Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the sentences.
Check Ss’ answers.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?
Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links
monitor less able groups during controlled tasks and provide further modelling and drilling support
monitor learners’ production and pronunciation of target language in whole class plenary checking of tasks
cross-curricular links: languages [contrasts with L1]
challenge more able learners to spontaneously report things you say and ask
Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? | Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. |
Lesson plan
LESSON: Module 9 Lesson 9
Teacher name:
Number present:
L4 C1 S5 S6 S7
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
identify some target language correctly and use some target language correctly in functional exchanges with some control of pronunciation
Most learners will be able to:
identify most target language correctly and use a range of target language correctly in functional exchanges with good control of pronunciation
Some learners will be able to:
identify all target language correctly and use most target language correctly in functional exchanges with good control of pronunciation
basic forms for expressing support and complimenting
To present complimenting and practise pronunciation
Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat.
To identify the context of a dialogue and listen for specific information
Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and answer the questions in the rubric.
Class CD
C1 S7
S5 S6
To learn synonymous sentences Explain the task and read out the sentences. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and then elicit the synonymous sentences from various Ss around the class. To consolidate situational language through translation Explain the task. Elicit the L1 equivalents for the sentences in Ex. 1 from Ss around the class. |
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To act out a dialogue • Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss take roles in pairs. • Monitor the activity around the class and ask some pairs to read out the dialogue in front of the class.
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To consolidate vocabulary
• Explain the task and write the headings on the board. Ss copy the headings into their notebooks. • Allow Ss some time to think of vocabulary and make lists in their books. Ss then compare lists with their partner. • Read out Ss' lists around the class. Put all the vocabulary on the board. Ss add vocabulary to their own lists.
To practise using complimenting vocabulary • Allow Ss time to complete the task. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
To practise situational language through role-playing
• Explain the task. Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in Ex. 2, the sentences in the box and the vocabulary on the page as well as any ideas of their own to complete the task. • Ss complete the task in pairs. To help Ss, draw the following diagram on the board and elicit appropriate phrases Ss should use. Write them on the board. Ss can refer to the diagram while doing the task. (see T’s book)
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Ending the lesson | Monitor the activity around the class and ask some pairs to read out their dialogues in front of the class. |
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Additional information | |||||||||
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? | Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 262. |