Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Choose the correct form.

I. Uncle Tom in a hotel for the summer.

A. is working

B. works

2. She at an advertising agency.

A. is working

B. works

3. We tennis every Friday.

A. usually play

B. are usually playing

4. Sorry. I can't join you now. I for my exam.

A. study

B. am studying

5. My son economics at college.

A. studies

B. is studying

6. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It hard.

A. is raining

B. rains

7. It in autumn in our city.

A. often rains

B. is often raining


supply the correct form for the verbs in brackets.

1.We never (hear) him talk so much before.

2. My aunt (stay) with us for a week.

it (stop) raining yet?

4. I (meet) a lot of interesting people in the past few days.

5. The car already (break) down twice this month.

6. you (have) a holiday this year yet?

7. Ron looks happy. He just (find) a new job.

8. You should not smoke so much. You (smoke) ten cigarettes since morning.

9. you ever (visit) that country?

10. The little girl never (eat) caviar.


Rewrite the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous and the words in italics. The first sentence has already been done for you.

1. It is snowing. (since morning) It has been snowing since morning.

2. Your friend is waiting for you. for over an hour)

3. Are you crying? (How long ?)

4. My elder sister is studying German. (for five years)

5. Kevin is looking for a new house. (since June)

6. The children are playing football in the yard. (since it stopped raining)

7. Harry is working in Leeds. (since Easter)

8. The girls are looking through a fashion magazine. (since dinner time)

9. My husband is repairing his car. (since he came home)

Вариант 2.

State to what part of speech each word in bold type beloпgs.

Не headed the movement. 2. Не has а good head. 3. Не is а forward bоу

For his age. 4. Не has promised to forward your letters. 5. Paper the walls

With white paper. 6. Light the lamp. 7. The lamp gives а poor light. 8. You

Have got wet paint оп the back of your coat. 9. Now let's paint.

Write the countaЬle and uncouпtaЬle nouns into two columns.

Air, aviation, hair, bread, darkness, water, glass (стекло), glass (стакан), iron

(железо), iron (утюг), happiness, hero, sand, music, friend, friendship, coffee,

Coin, mоnеу, ink, watch, tree, ice, horse, speed, umbrella, butter, cow, heat,

Chalk, armchair, sand, idea, ship, meat.


State whether the пouns in bold type are соuпtаblе or uncountable. Translate thesentences into Russian.

Old seamen like to talk about pastdangers at sea. 2. Her hair has gone quite grey.3. Among the guests I saw а man with hardly а hair on his head. 4. I prefer fishfor supper. 5. All the water rushed out апd the reeds were full off fishes.

Translate the following sentences into English.

Фрукты в нашем саду уже созрели. 2. Мне очень нравятся эти часы.

Где вы их купили? 3. Волосы растут быстрее в детстве. 4. Какая приятная

Новость: к нам приезжают друзья, которых мы давно ждали. 5. Каково

содержание этой книги? 6. Знания, приобретенные в молодом возрасте,

Остаются в памяти на долгие годы. 7. Деньги держат в бумажнике или

Кошельке. 8. Когда мы спим, наша одежда обычно лежит на стуле около

Кровати. 9. Какие из этих овец будут посланы на выставку? 10. Рыбаки

Были довольны: они поймали много рыбы. 11. Мои попутчики были веселые и интересные люди. 12. Возьмите эти ножницы, они острые.

Мальчик вырос, и брюки стали ему коротки. 14. В коробке было

Шесть пар чулок. 15. Его одежда совсем новая.

5. Fill in the blanks :

1.          Is there ______ letter for me today ?


              (A) many

                   (B)  some

              (C) much

              (D) any


Stole his camera when he fell asleep on he beach.


              (A) Someone

                   (B)  Everybody

              (C) Some

              (D) Something


Of them knows how to speak English.


              (A) Neither

              (B)  Both

              (C) No one

              (D) All


People were shot dead during the riot.


              (A) Several

              (B)  Another

              (C) All

              (D) Plenty


5.          They are nuns ______ of them are vegetarians.


              (A) Nobody

              (B)  Another

              (C) All

              (D) Somebody











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