catholic complete constitutional legal comprehensive governmental supreme fundamental | success system importance church authorities law rights document | to follow to respect to pursue to administer to modify to operate to endow with to prescribe | the example goals rules institutions rights public affairs the method powers |
Task 4. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:
constitutional law, to treat of powers and frame of government, to regulate the relations of government and citizen, a church congregation, a bylaw, an appropriate procedure, respective powers, the authority of political rulers, religious matters, to alter the fundamental laws, to protect rights, to delimit powers, unwritten constitution.
Task 5. Translate the following word combinations into English:
отрасль публичного права, распределение правительственных полномочий, основные принципы, управлять общественными делами, результат национализма, свод норм, политическое сообщество, наделять функциями, средневековье, римская католическая церковь, права человека, различные формы правления.
Task 6. Insert prepositions:
to treat … the organization … government, according … the plan, rights … the individual, to multiply … number, … the broadest sense … the word, to operate … the terms … a formal written document, to conform … the rules, an alternative … a constitution, to provide … different patterns … governance, … the first place, to endow … powers, the jurisdiction … the church, to be limited … the rights, … the modern age.
Task 7. Make up sentences out of these words and expressions. The original versions can be found in the text.
1. were limited, the rights, at, classes, the powers, by, of, political, rulers, some, of, least, of, moreover, subjects.
2. document, became popular, the rules, the essentials, idea, of, in, government, an orderly, the American, of, that, guide, the operations, of, very, must, quickly, comprehensive, stating.
Task 8. Complete the following sentences:
1. Constitutional law is the branch of the public law of a state which … .
2. A constitution is a body of rules … .
3. Constitutions may be … .
4. The constitution of a political community is composed of … . It may also include … .
5. In the Middle Ages the authority of political rulers in Europe …
6. … was a potent factor in reshaping the constitutions of … .
7. The first step was made by … .
8. It was in the United States that … .
9. The American idea of … became popular very quickly.
10. Today almost all states have … .
Task 9. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to Complex objects:
1. All people want the constitution of their country to protect their rights and freedoms.
2. Every political community expects its important institutions to be operated according to some fundamental body of rules.
3. The Americans regard the government to execute the laws constitutionally.
4. The citizens believe all political authorities to operate under the terms of a formal written document labeled constitution.
5. Political rulers suppose their citizens to observe laws and regulations.
Task 10. Sum up the text. Use the sentences of task 9.
Task 11. Read Text B and get ready to say if the following statements are true or false:
1. The United States has no written constitution.
2. The constitution of Great Britain is unwritten.
3. The British constitution includes acts of parliament only.
4. The US presidential cabinet and the system of political parties are the institutions provided for in the written constitution.
5. Written constitutions are always supplemented by statutes, judicial doctrines and the like.
6. Some constitutions are rigid, others are flexible.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 416.