire is out, keep an eye on the area in case it 10) ______.


Explain how to use a fire extinguisher

Firstly / The first step is / To begin with …

Secondly / Thirdly / The next step is …

After that /Then …

Following that …

Finally / Lastly / The last step is

Text 2

a self-contained breathing apparatus – изолирующий дыхательный аппарат а compressed air breathing apparatus - дыхательный аппарат, работающий на сжатом воздухе Full Face Mask – панорамная / полнолицевая маска Demand Valve [vælv] впускной клапан / клапанная коробка Air Сylinder Valve [ˈsɪlɪndə] клапан баллона с воздухом High Pressure Hose [həuz] шланг высокого давления Backboard – ложемент / спинодержатель Alarming Whistle – звуковое сигнальное устройство Pressure Gauge [geɪʤ] манометр Medium Pressure Hose – шланг среднего давления Pressure Reducer – редуктор давления Waist Band – поясной ремень Belt Buckle – пряжка поясного ремня Shoulder Strap Fastener – застежка плечевого ремня Quick Connect Coupling ['kʌplɪŋ] быстро соединяемое соединение Shoulder Strap – плечевой ремень fasten ['fɑːs(ə)n] закреплять, застёгивать handwheel [ˈhændwiːl] маховик (ручной) counterclockwise [ˌkauntə'klɔkwaɪz] против часовой стрелки head harness ['hed'hɑːnɪs] лямка actuate ['ækʧueɪt] включать; активировать venting [ˈventɪŋ] вентиляция preset [ˌpriː'set] заранее установленный seal [siːl] изоляция pressurize ['preʃ(ə)raɪz] герметизировать inhale [ɪn'heɪl] вдыхать audible leak ['ɔːdəbl] слышимая утечка expired [ɪk'spaɪəd] выдыхаемый exhalation valve [ˌeks(h)ə'leɪʃn] выдыхательный клапан


A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) sometimes referred to as a compressed air breathing apparatus (CABA), or simply breathing apparatus (BA), is a device worn by rescue workers, firefighters, and others to provide breathable air in an immediately dangerous to life or health atmosphere.

Step 1. Lift cylinder with the cylinder valve on top and backplate facing the wearer and raise it over the head. Put on the SCBA on your shoulders like a backpack.

Step 2. Fasten the waist belt and tighten shoulder straps

Step 3. Open cylinder valve by turning handwheel slowly counterclockwise.

Step 4. Check pressure on the gauge.

Step 5. Open all facemask straps fully. Hold breath and place chin into the facemask and pull head harness and straps over the head and tighten all the strap so air won’ leak out your mask.

Step 6. Ensure mask is correctly placed on face with the nose guard on the nose and then tighten upper straps first and then lower ones. Both side straps must be tightened together

Step 7. Start to breathe deep which will actuate positive pressure and then breathe slowly.

Step 8. During venting observe gauge- whistle alarm should sound at preset pressure of 55 bar +/- 5 bar.

Step 9. When gauge indicates zero, hold breath. Face piece should hold onto face indicating positive seal.

Step 10. Open cylinder valve slowly, but fully to pressurize system. Inhale and hold breath. There should be no audible leak.

Step 11. Continue breathing. Expired air should easily flow out of exhalation valve.

Step 12. Press center of rubber cover on demand valve checking supplementary supply.

After Use

1. Press reset lever and switch off.

2. Press and hold down button and remove demand valve.

3. Insert finger behind neck strap and press buckles forward. Pull mask forward and then up and back over the head.

4. Close cylinder valve and remove face piece.

5. Unbuckle waist belt. Remove equipment when shoulder straps loosen.



Answer the questions.

1. What is SCBA?

2. How can you put on the SCBA?

3. How can you open a cylinder valve?

4. How can you put a full face mask on?

5. What preset pressure should whistle alarm sound at?

6. What should you do to pressurize the system?

7. What should you do to check supplementary supply?

8. What should you do after use?


Give Russian equivalents.

a) A self-contained breathing apparatus; full face mask; demand valve; air cylinder valve / exhalation valve; high pressure hose; backboard; alarming whistle; pressure gauge; medium pressure hose; pressure reducer; waist band; belt buckle; shoulder strap fastener; quick connect coupling; shoulder strap; handwheel; head harness.

b) To fasten the waist belt; to tighten shoulder straps; to open cylinder valve; to turn handwheel counterclockwise; to hold breath; pull head harness and straps over the head; to leak out a mask; to actuate positive pressure; preset pressure; to indicate positive seal; to pressurize the system; supplementary supply; to press reset lever; to remove demand valve; to press buckles forward; to close cylinder valve; to remove face piece; unbuckle waist belt; to remove the equipment.


Find English equivalents .

Изолирующий дыхательный аппарат / дыхательный аппарат, работающий на сжатом воздухе; панорамная (полнолицевая) маска; впускной клапан (клапанная коробка); клапан баллона с воздухом; шланг высокого давления; ложемент (спинодержатель); звуковое сигнальное устройство; манометр; шланг среднего давления; редуктор давления; поясной ремень; пряжка поясного ремня; застежка плечевого ремня; быстро соединяемое соединение; плечевой ремень; закреплять, застёгивать поясной ремень; затягивать лямки и ремни; активировать позитивное давление; заранее установленное давление; герметизировать систему; указывать на полную изоляцию; нажимать на сбрасывающий рычаг; открутить клапанная коробка; нажимать на пряжку спереди; расстегнуть поясной ремень; снимать оборудование.


Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 372.