For years health researchers had noticed that inactive people had more health problems than active people. Some of their studies compared the cardiovascular systems of people who did active work (such as carpentry or delivering mail) with those of people who sat in one place most of the day. In every study the active people suffered less heart diseases. And in every age group their death rates were lower than the death rates of inactive people.
These are some of the health problems connected with inadequate physical activity:
· obesity
· heart disease
· high blood pressure
· injuries to muscles, ligaments, tendons
· injuries and pain in bones and joints
· respiratory diseases
· stress
· depression and anxiety
The connection between this gloomy list and lack of exercise is simple. The body is like a finely tuned, complicated machine. If it is cared for, the different parts keep working well. If it is neglected, those parts get creaky and rusty. They are broken or injured more easily.
Have you ever broken an arm or a leg? If so, you know what happened when the cast came off. Your muscles had begun to atrophy. That is, the muscles had begun to waste away from lack of use. Bones and joints, too, had gotten weaker because of disuse. That's what happens to people who do not exercise. Parts of their bodies begin to grow weak. Because their muscles and bones are weak, such individuals are more prone to injury than fit people. Their bodies also tend to age faster. Many people who don't exercise are also overweight. That's because the human body has a system for storing fat. In times when food was scarce, the fat storage mechanism helped people to survive. But in these days of overeating and underexercising, the same mechanism threatens our health and survival.
Exercise 1
Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and expressions:
сердечно-сосудистая система; уровень смертности; высокое кровяное давление; повреждение мышц, связок, сухожилий; боль в суставах; респираторные заболевания; пренебрегать, игнорировать; атрофироваться; чахнуть, истощаться; стареть, угрожать здоровью и жизни.
Exercise 2
Complete the sentences:
1. For years health researchers had noticed that inactive people had more….
2. Active people suffer less … and their death rates are ….
3. Some of the health problems connected with inadequate physical activity include …..
4. If our body is cared for, the different parts ….
5. If our body is neglected, those parts ….
6. Many people who don't exercise are ….
Exercise 3
Answer the questions:
1. Does our health depend on our activity?
2. What health problems are connected with inadequate physical activity?
3. How does our body work?
4. What happens to people who do not exercise?
Do yon agree or not? Comment on the following statements.
1. Health is not valued till sickness comes.
2. Prevention is better than cure.
3. Eat to live, not live to eat.
4. You are what you eat.
5. A healthy man is a successful man.
6. He, who has health, has hope; and he who has hope has everything.
Unit 2
The problems of Environmental protection
Topical Vocabulary
Environment - Important Issues
acid rain
animal welfare
carbon monoxide
endangered species
nuclear energy
solar energy
exhaust fumes
forest fires
global warming
greenhouse effect
(non)-renewable resources
nuclear fallout
nuclear reactor
ozone layer
protected animals
rain forest
unleaded petrol
nuclear waste
radio-active waste
Natural Disasters
tidal wave
volcanic eruption
Environment - Politics
environmental group
green issues
pressure group
cut down
dispose (of)
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 264.