Your British friend wants to discover Belarusian cuisine. What advice will you give him/her?
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I would recommend him to visit a café which serves Belarusian dishes. It’s regarded that Belarusians’ favourite food is potato. There are a lot of dishes made of it. People sometimes call us ‘bulbashi’. We don’t mind.  

  Belarusians eat a lot of potatoes, so the dishes made from potato are very popular: draniki, kolduny, babka. But Belarusian cuisine is not only potatoes . There are a lot of tasty dishes. In restaurants with national colours you can taste not only Belarusian traditional cuisine but also exquisite dishes that were served up in residences of Belarusian magnates.
The local cuisine can be tasted in farmsteads where the cooking is often unique, common only in particular area with using only fresh farm products.
Here bread is baked according to old recipes and technologies, they cook homemade meat delicacies, cheese from cow or goat's milk, and sweets from honey, apples and cranberries.

We can’t believe all the stereotypes about different nationalities. What do you think about it?

We should understand that national character doesn't describe the character of every person; it describes the character of people of the  nation in general. It’s wrong to say that all Belarusians are ‘pamyarkouniya’ or all the British are very polite people with perfect manners. There are exceptions to every rule. There are black and white sheep in every herd.

All people are unique and have their own characters and personalities. Nowadays a lot of people rely on the mass media which are very powerful. They can form or modify the public opinion in different ways depending on what the objective (цель) is. In this way we can see that stereotyping is not based on a realistic view of a culture, but it is based on assumptions (предположения) and lack of knowledge.

Let’s talk about outstanding people.

Let’s talk about outstanding people. Tell me about some Belarusians who are well known all over the world.

Do you think a genius is born or made?

Thomas Edison said , “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.” To me, the meaning of this quote is clear. The root of success is hard work, not talent. This statement is supported by countless real-life examples, such as Bill Gates, Bruce Lee and many others. Most of us have heard and understand the concept that hard work ends in success. No one is born genius. Everyone grows through life. Everyone learns something throughout his life.

If you have a chance to interview a celebrity what questions will you ask?

· What field do you work in?

· Have you made any inventions?

· Do you work alone or with a group of your colleagues?

· Is it easy to be a celebrity?

· Do you donate money for charity?

What can you advise a person who wants to get success and become famous?

First of all I’d advise him or her to think carefully if he really wants to become famous. Because it’s not an easy thing to be a celebrity. It’s necessary to take into consideration all pros and cons. But if he really wishes to be successful and famous I would recommend him to work hard. If you want to be successful you shouldn’t be afraid of failures. As a failure is another step to success.


Woody Allan said: “The only thing standing between me and greatness is ME.” What do you think about it?

They say ‘Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations’. It means that everything is in our hands. If we want to be successful in life than we should work hard to achieve our goals. Sometimes we make excuses for our laziness and unwillingness to work. But on the other hands, we should remember that the purpose of life is happiness. There should be a balance of work and play, family and personal life. 


16/25. Let’s talk about tourism.

Let’s talk about tourism. What types of tourism do you know?

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 3484.