1. Weather forecasts
2. _______________
3. Home – shopping services
4. _______________
5. ‘Minitel rose’
Advantages of the system
1. cheap
2. _______________
3. _______________
Original Disadvantages
1. primitive graphics
2. _______________
3. _______________
Possible future developments
1. addition of _________ to the system (for bank and stock – market transactions from the home).
2. __________________ linked on broadband radio channels (for use in cars).
V. Reading
A) Read the text and answer the questions below it.
Analog transmission
The older telephone systems function on the basis of analog signals representing voice modulation patterns, which are represented by variations in wave forms. When using telephone lines for transmitting data by terminal to a computer, the digital signals from the terminal need to be converted to analog signals by an acoustic coupler or modem prior to transmission. A modem is a device, which serves a dual purpose, because it acts as a Modulator (digital to analog) and DEModulator (analog to digital), hence the name MODEM. An analog communication system requires a modem at either end of the communication line. When the 10 signals are received by the distant computer, the signals are reconverted to digital form prior to being input for processing.
Digital transmission
Analog transmission has been in use for many years as the basis of telephone technology and is very effective for this purpose, but it is not so suitable for high-speed transmission of information. Digital transmission consists of electrical pulses representing data in binary code as a series of on/off pulses. A number of different codes exist, some of which are based on a 6-, 7-, or 8-bit structure. ASCII is a 7-bit code and EBCDIC is an 8-bit code. The codes represent characters, transmission control signals, information separators, and device control. Digital technology has a number of advantages compared to analog, including higher transmission speed, lower incidence of errors, and the facility for mixing data consisting of voice, image, and text on the same circuit. It is for this reason that data transmissions will be increasingly digital in the future. A network structure known as Integrated Digital Network (ISDN) facilitates these aspects.
B) Answer questions.
1. What are the advantages of digital transmission?
2. How does digital transmission differ from analog transmission?
3. What information does the code supply?
A walk-through word processing
I. Warm – up
1. What is a word processor?
2. What makes word processors superior to traditional typewrites?
3. Make a list of the most important features offered by word processor?
II. Vocabulary
A) Read the words and guess their meaning.
Style, courier, report, manipulate, initially, phrase, display, mark, command, print, correct, format, subscribe, accurately, publishing, import, graphics, constantly, list, extremely, polished, professional, address, potential, blank, correspondence, final, specifically, personalized, generate, index, client, person, figure.
B) To understand the text, read and learn these words and word combinations.
memo – заметка, памятка; докладная записка
alleviate – облегчать, смягчать
tedium – утомленность, скука
proofing – проверка, корректура
recall – (зд) вызывать, брать обратно
scratch – рабочий, временный вариант
retrieve – искать, делать выборку
Search – «Поиск»
Replace – «восстановить», «вернуть на место»
no matter – неважно, все равно
hide – прятать, скрывать
ability - способность
appear – появляться; оказываться
bold – полужирный (шрифт)
italic - курсивный
underline - подчеркивать
typeface – начертание шрифта; шрифт
margins - поля
indent – отступ, смещение вправо
superscript – верхний индекс
subscript -нижний индекс
reduce – снижать, уменьшать, сокращать
frustration – расстройство, разочарование
approach - приближаться
layout – размещение, компоновка, формат
offer - предлагать
hyphenation – перенос, разделение слов для переноса
merge – сливать, объединять
split - разбивать
fit – монтировать(ся), располагать(ся)
reach - достигать
the rest – оставшаяся часть
explosion – взрыв, нарушение порядка
designated – указанный, определенный
substitute – замещать, заменять
sophisticated - сложный
comprehensive – единый, обширный, исчерпывающий
contents – содержание, содержимое
III. Reading
A) Read the text underline any word – processing capabilities that you did not list in task I
Word – processing facilities
Writing letters, memos or reports are the ways most people use computers. They manipulate words and text on a screen - primarily to print at some later time and store for safe keeping. Computers alleviate much of the tedium associated with typing, proofing and manipulating words. Because computers can store and recall information so readily, documents need not be retyped from scratch just to make corrections or changes. The real strength of word processing lies in this ability to store, retrieve and change information. Typing is still necessary (at least, for now) to put the information into the computer initially but once in, the need to retype only applies to new information.
Word processing is more than just typing, however. Features such as Search and Replace allow users to find a particular phrase or word no matter where it is in a body of text. This becomes more useful as the amount of text grows. Word processors usually include different ways to view the text. Some include a view that displays the text with editor's marks that show hidden characters or commands (spaces, returns, paragraph endings, applied styles, etc.). Many word processors include the ability to show exactly how the text will appear on paper when printed. This is called WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get, pronounced 'wizzy-wig'). WYSIWYG shows bold, italic, underline and other type style characteristics on the screen so that the user can clearly see what he or she is typing. Another feature is the correct display of different typefaces and format characteristics (margins, indents, super- and sub-scripted characters, etc.). This allows the user to plan the document more accurately and reduces the frustration of printing something that doesn't look right.
Many word processors now have so many features that they approach the capabilities of layout applications for desktop publishing. They can import graphics, format multiple columns of text, run text around graphics, etc. Two important features offered by word processors are automatic hyphenation and mail merging. Automatic hyphenation is the splitting of a word between two lines so that the text will fit better on the page. The word processor constantly monitors words typed and when it reaches the end of a line, if a word is too long to fit, it checks that word in a hyphenation dictionary. This dictionary contains a list of words with the preferred places to split it. If one of these cases fits part of the word at the end of the line, the word processor splits the word, adds a hyphen at the end and places the rest on the next line. This happens extremely fast and gives text a more polished and professional look.
Mail merge applications are largely responsible for the explosion of ‘personalized' mail. Form letters with designated spaces for names and addresses are stored as documents with links to lists of names and addresses of potential buyers or clients. By designating what information goes into which blank space, a computer can process a huge amount of correspondence substituting the 'personal' information into a form letter. The final document appears to be typed specifically to the person addressed.
Many word processors can also generate tables of numbers or figures, sophisticated indexes and comprehensive tables of contents.
B) Look at the words in the box and complete the following sentences with them. Use the information in the text.
type style | WYSIWYG | format | indent |
font menu | justification | merging |
1. _________ stands for ‘What you can see is what you get’. It means that your printout will precisely match what you see on the screen.
2. _________ refers to the process by which the space between the words in a line is divided evenly to make the text flush with both left and right margins.
3. You can change font by selecting the font name and size from the __________
4. _________ refers to a distinguishing visual characteristic of a typeface; ‘italic’, for example is a __________ that may be used with a number of typefaces.
5. The _______ menu of a word processor allows you to set margins page numbers, spaces, between columns and paragraphs justifications.
6. __________ enables you to combine two files, one containing names and addresses and the other containing a standard letter.
7. An _______ is the distance between the beginning of a line and the left margin, or the end of a line and the right margin. Indented text is usually narrower than text without _________.
C) Find the words and expressions that mean the same
1. retrieve
2. typefaces
3. header
4. footer
5. subscripted dash or character
6. hyphenation
a) text printed in the top margin
b) recover information from a computer system
c) letter, number, or symbol that appears below the baseline of the row of type, commonly used in math’s formulas
d) text printed in the bottom margin
e) division of words into syllables by a short hyphen
f) styles for a set of characters; sometimes called ‘fonts’
D)Two friends are talking about how to move text by using the ‘Cut and Paste’ technique. Read the conversation and complete it with the words from the box.
finally | command | first |
now | mistake | next |
Edit | insertion |
A: Do you know I can move this paragraph? I want to put it at the end of this page.
B: Er …I think so. 1)_________ you use the mouse to select the text that you want to move and then you choose the Cut 2) ________ from the Edit menu …
A: Like this?
B: Yes. The selected text disappears and goes onto the Clipboard. And 3) ____________ you find where you want the text to appear and you click to position the 4) _____________ point in this place.
A: Mm ….is that OK?
B: Yes, if that’s where you want it 5) __________ - choose Paste from the 6) _________ menu, or hold down Command and press V. 7) ___________ check that the text has appeared in the right place.
A: What do I do if I make a 8) ________?
B: You can choose Undo from the Edit menu which will reverse your last editing command.
A: Brilliant! Thanks a lot.
B: That’s OK.
IV. Speaking
Work in pairs
Read the table below which is a summary of the most relevant features of two word-processing programs. The characteristics of each program are marked with a tick (+). Student A has Printext and Student B has Publisher. Explain to your partner why your program is better.
A: With Printext I can …
B: Yes, but you can't …
A: However, it is possible to … whereas with Publisher you can't …
B Yes, but don't forget that with Publisher you can … Moreover, …
A: Ok. I understand what you mean, but what about …?
Characteristics | Student A Printext | Student B Publisher |
1.Instantaneous WYSIWYG and editing. | + | + |
2. Variety of font types, styles and size. | + | + |
3. Editing facilities: Co Cut, Paste, Undo, Select All. | + | + |
4. Centering and indenting paragraphs. Special column formats. Hyphenation and justification of text with optimum line-breaking. | + | + |
5. Spell checker, grammar checker, and thesaurus. | + | + |
6. Non-contiguous text selection permits you to collect portions of text at random and bring them together on one of eight editable clipboards. | + | + |
7. Can find and replace words even in unopened files. | + | |
8. Automatic numbering of chapters and sections. Automatic generation of indexes and tables of contents. Cross-reference facilities. | + | |
9. Allows you to generate math’s formulas, and diagrams. | + | |
10. Graphics tools: You can have the text wrap around the graphic or flow through it. You can scale and rotate graphics | + | |
11. Import and export facilities. You can transfer files to other IBM PCs and Macintosh applications. | + | |
12. You can record voice annotations to insert comments into a document. | + |
V. Writing
Moving text is a process of cutting and pasting as if you were using scissors and glue. Write a short description of the process.
Unit VII
I. Warm – up
Companies often use databases to store information about customers, suppliers and their own personnel. Figure 1 shows a “record” from one company’s “Employee” file. Study it and then try to answer these questions.
1. What is a database?
2. Which tasks can be performed by using a database? Make a list of possible applications.
3. What do these terms mean in the Russian language: file, record, field?
Name James Powell
Address 12, Back St
Marital status Single
Identification 0994989 Home phone 455367
Job ENGINEER Department Data processing
Salary £18,750 Commission £2,785
Figure 1. Record from “Employee” file in database. This record holds nine fields (the illustration is one).
II. Vocabulary
A) Look through the words and word combinations to find out if you know all of them. If you don ’ t , learn them .
retrieve – искать, выбирать
related – связанный с темой
field – поле; часть документа или носителя данных
keep track - прослеживать
invoice – фактура, накладная
customer – клиент, покупатель
simultaneously - одновременно
update – обновлять, совершенствовать
dimension – размер, мерность
merge – сливать, объединять
layout – план, разбивка
employment - занятость
salary – зарплата
B) Read these international words and guess their meaning
organize, collection, cabinet, separate, records, group, market, detail, company, automatically, managing, director, card, index, system, consult, occupy, sort out, alphabetical, package, productivity, department, aspect, protect, commission, design, import, export.
III. Reading
A) Here is part of an article about databases. Read it. Underline the features of a database and compare your ideas with a partner.
Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 635.