Selling and Buying Narcotic Drugs
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Narcotics, when abused, can cause serious mental and physical harm. There exist laws, which make certain narcotic-related activities criminal offenses. The activities include selling or offering to sell, possessing, transporting, administering (снабжать), or giving narcotics without a license, except by medical prescription.

Computer Crime

Society has only recently addressed the problems of crimes made possible by the computer revolution.

One problem involves the stealing of valuable information from other persons’ computers. Recall that larceny is “the wrongful taking of the personal property of others.” This traditional definition of the crime made it difficult to prosecute those who steal computer data for two reasons. First, many courts concluded that there was not a «taking» if an intruder merely copied the information in the computer. Second, even if an intruder copied and erased computer information, some courts concluded that there was no taking of “personal property” but only the loss of electrical impulses, which no one really owns.

Answer the questions:

1. What are crimes against a person?

2. What are crimes against property?

3. What are crimes against the government and the administration of justice?

4. What are crimes against public peace and order?

5. What are crimes against consumers?

6. What are crimes against decency?

7.What is a felony? Give examples of felonies.

8. What is the punishment for felonies?

9. What is a misdemeanor? Give examples of misdemeanors.

10.What is the punishment for misdemeanors?

11.What is an infraction? Give examples of infractions.

12. What is the punishment for infractions?

13. Give examples of business related crimes.

Match the name of a criminal with the suitable definition of the offence:

a.       a member of a criminal group 1. a burglar
b.       a soldier who runs away from the army 2. a drug dealer
c.       anyone who breaks the law 3. a forger
d.       attacks and robs people in the street 4. a gangster
e.       breaks into houses or other buildings to steal 5. a hijacker
f.       buys and sells drugs illegally 6. a hooligan
g. causes damage or disturbance in public places 7. a kidnapper
h. deliberately causes damage to property 8. a mugger
i. gets secret information from another country 9. a pickpocket
j. helps a criminal in a criminal act 10. a murderer
k. kills someone 11. a robber
1. makes counterfeit (false) money or signatures 12. a shop-lifter
m. marries illegally, being married already 13. a smugler      14. a spy
n. murders for political reasons or a reward 14.a terrorist
о. illegally sets fire to someone's house or property 15. a thief
p. someone who steals 16. a traitor
q. steals from shops while acting as an ordinary custom­er 17. a vandal
r. steals money or things by force from people or places accomplice
s. steals things from people's pockets arsonist
t. takes away, people by force and demands money for their return assassin
u. takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change course 22. an offender
v. uses violence for political reasons 21.a burglar


22.a burglar

23.a drug dealer

24.a forger

25.a gangster

26.a hijacker

27.a hooligan

28.a kidnapper

29.a mugger

30.a pickpocket

31. a murderer

32. a robber

33. a shop-lifter

34. a smugler
     14. a spy

35.a terrorist

36. a thief

37. a traitor

38. a vandal accomplice arsonist assassin

22. an offender

Match the following:

1. arson

2. bribery

3. burglary

4. conspiracy

5. crime

6. assault

7. battery

8. extortion

9. false pretenses

10. felony

11. forgery

12. immunity

13. juvenile delinquency

14. larceny

15. misdemeanor

16. pardon

17. parole

18. perjury

19. probation

20. punishment

21. receiving stolen property

22. robbery

23. victimless crimes

24. white-collar crimes

a. a punishable offense against society

b. intentional, illegal burning of a building

c. nonviolent crimes committed by generally respected persons.

d. crimes for which there may be no real victim

e. penalty imposed for committing a crime

f. punishment allowing liberty under court-ordered supervision

g. release from all punishment

h. crime of a less serious nature punishable by fine and/ or jail up to one year

i. taking of property by force from the person or presence of another

j. buying known stolen property with the intent to deprive the rightful owner

k. a threat which causes a well-founded fear of immediate bodily harm

1. freedom from prosecution m. wrongful taking of another’s personal property with intent to deprive the owner of possession.

n. early release of a prisoner with suspension of the remainder of the prisoner’s sentence

o. lying under oath

p. illegally entering a building with the intent to commit a crime

q. violation by minors of criminal and other laws

r. intentional causing of bodily harm

s. making or materially altering any writing, with intent to defraud

t. serious crime punishable by death or imprisonment for more than one year

u. obtaining property by lying

v. obtaining property wrongfully by force or fear

w. agreement to commit a crime

x. offering, giving, or receiving money to influence official action

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 318.