Astrakhan Gas Processing Complex
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

For the whole period of the Astrakhan GPC work, its specialists produced the following quantity of commodity products:

natural gas: nearly 10.5 billions m3;

technical sulphur: more than 8 mln.t;

motor gasoline A-76: more than 1.8 mln.t;

diesel fuel L-05-40: nearly 1.3 mln.t;

fuel oil: nearly 1.2 mln.t;

liquefied gas: nearly 100 thsd.t.

Creative engineering research and rationalization work of plant specialists resulted in new types of products: unleaded high-octane gasoline AI-93 and diesel fuel for export L-02-62.

All construction, assembly and adjustment work as well as starting-up operation at the outfit for sulphur granulated have been completed. Specialists are carrying out tests and getting the reassuring results which can enlarge sulphur supply and production prospects. Some questions concerning Enterprise № 3 production capacities application for imported hydrocarbon raw material processing and further oil product assortment expansion are being discussed. In particular, the project of plant equipment modernization for ecologically clean motor fuel receipt is being developed together with the research-and-development institutes.

The Astrakhan Gas Processing Complex product is well-known all over the world. Astrakhan sulphur is delivered to chemical plants in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Azerbaidjan, Italy, Rumania, Yugoslavia and North African countries; oil products - to the consumers in Moldova, Kirghizia, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine. The plant operation made it possible to meet the Astrakhan region needs in commodity gas.

Answer the following questions:

1) What is the result of creative engineering research and rationalization work of plant specialists?

2) What is being done by the specialists to obtain ecologically clean motor fuel?

3) Did the plant operation make it possible to meet the Astrakhan region needs in commodity gas?

Текст №1

(для студентов юридического факультета)

The Government of Great Britain .

In theory, the constitution has three branches: Parliament which makes law, the Government, which "executes" law, i. e. puts them into effect and the Law Courts, which interpret laws. Although the Queen is officially head of all three branches, she has little direct power.

Parliament has two parts: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Members of the House of Commons are elected by the voters of 650 constituencies. They are known as MPs, or Members of Parliament. The Prime Minister, or leader of the Government is also a MP, usually the leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Commons, The Prime Minister is advised by a Cabinet of about twenty other ministers. The Cabinet includes the ministers in charge of major government departments or ministries.

The House of Lord consists of the Lords Temporal and the Lords Spiritual. The Lords Spiritual are the Archbishops of York and Canterbury together with twenty-four senior bishops of Church of England. The Lord Temporal consist of the hereditary peers who have inherited their titles; life peers who are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Government, for various services to the nation; and the Lords of Appeal (Law Lords) who become life peers on their judicial appointments. The latter serve the House of Lords as the ultimate court of appeal. This appeal court consists of some nine lords who hold senior judicial office. They are presided over by the Lord Chancellor and they form a quorum of three to live when they hear appeal cases.

Answer the following questions:

1) What branches does the constitution have?

2) What does Parliament consist of?

3) What are the duties of the appeal court?

Текст №2

(для студентов юридического факультета)

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 498.