Higher education in Great Britain
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой



(методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочной и дистанционной форм обучения)



Астрахань 2005


Егупова Г.Н., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании»,

Дроздова Т.В., профессор кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании»,

Ремизова И.В., ассистент кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании».

Акифьева Н.С., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании» - разговорная тема «Great Britain»,

Жигульская Л.М., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании» -разговорная тема «The USA».


Рецензент: Тогунов Б.М., профессор кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании».


Английский язык: Метод. указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочной и дистанционной форм обучения / АГТУ; Сост.: Г.Н. Егупова, Т.В. Дроздова, И.В. Ремизова, Н.С. Акифьева, Л.М. Жигульская. – Астрахань, 2005. – 48 с.



Методические указания утверждены на заседании кафедры кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании»,

«5» июня 2000 г.; протокол № 14.

© Астраханский государственный технический университет

Методические указания

Данные методические указания и контрольные задания, а также контрольно-тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку предназначены для студентов 1 и 2 курсов неязыковых Вузов.

В связи с тем, что при заочной системе образования основой для изучения английского языка является самостоятельная работа студентов, авторы этих методических указаний ставят такие главные задачи как:

-оказать помощь студентам-заочникам в усвоении грамматического и лексического материала, снабдив их тренировочными упражнениями, охватывающими основные разделы грамматики контрольных заданий. Эти контрольно-тренировочные упражнения студенты могут выполнять самостоятельно, проверка правильности выполнения будет осуществляться на практических занятиях по английскому языку, некоторые и них включены в контрольные задания;

-проверить знания студентами-заочниками пройденного учебного материала, определенного программой.

Студент должен выполнять на каждом курсе контрольные задания по английскому языку в соответствии с планом ВУЗА. Учебным планом предусмотрено 4 контрольные работы, которые включены в настоящие указания. К ним прилагаются разговорные темы, разработанные преподавателями кафедры иностранных языков АГТУ. Для более прочного усвоения лексико-грамматического материала и развития навыков чтения, понимания и перевода специальной и общенаучной литературы студент должен, после выполнения контрольных заданий, проработать тексты для дополнительного чтения, которые определяет ведущий преподаватель, и отчитаться по ним.

Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление контрольных работ:

Контрольные работы №1,№2 содержат по 5 текстов, предназначенных для студентов первого курса. Номер текста (№1,№2,№3,№4,№5) соответствует варианту студента в соответствии с последними цифрами студенческого шифра; студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на 1 и 2-выполняют вариант №1 (текст 1); на 3 и 4 - вариант №2(текст 2); на 5 и 6 вариант №3(текст 3); на 7 и 8 - вариант №4(текст 4); на 9 и 10 -вариант №5(текст 5).

Контрольные работы №3, №4, содержат по 10 текстов, предназначенных для студентов второго курса разных специальностей экономического, юридического, рыбохозяйственного факультетов, механического, которые выполняют один из двух вариантов. Студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на 1 и 2; на 3 и 4, выполняют вариант №1 (текст 1), на 5 и 6; на 7 и 8; на 9 и 10 - вариант №2 (текст 2).

Задание нужно обязательно переписывать в тетрадь.

При переводе с английского языка на русский язык каждое предложение нужно писать с новой строки; английские предложения - на левой, а перевод - на правой странице тетради. В тетради должны быть поля для замечаний и рекомендаций, согласно которым студент должен сделать анализ ошибок.

В текстах и упражнениях данного сборника использованы адаптированные материалы из периодической литературы, издающейся на английском языке в России и за рубежом, а также материалы, представленные в отечественных и зарубежных учебниках и пособиях по английскому языку.


Контрольная работа №1

Грамматический материал контрольной работы №1.

Имя существительное. Множественное число. Артикли и предлоги как показатели имени существительного. Выражение падежных отношений в английском языке с помощью предлогов

и окончания "s".

Простое распространенное предложение: прямой порядок слов повествовательного и побудительного предложений в утвердительной и отрицательной формах. Обратный порядок слов вопросительного предложения.

Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения прилагательных. Сравнительные конструкции.

Спряжение глаголов to be, to have в Present, Past и Future Indefinite.

Оборот there + to be

Повелительное наклонение и его отрицательная форма.

Времена группы Indefinite ( Present , Past и Future ) в действительном залоге.

Местоимение: личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, указательные, относительные, числительные.



Контрольно-тренировочные упражнения .

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на грамматические функции выделенных слов.

1) Last year we went to London.

2) London stretches for many miles from the north to the south and from the east to the west.

3) We went to the East End and saw the poorest houses and the narrowest streets there.

4) Summer temperatures in London are a little higher than in Leningrad.

5) One of the most famous buildings in England is St. Paul's Cathedral.

6) No park in London is as popular as Hyde Park.

7) There are three main parts of London: the City, the West End, the East End.

8) The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.

9) Lake Baikal is the deepest one in the world.

10) The Pacific is the largest ocean on our planet.

11) One might say that at the end of World War 2 the United States was the only strong capitalist country with most of the old reserves.

12) Moscow occupies a leading place in cultural and scientific life of the Russian people.

13) The more often I visited Moscow the more I liked it.

14) The oldest manuscripts connect the foundation of Moscow with the name of Yuri Dolgoruki, who founded Moscow in 1147.

15) Any monument in Moscow has its own history.

16) When were you in Moscow last time?


Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite Active.

1. My friend (to arrive) in Moscow the first time in his life.

2. First we (to make) a tour of the metro station.

3. We (to go) into the big entrance hall of the Kiev metro station.

4. Here we (to stand) looking at the marble walls, statues and fine lighting.

5. We (to come out) of the metro at Okhotny Ryad station.

6. In front of us (to be) Manage Square - a wide square stretching away to the red brick walls that encircle the Kremlin.

7. We (to go) as far as the Cathedral of St. Basil with its seven domes, each of a different colour and patter.

8. In front of the Cathedral of St. Basil we (to stop) at the Head Place and the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

9. Happy and full of impressions we (to arrive) home.

Письменно переведите на английский язык и перескажите:

Я родился в Астрахани. Город расположен на берегу реки Волга. Это не самый большой город в стране, так как его нельзя сравнить по размеру с такими городами как Петербург, Москва. Население Астрахани - 1000 000 человек. Астрахань - деловой, культурный и промышленный центр. Это город парков и мостов. В Астрахани много достопримечательностей. Я люблю гулять по улицам моего родного города, который постоянно растет и хорошеет.

Контрольное задание № l

Прочитайте текст вслух, соблюдая правила чтения произношения английского языка (номер текста соответствует шифру). (Выполнение данного задания проверяется преподавателем на практических занятиях).

Письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за текстом.

Выпишите из текста все существительные и глаголы с окончанием - (e)s и определите грамматическую функцию этого окончания.

Образец выполнения: teachers - окончание множественного числа

teaches - окончание 3-го лица единственного числа

Выпишите из текста прилагательные и наречия, переведите их на русский язык, образуйте степени сравнения.

Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения на русский язык, в которых употреблены местоимения. Укажите, к какой группе они относятся (личные, притяжательные, указательные, вопросительные, относительные).

Выпишите из текста все неправильные (нестандартные) глаголы. Переведите их на русский язык и напишите их основные формы ( Infinitive , Past Indefinite , Past Participle ).

Выпишите из текста предложения в Present Indefinite и переведите их на русский язык. Напишите эти предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

Выпишите из текста предложения в Past Indefinite и Future Indefinite и переведите их на русский язык. Напишите эти предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

Письменно переведите текст контрольной работы №1 на русский язык. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарем.

Текст №1.


Moscow is the capital of Russia and one of the greatest cities in the world. The population of Moscow is more than nine million. Moscow is a political, cultural and industrial center of the country. There are many industrial plants and factories, theatres and museums and a lot of libraries.

Moscow is also a great transport center and a port of five seas. The most famous and interesting places in Moscow are Red Square and the Kremlin. Now the Kremlin has been opened for tourists and visitors and everybody can see some ancient Russian churches and buildings.

The History. Moscow was founded more then eight centuries ago (in 1147) by Yuri Dolgoruki. (There is a monument to him in Moscow). Since then its name has not left the pages of history. During the first centuries of Russia's development as a state, it was Moscow that gave its name to the land, which was called Moscovy. Such was the historical fortune of the little settlement a top of a hill overlooking the Moskva River. In 1237 Moscow fell under the yoke of the Tatars. And it was Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy who led the Russian troops to a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of Kulikovo field in 1380.

By the 15- th century Moscow turned into a wealthy city. It was under Ivan III that Moscow became the capital of the state Moscovy. At that time the Kremlin was rebuilt and the largest Kremlin Cathedrals were erected. During the Troubled Times Moscow was occupied by the Polish invaders, but they were routed by the folk militia headed by Minin and Pozharsky. Under tsar Fyodor Moscow was already considered to be one of the largest cities of Europe. In 1712 Peter I transferred the capital to the newly built St. Petersburg, but Moscow remained the cultural and economic center of the country. In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. The city was set burning. The army had to retreat.

In 1918 the Soviet Government decided to make Moscow the capital again. Since that time all the major acts and documents of the Soviet government are signed: "The Kremlin, Moscow." In 1992 Moscow became the capital of the new Russian State.

Answer the following questions:

1) What is the capital of Russia?

2) What is the population of the Russian capital?

3) Moscow is an industrial and cultural center of Russia, isn't?

4) When was Moscow founded?


Текст №2.

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg with its population above 5,000,000 people occupies a territory exceeding 32,000 hectares and is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

It is situated on the banks of the Neva and is known throughout the world for its beautiful streets, avenues, fine sights, numerous historical monument and art collections.

The history of St. Petersburg is inseparable from the history of Russia and from the development of the national economy, science and culture of Russia. The city is one of the largest and most progressive centers of our national industry, St. Petersburg is known for its revolutionary traditions.

The history of St. Petersburg dates back to the beginning of the 18-th century when the city was founded on the banks of the Neva.

For two centuries St. Petersburg remained the capital of Russia. In 1914 St. Petersburg was renamed Petrograd and then in 1924 it was renamed Leningrad after V.I. Lenin. In 1994 Leningrad was renamed St. Petersburg again.

Great changes have taken place in St. Petersburg during the years of the Soviet power. Old branches of industry have considerably expanded and quiet new branches are being developed, millions of square of meters of floor-space have been built. Many new and comfortable houses are now being built in many districts.

St. Petersburg is the second largest and the most important city in Russia.

Answer the following questions:

1) What is the history of St. Petersburg connected with?

2) Why is St. Petersburg well-known?

3) When was St. Petersburg founded?

4) When was the city renamed after Lenin?

5) What is the population of St. Petersburg?

6)   Where is St. Petersburg situated?

Текст №3.


London is the capital of Great Britain and one of the biggest cities in the world. London lies on the both sides of the river Thames. It spreads for nearly 30 miles from the north to the south and about 30 miles from the east to the west. The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries-old history. London is also a very big port and a great commercial center. The government of Great Britain seats there. The population of London is more than nine million.

The most important parts of London are the City, the East End, the West End and Westminster.

The City. The oldest part of London is called the City, it is not so large but it is very important. It is a financial and business center. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here, including the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey. Thousands of people come here every morning to work in large offices. Two masterpieces are situated within the city: St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. The Mansion House where the Lord Mayor lives, the Law Courts, and many interesting old churches are situated in the City.

The East End. The East End is the poorest part and an industrial district of London. There are many factories and large riverside docks there with the Port of London. The region is densely populated by working families. The East End is proud to be called «cockneys» which means true Londoners, hereditary inhabitants of the area.

The West End. The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. It is situated between the city and Hyde Park. The West End is a symbol of wealth and luxury. English aristocracy lives in this region. There are many departments stores, best hotels, restaurants, fine shops, clubs, theatres, big parks and gardens. Hyde Park is also in this district. One of the busiest streets in the West End is Oxford Street. There are many various shops in it, which attract customers from different countries of the world.

Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London. It was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson's victory at the battle of Trafalgar in the middle of the square.

Opposite the Nelson monument is the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. They contain the finest art collections in the world. Not far from the National gallery is the British Museum famous for its rich library.

Answer the following questions:

1) How old is London?

2) What are the important parts of London?

3) Why is the City called the commercial heart of London?

4) What is the West End famous for?

5) Why is the central Square in London named Trafalgar square?

Текст №4.

 New York.

City. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is over 11 million people. New York is an industrial and cultural center of the country. Most business is centered in Manhattan Island. The whole area is very small, that's why the skyscrapers were invented in New York and, especially, in Wall Street. Wall Street is a narrow street with big houses, but it is well known all over the world as the busiest street in the USA. People do business there. There are two more world-famous streets: Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Broadway is the center of the theatres and night life. It is known as "The Great White Way" because of the electric signs which turn night into day. It is the city that never goes to sleep. Buses and subway run all night. There are many drugstores and restaurants which never close their doors. There are cinemas with films that start at midnight.

Fifth Avenue is the great shopping, hotel and club avenue. If you go along this avenue, you'll come to Harlem, where the black people of New York live, the colored workers, teachers, doctors and musicians. New York is the largest port in America. More than half the trade of the United States goes through this city.

There are many places of interest in New York. They are: the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations Building, Empire State Building, Columbia University, City Hall, New York Public Library and others.

History. In 1607 Captain Henry Hudson left Europe to search for the famous Northwest Passage. He didn't find it, because it didn't exist, but he reached a river to which he gave his name. Interested in the stories told them by the captain on his return, the Dutch sent other boats to take possession of the land discovered by Hudson and gave it the name "New Netherlands". Two men dominate the history of this colony. The first bought the island of Manhattan from the Indians in 1626. The second arrived in 1647 as governor of New Amsterdam, the capital of New Netherlands.

In 1664 this territory was taken over by the English and they changed the name to New York.

Answer the following questions:

1) What kind of city is New York?

2) On what island was the city of New York at first situated?

3) Who bought Manhattan Island for a few handfuls of glass beads, brass coins and hunting knives?

4) How many new cities came into existence on the banks of the Hudson River and the East River?

5) What places of interest in New York do you know?

6) What impression do the New York skyscrapers produce on strangers?

7) What are the best known museums in New York?

8) Why is it easy to find the way in New York?

9) What streets in New York are called "Avenues"?
10) What streets in New York are called "Streets"?

Текст №5.


Astrakhan is an ancient town - it is about 500 years old. Astrakhan is situated in the delta of the great Russian river Volga, not far from the Caspian Sea and the well-known Astrakhan State Reserve.

It is a big port and an important industrial, cultural, educational and agricultural center, famous for its history.

The pride of Astrakhan is its wonderful Kremlin, an architectural monument of the 16-th century. The towers of Kremlin can be seen from any part of the town.

There are many historical places in Astrakhan. The Regional Museum and the Historical Museum named after Kirov show the history and development of Astrakhan, tell us about its role in the defence of the Great October Revolution. In the center of our town there are some monuments erected in the honour of those who perished in the struggle for the Soviet power during the Revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

Astrakhan is an industrial center. Among a lot of industrial enterprises there is the biggest fish-processing enterprise in Russia -the Cannery Refrigeration Combine. It is also necessary to mention the Locomotive Repair Plant, the Cellulose Cardboard Combine, the Glass Fibre Plant, the Ship-Building Yard named after Kirov. Our Gas-processing enterprise is well-known in Russia.

Astrakhan is also known for the achievements in agriculture. Our tomatoes, water-melons are sold all over the country.

The cultural life of Astrakhan is very rich. There are many schools, secondary specialized schools, two Universities: the State Technical University and the Pedagogical University, the Medical Academy and Conservatoire.

Astrakhan is famous for its sports schools, where many well-known sportsmen are brought up. Astrakhan is rich in cultural institutions. The picture-theatre "October" with its green house is very popular among the residents, as well as the Phylarmony and several theatres. The Kustodiev Picture Gallery possesses a lot of masterpieces by such famous artists as Levitan, Vrubel, Repin, Nesterov and others.

Astrakhan is very beautiful and attractive with its green streets, numerous bridges, squares and parks.

Answer the following questions:

1) Where is Astrakhan situated?

2) What is the pride of Astrakhan?

3) What are the biggest enterprises in Astrakhan?

4) What is Astrakhan famous for?

5) What is Astrakhan rich in?

Контрольная работа №2.

Грамматический материал к контрольной работе №2.

I. Видо-временные формы глагола:

а) активный залог группы Indefinite (формы Present , Past , Future ); группы Continuous (формы Present , Past , Future ); группы Perfect (формы Present , Past , Future ).

б) пассивный залог группы Indefinite (формы Present, Past,Future).


Особенности перевода пассивных конструкций на русский язык. П. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

II.Простые неличные формы глагола: Participle I { Present Participle ), Participle II { Past Participle ) в функциях определения и обстоятельства. Gerund (герундий): простые формы.

III. Определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения; придаточные обстоятельственные предложения времени и условия.

Контрольно-тренировочные упражнения.

I. Перевести предложения на русский язык, определить грамматические функции выделенных слов.

a) The Russian government is paving great attention to the study of foreign languages.

b) All primary and secondary schools are supported by the state.

c) Pupils are to learn one foreign language.

d) Moscow University was founded by M. Lomonosov in 1755.

e) His lectures are relied on, were relied on and will be relied on.

f) A person who has taken a degree is called a graduate.

g) The task set by the government is not to teach the students how to read the newspapers and literature on their speciality published abroad, but to speak a foreign language.

h) The experiment described in the article attracted my attention.

i) While living in Moscow he met some well-known scientists of his time.

j) A person studying for a degree at a British University is called an undergraduate.


II. Замените придаточные определительные предложения и придаточные предложения времени причастными оборотами: Model: The man who is speaking now is our teacher of English. - The man speaking now is our teacher of English.

c) The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at an evening school for laboratory workers.

d) There are many pupils in our class who take part in all kinds of extracurricular activities.

e) The man who is speaking now is a well-known politician.

f) When you speak English, pay attention to the order of words.

a) When you begin to work with the dictionary don't forget my instructions.

b) When you are copying down English texts pay attention to the articles.

c) You must have much practice when you are learning to speak a foreign language.

III. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия:

a) The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best pupil.

b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.

c) The exercises (doing, done) by the pupils were easy.

d) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework at that table?

e) The book (written, writing) by this scientist is very interesting.

f) Translate the sentences (written, writing) on the blackboard.

g) Read the (translating, translated) sentences once more.

IV. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на

      Participle I, Participle II и Gerund.

h) Having taking a dictionary he began to translate the text.

i) The students speaking good English must help their classmates.

j) I avoid speaking to them about this problem.

k) He keeps insisting on my learning English.

l) I don't mind learning English.

a) After being corrected by the teacher, the students' papers were returned to them.

m) They went on talking.


V. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты: can (could),(to be able to); may (to be allowed to); must (to have to); to be to.

1) Я не умею говорить по-английски.

2) Ты умеешь говорить по-французски?

3) Не могли бы Вы мне помочь?

4) Я не мог не перевести это предложение.

5) Он смог перевести эту статью без словаря.

6) Он должен придти в 5 вечера.

g) Только тот человек, кто знает английский язык хорошо, сможет ответить на такой вопрос.

h) Мне придется ответить на все вопросы на английском языке.

i) Мне пришлось прослушать запись этого текста несколько раз.

j) Нам не разрешают разговаривать на уроке.

k) Я должна упорно работать над английским языком.

1) Лекция должна была начаться в 8.30 утра.

Контрольное задание №2.

1)  Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте по-английски на вопросы, следующие за текстом.

2) Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых употреблены модальные глаголы.

3)    Выпишите из текста предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в страдательном залоге, переведите их на русский язык.

4) Употребите глагол-сказуемое одного предложения из текста во всех временных формах группы Perfect , производя все необходимые смысловые изменения. Образец : She has just translated the article.

She had translated the article before her mother came home.

She will have translated the article by the end of this week.

5) Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых употреблены причастия настоящего времени. Определите их функцию. Укажите, является ли причастие определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола- сказуемого.

6) Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых употреблены причастия прошедшего времени. Определите их функцию.

7) Выполните письменно контрольно-тренировочные упражнение №5.

8) Переведите письменно текст контрольной работы №2. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарем.

Текст № 1.

 General education in Russia.

In the nurseries children learn the ABCs of reading, writing and counting. Children are divided into three age groups: 3-5 year olds, 5-6 year olds and 6 year olds. In the form of games, the children learn not only to read, write and count, but also to draw, design simple things, sing and dance. However, pre-school facilities are in short supply.

Secondary education, which is compulsory, now lasts 11 years. It consists of three levels. The first may start at the age of six or seven and continue for three or four years. This has been a major innovation for school system which before had a common school age limit and course of tuition. This has become basic schooling for all.

The second level is five years of instruction with a wide choice of subjects. Parents may choose the curriculum according to the abilities and inclinations of their children.

The third level consists of two years of instruction. Every pupil can make particular choice of a subject which he or she wants to study: sciences, humanities, biology, linguistics, etc. There are to be no more than five compulsory subjects: the native tongue, literature, general and modern history, natural science. Other subjects, like math, art studies and physical education are still under debate in the teaching profession.

School takes place every day of week, except Sunday. Every lesson lasts 45 minutes with breaks from 10 to 20 minutes. Many schools have experiments with a five-day week and 40 minutes lessons. The school year begins on September 1 and ends in May. It is divided into four terms, with holidays up to 10 days between them. The summer holidays last from June to September.

Answer the following question:

1) How long does secondary education last?

2) How many levels does it consist of?

3) When does the school year begin?

4) How long do the summer holidays last?

Текст № 2.


Government is the mechanism through which the public will is expressed and made effective. Sometimes the public will is voiced by the people directly, through the agency of the initiative and referendum, but more often it is made manifest by action of their elected representative in parliament legislatures and municipal council.

Constitutions, laws and ordinances are the formal records of the public will as expressed by these legislative bodies. Presidents, governors, mayors and other executive officials constitute the channels through which this legislation is put into effect, while the courts uphold their hands by providing the function of enforcement.

Government, accordingly, embraces three broad functions: namely, the making of laws, the administration of laws, and the enforcement of laws. Administrators are vested with the function of putting the laws into operation. The vast majority of government officers are engaged in this work. And when anyone shows a reluctance to obey the laws it is the courts and police that provide the machinery of enforcement. Legislative, executive and judicial, therefore, are the three great branches of government.

Government is providing a growing number of services and engaging in operations of great size and complexity. As the functions of government expand, the role of the administrative branch becomes more important. The quality of administration depends on the character of these who hold the jobs. However it should be realized that administrative organizations and government policies change frequently.

Пояснения к тексту: hold the jobs - выполняют работу initiative - право законодательной инициативы record - официальный документ, протокол making of laws - установление правовых норм, издание законов administration of laws - применение законов enforcement of laws - исполнение законов; проведение законов в жизнь to vest - облекать, наделять правами

Answer the following questions:

1) What is government?

2) What functions does the government embrace?

3) What are the three great branches of government?

Текст № 2.

(для студентов юридического факультета)

Local government .

Local government is often regarded as being the basis of national self government. Local government is essentially a method of getting various services run for the community. Education, medical and hospital services, public transport and other utility services have become matters of government concern. The functions of local government can be broadly divided into two main groups, namely functions of control over the activities of private citizens and the provision of public services.

In the first main group functions of control - is the power to make by laws. All the local councils have this power. By laws are a form of local legislation and (like other laws) are designed to regulate the conduct of members of the public.

The provision of public services (the second main group of local government functions) is not strictly speaking a government function, that is so far as government is to be regarded as the regulation of the conduct of private citizens. The government of civilized countries makes it their concern not only to restrain by guidance or control the activities of their subjects, but also to provide for the public welfare by the establishment of system of education, of sanitation, of roads and other services.

In addition to the series of local councils there are a number of their bodies operating in local areas throughout the country and having functions which are similar to or allied with the functions of these councils.

Пояснения к тексту.

 utility services - коммунальные службы

by - laws - подзаконные акты; постановления

Answer the following questions:

1) What is the basis of national self-government?

2) What groups can the functions of local government be divided into?

3) What is the by-law?

4) In what way do the local governments provide for public welfare?

Текст №1

(для студентов экономического факультета)

What managers do .

In the 1990s, we've come to understand that technical skills are necessary, but insufficient, for succeeding in management. In today's increasingly competitive and demanding workplace, managers can't succeed on their technical skills alone. They've also got to have good people skills.

Managers get things done through other people. They make decisions to allocate resources, and direct the activities of others to attain goals. Managers do their work in an organization. This is a consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. Based on this definition, manufacturing and service firms are organizations and so are schools, hospitals, churches, military units, retail stores, police departments, and local, state, and federal government agencies. The people who oversee the activities of others and who are responsible for attaining goals in these organizations are their managers (although they're sometimes called administrators, especially in non- profit organizations.)

In the early part of this century, a French industrialist by the name of Henry Fayol wrote that all managers perform five management functions: they plan, organize, command, coordinate and control. Today, we've condensed these down to four: planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

Answer the following questions:

1) What skills must the managers possess?

2) What is an organization?

3) What is a manager?

4) What functions do the managers perform?

Текст №2

 (для студентов экономического факультета)

Management functions .

Managers are responsible for designing an organization's structure. We call this function organizing. It includes the determination of what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.

Every organization contains people and coordinates these people. This is the leading function. When managers motivate subordinates direct the activities of others, select the effective communication channel, or resolve conflicts among members, they are engaging in leading.

The final functions managers perform is controlling. After the goals are set; the plans formulated; the structural arrangements delineated; and the people hired, trained and motivated, there is still the possibility that something may go amiss. To ensure that things are going as they should, management must monitor the organization's performance which must be compared with the previously set goals. If there are any significant deviations, it is management's job to get the organization back on track. This monitoring, comparing and potential correcting is what is meant by the controlling functions.

Answer the following questions:

1) What are managers responsible for?

2) What is the leading function of managers?

3) What is the final function of managers?

Текст №1

(для студентов механического факультета)

Newton's laws of motion for a particle .

It was stated that when an object is subject to a system of forces which has a nonzero resultant, the object will move with accelerated motion. That is, its zero resultant force is applied to it. No statement was made concerning the magnitude or direction of the acceleration produced by the resultant force. The purpose of the present chapter is to state the fundamental principles which govern the exact relationship between force and acceleration. The discussion here will be limited to a single particle, so it will be assumed in every case that the body in question can be treated as if it were a particle.

The study of the quantitative relationships between force and acceleration began in the seventeenth century. The first man to perform significant experiments on the relationship between forces and motion was Galileo, who performed experiments on falling bodies, bodies moving on inclined planets, projectiles and levers. His work and that of such people as Kepler, Descarters and others led Sir Isaac Newton to formulate his famous laws of motion in 1672. These laws may be in the following forms:

First Law. Everybody continues in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by the force applied to it.

Second Law. The rate of change of the momentum of a particle (product of mass and velocity) with respect to time is directly proportional to the resultant force impressed and occurs in the direction of that resultant force. Since we shall consider the mass of the particle to remain constant, the second law can be restated thus: The resultant force acting on a particle is directly proportional to the product of its mass and its acceleration. That is, F = kma , where к = constant.

Answer the following questions:

1) In which case will the object move with an acceleration?

2) When did the study of quantitative relationship between force and acceleration begin?

3) Who was the first to begin the study? (Speak on this experiments).

Текст №2

(для студентов механического факультета)

Newton's laws of motion for a particle .

Third Law. When two bodies interact with each other, either by direct contact or by remote action, the force that the body exerts on the second is equal and opposite to the force that the second exerts on the first. Briefly, we may say that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

It is sometimes confusing for the student, when he first encounters these laws, to realize that force is not required to maintain motion, but only to charge the state of motion. At first this seems contrary to our common experiences. In order to cause an automobile to continue to move at a constant speed, an expenditure of energy is required. Fuel must be supplied to the engine which, in turn, supplies a force to the wheels of the car in order to propel it forward. It seems that in this case force is required to maintain a constant velocity. Upon examining this example more carefully, however, we realize that the force supplied to the wheels is not the only force involved in this moving system. As the car moves through the atmosphere, the air supplies resistance to the car and acts to slow it down as time goes on. When the car is moving at constant speed, the force supplied to the wheels by the engine is exactly in balance with the force of resistance supplied by the air. Actually the car is in equilibrium when it is moving at a uniform speed. In order to change this state of equilibrium it is necessary that zero resultant force be changed to a nonzero resultant. Thus, to accelerate the car, the force supplied to the wheels must be inscreased. To decelerate the car, we reduce the force supplied to thus wheels thus making the air resistance larger than the propelling force. This causes a resultant force in the direction opposite to the motion of the car.

Answer the following questions:

1) Whom were the famous laws of motion formulated by? (Speak about these laws).

2) What is the force required for maintaining or changing the motion?

3) What is necessary for the car to be in equilibrium?

Текст № 1

(для студентов факультета АВТ)

Communication .

Communicating has always been an important human activity. It has been responsible for the development of cultures and their evolution or downfall. Until recently, human communication techniques have been limited to the spoken and written words, sign language and forms of artwork. During the industrial revolution new communication techniques began to evolve. Telegraphs, telephones, radios, photographs, motion pictures and television have all been developed in a relatively brief period of time. Communication equipment and techniques are still being developed and improved. Although different methods of communication have been studied for many years, it has only been recently that process of communicating itself has come under study.

The study of communication process has led to a new discipline, known as "communication theory". The human elements in any communication process are a message source, a message medium and a receiver. This simplest case might be one person talking to another. The person talking is the transmitter or message source, air is the separating message medium, and the listener is the receiver. To communicate, information of some sort must be transferred. "Information" in communication theory is defined as any organized signal. It can be a series of letters, a series if picture scanning elements, etc.

A communication system that does not allow an interchange between the message source and the receiver is said to be a one-way or "simplex" communication set-up. One that does allow an interchanges is a two-way or "duplex" set-up. Noise is an important concept in communication theory. Noise is defined in communication theory as any signal that interferes with the message being sent and is an undesired disturbance in a communication system. Radio static is a form of noise. Dirt on a camera lens is noise also.

Answer the following questions:

1) What are the problems concerned with the process of communicating?

2) What are the human elements in any communication process?

3) What does the word "information" in communication theory relate to?

4) How is noise defined?


Текст № 2

(для студентов факультета АВТ)

A Communication System and its problems .

The communication system may be symbolically represented as in Fig. 8. The information source selects a desired message out of a set of possible message. The selected message may consist of written or spoken words, or of pictures, music, etc. The transmitter changes this message into the signal which is sent over the communication channel from the transmitter to the receiver

                      M                    M      RS                     M




Fig. 8: 1) - information source; 2) - transmitter; 3) - receiver; 5)- destination;

6) - noise source.

M - message; S - signal; RS - received signal; N - noise.


In the case of telephony, the channel is a wire, the signal is a varying electrical current on this wire; the transmitter is the set of device (telephone transmitter, etc.) which change the sound pressure of the voice into varying electrical current.

In telegraphy, the transmitter codes written words into sequences of interrupted current of varying lengths (dots, dashes, spaces). In oral speech, the information is the brain, the transmitter is the voice mechanism producing the varying sound pressure (the signal) which is transmitted through the air (the channel).

In the case of radio, the channel is simply space and the signal is the electromagnetic wave which is transmitted.

The receiver is a sort of the inverse transmitter, changing the transmitter signal back into a message, and handing this message on to the destination. In the process of being transmitted it is unfortunately characteristic that certain things are added to the signal which were not intended by the information source. These unwanted additions may be distortions of sound (in telephony, for example) or static (in radio), or errors in transmitted (telegraphy or facsimile), etc. All of these changes in the transmitted signal are called noise.

Information. The word "information", in the mathematical theory of communication, is used in a special sense that must not be confused with its ordinary usage. In particular, information must not be confused with meaning. In fact two messages, one of which is heavily loaded with meaning and the other of which is pure nonsense, can be exactly equivalent, from the present viewpoint, as regards information.

Пояснения к тексту.

written or spoken words - устная или письменная речь

In the case of telephony, the channel is a wire. - В случае телефонии канал-это проводная линия.

In the process of being transmitted it is unfortunately characteristic. -К сожалению, для процесса передачи характерно

is used in a special sense - вкладывает особое понятие

Answer the following questions:

a) How may the communication system be represented?

b) What function does the transmitter perform?

c) What is the channel in the case of telephony?

d) Why is receiver a sort of the inverse transmitter?

e) Why mustn't information be confused with meaning?

Текст №1.

(для студентов факультета биологии и природопользования)

Environmental Protection .

The twentieth century is known to be the century of the scientific and technological progress. The achievements of the mankind in mechanization and automation of industrial processes, in chemical industry and conquering outer space, in the creation of atomic power stations and ships are amazing.

But at the same time, this progress gave birth to a very serious problem — the poisoning of our planet, its land, its air and water. The ecological harmony is disturbed. The seas are filled with industrial and nuclear waste, chemicals and fertilizers. The concentration of smoke in the air is so high in some industrial centres that it is deadly dangerous just to breathe there.

Many species of flora and fauna have disappeared. Many of them are on the brink, of extinction, many have been written down into the "Red Book of Nature". Every hour some kinds of animals and plants die out.

Much is spoken now about acid rains, the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, caused by tons of harmful substances emitted by industrial enterprises.

Transport is one of the main offenders in poisoning the environment.

Atomic power stations are a great threat to the environment nowadays.

The pollution of the environment is one of the greatest dangers to human life on the earth.

Now industrially developed states cannot ignore the problem of environmental protection. It has become a part of political programmes in many countries.

The Environmental movement has gained support everywhere. Many laws and decisions on this problem have been adopted, many measures have been taken to protect our forests, rivers, lakes and seas.

Though each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean, the problem can't be solved by one man or one country. Its solution requires the cooperation of all nations. That's why various international organizations and "green parties" have been organized and more and more people have been involved in them.

The Earth is our home. The world around us is wonderful. Our aim is to make it more beautiful and to preserve it for ourselves and next generations.

Answer the following questions:

d) How is the ecological harmony disturbed?

e) What is a great threat to the environment nowadays?

f) What is being done to preserve our Earth?

Текст №2.

(для студентов факультета биологии и природопользования)

Environmental problems.

For the next decade the world's population may rise by 97 million people a year. Scientists predict that by the year 2025 the population will rise to 8, 5 billion, and by the year 2050 it will double.

Most people find these figures alarming. They are afraid that we will run out of land, energy and minerals.

But optimists are sure that new generations will find a way out. Exploration and new technology open new reserves of minerals like coal and oil. Some scientists think that these reserves will go on forever.

But such confidence is deceiving. If we go on using our natural resources as quickly as nowadays we will use up all the resources of copper, natural gas and oil by the year 2054. On the other hand the problem of what we waste is more important. This includes not only all the resources but our attitude to forests and species of animals and plants we destroy carelessly. Thus, we are facing a pollution crises. We pollute the air we breath. Everybody sees smoke coming out of tall factory chimneys. Everybody can smell the gas from the back of a bus.

In big cities thousands of automobiles and factories may add tons of poison to the atmosphere every day.

Another problem is our sewage systems. Do you know where the sewage from many houses of a big city goes? It pollutes rivers and lakes and may even make them die. Fish can't live in them, and people can't swim in them.

The seas are in danger as they are also polluted. Even the ocean is falling ill. If nothing is done about it, fish and sea animals will disappear.

If we don't stop spoiling the world around us, our life will not be nice.

But there is much that we can do. Factories can clean their smoke. Cars and planes can be done so that they do not pollute the air. The dirty water from the factories and sewage can be made clean again.

It is not necessary to throw away things we do not want or cannot use any more. We can recycle most of them. Old newspapers can become new paper. Old glass and plastic jars and bottles can become new glass and plastic. Old iron can help us to make new cars and refrigerators. We must also learn not to litter.

For a long time people didn't think of the future of the Earth. Children and grownups must learn to take care of it.

Answer the following questions:

a) What do the scientists predict?

b) What must be done to stop spoiling the world around us?

Контрольная работа № 4.

 Грамматический материал к контрольной работе № 4.


I. Сложные формы инфинитива (Passive Infinitive, Perfect Infinitive.) Обороты равнозначные придаточным предложениям: объектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Object), субъектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Subject).

II. Независимый причастный оборот (The Absolute Participle Construction).

III . Условный предложения.

Контрольно-тренировочные упражнения .

1) Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на то, что инфинитив в функции определения, и особенно объектный и субъектный инфинитивный обороты, в основном соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

Model: Lawyers are known to perform different duties. Известно , что юристы выполняют различные обязанности .

We know the periodic table to be arranged by Mendeleev. Мы знаем, что периодическую таблицу создал Менделеев.

a) Substances are known to be divided into several classes, according to their states, colours and odours.

b) We believe the investigation to be completed in a week.

c)  Ground water is known to contain a great deal of impurities which are not likely to settle. The entire adult population is known to take part in the elections of the organs of state power.

c) This phenomenon does not appear to be studied.

d) A new means of communication is likely to appear in future.

e) We expect the straight line to give the relationship between input and the output signal.

h) He made this reaction run at reduced pressure.

i) The goods are said to have been carefully examined.


2) Переведите и перепишите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на различия в переводе зависимого и независимого причастного оборота.

2. The evaporation increases with the temperature, other things being equal.

3. Having obtained the necessary data he stopped his work.

4. The effect is highly depended upon frequency, the lower frequencies showing less noise.

5. Having gone through a long period of training the lawyer became a proficient.

6. The evidence being provided, he undertook the necessary actions.

7. Having examined the laboratory of general chemistry the students were given the instructions how to work there.

8. Having been operated at half their capacity many enterprises have been closed altogether.

h) The investigator being very experienced, the investigation didn't last long.

i) The level of employment being investigated, the results confirmed the recession of economy.

j) Market research having been carried out, the corporation started planning its marketing strategy.


3) Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод герундия и герундиальных оборотов.

a) The only way of getting knowledge is to learn.

b) We look forward to improving the economic situation in our country. The young man was accused of violating public order.

1. It is the normal way of doing business.

2. English lawyers made a great effort of creating the organized system of teaching.

3. After adopting this law some remarkable changes in economy took place.

4. They couldn't help solving this problem experimentally.

5. The catabolic process by which a complex food substance is changed into a simpler form without being completely destroyed is known as digestion.


4) Переведите следующие сложные предложения, обращая внимание на реальные и нереальные условия.

Образец: 1. If you work hard at your English you will know it well . - Если Вы будете упорно работать над английским языком, Вы будете его хорошо знать.

4. If you worked hard at your English you would know it well. -Если бы Вы работали упорно над английским языком, вы бы знали его хорошо.

5. If you had worked at your English last year you would have passed your exam successfully. - Если бы Вы упорно работали над английским языком в прошлом году, Вы бы успешно сдал экзамен.

1) If a person violates a law, he will be punished.

2) If many of the fields weren't exhausted, further development would become more profitable.

3) If he were at the laboratory now, he would make a practical work on inorganic chemistry.

4) Had this substance been soluble, the particles would not have settled out.

5) If the message had been sent out at a different frequency, one line could have been used to send many messages at the same time.

6) If they don't inform the importer about the documents, he won't receive them on time.

7) If all the mass of a real solid body could be compressed to a single point, the resulting object would be a particle.

8) It would be impossible to ensure the full supply of energy without atomic power stations.

9) If we placed this material in vacuum, its mechanical properties would be changed.

10) It would be impossible to solve many problems without using computers.

Контрольное задание №4.

1) Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте по-английски на вопросы, следующие за текстом.

2) Найдите в тексте и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых употребляются субъектный и объектный инфинитивные обороты.

3) Замените три сложноподчиненных предложения из текста простым предложением, используя субъектный инфинитивный оборот:

Образец : We expect that the machine will work well. The machine is expected to work well.

1) Найдите в тексте все предложения, в состав которых входит независимый причастный оборот, переведите их.

2) Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых употреблен герундий (простой или сложный, герундиальный оборот).

3) Замените любые реальные предложения из текста маловероятными, относящимся к настоящему или будущему времени, переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: If you increase the temperature, you will increase the velocity of molecular motion.

If you increased the temperature, you would increase the velocity of molecular motion.

7.          Выполните письменно упражнение 4 из контрольно-тренировочных упражнений.

8. Переведите текст контрольной работы № 4 письменно. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарем.

Текст №1

(для студентов химико-технологического факультета)

Astrakhan Gas Processing Complex

Technological process of the Astrakhan gas processing complex and the commodity production receipt involves three production enterprises:

- Production enterprise № 1 for stratumic gas preparation and separation, gas scrubbing from the acidic components, instable condensate processing and commodity gas receipt.

- Production enterprise № 2 for technical sulphur receipt and its shipment to the consumers.

- Production enterprise № 3 for stable condensate processing and motor gasoline, diesel fuel and condensated gas receipt.

The central plant laboratory (CPL) carries out technical control over the whole technical process of the gas and gas condensate processing and also over the technical characteristics and received commodity production quality rates in conformity to the standards.

The production processes automation and mechanization service manages the exploitation and technical operation of control-and-measuring devices, automatic control systems and computers, which are called technological units operators' eyes and ears. Reliable service of labour force work ensures stable raw material cleaning and processing performance and highly-qualitative commodity production.

The CPL labour force and automated service activity have led not only to optimum production results, but also to reduction of production activity influence upon environmental ecology, and prevented the destructive consequences for the Volga delta unique nature. Nature protection and natural resources rational utilization service works in close contact with the above services. The main tasks of this service are: to organize constant control over air pollution and cleaning outfits operation which must guarantee the necessary level of water purification, to carry out prevention, reduction and removal of the unhealthy production influence over natural environment. Due to the labour force efforts polluting exhausts quantity decreased ten times after plant had started production.

Answer the following question:

1) Where is the technological process of gas processing and the commodity production carried out?

2) What are the main functions of the central plant laboratory?

3) What are the main tasks of the nature protection and natural resources utilization service?

Текст № 2

 (для студентов химико-технологического факультета)


Mechanics is the science concerning forces and the resulting motion of material bodies that are subjected to various kinds of forces. There are certain basic laws, or principles, in mechanics that enable the skilled user to determine, for example, the manner in which a body would move or deform, given the nature and distribution of forces acting on it and a knowledge of its physical characteristics, Conversely, if one had an accurate knowledge of the actual state of motion or deformation in a body, one would be able to predict exactly the forces acting on the body at any time.

It is a common experience for everyone that forces applied to structural members, such as beams, produce deformations in these members. We know that when a heavy load is placed on the floor of a structure supported by beam, the floor and the beam deflect slightly in the direction on the load. A structural engineer who knows the principles of mechanics that govern this phenomenon would be able to predict what would happen to the structural member when a known force of set of forces acts on it; he would be able to predict how much deflection the structural member would experience at any point. Occasionally the reverse problem is of interest to the engineer. By means of accurate measurements the deflections that occur in a structural member may be known for a number of points. This information, plus the knowledge of certain basic principles, enables the engineer to determine the forces that act on the members and cause the measured deformation.

Answer the following questions:

1) What is mechanics?

2) What do the basic laws enable the skilled user to do?

3) What would a structural engineer predict having the knowledge of certain basic principles?

Текст № 2

(для студентов механического факультета)

Mechanical Systems.

Some kinematic concepts that apply to all mechanical systems are discussed in this paper. A mechanical system is defined as anything that is composed of matter. The first step in an analysis of a mechanical system should be a precise and definitive description of the system under consideration. Since the modern theories of the constitution of matter will not be considered, the particles that compose a mechanical system are regarded as mathematical abstractions; they are more properly called "material points". The simultaneous position of all the material points of a mechanical system are called the "configuration" of the system. For example, the displacement vector field of a deformable body defines a configuration of the body. To define the configuration of a mechanical system, we require a coordinate system that is attached to some rigid system, known as a "reference frame". In the theory of kinematics the reference frame is arbitrary.

A general problem of statics is to determine the equilibrium configurations of mechanical systems under prescribed types of loadings and to ascertain which among them are stable. An important general problem of dynamics is to express the configuration of a given mechanical as a function of time.

A mechanical system is said to experience a displacement if any of its material points are displaced. In other words, any change of the configuration of a mechanical system is a displacement.

Answer the following questions:

1) How is a mechanical system defined?

2) How is the configuration of the system defined?

3) In what way does the general problem of statics and that of dynamics differ?

Текст №1

 (для студентов факультета АВТ)


There are three basic parts of a computer: the input unit, the central processing unit (CPU), and the output unit.

Let's imagine, you want to send or store some information using a computer. It may be something you want to keep, like a friend's address, or something you want to print out, like your English homework. First of all you send the information to the CPU from the keyboard, which is typewriter. Alternatively the information may already be on a disk and can be sent straight to the CPU.

When the information reaches the CPU it is transported into a special device - the CPU's "brain", the ROM (Read Only Memory). With this, the CPU reads the information and then it is stored in a memory called the RAM (Random Access Memory).

Finally, the information is sent to the output unit. It can be displayed on VDU, which is like a television, or can he printed out using a printer.

The information can also he sent to the other computers using a "modem". This is a special way of sending electronic signals along telephone lines to other computers anywhere in the world.

We have seen that computers have essentially revolutionized data information processing. Computers have also changed some industries and actually created others. You probably know that automobile and other product manufacturers use computer-based robots to do much of the work. People are involved not only in operating the robots, but designing them and the system they are a part.

In recent years computers are widely used in education. They teach students about computers, they help them in a variety of subjects such as math, language skills, reading, grammar, etc. And at last they are used as classroom management tools. Today many schools at all levels offer their students some access to computers. Many colleges and universities now have their own microcomputer training labs.

Computers are also being used in business to collect and analyze data, to produce concise information for management, for making decisions, and to help managers avoid being overloaded with unnecessary information.

Computers help the criminal justice system to manage large amounts of information. Lawyers can save documentation in a computer system for easy updating in future. If computers weren't of great help we wouldn't widely use them.

Answer the following questions:

1) What are the basic parts of a computer?

2) Why is the computer of great help for us?


Текст №2

 (для студентов факультета АВТ)

The Internet.

The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computers to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology is called packet switching. Owing to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example), information will just route around them. One such packet-switching network already survived a war. It was the Iraqi computer network which was not knocked out during the Gulf War.

Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50 %) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet, there are millions, and their numbers is growing by thousands each month worldwide.

The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are available on the Internet: reading USENET News, using the World-Wide-Web, Telnet, FTP, and Gopher.

But some problems remain. The most important is security. When you send an e-mail message to somebody, this message can travel through many different networks and computers. The data are constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers called routers. Because of this, it is possible to get into any of computers along the route intercept and even change the data being send over the Internet. In spite of the fact that there are many strong encoding programs available, nearly all the information being sent over the Internet is transmitted without any form of encoding, i.e. "in the clear". But when it becomes necessary to send important information over the network, these encoding programs may be useful. Some American banks and companies even conduct transaction over the Internet. However there still remain both commercial and technical problems which will take time to be resolved.

Answer the following questions:

1) What is the Internet?

2) What is the most popular Internet service?

3) What problems will take time to be solved?

Текст №1

(для студентов факультета биологии и природопользования)

Man and biosphere.

The biosphere is defined as the part of the earth in which life exists, but this definition immediately raises some problems and demands some qualifications. At considerable altitudes above the earth's surface the spores of bacteria and fungi can be obtained by passing air through filters. In general, however, such "aeroplankton" do not appear to be engaged in active metabolism. Even on the surface of the earth there are areas too dry, too cold or too hot to support metabolizing organisms (except technically equipped human explorers), but in such places also spores are commonly found. Thus as a terrestrial envelope the biosphere obviously has a somewhat irregular shape, in as much as it is surrounded by an indefinite "parabiospheric" region in which some dormant forms of life are present. Today, of course, life can exist in a space capsule or a space suit far outside the natural biosphere. Such artificial environment may best be regarded as small volumes of the biosphere nipped off and projected temporarily into space.

What is it that is so special about the biosphere as a terrestrial envelope? The answer seems to have three parts. First, it is a region in which liquid water can exist in substantial quantities. Second, it receives an ample supply of energy from an external source, ultimately from the sun. And third, within it there are interfaces between the liquid, the solid and the gaseous states of matter.

The energy source on which all terrestrial life depends is the sun. At present the energy of solar radiation can enter the biological cycle only through the photosynthetic production of organic matter by chlorophyl-bearing organisms, namely green and purple bacteria, blue-green algae, phytoplankton and the vast population of higher plants. Such organisms are of course confined to the part of the biosphere that receives solar radiation by day. That includes the atmosphere, the surface of the land, the top few millimeters of soil and the upper waters of ocean, lakes and rivers. The euphotic, or illuminated, zone may be only a few centimeters deep in a very turbid river, or well over 100 meters deep the clearest parts of the ocean. The biosphere does not end where the light gives out; gravity continues the energy flow downward, since fecal pellets, cast skins and organisms dead or alive are always falling from the illuminated region into the depths.

Answer the following questions:

- How is the biosphere defined?

- What is so special about the biosphere as a terrestrial envelope?

- What is the energy source on which all terrestrial life depends?

Текст №2

 (для студентов биоэкологического факультета)

Man and biosphere.

The plant life of the open ocean, on which most of the animals of the sea depend for food, is planktonic, or drifting. Most of the cells composing a planktonic association are slightly denser than seawater, and under absolutely quiet conditions they would slowly sink to the bottom. That the upper layers are not depleted of plant cells and so of the capacity to generate food and oxygen is attributable entirely to turbulence. The plant cells sink at a speed determined by their size, shape and excess density; as they sink they divide and the population in the upper waters is continually replenished from below by turbulent upwelling water.

In addition to the extension of the biosphere downward, there is a more limited extension upward. On very high mountains the limit above which chlorophyll-bearing plants cannot live appears to be 6.200 meters (in the Himalayas); it is partly set by lack of liquid water, but a low carbon dioxide pressure, less than half the pressure at sea level, may also be involved. At still higher altitudes a few animals such as spiders may be found. These probably feed on springtails and perhaps mites that in turn subsist on pollen grains and other organic particles blown up into the aeolian zone.

The present energetics of the biosphere depend on the photosynthetic reduction of carbon dioxide to form organic compounds and molecular oxygen.

The organic matter is all phytoplanktonic, with a water content of 90 percent, there are about 25 cubic millimeters of photosynthetic organisms per 100 square millimeters of lake surface. If this were all brought to the surface, it would form a green film a quarter of a millimeter thick.

Estimates of the efficiency of the photosynthetic process are quite variable and depend greatly on the circumstances. If the biosphere is to continue in running order, the biologically important materials must undergo cyclical changes so that after utilization they are put back, at the expense of some solar energy, into a form in which they can be reused.

Answer the following questions:

What does the plant life of the open ocean depend on?

How is the extension of the biosphere characterized?

How must the biologically important materials undergo cyclical changes?


№l Our university.

Astrakhan State Technical University is situated in the most picturesque place of our town, not far from the great Russian river Volga.

It was founded in 1930 and several generations of students studied at the University. The graduates of the University have been working for a long time already, while the undergraduates are preparing for their finals.

A lovely academic town of the University is situated on a beautiful parkland. It occupies 6 teaching buildings with up-to-date lecture halls, well-equipped laboratories, a computing centre and libraries rich in books. Various conferences and meetings are held in the Assembly Hall situated in the main building. Here you can also find Director's, Deans' and other offices.

The University possesses 9 halls for residence (dormitories), on the territory of it you can see cafes, shops, a medical aid centre and a club­house. There is also a roofed swimming-pool, playing grounds, halls for tennis, basketball and many other sports there.

There are eight main faculties at our University: the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law, the Marine Power Engineering Faculty, the Automatics and Computer Science Faculty, the Mechanical Faculty, the Faculty of Fisheries, the Faculty of Biology and Nature Management, and the Chemical Engineering Faculty. There is a Preparatory Faculty and a Department of Correspondence as well. A lot of students, including foreign ones, are trained in different specialities at our University.

Director (or Rector, as it is called in Russia) is at the head of the University, while the work of the faculties is headed by Deans. The teaching staff of special and academic departments (which is usually termed "faculty") consists of very experienced lecturers and assistants, capable of giving their knowledge and experience to students. Most of them are Masters and Doctors of Science.

The full-time students of the University have a four or five year course of studies, while the part-time students study for six years.

Each academic year is divided into two terms. During the term students have to attend lectures, seminars and practicals according to the time-table. They also make reports, do laboratories and graphical works according to the basic programme. The first year students study such traditional disciplines as mathematics, chemistry, physics, history. In the third year students begin to study in depth the subjects connected with their future speciality.

Besides obligatory subjects students have some optional courses. At the end of the term students have tests and take midterm examinations; credits (or pass marks) as well as examination marks beings entered in their record books. Those who fail in an exam, are allowed to make a second attempt.

The third-and-fourth-year students submit course papers on some special subjects. Graduates have to take final exams and defend their diploma projects worked out with the help of their scientific supervisors. On graduating from the University students are awarded special certificates—diplomas; some of those who carry on research work can become postgraduates of our University.

Young people mainly choose our University because it provides everything to train qualified specialist: lectures which contain the latest theoretical and practical data, psychological seminars and trainings; practical experience on board the largest ships. Those graduates who receive a Bachelor's degree are welcome to take a Master's one.

List of specialities.


1. Finance and Credit Финансы и кредит
2. Accountancy and Audit Бухучет и аудит
3. Economics and Management of      Agricultural Business Экономика управления на предприятиях АПК
4. Jurisprudence Юриспруденция
5. Low Temperature Engineering and Cryogenics Техника и физика низких температур
6. Shipbuilding Кораблестроение
7. Marine Power plants Судовые энергетические установки
8. Loading/Unloading Mechanization Механизация перегрузочных работ
9. Food Processing Machines and Equipment Машины и аппараты пищевых производств
10. Electrical Equipment and Automatic    System of Ship Электрооборудование и автоматика судов
11. Automation of Production Process and Industries Автоматизация технологических процессов
12. Automated Data Processing and  Control System Автоматизированные системы обработки информации и управления
13. Operation and Maintenance of Marine Power Plants Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок
14. Chemical Refining of Natural Fuels and Carbonic Materials Химическая технология топлива и углеродных материалов
15. Fish Processing and Fish Product Technology Технология рыбы и рыбных продуктов
16. Water Bioresources and Aquaculture Водные биоресурсы и аквакультура
17. Commercial Fisheries Промышленное рыболовство
18. Complex Utilization and Protection of Water Resources Комплексное использование и охрана водных ресурсов


Words and phrases:


to be found                                      - быть основанным

to occupy                                         - занимать

to hold                                              - проводить

to be situated                                   - располагаться

Rector’s office                                - ректорат

Dean’s office                                   - деканат

faculty                                              - 1. факультет; 2. штат преподавателей

department                                      - кафедра

to train                                              - обучать

to be at the head                             - возглавлять

experienced                                     - опытный

full-time students                            - студенты дневного обучения

part-time students                          - студенты вечернего обучения

term                                                   - семестр

to divide into                                   - делить, разделять

first-year student                            - студент-первокурсник

future speciality                              - будущая специальность

obligatory subject                           - обязательный предмет

optional course                               - факультативное занятие

to take examination                      - сдавать экзамены

mark                                                 - оценка

a record book                                  - зачетная книжка

to enter the University                   - поступить в университет

to graduate from the University  - закончить университет

to fail in an exam                                           - провалиться на экзамене

finals                                                 - гос. экзамены

to defend diploma project            - защищать дипломный проект

to work out                                      - вырабатывать, зарабатывать

a supervisor                                     - руководитель

to award                                                           - награждать, вручать

to carry on                                       - выполнять

research work                                  - научно-исследовательская работа

postgraduate                                   - аспирант

to provide                                         - обеспечивать

a bachelor’s degree                        - степень бакалавра


№2 The USA

The USA is the third largest country in the world in population and it is the fourth largest country in area.

The USA, commonly called the US or simply America, lies in the central part of the North American continent with the Atlantic Ocean to the East, the Pacific to the West, Canada to the North, and Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the South. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The USA covers an area of 3,618,780 square miles (i.e. 9,372,511 sq. km.) and has a population of more than 349.6 mln. Some parts of the country are crowded with people, while other areas are deserted.

The USA is so big that parts of it are in different time zones. The clocks go back one hour for each zone you cross going west. So when it is 9 a.m. in New York, it is only 6 a.m. in Los Angeles.

The USA has several different climatic regions. The coldest regions are in the north and north-east. The south has a subtropical climate. The Climate of Alaska is arctic; the climate of the central part is continental. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often brings typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast. Humidity is higher in the East than in the West. West coast winters are mild and rainy except in southern California, where they are mild but drier. In central and eastern regions the weather is very changeable in winter. It may rain in the morning and snow in the evening when the north winds begin blowing. Summer temperatures also vary from region to region. In many places in southern Arizona and California the average daily temperature is above 40°C. Summers are very hot and humid on the eastern coast; they are dry and hot in most continental areas and cool along the western coast.

There are many valleys, hills and mountains in the country. The highest and the most important mountains are the Rockies in the west and the Appalachian Mountains in the east, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley which is located in Alaska.

The United States is a land of rivers and lakes. The northern state of Minnesota is the land of 10000 lakes. The longest rivers in the USA are the Mississippi with its tributaries the Missouri and the Ohio, the Rio Grande and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and the deepest in the USA. They are the Ontario, the Superior, the Erie, the Huron and the Michigan.

Grassland and scrub dominate in the western part of the country, forest covers the eastern part.

The United States is rich in natural and mineral resources: coal, oil, iron ore, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, salt, gas, etc. It is a highly-developed industrial and agricultural country. Farmers grow wheat, oats, cotton, tobacco, all kinds of vegetables and fruit. The USA holds the leading position in the production of aircraft, ships, automobiles, machine-tools, farms and household machinery, electronic devices, textiles, furniture, paper industries and other goods.

The largest cities of the USA are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco and others. The national capital is Washington, D.C.

The USA is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia (the territory under the capital Washington), the seat of the national government.

It is important to recognise that political power in the United States can be viewed as consisting of three levels, each of them having executive, legislative and judicial branches.

First of all there is the Federal government which is located in Washington D.C. and consists of the President and the Congress and the Federal Court. These bodies create Federal legislation. Federal government is structured by the U.S.A. constitution adopted in 1787. According to this Constitution the legislative power belongs to the Congress which consist of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate is composed of 100 members, two from each state who are elected for a term of six years. One third of the Senate is elected every two years.

The House of Representatives comprises 435 members elected for a two year term. The number of Representatives from each state is determined by population, but every state must have at least one Representative in the House. Both the Senators and Representatives must be residents of the state from which they are chosen. The presiding officer of the Senate is the Vice President. The House of Representatives is headed by the Speaker.

The work of preparing and considering legislation is Committees of both House of the Congress. There are 15 standing Committees in the Senate and 19 in the House of Representatives. The Congress assembles at least once a year.

The President may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both House, or either of them. The executive power belongs to the President of the USA. He holds his office during the term of four years, together with the Vice President nominated with President. The President is also the head of the Cabinet— the executive body of the Government. The Cabinet is composed of the heads of ten executive departments - the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Treasury, the Secretary of Defence and others.

The judicial branch of the government is headed by the Supreme court which settles disputes between states. The Supreme Court may veto any law passed by the Congress if it contradicts the Constitution of the USA.

The second level of government in the USA lies within the 50 states. Each state differs in terms of their legislature and the executive power which is held by the Governor of the state. Each state also has its own judicial system and has its own constitution. In addition each state has its own enforcement agency such as the police.

The third level consists of the government of cities and towns and also the government of counties.

As the example of this tripartite division there are federal taxes, state taxes and local taxes in the USA. Also reflecting the three divisions there are elections in the US at the Federal level (for President and members of Congress), at the state level (for state officers) and at the local level there are elections for local officials (town, city and county) and sometimes voting for or against issues that affect the community.

Elections in the US are based primarily on a two-party system: Democrats and Republicans. From time to time other parties have appeared but rarely have they had permanent influence in the political system.

The US national flag - Stars and Stripes - is red, white and blue. Thirteen stripes represent the original 13 States of the USA, the 50 stars represent the current number of states.


Words and phrases :

humidity                                           - влажность

valley                                                - долина

tributary                                           - приток (реки)

grassland                                          - пастбище, сенокосное угодье

scrub                                                 - кустарник

oats                                                   - овес

the legislative power                       - законодательная власть

the executive power                       - исполнительная власть

the judicial power                           - судебная власть

the Senate                                        - сенат

the House of Representatives      - Палата Представителей

the presiding officer                       - председатель

to convene                                       - постоянные комитеты

nominate                                          -созывать, собирать

to vote for (against)                       - выставлять кандидата (на должность)

to assemble                                      - голосовать за (против)

to vest                                               - собираться

to veto a law                                    - наделять правом

to impeach the President               - наложить вето на закон

to settle a dispute between the state - подвергнуть президента импичменту

to contradict                                    - решать спор между штатами

bill                                                      - законопроект, билль

a justice                                            - судья

tripartite division                             - тройственное деление

Secretary of State                                           - Государственный секретарь

Secretary of Treasure                    - министр финансов

Secretary of Defence                     - министр обороны



№3 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the political name of the country which is made of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is often abbreviated to "UK". The capital of the whole United Kingdom is London. You should know that "the United Kingdom" is also called Britain.

Britain is one of the world's smaller countries with an area of some 244,000 square kilometers; with some 56 million people, it ranks about 14-th in terms of population. The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles lie off the western shores of Europe. They are separated from the Continent by the Strait of Dover, the English Channel (La Manche) and by the North Sea. A warm ocean current, the Gulf Stream, washes Britain's western shores. In the north-west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The Irish Sea separates Great Britain from Ireland, in the west.

The island of Great Britain can be roughly divided into two main regions - Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. The Pennine Chain extends southward, from the Cheviot Hills into the Midland. England is separated from Scotland by the Cheviot Hill. Scotland has three natural topographic divisions: the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands, and the Northern Highlands which contain Ben Nevis, the highest point in the British Isles.

Wales is mountainous; Northern Ireland contains many plateaus and hills. Snowdon is the highest mountain in England and Wales.

The rivers flow east into the North Sea (the Tweed, the Tyne, the Thames) and west into the Irish Sea or the British Channel (the Mersey, the Avon and the longest river in England - the Severn).

England has no large lakes. But the Lake District in the north­western part of the country is known for its beauty. There are sixteen lakes there.

The climate is mild and temperate. This is due to the Gulf Stream which warms its shores. Rainfall is plentiful during the whole year. The heavy fogs of England are famous. January and February are usually the coldest months, July and August - the warmest.

The most important natural resources of England are iron and coal. Copper, zinc, lead and building stone are the principal materials taken out of the ground. Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment.

Being an island Britain had to develop its fleet as a major means of transportation and communication with the rest of the world. Today Britain is one of the great maritime nations of the world. The harbours of the island serve as convenient ports among which are London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Portsmouth and others.

Great Britain is famous for its shipbuilding industry. The largest shipbuilding yards are in Glasgow.

Britain is the world's third largest trading nation, accounting for about 11 percent of international trade in manufactured goods.

Agriculture takes an important sector in economy of the country. Britain has different types of farming; ranging from beef breeding in Scotland and sheep farming in the mountains of Wales to growing wheat, barley, oats and potatoes in the eastern counties.

Sea fishing is of great importance in Scotland and in the north-east of England.

Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a Constitutional monarch, queen Elizabeth II, as a head of State. The country is governed in the Queen's name by the Government. The Queen is a temporal head of the Church of England.

The British Parliament consists of two Houses - the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Queen opens each new session with the speech setting out the government's broad programme.

The house of Commons, which plays the major part in lawmaking, consists of 655 elected members of Parliament (MPs), each representing an area in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. MPs are elected at a general election held every five years. The minimum voting age is 18. The Government is formed by the political party, which can command majority support in the House of Commons. Its leader is the Prime Minister, who chooses ministers, of whom 20 are in the Cabinet. The executive power is exercised by the Cabinet. The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker.

The House of Lords is made up hereditary. The House is presided over by the Lord Chancellor who is a head of the judiciary in England and Wales. Legislative measures are introduced into Parliament as Bills by ministers or by other MPs.

The work of Government is carried out through the various government departments. Since 1945 Government has alternated between two political parties, the Conservatives (the Tory) and Labour Party. The third long-established party, the Liberals, enjoyed moments of success, but no member of mis Party has held government office since 1945.

Flag . Known as the Union Jack, the flag has the red cross of St. George of England, the white cross of St. Andrew of Scotland, and the red cross of St. Patrick of Ireland, all on the blue background.

Anthem: "God Saves the Queen/King".


Words and phrases :

in terms of                                        - с точки зрения

mountainous                                   - горный

temperate                                         - умеренный

aircraft                                              - самолет

Maritime                                           - морской

harbour                                             - гавань

yard                                                   - верфь

goods                                                - товары

farming                                             - сельское хозяйство, ферма

Oats                                                   - овес

barley                                                - ячмень

temporal                                                           - временный, мирской

church                                               - церковь

to vote                                              - голосовать



(методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочной и дистанционной форм обучения)



Астрахань 2005


Егупова Г.Н., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании»,

Дроздова Т.В., профессор кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании»,

Ремизова И.В., ассистент кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании».

Акифьева Н.С., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании» - разговорная тема «Great Britain»,

Жигульская Л.М., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании» -разговорная тема «The USA».


Рецензент: Тогунов Б.М., профессор кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании».


Английский язык: Метод. указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочной и дистанционной форм обучения / АГТУ; Сост.: Г.Н. Егупова, Т.В. Дроздова, И.В. Ремизова, Н.С. Акифьева, Л.М. Жигульская. – Астрахань, 2005. – 48 с.



Методические указания утверждены на заседании кафедры кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно-научном образовании»,

«5» июня 2000 г.; протокол № 14.

© Астраханский государственный технический университет

Методические указания

Данные методические указания и контрольные задания, а также контрольно-тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку предназначены для студентов 1 и 2 курсов неязыковых Вузов.

В связи с тем, что при заочной системе образования основой для изучения английского языка является самостоятельная работа студентов, авторы этих методических указаний ставят такие главные задачи как:

-оказать помощь студентам-заочникам в усвоении грамматического и лексического материала, снабдив их тренировочными упражнениями, охватывающими основные разделы грамматики контрольных заданий. Эти контрольно-тренировочные упражнения студенты могут выполнять самостоятельно, проверка правильности выполнения будет осуществляться на практических занятиях по английскому языку, некоторые и них включены в контрольные задания;

-проверить знания студентами-заочниками пройденного учебного материала, определенного программой.

Студент должен выполнять на каждом курсе контрольные задания по английскому языку в соответствии с планом ВУЗА. Учебным планом предусмотрено 4 контрольные работы, которые включены в настоящие указания. К ним прилагаются разговорные темы, разработанные преподавателями кафедры иностранных языков АГТУ. Для более прочного усвоения лексико-грамматического материала и развития навыков чтения, понимания и перевода специальной и общенаучной литературы студент должен, после выполнения контрольных заданий, проработать тексты для дополнительного чтения, которые определяет ведущий преподаватель, и отчитаться по ним.

Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление контрольных работ:

Контрольные работы №1,№2 содержат по 5 текстов, предназначенных для студентов первого курса. Номер текста (№1,№2,№3,№4,№5) соответствует варианту студента в соответствии с последними цифрами студенческого шифра; студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на 1 и 2-выполняют вариант №1 (текст 1); на 3 и 4 - вариант №2(текст 2); на 5 и 6 вариант №3(текст 3); на 7 и 8 - вариант №4(текст 4); на 9 и 10 -вариант №5(текст 5).

Контрольные работы №3, №4, содержат по 10 текстов, предназначенных для студентов второго курса разных специальностей экономического, юридического, рыбохозяйственного факультетов, механического, которые выполняют один из двух вариантов. Студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на 1 и 2; на 3 и 4, выполняют вариант №1 (текст 1), на 5 и 6; на 7 и 8; на 9 и 10 - вариант №2 (текст 2).

Задание нужно обязательно переписывать в тетрадь.

При переводе с английского языка на русский язык каждое предложение нужно писать с новой строки; английские предложения - на левой, а перевод - на правой странице тетради. В тетради должны быть поля для замечаний и рекомендаций, согласно которым студент должен сделать анализ ошибок.

В текстах и упражнениях данного сборника использованы адаптированные материалы из периодической литературы, издающейся на английском языке в России и за рубежом, а также материалы, представленные в отечественных и зарубежных учебниках и пособиях по английскому языку.


Контрольная работа №1

Грамматический материал контрольной работы №1.

Имя существительное. Множественное число. Артикли и предлоги как показатели имени существительного. Выражение падежных отношений в английском языке с помощью предлогов

и окончания "s".

Простое распространенное предложение: прямой порядок слов повествовательного и побудительного предложений в утвердительной и отрицательной формах. Обратный порядок слов вопросительного предложения.

Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения прилагательных. Сравнительные конструкции.

Спряжение глаголов to be, to have в Present, Past и Future Indefinite.

Оборот there + to be

Повелительное наклонение и его отрицательная форма.

Времена группы Indefinite ( Present , Past и Future ) в действительном залоге.

Местоимение: личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, указательные, относительные, числительные.



Контрольно-тренировочные упражнения .

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на грамматические функции выделенных слов.

1) Last year we went to London.

2) London stretches for many miles from the north to the south and from the east to the west.

3) We went to the East End and saw the poorest houses and the narrowest streets there.

4) Summer temperatures in London are a little higher than in Leningrad.

5) One of the most famous buildings in England is St. Paul's Cathedral.

6) No park in London is as popular as Hyde Park.

7) There are three main parts of London: the City, the West End, the East End.

8) The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.

9) Lake Baikal is the deepest one in the world.

10) The Pacific is the largest ocean on our planet.

11) One might say that at the end of World War 2 the United States was the only strong capitalist country with most of the old reserves.

12) Moscow occupies a leading place in cultural and scientific life of the Russian people.

13) The more often I visited Moscow the more I liked it.

14) The oldest manuscripts connect the foundation of Moscow with the name of Yuri Dolgoruki, who founded Moscow in 1147.

15) Any monument in Moscow has its own history.

16) When were you in Moscow last time?


Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite Active.

1. My friend (to arrive) in Moscow the first time in his life.

2. First we (to make) a tour of the metro station.

3. We (to go) into the big entrance hall of the Kiev metro station.

4. Here we (to stand) looking at the marble walls, statues and fine lighting.

5. We (to come out) of the metro at Okhotny Ryad station.

6. In front of us (to be) Manage Square - a wide square stretching away to the red brick walls that encircle the Kremlin.

7. We (to go) as far as the Cathedral of St. Basil with its seven domes, each of a different colour and patter.

8. In front of the Cathedral of St. Basil we (to stop) at the Head Place and the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

9. Happy and full of impressions we (to arrive) home.

Письменно переведите на английский язык и перескажите:

Я родился в Астрахани. Город расположен на берегу реки Волга. Это не самый большой город в стране, так как его нельзя сравнить по размеру с такими городами как Петербург, Москва. Население Астрахани - 1000 000 человек. Астрахань - деловой, культурный и промышленный центр. Это город парков и мостов. В Астрахани много достопримечательностей. Я люблю гулять по улицам моего родного города, который постоянно растет и хорошеет.

Контрольное задание № l

Прочитайте текст вслух, соблюдая правила чтения произношения английского языка (номер текста соответствует шифру). (Выполнение данного задания проверяется преподавателем на практических занятиях).

Письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за текстом.

Выпишите из текста все существительные и глаголы с окончанием - (e)s и определите грамматическую функцию этого окончания.

Образец выполнения: teachers - окончание множественного числа

teaches - окончание 3-го лица единственного числа

Выпишите из текста прилагательные и наречия, переведите их на русский язык, образуйте степени сравнения.

Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения на русский язык, в которых употреблены местоимения. Укажите, к какой группе они относятся (личные, притяжательные, указательные, вопросительные, относительные).

Выпишите из текста все неправильные (нестандартные) глаголы. Переведите их на русский язык и напишите их основные формы ( Infinitive , Past Indefinite , Past Participle ).

Выпишите из текста предложения в Present Indefinite и переведите их на русский язык. Напишите эти предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

Выпишите из текста предложения в Past Indefinite и Future Indefinite и переведите их на русский язык. Напишите эти предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

Письменно переведите текст контрольной работы №1 на русский язык. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарем.

Текст №1.


Moscow is the capital of Russia and one of the greatest cities in the world. The population of Moscow is more than nine million. Moscow is a political, cultural and industrial center of the country. There are many industrial plants and factories, theatres and museums and a lot of libraries.

Moscow is also a great transport center and a port of five seas. The most famous and interesting places in Moscow are Red Square and the Kremlin. Now the Kremlin has been opened for tourists and visitors and everybody can see some ancient Russian churches and buildings.

The History. Moscow was founded more then eight centuries ago (in 1147) by Yuri Dolgoruki. (There is a monument to him in Moscow). Since then its name has not left the pages of history. During the first centuries of Russia's development as a state, it was Moscow that gave its name to the land, which was called Moscovy. Such was the historical fortune of the little settlement a top of a hill overlooking the Moskva River. In 1237 Moscow fell under the yoke of the Tatars. And it was Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy who led the Russian troops to a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of Kulikovo field in 1380.

By the 15- th century Moscow turned into a wealthy city. It was under Ivan III that Moscow became the capital of the state Moscovy. At that time the Kremlin was rebuilt and the largest Kremlin Cathedrals were erected. During the Troubled Times Moscow was occupied by the Polish invaders, but they were routed by the folk militia headed by Minin and Pozharsky. Under tsar Fyodor Moscow was already considered to be one of the largest cities of Europe. In 1712 Peter I transferred the capital to the newly built St. Petersburg, but Moscow remained the cultural and economic center of the country. In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. The city was set burning. The army had to retreat.

In 1918 the Soviet Government decided to make Moscow the capital again. Since that time all the major acts and documents of the Soviet government are signed: "The Kremlin, Moscow." In 1992 Moscow became the capital of the new Russian State.

Answer the following questions:

1) What is the capital of Russia?

2) What is the population of the Russian capital?

3) Moscow is an industrial and cultural center of Russia, isn't?

4) When was Moscow founded?


Текст №2.

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg with its population above 5,000,000 people occupies a territory exceeding 32,000 hectares and is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

It is situated on the banks of the Neva and is known throughout the world for its beautiful streets, avenues, fine sights, numerous historical monument and art collections.

The history of St. Petersburg is inseparable from the history of Russia and from the development of the national economy, science and culture of Russia. The city is one of the largest and most progressive centers of our national industry, St. Petersburg is known for its revolutionary traditions.

The history of St. Petersburg dates back to the beginning of the 18-th century when the city was founded on the banks of the Neva.

For two centuries St. Petersburg remained the capital of Russia. In 1914 St. Petersburg was renamed Petrograd and then in 1924 it was renamed Leningrad after V.I. Lenin. In 1994 Leningrad was renamed St. Petersburg again.

Great changes have taken place in St. Petersburg during the years of the Soviet power. Old branches of industry have considerably expanded and quiet new branches are being developed, millions of square of meters of floor-space have been built. Many new and comfortable houses are now being built in many districts.

St. Petersburg is the second largest and the most important city in Russia.

Answer the following questions:

1) What is the history of St. Petersburg connected with?

2) Why is St. Petersburg well-known?

3) When was St. Petersburg founded?

4) When was the city renamed after Lenin?

5) What is the population of St. Petersburg?

6)   Where is St. Petersburg situated?

Текст №3.


London is the capital of Great Britain and one of the biggest cities in the world. London lies on the both sides of the river Thames. It spreads for nearly 30 miles from the north to the south and about 30 miles from the east to the west. The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries-old history. London is also a very big port and a great commercial center. The government of Great Britain seats there. The population of London is more than nine million.

The most important parts of London are the City, the East End, the West End and Westminster.

The City. The oldest part of London is called the City, it is not so large but it is very important. It is a financial and business center. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here, including the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey. Thousands of people come here every morning to work in large offices. Two masterpieces are situated within the city: St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. The Mansion House where the Lord Mayor lives, the Law Courts, and many interesting old churches are situated in the City.

The East End. The East End is the poorest part and an industrial district of London. There are many factories and large riverside docks there with the Port of London. The region is densely populated by working families. The East End is proud to be called «cockneys» which means true Londoners, hereditary inhabitants of the area.

The West End. The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. It is situated between the city and Hyde Park. The West End is a symbol of wealth and luxury. English aristocracy lives in this region. There are many departments stores, best hotels, restaurants, fine shops, clubs, theatres, big parks and gardens. Hyde Park is also in this district. One of the busiest streets in the West End is Oxford Street. There are many various shops in it, which attract customers from different countries of the world.

Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London. It was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson's victory at the battle of Trafalgar in the middle of the square.

Opposite the Nelson monument is the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. They contain the finest art collections in the world. Not far from the National gallery is the British Museum famous for its rich library.

Answer the following questions:

1) How old is London?

2) What are the important parts of London?

3) Why is the City called the commercial heart of London?

4) What is the West End famous for?

5) Why is the central Square in London named Trafalgar square?

Текст №4.

 New York.

City. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is over 11 million people. New York is an industrial and cultural center of the country. Most business is centered in Manhattan Island. The whole area is very small, that's why the skyscrapers were invented in New York and, especially, in Wall Street. Wall Street is a narrow street with big houses, but it is well known all over the world as the busiest street in the USA. People do business there. There are two more world-famous streets: Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Broadway is the center of the theatres and night life. It is known as "The Great White Way" because of the electric signs which turn night into day. It is the city that never goes to sleep. Buses and subway run all night. There are many drugstores and restaurants which never close their doors. There are cinemas with films that start at midnight.

Fifth Avenue is the great shopping, hotel and club avenue. If you go along this avenue, you'll come to Harlem, where the black people of New York live, the colored workers, teachers, doctors and musicians. New York is the largest port in America. More than half the trade of the United States goes through this city.

There are many places of interest in New York. They are: the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations Building, Empire State Building, Columbia University, City Hall, New York Public Library and others.

History. In 1607 Captain Henry Hudson left Europe to search for the famous Northwest Passage. He didn't find it, because it didn't exist, but he reached a river to which he gave his name. Interested in the stories told them by the captain on his return, the Dutch sent other boats to take possession of the land discovered by Hudson and gave it the name "New Netherlands". Two men dominate the history of this colony. The first bought the island of Manhattan from the Indians in 1626. The second arrived in 1647 as governor of New Amsterdam, the capital of New Netherlands.

In 1664 this territory was taken over by the English and they changed the name to New York.

Answer the following questions:

1) What kind of city is New York?

2) On what island was the city of New York at first situated?

3) Who bought Manhattan Island for a few handfuls of glass beads, brass coins and hunting knives?

4) How many new cities came into existence on the banks of the Hudson River and the East River?

5) What places of interest in New York do you know?

6) What impression do the New York skyscrapers produce on strangers?

7) What are the best known museums in New York?

8) Why is it easy to find the way in New York?

9) What streets in New York are called "Avenues"?
10) What streets in New York are called "Streets"?

Текст №5.


Astrakhan is an ancient town - it is about 500 years old. Astrakhan is situated in the delta of the great Russian river Volga, not far from the Caspian Sea and the well-known Astrakhan State Reserve.

It is a big port and an important industrial, cultural, educational and agricultural center, famous for its history.

The pride of Astrakhan is its wonderful Kremlin, an architectural monument of the 16-th century. The towers of Kremlin can be seen from any part of the town.

There are many historical places in Astrakhan. The Regional Museum and the Historical Museum named after Kirov show the history and development of Astrakhan, tell us about its role in the defence of the Great October Revolution. In the center of our town there are some monuments erected in the honour of those who perished in the struggle for the Soviet power during the Revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

Astrakhan is an industrial center. Among a lot of industrial enterprises there is the biggest fish-processing enterprise in Russia -the Cannery Refrigeration Combine. It is also necessary to mention the Locomotive Repair Plant, the Cellulose Cardboard Combine, the Glass Fibre Plant, the Ship-Building Yard named after Kirov. Our Gas-processing enterprise is well-known in Russia.

Astrakhan is also known for the achievements in agriculture. Our tomatoes, water-melons are sold all over the country.

The cultural life of Astrakhan is very rich. There are many schools, secondary specialized schools, two Universities: the State Technical University and the Pedagogical University, the Medical Academy and Conservatoire.

Astrakhan is famous for its sports schools, where many well-known sportsmen are brought up. Astrakhan is rich in cultural institutions. The picture-theatre "October" with its green house is very popular among the residents, as well as the Phylarmony and several theatres. The Kustodiev Picture Gallery possesses a lot of masterpieces by such famous artists as Levitan, Vrubel, Repin, Nesterov and others.

Astrakhan is very beautiful and attractive with its green streets, numerous bridges, squares and parks.

Answer the following questions:

1) Where is Astrakhan situated?

2) What is the pride of Astrakhan?

3) What are the biggest enterprises in Astrakhan?

4) What is Astrakhan famous for?

5) What is Astrakhan rich in?

Контрольная работа №2.

Грамматический материал к контрольной работе №2.

I. Видо-временные формы глагола:

а) активный залог группы Indefinite (формы Present , Past , Future ); группы Continuous (формы Present , Past , Future ); группы Perfect (формы Present , Past , Future ).

б) пассивный залог группы Indefinite (формы Present, Past,Future).


Особенности перевода пассивных конструкций на русский язык. П. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

II.Простые неличные формы глагола: Participle I { Present Participle ), Participle II { Past Participle ) в функциях определения и обстоятельства. Gerund (герундий): простые формы.

III. Определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения; придаточные обстоятельственные предложения времени и условия.

Контрольно-тренировочные упражнения.

I. Перевести предложения на русский язык, определить грамматические функции выделенных слов.

a) The Russian government is paving great attention to the study of foreign languages.

b) All primary and secondary schools are supported by the state.

c) Pupils are to learn one foreign language.

d) Moscow University was founded by M. Lomonosov in 1755.

e) His lectures are relied on, were relied on and will be relied on.

f) A person who has taken a degree is called a graduate.

g) The task set by the government is not to teach the students how to read the newspapers and literature on their speciality published abroad, but to speak a foreign language.

h) The experiment described in the article attracted my attention.

i) While living in Moscow he met some well-known scientists of his time.

j) A person studying for a degree at a British University is called an undergraduate.


II. Замените придаточные определительные предложения и придаточные предложения времени причастными оборотами: Model: The man who is speaking now is our teacher of English. - The man speaking now is our teacher of English.

c) The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at an evening school for laboratory workers.

d) There are many pupils in our class who take part in all kinds of extracurricular activities.

e) The man who is speaking now is a well-known politician.

f) When you speak English, pay attention to the order of words.

a) When you begin to work with the dictionary don't forget my instructions.

b) When you are copying down English texts pay attention to the articles.

c) You must have much practice when you are learning to speak a foreign language.

III. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия:

a) The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best pupil.

b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.

c) The exercises (doing, done) by the pupils were easy.

d) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework at that table?

e) The book (written, writing) by this scientist is very interesting.

f) Translate the sentences (written, writing) on the blackboard.

g) Read the (translating, translated) sentences once more.

IV. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на

      Participle I, Participle II и Gerund.

h) Having taking a dictionary he began to translate the text.

i) The students speaking good English must help their classmates.

j) I avoid speaking to them about this problem.

k) He keeps insisting on my learning English.

l) I don't mind learning English.

a) After being corrected by the teacher, the students' papers were returned to them.

m) They went on talking.


V. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты: can (could),(to be able to); may (to be allowed to); must (to have to); to be to.

1) Я не умею говорить по-английски.

2) Ты умеешь говорить по-французски?

3) Не могли бы Вы мне помочь?

4) Я не мог не перевести это предложение.

5) Он смог перевести эту статью без словаря.

6) Он должен придти в 5 вечера.

g) Только тот человек, кто знает английский язык хорошо, сможет ответить на такой вопрос.

h) Мне придется ответить на все вопросы на английском языке.

i) Мне пришлось прослушать запись этого текста несколько раз.

j) Нам не разрешают разговаривать на уроке.

k) Я должна упорно работать над английским языком.

1) Лекция должна была начаться в 8.30 утра.

Контрольное задание №2.

1)  Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте по-английски на вопросы, следующие за текстом.

2) Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых употреблены модальные глаголы.

3)    Выпишите из текста предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в страдательном залоге, переведите их на русский язык.

4) Употребите глагол-сказуемое одного предложения из текста во всех временных формах группы Perfect , производя все необходимые смысловые изменения. Образец : She has just translated the article.

She had translated the article before her mother came home.

She will have translated the article by the end of this week.

5) Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых употреблены причастия настоящего времени. Определите их функцию. Укажите, является ли причастие определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола- сказуемого.

6) Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых употреблены причастия прошедшего времени. Определите их функцию.

7) Выполните письменно контрольно-тренировочные упражнение №5.

8) Переведите письменно текст контрольной работы №2. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарем.

Текст № 1.

 General education in Russia.

In the nurseries children learn the ABCs of reading, writing and counting. Children are divided into three age groups: 3-5 year olds, 5-6 year olds and 6 year olds. In the form of games, the children learn not only to read, write and count, but also to draw, design simple things, sing and dance. However, pre-school facilities are in short supply.

Secondary education, which is compulsory, now lasts 11 years. It consists of three levels. The first may start at the age of six or seven and continue for three or four years. This has been a major innovation for school system which before had a common school age limit and course of tuition. This has become basic schooling for all.

The second level is five years of instruction with a wide choice of subjects. Parents may choose the curriculum according to the abilities and inclinations of their children.

The third level consists of two years of instruction. Every pupil can make particular choice of a subject which he or she wants to study: sciences, humanities, biology, linguistics, etc. There are to be no more than five compulsory subjects: the native tongue, literature, general and modern history, natural science. Other subjects, like math, art studies and physical education are still under debate in the teaching profession.

School takes place every day of week, except Sunday. Every lesson lasts 45 minutes with breaks from 10 to 20 minutes. Many schools have experiments with a five-day week and 40 minutes lessons. The school year begins on September 1 and ends in May. It is divided into four terms, with holidays up to 10 days between them. The summer holidays last from June to September.

Answer the following question:

1) How long does secondary education last?

2) How many levels does it consist of?

3) When does the school year begin?

4) How long do the summer holidays last?

Текст № 2.

Higher education in Great Britain.

The structure of higher education in Great Britain is very complex. Five types of institutions - 45 universities, teachers training colleges -are the main sources of full-time higher education. There is also a small number of specialised colleges such as the College of Aeronautics and the National College of Agricultural Engineering.

A university consist of a number of faculties: theology, medicine, arts, philosophy, law, music, natural sciences, economics, engineering, agriculture, commerce and others. The universities grant their own degrees. The normal duration of a first degree course is three years, at the end a bachelor degree is awarded on the results of examinations. B. A. or B.Sc. stands for Bachelor of Art or of Science. A master degree is usually awarded after a further year or two years study. M. A. or M. Sc. denotes Master of Art or Master of Science. The highest degree is the Doctor of Philosophy awarded for research and the submission of a theses. A person studying for a degree at a British University is called an undergraduate, one who has taken a degree is called a graduate.

The two oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. They date from the Middle Age. Each consists of largely self-governing, residential colleges. The teaching is based on the tutorial system as well as lectures. Each student has a tutor, who requires him to write essays and papers on the subjects he is studying and give them to him regularly about once a fortnight for correction and discussion. Oxford and Cambridge have a special role in England as seminaries of the ruling class. Selection of students is mainly in the hands of independent colleges having special ties with the public schools. The child of rich parents goes from private preparatory school to public school, from which a road leads to the universities, particular Oxford and Cambridge. The whole system operates with very little public control, though some children from state schools are admitted. But the cost of education is so high that not many can afford entering these universities.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the structure of Higher Education in Great Britain?

5) What does a university consist of?

6) What is the normal duration of a first degree course?

7) What are the oldest universities of Great Britain ?

8) How do they differ from other university ?

Текст № 3.

 The universities of England .

Usually, a university consists of several colleges. University is only an administrative center which arranges lectures for all the students of colleges, hold examinations and gives degrees. Every colleges has students of all kinds; it has its medical students, its engineers, its art students, etc.

Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine buildings of grey or yellow stone and many of them have stood for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford since the thirteenth century. It began when some teachers, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little by little the great university grew up. Several colleges are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the University is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed by several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a centre of education and learning. Newton, Byron, Darwin, Rutherford and many other scientists and writes were educated at Cambridge.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are the ones known for their specific system of education. Great emphasis is laid at Oxford and Cambridge on what are called "tutorials" in which a Don (a university tutor) gives personal instruction in his subject at least once a week to the students numbering not more than four.

The central University, in general, arranges lectures for all students in a particular subject and holds examinations and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutoring. This system of teaching differs greatly from that of other universities. Generally speaking the main difference is that the whole system is organised on a college basis rather than a centralised university basis.

Answer the following questions:

2) What is the University?

1) Where are the oldest and best known universities located in England?

2) Is there any difference between Oxford University and other universities?

3) How does the system of teaching differ from that of other universities?

Текст № 4.

Moscow university .

In the centre of Moscow, opposite the Alexandrovsky Garden near the Kremlin wall you can see an assemblage of building in the classical style. In 1793 Matvei Kazakov, the well-known Moscow architect, created the building for the first Russian University founded by Mikhail Lomonosov, the great Russian scientist.

The university founded in 1755 was the first European university which didn't have a theological faculty. At first it had three faculties -philosophy, medicine and law with ten departments. Later new departments and faculties were organised including the first department of agronomic sciences in the world. The University together with its remarkable library was burned down in 1812 but after the war was over the architect Gilardi restored the old building to the state in which we see it now. Monuments to Herzen and Ogarev, two Russian revolutionary writers, were erected in front of the building. Both of them just like many other famous Russian poets, writers and scientists studied at Moscow University. The University has given the world many men of letters. Among its graduates were Griboyedov, Lermontov, Belinsky, Pirogov, Sechenov, Timiryazev and many others.

The University grew and the so-called "new" building was erected in the XIX century. It stands next to the older building but on the opposite side of Herzen street. The new building was constructed by the architect Tyurin in 1836 and a monument to Mikhail Lomonosov, the founder of the university, was placed in front of it. The other buildings of the University went up behind the first two. However, they too proved inadequate to house the rapidly growing faculties. Therefore, the main building 36-stories high and the complex of buildings for natural sciences faculties, students' hostels and teachers' flats were all built in Lenin Hills in the early 1950's.

The main University building is unique and of special interest. The departments and faculties, libraries, assembly halls, museums are all located in the central tall structure. The teachers' apartments and students' rooms are in the wings.

The University campus is a large students' town in itself with its own shops, all kinds of services, several gymnasium and swimming facilities. There are 16 faculties, 275 departments, 360 laboratories, a botanical garden and three museums.

Today 16 faculties of the University have 30.000 undergraduate and post-graduate students. There are about 2.000 foreign students and post-graduates from 101 countries in the University. The University has a lot of laboratories, research centres, museums, botanical gardens and observatories.

The teaching standards in Moscow University are very high and internationally recognised.

Answer the following questions:

1) Where are the old and new buildings of Moscow University situated?

III. In what way did Moscow University differ from European university?

IV. How many faculties were there in Moscow University at first? What were they?

V. What happened to the university in 1812?

VI. Why was the main building built in Lenin Hills in the early 1950's?

VII. What faculties has the University at present?

Текст № 5.

 Compulsory education and Higher education in Russia .

Nursery education in Russia is provided by kindergartens (age one to six); compulsory education begins at the age of six. The usual age of entry to a secondary school is six The secondary education is provided by general secondary schools. There are no special schools for boys and girls. Russian secondary schools don't stream their pupils according to their abilities. The problems of equal education to everybody is completely solved. All primary and secondary schools are supported by the state.

There are more than 100 universities, large academic and research centres, which train specialists in natural sciences and humanities. In the first two or three years there is a common curriculum for all related faculties. Specialisation usually begins in the third or fourth year. Economy, philosophy and a foreign language are obligatory subjects at all higher education establishments. There are physical training and sports classes. Students carry out research work on the advice of their professors. Training at institutions of higher learning may last from four to six years.

Russian institutions of higher education and specialised secondary schools are valued by foreign students from different countries.

Answer the following questions:

1) How is the problem of compulsory education solved in Russia?

2) What colleges provide higher education?

3) What subjects are obligatory for all higher education institutions?

4) How many years do students study at institutions of higher education?


Контрольная работа №3.

Грамматический материал к контрольной работе №3.

I. Простые неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив ( the Infinitive ) в функции:

а)    подлежащего

б)    составной части сказуемого

в)    определения

г)     обстоятельства цели

II. Страдательный залог ( Passive Voice ) видовременных форм Indefinite , Continuous , Perfect .

3) Функции глаголов to be, to have, to do.

4) Употребление местоимений many , much , little , few .

V. Неопределенные местоимения some , any , no , every и их производные.

VI.           Бессоюзное подчинение в определительных и дополнительных придаточных предложениях.

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 444.